
Plot Twist



The Metropolitan conference hall was full of reporters from every TV station in South Korea. International Reporters are invited too. The reporters are typing furiously on their laptops and the flashes of cameras are everywhere. Yesterday, YG and SM announced that they will have a live joint press conference event. The reporters suspect it’s about the dating and engagement rumor of their two artists, Sandara Park and Lee Donghae. The two idols are a hot topic of the town when Dispatch had released a photo of them on a ‘date’. And if the rumors were indeed true, it was the first marriage in KPOP history between YG and SM.


“Good afternoon. Thank you for coming to this joint press conference of SME and YGE” The emcee said. “Please let us welcome Yang Hyun-suk, CEO of YGE, Lee SooMan, CEO of SME, Sandara Park, and Lee Donghae.”


The four people entered the stage wearing their best formal outfits. They greeted all of the reporters before seating down on the chairs of the small platform. Dara is feeling nervous about the announcement they will make today. Donghae sensing his best friend's nervousness gave her a comforting smile and patted her hands, under the table.


“Dara don’t be nervous. I am here, we are here.” Donghae whispered to her.


Dara nodded to her best friend and she’s thankful for his presence at the same time she feels sorry for him for being involved in this mess.


The gesture is not left unnoticed by the hawk eyes of the reporters, as well as the viewers who are watching from the comforts of their homes. And now they are convinced that the rumors are true.


“Good afternoon, I am Yang HyunSuk of YGE. We thank you for lending us your time for our live press conference with SME today.” Yang Hyun-suk said.


“Good afternoon, I am Lee SooMan of SME. We are here to address the rumors that are circulating with our artists.” Lee SooMan said.


“Mr. Yang, may I start?” Lee SooMan asked. Mr. Yang nodded in response.


Lee SooMan cleared his throat. “We are aware that our artists, Sandara Park and Lee Donghae have been involved in countless dating rumors for 5 years now. And I am sure that you are also aware that we keep denying any dating rumors of the two artists, despite the proofs collected by the fans of both artists. We keep denying it because all of those rumors are not true.”


Mr. Lee paused for a minute, flashes of cameras and the typing of the laptops are the only noise inside the hall. Every reporter doesn’t want to miss a single word of the CEO.


“For example, the brand of their clothes, shoes, or whatever they have posted in SNS is just mere coincidence. They are artists, so there is a possibility that they will use the same brand of clothes, shoes, or accessories because YGE and SME sometimes have the same brand as sponsors. Lee Donghae and Sandara Park are not romantically involved since the rumors have started 5 years ago. They have a close friendship for 16 years now. And as of the moment, our artist, Lee Donghae is not romantically involved with anyone. The dating rumors and engagement rumors that the Dispatch released a few days ago are not true. The photos that were released along the article are malicious. They are not having physical contact. It was just the camera angle and the timing of the photo, thus it creates a photo that can be misinterpreted. We have prepared evidence to back up our claim. It was the CCTV footage of the café, the same time as the photo had been captured. And we ask you to watch carefully.” Lee SooMan said.


The emcee then opened the projector on the backdraft of the stage. The video was played.  In the video, Sandara, Donghae, Yesung, Eunhyuk, and Se7en are laughing hysterically. Then it was zoomed to Donghae and Dara. There’s no physical contact that happened but the angle of Donghae proves that it was all about the angle of how he tilted his head while laughing and how the photo was captured. The reporters became speechless ashamed of how they started the rumor without knowing what’s the truth.


“Now that you have seen the footage, I hope that it was enough to clear the rumor between our artist and YGE artist. Lee Donghae and Sandara Park are not dating and they only have a close friendship relationship for 16 years. And as of the moment, Lee Donghae is not romantically involved with anyone. Thank you.” Mr. Lee ended his speech.


Dara had let out a breath of relief as well as Donghae. Now that the rumors are cleared and proven wrong, a thorn was lifted from both of their hearts. The one thing that left is Dara’s announcement.  


“But Mr. Lee what about the engagement ring on Ms. Park’s ring finger? It’s an engagement ring? Or just a designer ring?” One of the reporters asked.


Mr. Lee smiled at the reporter and glanced at Mr. Yang and Dara. “Mr. Yang will explain it to you. Mr. Yang?”


Mr. Yang gets the microphone in front of him and cleared his throat. “Thank you, Mr. Lee. Dara are you ready?”


Dara nodded and smiled at his CEO.


“Now, regarding the photo of the engagement ring on Sandara’s left ring finger. It is indeed an engagement ring.”


Loud gasped are heard inside the hall. All the reporters, cameramen, and photographers are shocked about the sudden revelation. Dara can feel that the people who are watching from T.V or SNS are also having the same reaction.


She glanced on the left side of the platform where her fiancée, the rest of Super Junior, her Mom, Durami, and Sanghyun are standing. She looked at her fiancée and he gave her a gummy smile that calmed her nerves. And she looked again in front.


The reporters bombarded Mr. Yang and Dara with a lot of questions. They are confused and full of curiosity about the beautiful engagement ring on Dara’s ring finger. They wanted to know all the details, especially about Sandara Park’s fiancée.


“It is true Ms. Park?”


“How long have you been engaged?”


“What is the name of your fiancée? It is one of your fanboys?”


“When is the wedding? Please tell us.”


The whole conference hall is in chaos. The emcee of the conference ordered all the reporters to calm down and be considerate of the artist. The reporters have calmed down but there are still questions that are left unanswered.


“I am sorry for the sudden announcement.” Mr. Yang said. “I ask you to be please considerate of our artist. We will answer your question one by one.”


“Ms. Park, it is true you are engaged?” One of the reporters asked.


Mr. Yang looked at Dara and encourage her to answer. She picks up the microphone in front of her and spoke. “Yes, it is true.”


Another loud gasped is heard inside.


“How long have you been engaged?” One of the male reporters asked.


“I have been engaged for a week now,” Dara said and smiled.


“Ms. Park we are all aware that you are very secretive regarding your personal life. And we have no clue that you are in a relationship. Only rumors about you and Lee Donghae are everything we can get. But may I asked how long have you been dating and who is your fiancée?” The female reporter asked.


“I have been in a relationship for 2 years now. My fiancée…” Dara paused and looked in the direction where her fiancée is standing. “… you will meet him soon.”


“How did you meet Ms. Park?” One of the reporters asked again.


“I first meet him when I debuted, but during that time we just have a Sunbae and Hoobae relationship. He is the person whom I respect the most until now. But 2 years ago, we meet again on a show and the filming was overseas. During that time we got closer and our friendship deepens and eventually, it blossomed to the next level.” Dara explained.


“Ms. Park, in the industry you have a lot of fanboys. Is your soon-to-be husband is one of them?” One of the reporters ask.


Dara chuckled. “Ahh… I don’t know if he is my fan.”


“Ms. Park, speaking of the show that happened two years ago that was filmed overseas we think that show is Borrowed Trouble Season 2 variety show. Your fiancée is one of the cast?”


Dara smiled and she remembered the sweet moments they spend in the land of the Alps and Chocolates.




The first time they meet, her heart was so happy. Five years ago, when she saw how he dance to their songs, she thinks that he is so cool. Since then, he became her crush. And when she found out that he was one of the cast in her new variety show, she felt like a teenager because of the giddiness.


It was only a short trip and they were only there because of work. But she felt like they were a couple on a vacation. Her fiancée never failed to take care of her even if they were just friends at that time. He would be there to assists her if she’s having a hard time during the tasks given by the PD. He got worried and reminded her to be careful when she sleds on the slope without a second thought. He defended her when she lost on the game with her co-cast in sled racing. If she got distracted while they were shopping for the things they needed he would be the one to help her to be back in reality.


She liked the way how he called her Noona. She liked the way how he smiled at her with his gummy smile. She liked the way how he played soccer with the local kids, doing his best to win, and when they made a goal together with Joonhyung-Oppa, he is like the kid who won the world cup. She liked the way how he still ate the toast she made even if it’s ruined and tasteless. She liked the way how he crashed and opened the ramen cup on the train when they got hungry. She liked the way how they slept side by side, well of course in a separate bed. She liked the way how he is the first one to look for her when she got lost in the maze of mirrors. She liked it when he posted her pictures on his SNS account, she felt honored to found out that she was the first girl he ever posted on his account. She secretly wished she would be the last girl he will post. She secretly wished to the falling stars that they would be together in the end. She secretly prayed that he will love her too. She wanted to spend her life with him, even though it’s unrequited love.


It’s their last night on the land of the Alps when his fiancée told her that he wanted to talk to her. He invited her to his hotel room balcony. Her heart was pounding so hard, nervous about what he wanted to say to her. But it seems that the falling stars heard her wishes, and they granted it without a second thought.


“Sandara Park. I am in love with you since the first time that I met you. But I don’t have the courage to confess my feelings because I am a coward. I am on cloud nine when I found out that I will be with you together in a show, it was my prayer to the heavens, to give me a chance to be close to you. I don’t want to let this chance go, even if you won’t accept me, even if you won't reciprocate my feelings for you. I wanted to tell you that I am in love with you all these years.”


When she heard that confession, she cried. She cried nonstop because of the happiness she felt. It was not an unrequited love at all. They were both in love with each other and kismet has brought them together.




She snapped back in reality when Donghae nudged her. She was drowned in her sweet thoughts and she forgot to answer. “Yes, he is the one of the cast.”


And murmur had filled up the hall, the reporters had an idea who is he. But they can’t be sure.


“Is your fiancée present in this conference hall Ms. Park?”


“Yes,” Dara answered simply and smiled.


“May we meet your fiancée, Ms. Park?”


Dara looked at Mr. Yang for encouragement to answer, which Mr. Yang give her without a second thought. She then looked at Mr. Lee and he nodded at her while smiling, it was an indication that he is giving them his blessings. She looked at her best friend who is also smiling at her.


She stood up from her seat, walks towards in front of the table, and then looked in the direction of the Super Junior members, her fiancée, her Mom, her sister, and her brother. Yesung, Heechul, Leeteuk, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Siwon, and Shindong are giving her the sweetest and encouraging smiles which shows their support for her. She then looked at her Mom, sister, and brother, who are also giving her an encouraging smile and the three of them worded that they are happy and proud of her.


And finally, she looked at her fiancée who is smiling at her lovingly and proudly. Her fiancée slowly walks forwards, never leaving her eyes. Her heart is pounding hard like on the night he confessed her love for her, but today it was different. She and her fiancée will confess to the whole world. They will introduce themselves to the people who love them from the day they debuted until they are at the peak of their success. They will confess as one. They will face whatever storm might come because of falling in love with each other. She knows it won’t be easy. It will be a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs or even 360-degree turns. It will be like a road that had many curves, rocks, and turns. It will never be a smooth journey. But one thing for sure is, no matter how many storms, rough roads, and roller coaster rides ahead, they will pass it together, stronger, and bolder.


When her fiancée reached the platform, the conference room is filled with another loud gasped. He clasped her hands tightly and she clasped his warm hands too. Their smile never fades even though they can see the shocked face of the people in front of them. They can also feel the surprised look of the viewers who are watching their live coverage. They both know what they are thinking, there was a plot twist in this whole fiasco.


But as the famous writer once said. “The best stories are the ones with the unexpected plot twists that no one would have guessed, even the writer.”


And that’s their story, full of a good plot twist.


Dara gives the microphone to her fiancée for him to speak. And he gratefully accepted it.


“Good afternoon. I am Sandara Park’s soon-to-be husband. I am a member of Super Junior.” He paused for a moment and looked at Dara, kissing her on the forehead before continuing of introducing himself. And he looked back to the stunned reporters in front of them while giving them a gummy smile.


“My name is Lee Hyukjae or better known as Eunhyuk”



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Epilogue for this story are now published :))
Hope you'll like it ^_^


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Chapter 2: Ahh.. I'm smiling like crazy when read this one, author-nim. Thank you!
Jidara01 #2
Chapter 2: It’s cute?
Up voted! Please do write more. Your short stories are well written. <3
Chapter 2: The best plot twist of the year! I love my darahyuk ship though there's only a few of us but still, we are hoping. I hope my karma goes up so i can up vote this story. Please write more. When my karma goes up, ill up vote this story for sure!
Chapter 2: OMG!!!! Up voted!!! I was about to loose hope searching for a Dara hyuk FF, but when I decided to search for it again, I am beyond happy because I saw 2 new fics. Thank you for this authornim, Your story was well written, I feel giddy reading it. It's short but a sweet fanfic.. Please write more about DaraHyuk stories. They're the plot twist I needed since DaraHae and especially DaraGon shippers are over the place :) I am hoping for borrow trouble S3 with the same cast *fingers crossed* thank you again and I love this! Please do write more :)
Chapter 2: That was a great story and would love to read and after conference chapter ? epilogue juseyo ?
I swear I wasn't ready for a DaraHyuk intense kissing scene. It felt in some way! Hahahaha But they're adorable together too. I love their friendship. And if this is the biggest plot twist in my shipping life, let Donghae be mine then. Kekeke
freckles #8
Chapter 2: Truly a plot twist. . . . But a good plot twist. . . . Can we have an epilogue please? The aftermath of their revelation? . . . :-D
Chapter 2: Plot twist indeed ;) I love this story - it's so good!!! I've been lowkey shipping them since Borrow Trouble but not many stories are written about this ship. Thank you for writing a great story. Good job!!! :)