Im Your Fairy God-Boyfriend!

"I need more coffee!!"

"Where the heck is my waffle?!?"

"I ordered waffles, not THIS!"

Complaints after complaints rang through Ella's ears. She sighed as she rushed back to the counter. 'Too much customers..' she thought to herself. Finally, after 2 hours of never-ending complaints, the cafe was empty. Ella slumped down on a chair in exhaustion.

"Good luck cleaning, Ella." Woo Jin, her best-guy friend smiled at her and headed for the door. Ella looked at him in surprise.

"Bwoh? You're not heping me?"

"I did my time yesterday" Woo Jin shrugged and went off on his way. Ella glanced at the clock. 5:00 p.m. She sighed for the umpteen time.

"Why do I get stick with the chores..." She mumbled to herself. She slowly stood up and picked up a mop. "Damn you, stupid coffee stain." She cursed a black stain on the clear tiled floor. She just roughly soaked it using the mop. She then washed the dishes, wiped the messy counter, counted todays profits, organized the stack of ingredient boxes, watered the bushes outside the cafe and vaccuumed her Boss's room. When shefinished it was already 9:00 pm.

"I'm late!!" She cursed herself. She took her duffel bag and rushed to a nearby club. There, her impatient boss was waiting. He glared at her when she arrived."

"yAH! Where were you? See the clock? You are 15 minutes late!" He spatted out. Ella looked down.

"I-I'm sorry. It wont happen again." Ella shakily apologized. The man stamped angriy before ordering Ella to change into her uniform.

"i hate working like this.." She said while looking at her image in the mirror after wearing the uniform. It was like a maid's outfit... on worse it was strapless. She was wearing a bunny ear and a white pair of boots. "Dont worry Ella. Another month of hard working, then you could go to America." She assured herself.

Working at the club was hard work. You have to serve drinks, avoid getting touched by drunk people, get ready with a mop if someone throws up and lots more. Thank goodness the paycheck is worthwhile. Ella poured in a drink for a guy.

"Enjoy." She flashed him her best fake smile. The guy looked drunk. He nodded and roughly drank it.

"Why not you and me go for a dance?" He asked in his drunk voice.

"No thank you."

"Just once..."


"ONCE.." The guy said and grabbed Ella's hand. She jerked it off.

"SECURITY" She hollered. Then a pair of HUGE men wearing yellow jackets swooped in and dragged the man out. That was the best part of the club, Just yell out Security if you are beeing touched or anything.. It wasnt the first time Ella called in Security.  Almost every day they had to kick out  a guy. Ella made a record to be the first employee to kick 20 guys in one night. After it seems about a century, Ella's shift was over at 12. She quicky changed and headed out to go back home.

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