Our Love, Our Future (2Kim, Annyeongz, JangChae, Jinjoo)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The gym was the largest infrastructure of the whole university. It would take ten janitors to clean it in a day but as punishment, Chaewon and Yujn have to do it themselves. Chaewon was responsible for the wet mop while Yujin was for the dry flat mop. Yujin was diligent to finish but Chaewon was being a brat, shoving the mop hard into the bucket of soap water and spilling droplets everywhere.

“Unnie, try to be careful.”

“I am being careful.” Chaewon muttered.

“What happened inside? Did you do something to Angel?”

Chaewon stopped to look at her. Yujin snickered; an expression that made Chaewon the first witness.

She wasn’t facing a puppy. She was facing a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“You put the box in her locker, didn’t you?” Yujin asked, drawing closer. “How long do you expect to act strong and self-centered?”

“Yah, Ahn Yujin!”

“Angel has given you her point, even Wonyoung. It’s now impossible for them to put up with your actions.”

Chaewon throws the mop away. She drew closer to Yujin, spitting. “What do you know?!”

“You’re Miss Perfect. Don’t take it out on an ordinary person like me.” Yujin spoke then chuckled. “You and your ego. How did Wonyoung even put up with you?”

“Are you crazy?!” Chaewon spat. “You want to pick up a fight?”

“Says the one who got punched first.” Yujin hissed, pushing Chaewon off. “How long are you going to keep this up? You get crazy when you’re rejected and when things don’t go your way!”

Chaewon chuckled back but was hit with the reality. Yujin had no lies in her words.

“This is why Angel and Won couldn’t stand this mess – why they couldn’t stand you even if you kneel for forgiveness.” Yujin spat. “And just so you know, I’m glad they made the right decisions not to get involved with you again. My best friend didn’t deserve to get hurt and the one I’ll always love never ever deserved a woman like you.”

“Are you kidding me?” Chaewon spat then clutched her shirt collar. “I’m much better than you who pretends to be perfect.” She chuckled. “You wanted this to happen, right? You anticipated this because you wanted Minju and Wonyoung for yourself, right?”


“Temper, temper. You think I didn’t see?” Chaewon raised. “Even if Wonyoung and I were together, your eyes and heart had the same feeling towards her. You tried being nice and your heart landed on Minju this time.”

Yujin was losing it. Chaewon’s laugh echoed in the gym.

“Don’t act like you’re different from me.” Chaewon snickered. “We both know that we pay the prices to get whatever we want.”

Yujin delivered a punch but Chaewon dodged it and gave Yujin a punch, causing her to fall on the floor.

“We’re even now.” Chaewon spoke. “But we both know this is far from over.”

“I thought you never asked.” Yujin spat and delivered her punch.

The gym became a fighting arena where Chaewon and Yujin delivered their physical attacks. Their voices were evident outside that their watchers would hear. But nobody stopped them. They wouldn’t listen anyway and sometimes, a fight can be the best solution.

It was proven correct as Chaewon and Yujin’s fight happened but ceased their raging emotions. Now, both were sprawled on the floor, sweaty and messy. Yujin was relieved, like her past returned to kick her . Chaewon felt the same, feeling more battered than usual.

“Yah...I can’t believe you denied your inner mutt.” Chaewon spat blood. “Maybe it’s because you are one already.”

“Says the person whose punches are soft. They felt like marshmallows.” Yujin spat back, holding her bruised eye. “As expected from the primsy Miss Perfect that has her life ahead of her...”

“Idiot.” Chaewon slapped her face.

You’re the idiot.” Yujin slapped back, causing Chaewon to hiss. “I’m asking like a broken record now. How long will your ego die down and correct everything that went wrong? You know it’s a huge problem to all of us.”

“Why?” Chaewon looked back. “Do you feel resentful after what I did to your best friend and love?”

“If I had the time, I would...” Yujin looked at her as well. “But no...because what’s really important is being there for the people you care for because they’re always worth everything you have.”

“Isn’t that too selfless?” Chaewon asked. “If you give everything, what will you have left for yourself?”

Chaewon got up first, panting and crouching like a dead sack. She then asked Yujin. “You love Wonyoung before Minju, didn’t you?”

Yujin got up as well. She coughed blood out and was a dead as Chaewon. “So what if I did?”

Yujin couldn’t hide her inner negativities. She was expected to be bright and be selfless. Wonyoung was one of the most important people in her life...

...and the only important person left in her life.

“I was always a ball of sunshine. My smiles brought smiles to others. I had the life too. I was an heir of a huge company in this country. I had Wonyoung, my friend...” Yujin broke down. “...my only friend...”

“Were you afraid to confess? Were you afraid to lose your only friend?”

“I would when I have no one left in the world.” Yujin spat. “I lost my mother, lost my father, even my older sister followed. What would you do if you only have one friend in the world that truly understands you and what if your confession will change everything?!”


“Tell me, unnie...” Yujin faced her, crying. “What would’ve you done?”

Chaewon had no answer. Yujin was like her when she and Minju got together. She saluted the puppy for being strong until the end and didn’t do anything reckless to hurt Wonyoung, unlike her who had the audacity to follow her heart without realizing the Minju will get hurt.

“You could’ve tried.” Chaewon huffed. “Still, you could’ve tried...”

Yujin shook her head and looked away. “Wonyoung was the happiest when she met you. How could I take that away from her?”

Chaewon became guiltier. She even facepalmed herself for putting words in .

“I devoted that whatever Wonyoung did or wanted, I’ll support her. I swore to lose all that I have left so I won’t lose what’s precious to me.”

“You’re justifying yourself like a knight in shining armor. What a fairytale...” Chaewon snickered. “...but I feel you, even you did it in a different way.”

Chaewon sighed and got the box from her pocket, opening it to see the rings. She may have thrown it to save face but once no one looked, she went to get it back.

She had to get it back. It was her constant and only reminder of Minju as someone precious to her.

“Why did I even try to be perfect? I can’t believe Appa got the best of me.” Chaewon chuckled. “I could’ve just lived diligently without any ill will. I could’ve accepted that feelings come and go, then grow towards the person meant for you. I can’t believe I ignored myself. I ignored what it’s like to live.”

Yujin looked back at Chaewon. It was far from the primsy perfect image she had. She was now lifeless, mind messy and heart weary. Her tears never stopped flowing as her face became beaten and flat.

She was so pitiful.

“I urged to become influential and powerful. I urged to hide and bury my darkness so no on will see and yet...it still insists to come out. There was nothing I could do so I justified myself.” Chaewon rubbed her face and messed her hair. “I resent you wherein I should resent myself, played Wonyoung to make her like a fool wherein I’m the true fool, and blamed Minju for my misfortune – that our arranged marriage was a curse brought upon me – wherein I’m the said curse.”

“Unnie, I thought you were worse than me...but at least it took your courage wherein I had none.” Yujin spoke. “I justified myself to run away and try when it’s just convenient for me. I...” She sighed. “I left my best friend ignored and suffering just to pursue a girl who can never be mine, to the point I beat up te person who was important to her. I never wanted her to be like that. I never wanted any of this madness and I didn’t want to hurt you like this too.”

“Me too.” Chaewon spoke. “I never wanted this too. You are an important person in Minju and Wonyoung’s life and here I am, beating you up. I never want you to end up like me.”

Yujin cried. Chaewon hissed and got a tissue to wipe her face and snot. “Aish...if both of them see us, we’re dead.”

“Wonyoung flips out but Angel flips out more.” Yujin spoke, laughing.

“I can’t deny that.” Chaewon added and laughed with her. “Do you know Min can beat up too?”

They laughed and delivered playful punches at each other. Chaewon even messed up Yujin’s hair like petting a cute puppy. “I’m sorry, you crazy brat!”

“I’m sorry too, you stupid radish!” Yujin hissed.

Both became exhausted and laid beside each other. Yujin regained her grin while Chaewon regained her savagery. “This is weird. It’s like we’re the couple.”

“Gross!” Yujin scooted away. “By the way...” She nudged her. “Aren’t you worried about Angel?”

“Look who’s talking. Isn’t this your chance to win her heart?” Chaewon asked. “And don’t get me started with Wonyoung.”

“I shouldn’t be saying this but I have no chance towards Minju...” Yujin added. “...because she already chose you.”

Yujin got up and continued to mop. Chaewon shook her head and did the same.

She didn’t believe Yujin’s words by her hope did.


“Woah! It’s Chairman Minhyun!” Wooseok wowed as he showed it to his fellow officers. “Top Model; class of 1982. It’s Minju! It’s a male version of Minju!”

Chaeyeon, Kyulkyung, and Jihoon shut him up. Minju was still in the room, preparing to leave. Wooseok shuts his mouth yet approached her.

“H-Hi, Minju. I must say you look ravishing today – “

“With all due respect, President Kim, can you please be direct?” Minju spoke back.

“W-Well, I have a proposition.” Wooseok added. “Our Elite group wants you to try competing for this year’s Top Model.”

Wonyoung scoffed from a distance. The president was a two-faced person. Knowing Minju was the daughter of the school directors, he’ll try to get her attention.

“No, thank you.” Minju spoke. “I’m not interested plus Wonyoung’s already a perfect candidate.”

Wonyoung sighed. Even if hell went loose because of the confession, Minju never changed. She was always her supporter despite their boundary.

“Come on, Minju~” Wooseok insisted. “We’ll also add that you’ll be in the Elites group.”

Minju laughed. She drove herself away, saying. “Okay. That’s the best act you pulled out so far, President Kim. My decision is final and irrevocable.”

The others did a mic drop behind the president. Wooseok felt ridiculed that she forced Minju again...

...when a flying kick was directed to his hand.

“Didn’t you hear her, President Kim?” Wonyoung asked. “No means no.”

Minju was shocked when Wonyoung pulled her out of the room then stopped to check on her. “Are you okay, unnie?”

Minju was shocked. Did Chaewon’s betrayal turn her into a new long-legged leaf?

“Wonyoung, forgive me for this but ...” Minju added. “...what are you playing at?”

“Forgive me for being too sudden. You heard Chaewon and AhnYu back the the gym, right?”

How could they forget? They heard Chaewon and Yujin fight in the gym. Wonyoung was worried for her best friend that she ran there. Minju was also worried that Yuri and Yena had to her. Their circle of friends wre there, with Eunbi and Sakura watching them. Wonyoung wanted to stop the mess but Eunbi didn’t let them.

Let them fight, she said. They won’t listen and sometimes, a fight can be their remedy, Sakura added.

“Can we talk?”

Minju didn’t want to yet. She was not ready to face everything, especially Wonyoung. However, she knew better that Wonyoung had the least knowledge of what was happening. She had to know.

“Okay...” She looked at back the trio scolding Wooseok. “Maybe not here.”

“I know somewhere.” Wonyoung suggested. “Will it be okay if I take you there?”

Minju nodded and lets Wonyoung lead the way. Wonyoung did and Minju was on her tail. But when students were looking at them and gossiping about them, Wonyoung backed away and lets Minju go ahead. Minju held her hand and they walked side by side.

“Don’t mind them. They don’t matter in this feud we are in.”

Wonyoung nodded and felt warm with Minju’s hold, like an older sister was protecting her younger sister from any harm. Wonyoung distracted herself to call her chauffeur to pick them up. The familiar car arrived and Wonyoung lets Minju in first before she did.

“Miss Jang. New friend?”

“Yes, Mr. Shim. This is Minju-unnie. AhnYu is also close with her.”

The driver greeted Minju as the latter bowed back while resting. Wonyoung couldn’t help but worry that she closed the little door in front so they could talk.

“Are you still unwell?”

“Yeah...” Minju answered. “I’ve had this since forever. I’ll be okay.”

Wonyoung nodded and they arrived at a house in the suburbs. Wonyoung got out to help her and Minju couldn’t thank her enough.

“Your home?” Minju asked, earning a nod. “Is your mother around?”

She nodded again, leaving Minju to feel nervous. Wonyoung assured her and they got inside. Wonyoung’s mother welcomed them and was even worried about Minju’s well-being.

“Eommoni...after everything...”

“It doesn’t matter, dear. I know you’re not at fault.” She added. “I’m glad you’re here. Wonyoung here only invites Yujin so I’m happy to see you again.”

Minju thanked her as Wonyoung spoke. “We’ll be at the rooftop, Eomma.”

Minju continued to follow the younger at a slow pace. Wonyoung adjusted for her, doing baby steps. Nonetheless, they got to the rooftop with a wonderful view of the suburbs. Her mother caught on and served them tea. Minju thanked her and took sip, feeling wonderful.

“Is the tea good?”

Minju didn’t answer. Her silence was her answer to how good the tea was. When she caught Wonyoung’s look, Minju almost choked as Wonyoung chuckled.

“Unnie, why make a face like that?” She chuckled harder. “This is embarrassing. And what’s with your mouth?” She wiped the edge of her lips. “You’re like someone with a flat nose.”

“Cut it out, kid.” Minju nudged her lightly until they laughed together.

They relieved themselves and drank more tea. They watched the view together until Wonyoung spoke. “I’m sorry for everything.”

Minju looked back at her. Wonyoung’s tears dropped like her head. She felt life flash before her. The younger taller woman with sheer confidence was now a meek lamb.

“I had been thinking about doing this since this morning. I guessed that I also have my fair share of mistakes. I didn’t need to act cool and must atone for them.”

“Okay. That’s a wonderful idea.” Minju commented and sat closer. “At least we’re civilized compared to the other two. Our parents would be happy knowing we’re dealing this rationally.”

Wonyoung acknowledged the pat. She sighed again. “You know unnie? I realized love will never be on my side. Back then, I was desperate to have it. I’m not asking for a tall, dark, and handsome man to sweep me off my feet. I just want someone to make me feel special.”

“Love has always been on your side. You were just blinded by so many things that you lost sight of it.” Minju spoke. “You have your family, you have Yujinnie, you even have – scratch that.” She babbled, making Wonyoung laugh. “Love is on someone’s side all the time. We just need to be senseful of it.”

Wonyoung nodded. “I never expected that the great dream of love will happen to me. Chaewon...used to give me that.”

“That’s Chaewon for you. She’s very driven to get whatever she wants. She’s also driven to feel acceptance from her loved ones.” Minju added. “She truly, madly, and deeply loved you, Wonyoung.”

Wonyoung just nodded. Minju drank her tea again, emptying her cup.

“I admit that I can be selfish, especially with her. Like other couples, I wanted her to devote her time on us. I wanted her to take me out on dates, give me gifts, and treat me like I’m special.” Wonyoung added. “I didn’t care of our circumstances. I just want us to be together and keep our love strong.”

“Hope for all!” Minju cheered loudly and crossed her legs. “We can’t wish on many things these days. Even if they come true, they come with a price.”

“Unnie, since when are you sloppy with you words?” Wonyoung joked. “AhnYu must’ve taught you. That puppy taught me that too and yet, she scolds me for being too tactless.”

Minju nodded and became silent. Wonyoung got her turn to pat her shoulder. “AhnYu truly, deeply, and madly loved you too.”

“That makes me conclude that I can’t face her the same way again.”

“Cheer up, unnie. The world won’t end just because AhnYu won’t talk to you.” Wonyoung spoke. “She’s a very good person, even if circumstances were bad to her.”

Wonyoung shared bits of it and Minju couldn’t hold her guilt. She never thought Yujin has been acting tough and has been going through a lot.

“Try to talk to her, unnie. She’ll understand. She always has.” Wonyoung added. “I’m sorry for being horrible to you.”

“Same to you and Chaewon.” Minju spoke. “I’m also sorry for causing you a lot of stress.”

Wonyoung nodded again but she suddenly sobbed. Minju became teary herself and comforted her.

“We’ll resolve this. I promise.” Minju mumbled.

Wonyoung’s mother saw them on the balcony and teared up too, feeling happy that even her daughter’s best friend is in pain and recovering herself, she can still rely on another.


It was day two of community service for Yujin. She was tasked to sort out all the trash in the western side of the university. She was picking a bottle up when another hand picked it up for her.

“Don’t do it.” Yujin huffed and took the bottles. “Your hands will get dirty!”


Yujin gulped and was nervous looking at the other. After the confession and of her community service, she had stopped her efforts in pursuing her. The damage has been too great that she decided to have more time for herself.

Even so, she couldn’t bear to break promises.

“What is it, Angel?”

“Can we talk?”

Yujin shook the trash bags, saying. “Community service.”

“I’m sorry to ask.” Minju scratched her head, looking away.

“It’s okay.” Yujin spoke then asked. “How about next time?”

“Yujinnie.” Minju called again. “Are you mad at me?”

“I’m not, Angel.” Yujin spoke then returned to sorting. “I wish we didn’t have to meet at this circumstance. You look clasy and here I am, sorting bottles, plastics, and cans.” She chuckled. “You could’ve given me time to prepare and take you out, just like we used to.”

“It’s okay. To me, you’re still you.” Minju stated and helped her. “How about I help you so we can finish early? We can go to Imo’s place again and eat tteokbokki and fish cake.”

“You can’t eat them anymore, Angel. You get sick, remember?” Yujin sighed, taking the bottles she held to do the task herself. “Also, you’re just discharged from the hospital. I can’t risk your health again, knowing I’ve done it so many times.”

“But I’ll be okay. I brought medicine with me.” Minju added and helped her again.

“Damnit, Minju! Enough already!!” Yujin bursts, pulling themselves up and cleaning her hands. “If this is about what happened before, don’t dwell too much on it. We’ll talk next time. Now would you excuse me and let me do my work?!”

Minju was taken aback. She never thought Yujin would burst at her. She would’ve reckoned to expect it after everything that happened but she felt stupid to expect Yujin will be okay.

She knew her pain and she knew better not to be tactless about her feelings because even the softest hearts can become solid.

“I’m sorry, Yujinnie. I’ll get going.” Minju spoke. “Before I do, I want to ask back. How can I now worry?”

Yujin stopped and got up, seing Minju tearing up.

“How can I not worry about you, given the circumstances that I rejected you after all the effort you did to win my heart? How could I dream and think that none of it happened?”

“Angel, I – “

“If I don’t, then I’m no less of a devil that had hurt your feelings. The false hope you got is my fault.”

“Angel – “

“Sorry. And please don’t call me that again.” Minju mumbled. “I don’t deserve it anymore.”

Minju walked away. Yujin took time to think for her actions but one thing was evident was that Minju was in pain. She realized that she shouldn’t have been harsh. Although it’s natural to feel mad for being rejected and get her heart broken, Yujin had to remember that it was not part of her promise to hurt her.

And again, she was never the one to break promises.

Yujin ed off the work she was having and went to fix herself as quick as she could. She tried to look clean and decent before looking for Minju. She looked around the campus to see her at the lobby by the tables, crying. Yujin ran to the table...

...when Chaewon was already there.

Yujin couldn’t move again, especially when Hyewon came to scold her.

“AhnYu, why are you here? Go back to work!”

“But Chaewon-unnie took a break too!”

“She already finished hers.” Hyewon added then saw Chaewon and Minju. “You want to talk to Minju, don’t you?”

Yujin nodded. Hyewon sighed and patted her back. “Just don’t get into another brawl or that’s double work for both of you. Also, return to your work after this.”

Yujin nodded and Hyewon excused herself. She couldn only watch them from far away. Although slightly jealous, Yujin realized through Minju’s actions that she was more relieved if it was Chaewon.

She loved Minju. She will always love her. But if letting go makes Minju happy, Yujin was willing to do it.

Minju was crying like crazy, feeling hurt to see Yujin hurt. A pat on the back made her look up as a hanky was wiped on her face.

“Your nose is runny.” Chaewon commented and sat across her. “What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing here? Is this about you trying to remarry me?”

Chaewon shook her head. “I just want to know if you’re okay.”

Minju thanked her for the hanky and blew her nose on it. She stopped to see the familiar design. “I gave this to you and you kept it?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Chaewon asked back then reverted the topic. “Tell me what happened.”

“I hope you won’t flip out.” Minju spoke. “I was tactless when talking to Yujin. I shouldn’t have batted when she was so upset.”

“You’re more upset than her. The one who causes pain usually hurts more, especially when one is close to heart.” Chaewon spoke. “Believe me...I know.”

“One part would say that I have nothing to do with it but why do I feel like it’s my fault? Why do I feel hurt?” Minju sniffled. “I’m hurt that I rejected her after all she did for me. I feel so pathetic.”

“Then talk to her.” Chaewon stopped her from banging her head on the table. “Tell her how you truly feel, just like we’re doing now.”

Minju noticed that this was the only talk that she didn’t feel negative in Chaewon presence. Chaewon stopped to pat her head, fixing her locks. “Isn’t it the same thing we’re doing right now?”

Minju couldn’t deny it. Chaewon’s phone rang and she checked the caller, hanging it up when Minju stopped her.

“Talk to her, Ssamu.”

Oh, how the nickname thawed her heart. Through Yujin’s talk and brawl, she was awakened to be more selfless. It also gave her more courage to face her mistakes and correct them. She cannot let her temper control her and accept that she can’t be right and have her way all the time, and that’s okay.

Chaewon whined, scratching her head. Minju calmed her down and patted her cheeks. “Come on, Ssamu. Talk to her.”

They saw Yujin drawing closer. Chaewon excused herself to answer the call.


“W-Wonyoung-ah...” Chaewon answered back. “What made you call?”

Can we meet at that place?

“Are you sure?” Chaewon asked. “I feel that after all that had happened, you wouldn’t want to talk to me.”

I’m sure. I’m ready to talk.

“Okay. I’ll meet you there.”

Chaewon hang up and her anxiety returned. She looked back, seeing Minju and Yujin talk and go somewhere. Chaewon sighed and mustered her little courage left to do this.

She’ll realize that it’ll be sad yet relieving for the both of them.


PD University was beautiful during falls and sunsets. People expected beauty in the best things but they’re more appreciated in the worst.

That’s what Yujin saw as she and Minju walked within the natural hallways filled with autumn trees. They walked side by side and time was slow for them to relive the moment.


“Hey, don’t beat it around the bush yet.” Yujin added. “Can we have this moment first?”

Minju laughed and nodded. Yujin hesitated to reach for her hand but Minju held them for her. Yujin loved the feeling even more.

With that, she wanted to curse destiny as to why she’ll never be with the one she’ll love.

“I’m sorry, Yujin.” Minju spoke. “I’m sorry I can’t repay the loving heart you gave me.”

“Why would you be sorry? It’s may fault for being too late and for being too hopeful.” Yujin added. “Who am I to take your heart when it’s bound to another?”


“Chaewon-unnie and I had a frank yet fistful talk. I reckon you heard everything.” Yujin began. “What happened before really hurt. It felt like an invisible wall was between all of us but it became a wake-up call for me; that I truly accept that I’m defeated.”

Yujin stopped and looked at Minju. She held both hands and smiled. “Thank you, Kim Minju. Thank you for being part of my life, even for just this time.”

“What are you saying?” Minju pouted. “Just because we’re talking right now doesn’t mean it’ll be the last time.” She reached to hold Yujin’s face. “We can be friends and hang out like we used to. No matter the circumstance, you’ll always be a precious person to me.”

Yujin nodded. She shuts her eyes to feel her hands. Minju adored her to the point she cried again. Yujin opened her eyes to see her crying face.

She couldn’t help but cry too.

“Angel...can you let go now?” Yujin asked. “Once you do, it’s the beginning of moving on from this infatuation to everlasting friendship.”

Minju took long, petting her hair and wiping her tears as an excuse. She recalled all their moments together; short yet well-lived. It was at that time where Minju felt what it’s like to be loved unconditionally. Her future and concrete decision may be idiotic from different eyes but in those who truly understand, it was what she truly wanted.

And thus, she slowly lets go. Once Yujin felt nothing, she opened her eyes, turned Minju around, and pushed her to move forward. Minju connected with that movement and walked away, crying lightly.

Yujin watched her run this time. She may have lost the love but not forgiveness, freedom, obligation, and trust.

“Goodbye, Angel...” Yujin whispered as the wind carried the words away.


Chaewon was still, looking at the altar. The ambiance from when she was thirteen grew with her now. Being inside was tense. The culture incorporated with the structure was a juxtaposition of what she needed to do.

The first meeting and first vow was held here. But who know it will also be the last meeting and the last vow?

The door opened slowly and Chaewon looked back, seeing the most beautiful figure she had ever seen in her life. The promises were uncountable in her head as the latter drew closer until they faced each other. Time flashed before her eyes as she looked at her. She never expected that the feelings joined it.

“Hi, Wonyoung.” Chaewon spoke. “How’ve you been?”

“I’m good. You?”

“Still alive.” Chaewon joked then chuckled.

Wonyoung joined her. Both looked at the altar and thought about everything they’ve been through.

“I never thought meeting you here back then. PD High School was just building this and now, it stands. You were running away from bullies at the time.” Chaewon spoke. “It was the beginning of the time I wanted to protect you, to love you, and to be with you.”

“I know. I never felt so happy that I vowed to do the same...” Wonyoung spoke yet her tears dropped. “...but I’m sorry.”

Both of them looked at each other. Chaewon couldnt bear it because as she did, she was reminded of her sins. She couldn’t believe she did that to the one she grew to love.

“I’m sorry, Ssamu. I’m sorry that I got tired, that I couldn’t find you...” Wonyoung sniffled. “...and that this will be the day I’ll break up with you.”

“Hey... I’m sorry too.” Chaewon joined the waterworks. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you when you were hurt, for not listening to you and devoting myself to you...and for hurting you and growing out of my feelings for you when you didn’t do anything to deserve it.”

Wonyoung sobbed. Chaewon went to hug her and joined her.

“Oh, God...” Chaewon sniffled and clutched onto Wonyoung. “Even if this happened, I’ll accept what you want. If it’s for your own good, I’ll accept it.”

“I’m sorry again...” Wonyoung sniffled. “...but we need to, right?”

“You’re right. It’s okay. At least we tried...” Chaewon added. “Thank you, Wonyoung. Thank you for loving me...”

“Thank you too...for making me feel special and loved with everything you do.”

Wonyoung broke from the hug but Chaewon didn’t let her go. Chaewon believed that this moment was the left. She needed to cherish everything.

“I was scared eveytime. I was so scared that one day, you’ll know and you’ll reject me. I wanted to be there for you, whenever, wherever...” Chaewon spoke. “..but I wasn’t. I was scared to face you, knowing that our love was wearing out. I couldn’t accept that we weren’t meant for each other anymore.”

“I got scared of it too. I wanted us to be strong but I couldn’t deny the truth.” Wonyoung added. “But again...we tried. We gave it our all to keep it strong.”

Chaewon nodded. The slowly broke the hug and looked at each other. Chaewon had no hopes to look away this time.

“Thank you for every second we spent together. Even if we won’t reach the end together, I’m already happy to have a chance being with you.” Chaewon spoke as she fixed her hair. “I want you to be happy now. I want you far away from stress and be free to do whatever you want.”

“You too...” Wonyoung wept again. “I hope you don’t worry too much about what you did. I forgive you, I set you free, and I entrust you to the person who will truly love you.”

Chaewon broke to kiss her for the last time. Wonyoung accepted it and hugged her again.

“Won...I need to go now...” Chaewon spoke. “Take care of yourself, okay – “

“Don’t let go of me yet...” Wonyoung begged.

“I need to.”

Wonyoung breathed rapidly and nodded. Chaewon gave her last forehead kiss and held her arms...

...before slowly letting them go.

Chaewon walked away, crying. Wonyoung stayed and joined the waterworks while looking at the altar.

She prayed that one day, both their broken hearts will heal and if the future lets them love again, it will be bound to happen and to last for a lifetime.


Time passed again. People came and go with the different seasons. For the four main characters of this story, life was going well for them. The pain of the past was slowly healing. At the same time, it grew for their hearts to feel love again.

The anticipated night has come: the royal ball and the modelling club’s coronation. Everyone was having a blast, dancing to social dances. Everyone was partnered up, even the alumni were invited and danced with their partners.

Many people stole the spotlight for their looks and pair dynamics. Tonight, Chaewon and Wonyoung were the stars of. Chaewon was wearing a white tux with mint shawl lapels while Wonyoung wore a pink high-neck mermaid dress. People were shocked because despite the past, Chaewon and Wonyoung were still partners.

The dance was over as they prancied. Chaewon was stopped as she saw her. Everyone noticed and applauded loudly.

At the stairway was Minju and Yujin. Minju was glowing with her white off shoulder and A-line gown as Yujin looked dashing with her blue tux with peak lapels. As they pranced down, everyone stopped to clap and wow. Chaewon and Wonyoung felt the same, mostly for the two people that bare significance in their life.

If the world wanted them to switch partners, it could’ve been done. However, the seniors didn’t let them. Little did one know, it was for a surprise.

“This is going to be tough competition for us.” Wonyoung huffed. “Unnie looks so pretty.”

“Cut it out. You’re pretty too.” Chaewon nudged.

Minju and Yujin went to greet Chaewon and Wonyoung. Chaewon had more looks on Minju because she was so beautiful.

“I’m surprised to see you.” Chaewon patted Minju’s head. “Eomma said you couldn’t make it.”

“I’m suprised to see you here too.” Minju pointed. “Abeoji said you wouldn’t go because he didn’t agree.”

“I do everything I can to convince him.” Chaewon spoke. “I had to because I wanted to see you.”

Yujin sneezed to disrupt them as Wonyoung nudged her. “Yah, unnie. We needed to be here. Sakura-neesan will kill us if we fail this.”

They laughed, looking at the cherry blossom eyeing them as Hyewon was eating food. The music was played and everyone got into position to dance. Chaewon, Minju, Wonyoung, and Yujin were in the center and did the dance flawlessly, bringing a more intense vibe that was better than the last one in the practice room.

The routine was changed by then. From Chaewon and Wonyoung, Minju and Yujin joined them. With that, they were dubbed the the university’s F4.

The dance ended and everyone had a great time. The four huddled for a job well done as Sakura announced something, being the new student council president after Eunbi graduated.

“Well, everyone. It’s that time of the night.” Sakura spoke. “I’d like to ask everyone to accompany the person they did not dance with this evening to dance the waltz.”

Yujin was quick to ask Wonyoung and she obliged, leaving Minju shocked. Chaewon lent a hand, asking. “Min, would you do me the honor of a dance?”

Minju nodded and held her hand. The two got to the dance floor together. Chaewon guided Minju’s hands to where they’ll be placed and they danced together.

People danced but they caught eyes on them. Minju had keener senses but Chaewon tried to distract her by whispering. “Remember this song?”

“How could I forget?” Minju whispered back. “We danced this during our wedding. You were bitter at that moment, though.”

“Not anymore...”

Chaewon admitted with a nod then spoke that. Minju continued to dance with her, eyes suddenly glued to Chaewon. For some reason, she felt light and happy. Chaewon felt the same that when she spun her lightly, she inched closer, leaning her head on Minju’s. Then, Chaewon spun her again and was behind her. Minju was shocked but Chaewon’s hold calmed her.

Their different routine caught everyone’s attention. Their circle of friends were happy...

...even Wonyoung and Yujin.

Both had slightly painful looks toward Chaewon and Minju. They had the time of loving them dearly but knew better that the ones they love were more meant for each other.

“What are you thinking about?” Wonyoung asked. “Do you still...”

“A bit...but I know they both need each other. Besides...” Yujin spoke. “...I can return to you...”

Wonyoung was shocked. Yujin didn’t let her speak and hugged her through the dance. Wonyoung sighed and hugged back, feeling warm and welcome in the embrace. Back to Chaewon and Minju, Chaewon maintained the close hold and softly sang the song to Minju. Minju melted at that and hugged Chaewon tightly.

The highlight of the song gave them the chance to steal the spotlight and dance happily. Both shared movement and smiles like no other until the last count.

Chaewon thought this was it. She inched to kiss Minju but...

“Ssamu.” Minju looked away. “I can’t...”

Chaewon didn’t let go and held her, almost crying.

“I love you.” Chaewon whispered. “Please...come back to me...”

Minju shook her head and walked away. The other friends saw it yet Chaewon wasn’t giving up and went to her...

...until Minju fainted.

“Min!” Chaewon caught her in her arms. “Min! Someone help me, please!!”

“Oh, no...” Yujin ran to them as she handed her phone to Wonyoung. “Call an ambulance.”

The ball was halted for a while until Minju was sent to the hospital. Chaewon and Yujin were by her side as Yena, Hyewon, Nako, and Chaeyeon carried a bed for Minju to lie on.

“Angel...” Yujin patted her head. “Unnie, how did this happen?”

“Stress again...” Chaewon tried not to cry. “Min...”

“They’re on their way.” Wonyoung got to them, nudging her hand lightly. “Unnie...”

Minju was getting paler. The circle of friends had to get her outside as the ambulance arrived. The ball was continued yet the coronation was halted. Minju was boarded inside when Chaewon and Yujin got to the door.

“AhnYu, let Ssamu come with her.” Wonyoung spoke.

“Yujin?” Chaewon asked as she wanted her consent.

“It’s okay, unnie. Go.”

Chaewon nodded and got inside. The rest watched the ambulance go and were still, hoping and praying that Minju will be okay.


“Min...” Chaewon mumbled, patting her head. “You’ll be okay...”

Minju was sent to the room. Chaewon was halted by its doors and had no choice but to wait. Chaewon wept on her seat and didn’t care about the footsteps drawing closer.

“Ssamu...” Ranhee went to hug her. “Ssamu, what happened?”

“Min...she...” Chaewon couldn’t speak and wept her worry out.

The doctor came out and Minju’s parents asked her immediately. The news wasn’t good.

“She’s having severe headaches and gastroenteritis. It’s worsening but still curable.” She spoke. “We’ll transfer her in a moment. She needs to rest.”

Both pairs of parents were relieved. Ranhee consoled Chaewon more. “Don’t worry, Ssamu. Min will be okay.”

Minju’s parents went to Chaewon. The latter got up and bowed on the ground, saying her apologies for causing a rift in their families and for putting Minju in jeopardy. Minjung didn’t forgive her yet but Minhyun hugged her.

“I forgive you, Chaewon.” He added. “Min already did.”

Chaewon cried again and hugged back. Minjung sighed and forgave her too. Ranhee returned to comfort her until Minju was out of the room and transferred to a better room. Chaewon got up instantly to be by her side.

“Min...” Chaewon held her hand again.

Minju had a reflex. She held back and teared up. “Ssamu...”

“I’m here. I’m here...” Chaewon whispered, kissing her hand. “I won’t leave you ever again...”

The mothers followed Chaewon while the fathers consoled each other.

“I owe my daughter an apology.” Chanwoo sighed. “I didn’t mean to teach her too much with an iron fist. I just saw her potential and wanted her to reach it. I felt guilty letting her grow up in an unidealistic environment that only brought her pain.” He looked at his fellow parent. “I don’t want to do that anymore.”

“You’re not alone, Chanwoo.” The other parent added. “I need to watch over my children next time, especially Minju. That way, she won’t be in harm again.”

Minhyun lent a hand to Chanwoo and they shook hands. They laughed and patted each others’ backs afterward.

“You know, it’s strange.” Chanwoo spoke. “In one night, this moment comes into our lives and changed many things. Chaewon’s love for Minju has awakened, the rift of our families subsided, and it opened my eyes to become a better father for her.”

“It’s not just Chaewon. It’s her and Minju together.” Minhyun added. “Let’s hope that no matter what happens, they’ll always find ways to resolve any problem together.”

The fathers nodded. Their wives got out and pushed them away lightly.

“Don’t worry, you two. Chaewon will take care of Minju.” Ranhee said.

“How about we rest and settle more matters tomorrow?” Minjung suggested.

The patriarchs nodded and they went to settle the hospital bills. In the room, Chaewon and Minju were inside. Chaewon took off her lapel and sat by Minju’s side.

“I’m so sorry for giving you a hard time.” Chaewon mumbled. “Please...let me make it up to you. I can never bear life without you.” She crouched and held Minju’s hand tenderly. “I love you so much. Please...don’t leave me again...”

Chaewon got up to draw her face closer, kissing Minju’s lips in her sleep. She broke slowly to peck her forehead and hold her hand again. She eved adjusted herself to hold her body close, cradling her head in between her neck and shoulder.

The rest of their friends finally caught up, still on their tuxes and gowns. They saw the little moment and stopped by the door. Wonyoung and Yujin saw Chaewon crying and cradling Minju in her arms, leaving them to fully conclude that despite many adversities, love may not be grand in the beginning but will little time, it’s meant to be in the end.

Chaewon broke the hug slowly, letting Minju fully rest for the night. She moved away slowly when...


Chaewon looked as Minju opened her eyes and held her hand back. Chaewon’s tears regained joy as she hugged her again.

“Oh, thank goodness...” Chaewon hugged her again.

“Ssamu...” Minju mumbled. “I’m sorry. Please know that I was scared to approach you and that I don’t hate you...”

“No...I’m so sorry, Min...”

Minju acknowledged her actions and words through a hug and a phrase Chaewon longed to hear. “I love you. I always have and always will...”

Chaewon hugged her again and thanked whatever is up there for this moment.

“I love you, too. I’m here...” Chaewon mumbled and kissed her cheek. “I’m here...”

The rest adored them in silence. Wonyoung and Yujin shared smiles before hugging each other and joining the rest. Minju had no more words to speak but her hug and nuzzling became her last reply for the night.

Their love may have blossomed too late but to the least it was finally true and the most beautiful in the end.


It was graduation day for Sakura, Yena, and Hyewon. Their friends came to the graduation ceremony to congratulate them and spend a celebration with them. Everyone was in attendance.

Almost everyone.

“Jinnie~ help!”

Yujin hopped off her car to check on Wonyoung. Her lacey sandals got stuck by the car’s adjustment lever.

“Relax, Wonnie.” Yujin crouched and held her foot. “May I?”

Wonyoung nodded and Yujin got the lace off. She even adjusted both sandals so they were a perfect fit.

“There we go. A perfect fit.” Yujin got up and lent a hand. “Come on.”

Wonyoung was obliged to hold it and they ran to the gym together. They found familiar faces by the crowd and did peekaboo towards them.

“Hey!” Chaewon grinned as Wonyoung got her hands off.

“AhnYu~” Minju waved as Yujin got her hands off.

“What took you guys so long?” Nako asked from the back. “Get some seats now. I can’t see.”

The two did and sat next to Minju. Minju had a keen eye and noticed that Wonyoung and Yujin were wearing identical rings.

“Just like our love, love.” Chaewon held her hand with the ring and pecked it.

Minju chuckled and leaned her head on Chaewon’s, all while the ceremony was on.

From the day they held hands and went with life together, they vowed to keep their love stronger.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1755 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1755 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.