Narcissus: Attention (YulYen)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Trip to Incheon will be in 20 minutes.

We’re finally going to study back home to Seoul. A girl with bangs yawned.

“And you should put the English to a minimum.”

Another girl with long hair spoke. Time to go back to our roots, Eugene.

As you say, Juliet. 

“And we also need to go back to our real names…Yujin.”

“You and your remarks, Yuri.” Yujin rolled her eyes and nodded.

Minutes later and it was their flight. Their professor led them to process everything up until they got inside the plane. Yuri was too lucky since she and Yujin sat next to each other.

“We’re proceeding to KAIST? Aish, I would’ve thought we’re going to have the day-off.” Yujin sighed.

“We’re meeting with the other students stationed back in Korea.” Yuri reasoned.

“And is that a good thing?” Yujin raised her eyebrows.

“We’re meeting with the rest of the students. How bad could it be?” was all Yuri could say.


Later, the KAIST students stationed in America got back to their school and joined a gathering with the other students stationed in Korea. Many students even went towards Yuri and Yujin since they admire Yuri so much for being a good student.

“We also got the best student stationed here in Korea.” One of them said and they got a girl with them. “She said she knows you for so long and was dying to meet you.”

Yuri wondered of the said person. She showed herself and Yuri was frozen, dazed even. The girl was smiling sadly at her, her tears running down her cheeks. The people around them were confused until Yujin decided to give the two some privacy. The two were relieved by it but Yuri went back to her shocked state.

The girl drew closer and wrapped her arms around, hugging her slowly then tightly. Yuri was even more frozen.

“I waited two years for you. I’m so happy to have you back here…” She mumbled, her tears staining Yuri’s shirt. “Yul, I missed you so much…”

“Yena…” Yuri could only mumble.

Yena broke and had a good look at Yuri, her ex in which she always loved. She reached a hand to touch her face.

“Yena, how did you…” 

Yena broke to hold her hand and they decided to talk outside. They got themselves towards a veranda, looking at the setting sun. Yena sighed looking at as her hold on Yuri’s hand was intact.

“I studied Humanities and became active in the field of Arts, just after you were stationed in America. I did well here while I waited for you to return.” Yena began and held her hand, adding a kiss onto it. “Hearing that you would, I was excited. I was dying to meet you after so long.”

Yuri felt Yena hug her again. She couldn’t help but hug back. “I’m glad to see you too, Yena. It was a surprise but I’m happy.”

Yena chuckled and got a good look at Yuri. She couldn’t hold her admiration towards her. She always thought of Yuri as the most beautiful woman she fell in love with. 

“You’ve gone prettier.” Yena said, fixing Yuri’s hair. 

“Really?” Yuri asked and Yena nodded. “Same with you, Yena.”

“Will you be stationed back to America again?” Yena asked.

“It’s still being decided.” Yuri said. “We have a week.”

“I don’t want you to go back there again. I want you to be stationed here, to the least I can see you all the time.” Yena pouted.

“It’s not a decision we decide for ourselves, Yena. You know that, don’t you?” 

“I do. But I’m saying it because I want us to be back again.” Yena added. “Your stay there must’ve made you move on but now that I saw you again, I want us back together again.”

Yuri could only look down and let Yena hug her until she broke and cupped her face, inching closer. Yuri remained frozen until she backed away as voices from their classmates were heard.


“We should go back.” Yuri said and went ahead.

“Wait.” Yena held her arm. “Can we negotiate?”

Yuri stopped and Yena held onto her arm as they went back.


Days passed and Yuri and Yena didn’t see each other. Yuri was lucky. She doesn’t feel anything bad towards Yena but it was awkward meeting her two years after they broke up. She wanted to be away and relieve herself for a change.

“Yuri.” Yujin gives a box to her. “Mind sending this to the arts room?”

Yuri nodded and carried the box, walking down the hallways and climbing down sets of stairs until she arrived. As she got in, she was shocked to see Yena.

She was sculpting a bust and stopped the moment she saw Yuri. She hastily washed her hands and cleaned up to go and hug her. As Yuri bowed and placed the box down, Yena had wrapped herself around her.

“I miss you.” Yena mumbled. “What brings you here?”

“Yujin did me a favor to place this box back.” Yuri answered. “I’d ask the same thing.”

“Well…I’m making a bust of you.” Yena said, blushing lightly. “I referred to your recent profile picture but I could get it done if I get a better reference.”

“So?” Yuri wondered.

“Do you have other work to do? Can you stay here with me?” Yena asked.

Yuri wanted to run away and just forget it. But alas, wasn’t cooperating. “Okay.”

Yena had never plastered a large smile in those two years and she got it back, pulling Yuri to sit in front of her. Yuri had her eyes on the bust as Yena busied herself on it. 

It was silent but their beating hearts compensated it. Yena’s hands were almost shaky making her bust but she focused and wanted to do it perfectly. She was happy to see Yuri again and she was eager to make her bust perfect for Yuri.

“I wonder.” Yuri began conversation. “How come I didn’t see you on campus?”

“I attended a retreat, Yul.” Yena grinned. “I didn’t want to but it was a requirement.”

“Retreats are usually fun. Why do you say that?” Yuri asked.

“Because I won’t get to see you.”

Yuri got up and looked at Yena work. She was impressed. “You got my hair and eyes.”

“Thanks…” Yena said as she washed her hands.

“Aren’t you finishing this?” Yuri asked.

“Yes. But I need to work out your facial features. Can you sit down for a moment, Yul?”

Yuri obeyed and Yena inched closer, reaching both hands for her face. Yuri relaxed and sat still as she felt Yena’s fingers rummage onto her face. Yena gulped as she felt Yuri’s soft skin. For her, it wasn’t for the bust anymore. 

“Yena?” Yuri wondered as Yena even caressed her head. “What are you-“

“I still love you.” Yena mumbled as she looked onto her eyes. “I love you and I want you back.”

Yuri grew dim and looked away. “You can’t have me back.”

“Why?” Yena asked. “We’re next to each other. We can finally be together.”

“I don’t feel it anymore.” Yuri sighed. “Yena, I’m really sorry but-“

“-but what?” Yena was in the brink of crying. “I may be a vibrant woman but deep down, I’m always sad. I was so sad when you were gone, Yul…I missed you, I needed you…”


“…and I waited so long to see you. It’s why I’m here at KAIST. I want to reach my dream and be with you again…please…” Yena nuzzled her neck. “…come back to me…”

“I can’t, Yena.” Yuri pulled herself away. “I’m sorry but I can’t.”

“Why? Don’t you love me?!”

Yuri froze. Her mind spun of what to response. “I do. But you’re in your place…and I’m in mine.”

Yuri left the place and felt her head hurt of what happened. Yena could only sit down and sniffle, letting her tears drop.

It didn’t faze her to give up on Yuri but it did hurt her.


Days turned to weeks and Yuri made her progress in her studies during her stay back in Korea. With progress also came her vacancies. She’d read a book, do caricature, and even walk around the campus to pass the time.

“Yuri, help me out with this.” She saw Yujin carrying a large reflector.

Yuri rushed to carry it for her. “Where are you taking this?”

“At the arts room. Yena is doing a CF for a foundation. It’s part of a project by the multimedia club.” Yujin answered.

She didn’t see this coming but Yujin couldn’t carry it alone so she went with her. She saw the setting and it was almost TV-worthy. Yujin pointed out the spot and Yuri places the reflector properly.

“Omo-Yuri-ssi…” The crew noticed her and they bowed.

“Hello, everyone.” Yuri greeted.


Yuri looked to the side as she Yena running and giving her a hug. She was shocked of the sudden gesture but she smiled and hugged her back.

“Aigoo, Yena here has waited for your return a lot, Yuri-ssi.” The director of the crew spoke. “Yena-ssi, standby.”

“Just a minute.” Yena whined as she hugged Yuri tighter.

“Yena, you should go.” Yuri said.

“Will you watch?” Yena asked as she pouted for Yuri. “Please~”

“Come on, Yuri.” Yujin held her shoulder. “Let’s watch.”

Yena gripped Yuri’s waist and almost gave a glare to Yujin for the contact. Nonetheless, she got to the setting and the crew started their shoot.
Yuri saw how Yena jumped on the large foundation, sending powder around the air. She also saw how she winked at the camera a lot of times. She saw look through a compact mirror, hypnotize herself with a necklace, and was shocked to see the bust Yena made for her.

“The bust looks like you.” Yujin pointed.

Yena made flirty gestures and even caressed its cheek. Yuri was taken aback that she excused herself, just in time for the shoot to be over. 

Yena saw her go that she hastily changed on the fitting room and ran to stop her. “Yul. Where are you going?”

“The shoot is over. And I have stuff to do so I should go.” Yuri answered.

“Let’s go out and eat together.” Yena said.

“Pass.” Yuri answered. “I need to go.”

Yuri didn’t turn as she went. Yena sighed, her heart hurting again. 

But it didn’t stop her. She will do anything to bring Yuri back.


It was another ceased day and Yena went to the parking lot for her bike. She got hers off when she realized that the chain had gone off. She whined and wondered how she’ll get herself home. She didn’t have enough money for bus fare plus she couldn’t leave her bike in school premises.

Yuri happened to pass by and Yena went to her, pulling her closer to her bike. “Yul, can you help me with this?”

Yuri was taken aback but seeing Yena’s bike, she hastily grabbed her little tool kit and went to fix it. “It’s loose again.”

Yena looked down as Yuri continued to fix. She was reminded on how Yuri would fix her bike during those times that they dated. It was her reminder that she’ll use her bike all the time and that Yuri was the sweetest woman she ever had in her life; a concrete part of reasons to why she never settled her heart to someone else and to why she wanted her back.

“There.” Yuri said as she tried spinning the rear wheel. “Good as new.”

Yena hugged her tight. “Thank you, Yul~”

Yuri didn’t move away and hugged her back. “You’re welcome.”

“Yul.” Yena called. “Can we go out and eat? Please?”

Yuri took count of the times Yena asked her that. In the end, she nodded and got her keys and carried Yena’s bike.

“Yul, why are you taking my bike?” Yena asked.

“To tie it in the back.” Yuri answered. “I have my car.”


Just as promised, Yena and Yuri had their little date and ate dinner together. It was a little awkward for Yuri but knowing Yena, she opened herself up and they talked a lot, up until Yuri sent Yena to her apartment.

“Okay.” Yuri said as she puts Yena’s bike down. “You need to oil it up. And if it gets loose again, just inform me.”

“Okay, Yul.” Yena nodded.

Yuri stretched her back and decided to go when Yena pulled her close to herself. She wrapped her arms around Yuri’s back and reached to cup her face.

“What?” Yuri asked.

“I was reminded of that day you left. It’s just like now.” Yena spoke. “Please stay a little longer…”

Yuri wanted to go. This moment was just too tough to bear. Yena wanted to stay. This moment might be the last time she would see her and she was going to cherish it.

“I love you, Yul…”

Yuri didn’t answer. She was too afraid to answer. She dodged the question by telling Yena to let go. Yena didn’t want to force Yuri so she slowly released her hug and backed away.

“Sorry about that.” Yena spoke. “Same thing tomorrow?”

Yuri nodded and went to her car. Yena watched her get inside and drive far from her sight. She sighed about the moments they had but to the least, there were still some left.

She got inside her home and hoped for more moments with Yuri…

…even if they won’t last forever.


The month has finally passed and KAIST would select their new lineup of exchange students to America. The list was displayed in the bulletin board as those people indicated were already prepared for the trip. They even left early before the list was displayed.

Yuri was relieved. She wasn’t one of them anymore.

“Yuri-ya!” Yujin got to her side and draped an arm around her shoulder. “We’re finally free to return in the comfort of our homes.”

“Tell me about it. We should celebrate.” Yuri spoke as she dialed someone. “I want to treat some barbecue. You can bring a date with you, Yujin.”

“Great! I’ll bring Wonyoung.” Yujin grinned. “Who are you bringing?”

“Yena.” Yuri mumbled but cussed as there was no answer.

“You didn’t read the list, Yuri.” 

“What do you mean?” Yuri raised.

Yujin pointed at the left side of the list. Yuri read the names again and one of them almost made her drop her phone.

She may be relieved that she was out of that responsibility but the woman she still loved got it instead.

“I have to go.” Yuri mumbled and ran off.

Yujin’s words became incoherent to Yuri. All she could implant in her system was that she had to go to the airport. She drove her car stealthily to avoid traffic and tickets until she got to the airport. She rushed inside the departure area, asking one of the clerks. “Has the trip to America left?”

“You just missed it, ma’am.”

Yuri bowed her thanks and walked weakly towards a bench. As she sat, her tears couldn’t help but fall. She ended up putting her hands on her face and wept.

She may have ignored Yena because of their past but her heart had remnants of her to which she wanted to have once again.

Hands held Yuri’s arms and gently pulled her wet hands away. They were then wiping Yuri’s tears, leaving to feel relieved and shocked altogether.

“Missed me?” She asked while pouting like a duck.

Yuri gave her a light punch before she hugged the girl closer to herself. The latter hugged back, adding kisses on her head.

“Yah…I thought you…” Yuri sniffled. “Y-You didn’t go?”

“I couldn’t. Yul. I couldn’t leave you behind.”


“I want to stay where you are because my life is here.” Yena cupped her cheek. “My life is you, Yul.”

Yuri sniffled but she had hugged Yena tight. Yena hugged back, adding a kiss on the forehead as she was thankful that despite the mishaps, she had the chance to return to her.


“What?!” Wonyoung and Yujin reacted.

Yena did a peace sign as Yuri comforted her. The four were at a café, courtesy of Yuri treating them. The other duo found out about Yena’s situation and they couldn’t believe she had done something risky.

“The university president will flip out, Yen.” Wonyoung spoke. “You were selected yet you didn’t go.”

“I don’t want it. Besides, the head teacher lets me off because I explained it as thoroughly as I can,” said Yena.

“On the bright side, you did it for Yuri.” Yujin added, cooing at Yena.

Yena shuts her up, just in time for their food to be served. They thanked Yuri for their meals and dug in.


After the dinner, the pairs were in separate paths towards their own endeavors. To beat the time and cherish the moment, Yena decided to take Yuri out on a date. They went to watch movies, play games in the arcade, and walked around Seoul.

It was a silent walk back to Yuri’s place and Yuri decided to hold Yena’s hand. “Yen…did you really do that for me?”

“I had to, Yul. My heart wanted it for you and for us.” Yena spoke. “I know that the past had been rough for us but with our time now, I hope that we get our second chances again.”

Yuri held Yena’s hand tighter until they arrived. Yena thanked her for today when Yuri stopped her from leaving.

“Can’t we negotiate, Yen?”

That question was the same question Yena asked years ago, just before Yuri had to go overseas for being a exchange student. It was also the same question she asked when Yuri after all those events. It became the main cause to why they became distant because Yuri didn’t give her enough time to say goodbye yet it became the main cause of a second chance because they were yearning for each other.

For Yuri, she didn’t want the bad past to happen again. She was wrong in that past and made sure not to make the same mistake.

“Okay, Yul.” Yena smiled.

Yuri was relieved. She hugged Yena closer again, mumbling. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Yena spoke and got inside with her.

The couple got to the living room and talked, a sign of the relationship’s rebirth. It might take time to relive those feelings but they’ll take it slowly until they’re ready to be together again.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1755 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1755 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.