Language of Love (Annyeongz ft. Sakura)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Words of affirmation? Check. Acts of service? Check. Receiving gifts? Check. Quality time? Check. Physical touch? Check.

My mental note for any signs of those languages had all checks. I know people have most of them combined but having all five of them in one embodiment was only applicable to couples.

And those were evident in my mere observation towards the maknaes.

“What are you doing?”

I almost jumped off of the couch and looked up see Eunbi, drinking Sprite and looking down at me like how God did to the sinners He punished.

“Nothing.” I recomposed myself and sat down again.

Eunbi shrugged and went on her way, calling the maknaes. I looked back again and saw them holding hands while walking. 

How suspicious

Wonyoung and Yujin are our precious maknaes and have known each other since they were small kids. Now, they’re a taller than most of us but are still a rowdy duo.

More like a lovey-dovey rowdy duo. They’ve been linked to the hip most of the time and I wonder why the other members don’t see this. I mean, Eunbi-unnie had ground rules when it comes to this, that you can’t engage in love when you’re still babies, that you can only do that if you reached 18 or if the feeling is just too mutual, us unnies should know.

But no. We heard none of that.

I adjusted my glasses and swore to myself that everyone will know this secret.


“Not buying it…”

“Not your best.”

“Utterly, utterly unconvincing.”

I was shocked as Yena, Hyewon, and Chaeyeon said those while I told them about the maknaes dating.

“This is serious, guys.” I spoke again. “They’re getting into the lovey-dovey stage without our consent.”

“It doesn’t need a consent, Kkura. Let the kids be.” Hyewon added. “Back at the time I courted Chowon, we were younger than them.”

“Too sudden, I must say. You were into it because you were so whipped for her.”

Hyewon slapped the back of Yena’s head, leaving the duck to shut her bill up and leaving Chaeyeon and I laughing.

“Regardless of what our maknaes feel for each other, we should accept and respect that,” said Chaeyeon.

“Does that mean you believe me?” I asked them.

Yena inhaled and most of us waited for the answer. “No.”

I rolled my magazine and chased a duck for her words, to which she just quacked and ran off.

Just you wait. I’ll prove that point.


I slapped my leg and a red blot was formed. Its residue was flicked away as I grabbed my binoculars and viewed my target. Two targets, to be precise.

In my field of vision was Wonyoung and Yujin. They were walking around the metropolis and spent time together. My current destination was by some bushes as they got inside an arcade.

I wore my face mask and glasses and I followed them while remaining incognito.

I knew it was wrong. It was never mg right to meddle into the lives of others. But those were never my intentions for I wanted the maknaes to be honest to their unnies. I had a strong feeling that they were dating and yet nobody believed me, not even Nako who always listened to everything I tell her.


“Nice dress, Wonie.”

Those were from Yujin that made Wonyoung almost spit her milk. Not only that, her face was really flushed. 

“Too straightforward…” Wonyoung added as she coughed.

Yujin patted her back until she was breathing properly. Wonyoung pinched her sides and winced like the puppy she was. “My bad, my bad!”

Wonyoung lets go and Yujin reverted to being a good puppy as she sat next to her and leaned on her shoulder.

“Here.” Yujin gave a little box. “For you.”

Wonyoung wondered of the sudden gift but she accepted and opened it. She gasped of the inside yet Yujin grabbed it and wrapped it around Wonyoung’s neck.

Its gold chain really matched such a wonderful contrast of Wonyoung’s neck. Yujin thought it was just wonderful.

“I want you to wear that from now on.” Yujin added. “And~ you should get ready?”

“Why? Where are we going?”

“We’re going on a date.” Yujin said and wrapped her arm around her build. “An evening filled with wonder…just you and me.”

Wonyoung was flattered but she nodded nonetheless.

Little did they know, someone else became a witness to this whole thing.


I was a witness to my own misdeed just so I could prove my point. After following them around for God knows how long, I felt heavy together with my guilt.

Maybe I should stop this whole – 


I froze as Wonyoung pointed at me. Yujin was as shocked as her as my subconscious slapped me in the face for being so stupidly out in the open, playing Street Fighter.

“What are you doing here, unnie?” Yujin asked.

Come on, Miyawaki. Think!

“Uhh…I was playing Street Fighter.”

“In an arcade?” Yujin asked. “You have 2 PSP consoles, a gaming PC, and and Switch. You can actually stay indoors and still keep your sanity.”

“Yujinie had a point.” Wonyoung gasped. “So what ARE you doing here?”

I couldn’t answer them. Yujin was  bit crossed while Wonyoung was sad, disappointed even.

One thing I know is that I was gonna be grounded.


“What stunt did you pull again?” Eunbi raised.

The twelve of us gathered in the living room. Eunbi-unnie was the judge, I was the plaintiff while the maknaes were the defendants. 

“I had to follow them, unnie.” I spoke. “I wanted to prove that they’re dating.”

“Even if we did, it doesn’t give you the right to meddle without our consent.” Yujin defended.

“You’re being outsmarted, unnie.” Yena cackled but had gone quiet thanks to Eunbi-unnie.

“Does that mean that you two are dating?” I asked them again. “And I apologize for this. I didn’t intend to meddle. I just wanted to prove a point because your other unnies don’t believe me.”

“We are.” Wonyoung shrugged. “Now that all of you know, what does it matter?” She held Yujin’s hand. “We’re happy with each other and we wouldn’t be irrational partners.”

“That’s because we really respect each other.” Yujin added, holding Wonyoung’s hand back. “So can we please lift those love policies within our group? Because love has different languages but all of them have the same motive.”

The rest were shocked. I would’ve been giddy to have proven my point but I know that I meddled – which was a big no.

“I’m sorry, you two. For myself and for the rest of us.” I wrapped my arms around each shoulder. “We accept that regardless but next time, find time to tell us so the rest of them don’t commit the same mistake I did.”

The maknaes nodded and we hugged the mishap out. The rest them gathered around us and it was a giant group hug.

If our love for each other had a language, this was it.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1751 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1751 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.