Me or Him?: Part 4 (2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was another day in 2000. The usual services were there but in the kitchen, Chaewon became diligent in her station, whipping shrimp cocktails for the orders. Her dish during the dry-run but when Chaeyeon tasted the sauce again, she made it part of the menu. Everyone was still in their stations, except for Yujin and Wonyoung since they returned to cleaning duties due to the interns being sent back to their sister restaurants.

Chaeyeon took over the poissonnier duty since Minju didn’t come to work. During their shift, she asked Chaewon about her whereabouts. Just between everyone, Chaeyeon was the most understanding so Chaewon felt assured talking to her.

“We had a fight yesterday. She’s mad at me.” 

“Why did you fight?”

“I didn’t ask permission about where I was going. She had been looking for me for hours yesterday.” Chaewon added. “We yelled at each other and I made her cry.”

“Wrong move.” Chaeyeon spoke as she stirred the chowder. 

“Unnie.” Chaewon got personal. “Do I seem different to you now?”

Chaeyeon nodded, causing Chaewon to squeeze too much lemon juice again. Nonetheless, she patched it up with more seasonings and the sauce was good as new.

“Aside from the fact that you’ve turned back your work and your best friend then forgot your promises to her, you’ve dressed fancier.”

“Say that again but slowly.” Nako joined in, carrying bags of sugar.

“Talk to her, Chaewon.” Yuri said after tasting her soup. “You two are precious together, even if you’re best friends. Boyfriends are temporary but best friends and girlfriends are forever.”

“Word!” The rest (except Chaewon) spoke.

Chaewon nodded before resuming her work.


Minju felt the world’s problems on her shoulders as she sulked on the bedroom she and Chaewon shared for many years. Working for today ruined her mood so her routine for the day was cook, eat, and rest. She even ate the prep meals in the fridge as her mind flooded about their argument yesterday. 

She never yelled at Chaewon before as much as she never expected to get yelled at by the latter. She was used to the routines they shared and witnessing Chaewon break them hurt her, as if their friendship was tossed aside gradually. She’d blame Taeyang for stealing her best friend’s time but she could never wreck her happiness with him.

Her tears dropped again. She loved Chaewon too much that it was killing her slowly. Even the prep meals made her cry because judging from the taste, Chaewon made them for her in case she needed to eat.

She heard Chaewon come in but she didn’t pay attention. She looked away and just heard her footsteps.

“Hey…” Chaewon got behind her with a plate. “I got you a meal from the restaurant…in case you don’t like my prep meals.”

Minju still didn’t pay attention to her. Chaewon just nodded and decided to heat the food.

“You’re mad at me, aren’t you?”

Chaewon froze of that question. She quickly went to the kitchen to store the food and returned to talk to Minju. She was eager to reconcile while respecting Minju’s space. And now that Minju was giving her that chance, she’ll make sure to listen and reconcile.

“Min, I would never get mad at you. You had all the right to yell at me because I was breaking our routines.” Chaewon spoke and faced. “It’s my fault and I’m so sorry…” She held Minju’s hands. “…I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“Friendships are never perfect, huh?” Minju asked her.

“Sometimes…but from now on – “

“For what it’s worth, I’ll always be your best friend, Ssamu.” Minju spoke then started crying again. “I hope and pray that you feel the same for me…”

Chaewon quickly hugged her as her own tears dropped. Minju hugged back while she sniffled, saying her apologies for yelling at her too.

“I do. I always do.” Chaewon spoke. “I’m so sorry, Min…”

Minju nodded in the hug as she secured her hold. Even if she wanted to sulk forever, she could never not forgive Chaewon. 

“I ate your prep meals. They’re delicious.” 

“Really?” Chaewon gleamed as she broke the hug. “I’ll make some tonight!”

“Don’t waste food, Ssamu.” Minju pushed her off, laughing. “I’m hungry again.”

Chaewon smirked and ran to carry Minju like a precious sack of rice. Minju laughed yet she lightly slapped Chaewon’s back to put her down. Chaewon was still playful and wanted to put Minju down if she helped her make prep meals for tomorrow.

“Okay, okay! We’ll make baked salmon and alfredo pasta!” Minju patted her back again. “Can you put me down now?”

Chaewon did ever so slowly, looking at Minju with that smile.

That damn attractive smile.

Minju still had those feelings, even if Chaewon has a boyfriend. Her conscience might wish they break up once in a while since Chaewon wasn’t treated in a way she truly deserved but she would never do anything to wreck her happiness.

For Chaewon, looking at Minju tugged most of her heartstrings, much more than when she was with Taeyang. Her conscience regretted dating him once in a while because she wasn’t treated that well plus the feelings were starting to fade. But then, she had a crush on him for a long time so it wouldn’t be simple to wreck that happiness.

Both had certain feelings out of pure emotions but all of it had to be put in thought as they decide to cook together. 

Who knows? Maybe fate will intervene at the right time. Only then can they decide.


2000 became more successful over the course of time. All eight employees returned to the kitchen as their sister restaurants had extra staff to give off for a better job opportunity. As a result, the ten interns from before became permanent staff in waiting and cleaning duty. Their ground floor building expanded so they had a whole building for their restaurant.

After a good service of 2000 customers, everyone celebrated with extra food and champagne. Everyone was in good spirits, even Chaewon and Minju hugged each other.

“Amid our success for the past months, I also have a special announcement.” Chaeyeon spoke, waving a sheet of paper with a lot on content in it. “2000 is given a chance to participate in the Cooking Fever Challenge~”

Everyone clapped and was honored for the chance. The CFC was the second major event after the Annual Critic. They’ll be challenged to serve a large number of customers for 15 days with a different menu everyday. The restaurant who earned the money earned and the most success rates will have their restaurant branches earn credentials from Michelin and they’ll get to have four executive chefs to become part of their staff.

“We’re cooking more dishes~” Nako chanted.

“Also, our four previous critics at the last Annual Critic will judge us again. And the best part?” Chaeyeon asked as all of them were excited. “If we win, those four critics will be part of our staff!”

“Eh?!” Everyone reacted. “Manager Kwon’s an executive chef?!”

“Yeah. The famous K Restaurant is actually her territory. She’s the executive chef there.” Chaeyeon spoke. “She has a whopping ten years of experience and had 18 Michelin-starred restaurants. She was my inspiration to become a chef.”

“And you’ll have your dreams come true when we get to work with her~” Hitomi nudged her and everyone cheered.

“Take it away, Somi~” Chaeyeon called as she spun some tunes.

Everyone danced in pure jubilee. Chaewon and Minju even danced together and were smiling towards each other.

With the good news about work came good news about their friendship. They became more open with each and spent more time together. Their routines weren’t broken anymore, with Chaewon juggling her time more efficiently and Minju becoming more supportive towards her.

As much as their celebration commenced, there were always times that people rained on their parade.

Just then, one of the waiters entertained a familiar person outside. Chaeyeon had her protective senses tingling that she stopped the celebration and checked what was going on.

“Boss, I’ll take care of it.” Chaewon stopped her.
“Ssamu – “

“I’ll be fine, Min.” Chaewon assured her and went outside.

She met the familiar guy and saved the of their waiter since his collar was choked by the latter. “Get inside, Junho.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He bowed and rushed inside.

She watched Junho explain everything to Chaeyeon and the boss was furious. She wanted to interfere but with Chaewon’s gaze, she didn’t and instead, waited for her. The rest of 2000 watched and waited with their boss.

“What are you doing here, Taeyang?” She asked with her arms crossed. “And how the could you choke an employee like that?!”

“He didn’t want me to talk to you, Chaewon. I won’t do that again. I’m sorry.” He answered and held her hand. “Can we talk about us, please?”

“Didn’t we agree that we’ll have dates twice a week? You have work at your company and I have my work here.” Chaewon explained. “What is it that you want this time? Are you going to tell me to discuss about these things again?”

“I know…but I’ve gone restless again. I want us to date everyday, like we used to.” He spoke then looked at a certain chef. “She took your time with me again, huh?”

“Forget about blaming my best friend again!” Chaewon warned him. “Remember that she doesn’t do that and works hard as much as I am for this restaurant!”

“Oh, boohoo! She’s so sweet! She’s so sweet that you chose to be with her more than me!” Taeyang snapped, shocking Chaewon. “You like your best friend more than your boyfriend?”


“Come on, Chaewon. You work with her and you share an apartment with her. Who knows what you two do? Develop feelings?” Taeyang raised. “I’m trying to be nice to save our relationship!”

“Talking about my best friend isn’t being nice, Taeyang! I don’t give a if you complain about our relationship but you have NO right to insult Minju like that. The way we handle our relationship is just between us!” Chaewon snapped. “I’m also trying to be nice about our relationship but this is going too far! You messing with Minju and my dedication to my work is not okay anymore!”

“So what will you do about it, Chaewon? Choose.” Taeyang got closer. “Me…or her?”

“I don’t need to choose, Taeyang.”

“Oh, you have to.” He spoke, gripping her arms. “You can go to your best friend and stick to your usual routines…or you can be with me and be truly happy. There’s no either way, Chaewon.”

Chaewon grew pissed, fists clenched. Taeyang waited for her to answer as much as Minju was frozen outside by the door, witnessing everything. The silence grew longer with the seconds as each of her choices waited.

Taeyang considered the silence as Chaewon’s way of saying that she was choosing him. Minju considered the silence as Chaewon’s way of saying that she was just in her way from her true happiness. And with that, her heart broke all over again as she walked away from the scene.

Taeyang had an arrogant smile and held Chaewon’s hand. “Now let’s go and have our date again.”

Chaewon held back, only to pull Taeyang closer and punch his eye. He was on the floor, screaming in pain as Chaewon got rid of all the accessories he bought and threw them at him. “You’re an . We’re breaking up.”

Just then, Minju was on her casual attire and had a box and bag on hand. Seeing the scene, Chaewon grew worried and stopped her. “Min, you can’t be done here. You can’t quit.”

“Us working together had been good but plans change and people change.” Minju spoke through her tears. “And he was right. I took your time like a selfish best friend so it’s okay. You can be with your lifelong crush, go on dates with him, and wear the things he bought for you – “

“Min~ don’t do this.” Chaewon was tearing up. “I just broke up with him, okay? He was an all along and I was stupid to know that now.” She held her arms gently. “I’m me! I’m still me…and I’d never choose anyone over my best friend.”

“That’s just it. You chose me because I’m just your best friend, Chae.” Minju spoke. “Breaking promises all over again and not truly meaning about your choices? It’s good to know you’re like that!”

“No. Please, Min…” Chaewon was still in her way. “I am a jerk. I thought dating Taeyang was a dream come true because I had a crush on him, you know that.”

“But in that long way, you continued to act like a fool by falling for him and letting him drag me towards his foolish insults! In the long run, you act like the person you’re not and pretty soon, that’s who you become!” Minju spat. “And even if you chose me, do you really mean it?”

“I did. I really mean in, Min…” Chaewon cried and knelt. “Please…”

“Then why were you silent when he made you choose? Were you hesitating?” Minju asked. “Don’t deny it, Ssamu. You hesitated to choose me…and that really hurt me.”

“Min…” Chaewon spoke but she was driven away.

Minju continued to walk away as she cried. She saw Chaewon’s sincerity in choosing her but knowing that she was a still a best friend in her eyes and that she hesitated to choose her, it became her breaking point. 

She had enough that she planned to walk out and resign as a chef of 2000 and leave their apartment.

She was hurting and staying Chaewon will just kill her gradually.


Chaewon had no time to celebrate anymore. After having a talk with her fellow chefs and knowing that Minju will resign, she rushed to their apartment. When she arrived, she felt the key under the rug and she saw the living room half empty. 

“It can’t be…” Chaewon mumbled and rushed to the bedroom.

She slammed the door open and gasped as Minju’s area was already barren. What’s left was her locket and a letter on the bed. Chaewon went to get them and read the letter.


By the time you’ve read this letter, I’ve already left. I had to rush in writing this because I know you’d rush here just to convince me again. And it’s not that I don’t want to hear you out. It’s just that I’ve been hurting and I need space again.

So to leave you a sentiment of what I’m feeling, I have to say what’s on my mind.

I like you more than a friend. I love you. I’ve always had.

Chaewon’s tears stained that letter. She now realizes that she was not only stupid for falling for the wrong person, she was also stupid for not realizing that the right person has always been with her.

Loving your best friend doesn’t seem right for it’ll wreck the friendship. There was something about us that I wanted us to click but with you dating your lifelong crush, it doesn’t feel right at all and it seems it will just get in the way. So I kept that feeling and I kept being your best friend because if I try, our relationship will be rearranged. Also, I never wanted to leave it behind and kept my hopes up, hoping you’ll see. I watched that fall every time, making my world gray and making the sight unbearable as it slowly fades away.

It’s really hard to decide this but I have to leave. I need to leave for  the best of us. I need to move on and look for my true self because I felt that I don’t belong with you anymore. I hope you understand that.

I questioned about us and everything we’ve been through. My greatest question of all was about our trust. I know you never wanted to hurt me but I thought about myself and my whole being. What am I supposed to do when everyday since I had feelings for you hurts more and more?

So I got to leave. I’ll miss you, Ssamu. We might not be together now but we’ll be…someday.

For now, let me go so that I can go on my own way.


Chaewon opened the locket. She remembered giving this to Minju on her tenth birthday and seeing the content made Chaewon cry harder.

Inside was their pictures taken at that same birthday. Many years have passed and Minju chose to keep it close to her heart.

Chaewon placed them on the bed again and wept her heart out. Losing a boyfriend was nothing but losing her best friend was the most hurtful thing she had experienced.

Chaewon was lost now, wondering what to do without Minju beside her.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1755 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1755 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.