Risk (Kwonchaeng)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The greatest risk any millennial can do is not taking any. Our theme for today’s event will definitely speak a lot of it. It is always bore in the mind that success never comes easy. It’s not a luxury that everyone can grasp. Sometimes it’s lies beyond our fates and choices and oftentimes, it becomes a catalyst for the development of one’s self. In a world that changes quickly, taking risks paves that way towards that success.


She was stopped at her trance of thought as that owner of the voice called her, motioning her to come closer. Eunbi sprinted to catch up to her until they walked side by side. She smiled at that person as she was busy talking about sports.

Lee Chaeyeon was her name. She was the school’s MVP and is a master in most sports; with basketball as her most favoured and most skilled sport. She had a inquisitive nature, she was helpful, and she was hyper.

She was like that…even though she came from a poor family.

“Isn’t that Miss Popular Kwon Eunbi and the poor MVP, Lee Chaeyeon?”

Her hold on Chaeyeon was cut when Chaeyeon mumbled her sorry and went to the other direction. She sighed and got to the source of that question, asking a question back. “You were saying?”

The junior bowed as an apology for meddling. Eunbi raised an eyebrow, saying. “If you’re wondering why I was with her, it was for school matters. Now shoo.”

The junior ran off like a scared mouse, leaving Eunbi to walk to her classroom and tossing her happy side out in the gushing wind. 

She was Miss Popular. She was rich, smart, and very influential thanks to being a student council president and a member of the dance club. Like in the typical application of a caste system in the university, she was at the top. Admirers grovelled at her feet, fellow influencers get along with her, and haters were still ty haters. And of course, the boundary between the rich and the poor was absolute; that if anyone was risking to cross it, it was going to be disgrace tainting her image.

That’s why Chaeyeon drove herself away from Eunbi’s paradise. Because if she didn’t, there goes the image and respect. Eunbi made sure it happened because it was for their own good, mostly for her own good.

It will always pay a price. A price that Eunbi always feared and hoped to never happen.


Chaeyeon cheered as she did a three-point shoot. Her fans and the basketball enthusiasts cheered for the success that brought a good name to their school. She was hugged by teammates for a job well done and they gathered to cheer their victory, holding their trophy high. As Chaeyeon was put down, the numbers diminished. They were going outside to cheer for themselves.

“Chae, aren’t you gonna come with us?” 

“No thanks, Yujin.” Chaeyeon smiled. “You can go and celebrate without me.”

“Aish-don’t be such a killjoy. You gave us that win. You deserve to celebrate.” Yujin had an arm around her. “I’ll treat you.”

“You know our captain won’t allow that.” Chaeyeon added. “You should go.”

Yujin felt sad but she could never force her to come when she didn’t want to. She understood Chaeyeon’s plights and had to go ahead since the captain called. Chaeyeon was left in the empty court as she stayed for a bit, waiting for the rest of the players to change and go so that she can have her time alone.

Back in the day, Chaeyeon never experienced getting recognition from people way back in her elementary and high school days. She has always been the timid girl, the girl who doesn’t participate in school activities and wo doesn’t mingle with the kids that were so out of her league. She was poor and they weren’t. They had the money and power and she doesn’t. She decided to hide into her zone and not come out.

But that was the biggest mistake of her life because she didn’t take the risk. She isolated herself. She didn’t think outside the box and didn’t go beyond her capabilities. Which is why after she graduated high school, she decided to take the risk of studying in an unfamiliar place, in an environment filled with the sea of unfamiliar faces, far away from home as if she’s marking her path on barren land. She took the risk of making her own choice within a course and persevere to gain a scholarship in sports to become an instrument of play for her school, for her country, and for herself.
But or course, one cannot ignore her humble beginnings. They respected her as a MVP but never as a person. 

“Kid, aren’t you going?”

“Did the rest leave already?” Chaeyeon asked the janitor.

He nodded and Chaeyeon waltzed her way to the showers.


“I need a new phone…” Chaeyeon mumbled as she scrolled through the device with a broken screen.

A name popped out and Chaeyeon answered. “Hey.”

Where are you? I’m here at the park waiting for you.

Chaeyeon smiled lightly as she saw the dialler sitting on the bench. She walked there casually, slinging her old bag like it was a slingshot, only to hold it preciously since she had no money to buy a new one. She sat next to her and got a hug from her. 


“Thanks.” Chaeyeon nodded. “You got busy in the office?”

“Yeah. Sorry for not watching your game.”

Chaeyeon understood and the latter leaned her head onto her shoulder. Chaeyeon wrapped an arm around her, saying. “Let’s go have dinner, Eunbi. My treat.”

Eunbi looked up, wondering if she was serious. Chaeyeon insisted and assured her that it was worth. Eunbi agreed to it and they walked together. 

Eunbi always thought it was fine because being with Chaeyeon was the only thing that matters.


Eunbi never thought that they were eating at a fancy restaurant nor they thought of going to the arcade. Most of all, she never thought that Chaeyeon treated her despite treating herself for winning the game. They had a lot of fun doing random stuff together – even cutting close of playing on an empty playground and playing tag like little kids.

The two collapsed on the grass, looking at the stars and laughing their hearts out. Eunbi’s eyes focused on Chaeyeon, feeling happy seeing her happy.

“Thanks for today, Chae.” Eunbi spoke. “I should’ve treated you for winning the game.”

“It’s cool. I wanted to do it, anyway.” Chaeyeon answered. “You deserved the best.”

Eunbi sat up, only to reach for Chaeyeon’s cheek and kiss her. Chaeyeon kissed back and it was a moment of them being together…

…until their lungs needed air.

“I love you, Chae…” Eunbi spoke as they broke, a hand onto her cheek. “I always do.”

“I know.” Chaeyeon smiled. “I love you too, Eun.”

Eunbi laid down beside Chaeyeon again and snuggled onto her. Chaeyeon held her hand and leaned their foreheads on each. 

It was at that moment that everything was perfect. It was at that moment that risking was a salvation they wanted to have. It was at that moment that they had everything…


Risk is inherent to all human beings. Not taking one means not being able to find courage in one’s soul. Attempting to live safely under a false shell of protection is a risk in itself. The risk taken by those to take none is like looking to set yourself up to failure and having complete confidence to not achieve anything. As much as you attempt to assure yourself in this world, the reality is always unsure. It is an everyday thing that we need to assess. From an uncertain guarantee of surviving the war to putting your life at stake to protect the weak, it’s an unknown consequence that would defy the physical law of how our world works. In order to address that, whatever you do, it’s best to go a little further and choose not to be alone in the surface. Run any risk that’s needed to be happy in this life. 

Eunbi threw her phone across their office, shocking her subordinates. She had to pick it up again and excused herself, going towards a safer place where she broke down.

The day wasn’t good to her. In fact, it wasn’t good since midnight when Chaeyeon texted that they have to break up. When she came to school, she remained composed on the outside while her heart was worried in finding her. She did that in her vacant times while she became idle with her responsibilities. 

That reached her limit. She never wanted this fear to happen but it did. After breaking down, she reached for her broken phone and called Chaeyeon.

“Please answer…” Eunbi sniffled.


Eunbi looked back and felt her heavy load turn light. She wiped her tears away and went to hug her…

…then she threw little punches at her.

“How could you do this to me?!” Eunbi snapped, her tears dropping again. “We had a wonderful time last night and then you say this to me?!”

Chaeyeon remained silent and lets Eunbi beat her chest until she calmed and just cried on her shoulder. 

“Can I say my part now, Eunbi?”

Eunbi looked up and Chaeyeon’s tears dropped like a slow flowing tap. Eunbi reached to wipe them off when Chaeyeon backed away. 

“I’m tired, Eun…”

The happy pill would never say words like that, Eunbi believed. She would’ve been a genius to know that but her intelligence was weak compared to her empathy.

“I’m tired of having to be away from you for the sake of our places in this school. I’m tired of looking like a fool for being with someone as influential as you. I’m tired of getting the hate when you get the love.”


“I’m tired of taking the risk for you when you’re not taking the risk for me.”

Eunbi was hit with those words for they were true. She had to drive away Chaeyeon for her place in the system. She had to not see her game because she put her responsibilities first. And she didn’t take the risk because the question haunted her.

What would the other people think?

It shouldn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter because Chaeyeon is the only thing that matters.

“I’m sorry…” Eunbi hugged Chaeyeon closer. “…I didn’t realize you’ve felt that way now. I should’ve…”

She couldn’t say anything and kept crying, her hold saying that Chaeyeon cannot just get out of her life. Chaeyeon looked down, her tears dropping still. She slowly pushed Eunbi off of her, saying. “I’m sorry to say that too. I just felt wronged…”

“But do you have to break up with me?” Eunbi asked. “I’ll make it better. I’ll take the risk this time just please…don’t leave me…”

Chaeyeon was never the person to swim in a pool of clichés. She calmed Eunbi down, saying. “Can you not cry now, please?”

Eunbi still sniffled but she stopped. Her usual fierce gaze became a soft one, a gaze to which only Chaeyeon had the luxury to see.

“How about we talk this out through coffee?”

Chaeyeon lent a hand. Eunbi accepted it wholeheartedly and they went. As they walked through the school paths, most eyes were on them. Unlike before, they didn’t let go and kept their head up.

Because now, they take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1755 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1755 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.