Scurry, Sniff, and Flinch (ChaeYul)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Being part of the military was a tedious thing to do. One was to receive orders, obey protocols, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day, and officers and petty officers of the watch. They were trained in any terrain, engaged into different entities, and released towards various relocations.

“Cadet 112001 steps out.”

“Are you sure, ma’am? This soldier is going to die outside the field.” The platoon leader said.

“But she has been good in the sentry duty despite of her age. She’s going to be fine.” The Battalion Commander said.

Despite of their personal talk, the soldier with the hamster-like grin chuckled in her thoughts. They were right on some points and she understood that. Then again, she was loyal to the army and she will do what needs to be done.

Yes. Jo Yuri will do just that.


Yuri flings her file as her members of the platoon gather around to read it. 

“Woah, so cool.” Chaewon commented as she was in awe like the rest of the squad. “Jo Yuri, the sentry.”

“Jo Yuri, the sentry?!” Chaeyeon yelped. “You just got thrown out in the field last time and got chased by terrorists and they send you back again?! Kill me now! Just kill me now!”

“Yah, Lee Chaeyeon. Don’t freak out about it.” Yuri said. “I’m not going to die. Besides, Chaewon-unnie’s right about it being cool.”

“Come on, Chaeyeon. Yuri will just watch out for terrorists and act if there are changes.” Chaewon said, pointing at a soldier. “Just look at Choi Yena.”

Choi Yena was part of the sentry. She may act goofy sometimes but she always had the keenest eye. But seeing her recently made the platoon cringe. She was yelling and had gone nuts as the rest of the sentry had to pull her out. Yuri gulped of that.

“Well…” Yuri sighed. “That was convincing. Maybe Chaeyeon’s right.”

“I am.” Chaeyeon winked at her.

“But that’s want you want, right? The clear sky, the view of trees, and the breeze slapping your face like a .” Chaewon commented.

“What the , Chaewon?” Nako sighed. “Anyways, I thought you wanted to feel free while serving for your country.” She faces Chaeyeon and Yuri. “Or maybe I have to make you two go back on the resources crew.”

Chaeyeon said a yes while the rest yelled with a no, including Yuri.

Yuri cringed being part of the resource crew. They were in charge of stocks inside the facilities, from hygienic products to food. The job was boring. Sure, it was nice because Chaeyeon worked there with her but sometimes, with them in the line of duty resulting to make outs and by the stock rooms, they couldn’t get the job done. The others knew about it so it was best for Yuri not to be assigned there again.

“Alright, then. We shall give Yuri peace and blessings for her on sentry duty.” Nako said and everyone respected Yuri’s choice.

“Thanks, guys.” Yuri replied.

However, Chaeyeon was disappointed. The rest went back to their posts as Chaeyeon went to Yuri, her hand reaching to hold hers.

The two of them had the unexpected relationship. One was a dancer while the other was a singer yet their love for arts made them click. But with the circumstances of their world, volunteers became mandatory. They won the lottery of being part of the military and served together. Separations were their main weaknesses for one cannot survive without the other. 

And with Yuri being assigned as sentry, Chaeyeon was always worried of many things. She dreamed of her and made efforts to be by her side every day. The nightmares they would have was that one may not see the other alive.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Are you afraid that I’ll become crazy like Yena?” Yuri asked then cupped Chaeyeon’s cheeks. “I’ll be fine, okay? I have you.”

“Okay...” Chaeyeon pouted. “Try to make your duty work so that you come back in one piece.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Yuri nodded.


Yuri was on duty, the empty field being her view and like Chaewon said, the wind slapped like crazy. With Chaewon and Nako’s teaching on intuition, marksmanship, and perspective, Yuri was eager to get her duty done.

Scurry, sniff, and flinch. Those words rooted her. Yuri sighed of Chaewon’s use of words, finding out that the savage fairy must’ve been an avid fan of Timon. Nonetheless, she did those actions and stopped, realizing that she looked silly.

Yuri went forward, only to be surrounded by unusual figures. As she got a good look, she was ed up.

“TERRORISTS!!” She yelled and the whole battalion was aware.

External soldiers and sentries face the terrorists outside the barrier and the sound of guns surrounded the area. It was too much of a fight. The terrorists were advancing and the battalions were weakening against them. Defeating the enemy was possible if they got inside their barrier without letting them in so that the commanders can deal with them. 

But with their positions, it would take forever for them to make it back.

Yuri made the initiative and led them. She lets herself and the decent ones fight so that they can make it back one by one. Yuri and the rest managed to slow their pace down but then, it fell into place.
Some of them were killed, others barely made it, and some stayed to fight. While for her, she was left as the others died trying. But in general, they managed most of them to get in.

Yuri! Get out of there!!

“Nako, buy me some time!” Yuri yelled, holding her gun. “I’m luring them in myself.”

Jjoyul! Get back here!! Don’t lure them in! You might die!

“Lee Chaeyeon, I’ll be okay…” Yuri mumbled then yelled. “Come at me, you ing bastards!!”

Yuri ran and the whole fleet chased. There were gunshots, gases that could kill, and faces that screamed their anger, power, and revolution. Yuri dodged most of them but she was almost there, her leg was hit. But that didn’t stop her as she continued. Yuri was inches away from the gate when…

“Jjoyul!!” Chaeyeon raged as she aimed her gun and shot enemies behind her.

The rest of the commanders went down and dealt with them. Yuri opened the gate and there was her platoon. Yuri huffed as Chaewon and Chaeyeon help her out.

“Sorry, guys...” Yuri huffed as she looked at her chest, seeing a blot. “I flinched when I should’ve scurried.”

Yuri fell down and Chaeyeon was holding her tight, growing worried of losing the love of her life.

“There’s still time.” Chaewon said, checking her heart rate. “Let’s move!”


“Watch the nails!” Yuri hissed. “I swear…I’m gonna cut them.”

“Sorry, honey.” Chaeyeon pouted, patching a bandage by Yuri’s head. “I’ll let you cut my nails but make sure you don’t cut my fingers.”

“Cool leg, Yuri.” Minju said.

“Thanks.” Yuri grinned. “I wish I would’ve broken my arms, maybe I could get cool arms with guns, knives, or wings.” She sighed, lifting her left leg. “But I get this. Can I least upgrade this with a foot that turns into a bazooka when I kick it up?”

“Say no more, Yuri.” Hitomi sighed. “Hyewon and I will make some arrangements.”

“I love you guys.” Yuri grinned.

“But you love me more, right?” Chaeyeon pouts.
“Of course...” Yuri said and kissed her.

“Ewww!!” Hyewon closed her eyes. “Get a room!”

They all booed as Hyewon was pushed out to take care of Yena. The rest made their leave, leaving Chaeyeon and Yuri to have the tent to themselves, break from their kiss, and grin at each other. 

“The next time you’ll be on sentry duty, I’ll appoint myself to be in your team to watch over you instead.” Chaeyeon said.

Yuri just nodded. While Chaeyeon tackles her and gives her endless kisses, Yuri had the memory order in her mind and heart. From then on, she believed her services will be wonderful as long as she has Chaeyeon beside her.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1755 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1755 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.