[02|New Surroundings]

Dandelions in the wind...

I waited for 'Mir'... he hasn't appeared, and its been...I glanced at my watch... fifteen minutes! *Where is that boy?!* I wondered, looking around the train station. Lots of people were busily walking around. Some with a laptop case and a briefcase. Others, with a big bag of luggage, who like me, may be going to stay elsewhere. If not a while...forever...

“~~~~~-ah!” Some voice shouted. I turned to the direction of the voice, and found Mir waving at me manically. “Sorry that I took a while! I had to look for someone first.” He said.

“Who?” I wondered out loud.

“Oh, just my hyung, Sanghyun, but its easier for me to say Thunder...you can call him that too! He just looked after my car while I was gone, and so I had to ask for my keys back.” He said...is this guy really hyperactive, or just very happy?

“Okay?...Umm..Should we get going now?” I asked him. He nodded, and took my overnight bag (which for me was a normal size, but I can tell that it was actually the size of a small suitcase. But, hey at least I carried my hand carry, which – I think – was much more heavier). I smiled at him – thankful, and carried my hand carry myself.

We walked all the way to the car park, thankfully there was an elevator. The parking lot was a long~ way down! By the time we went out, I checked my watch, to see that it passed fifteen minutes...I wonder how long it will take for the car to rise up to the surface?

Mir found his car, and loaded my bags into the back. He opened the door for me, and I gladly went in. He then entered himself, and started the engine. The ride was pretty awkward, but because of Mir-shii's hyperness, we weren't that bored in the car.


Mir parked in the parking space in front of an apartment. I gaped at the architecture and style. I pushed up my fake glasses that mysteriously lowered on the process.

“Who did this apartment? The structure is simply amazing!” I said, looking up to the very top.

“Mr. YoungSoo, a close hyung of mine.” Mir answered, looking at it also. “I didn't think I'd be able to have lived in this house myself. Luckily, hyung is also that landlord, and he gave me a low rent to pay – I'm glad we're friends. But, now you're here...I'm not sure.” He wondered.

“Oh, I'm very sorry about that. If you want, I'll stay elsewhere?” I asked, wondering whether I'd be a burden for my new friend.

“No! Certainly not! You can stay here! I'll just talk to hyung and see if he can let this pass. After all, I'm his younger brother's best friend.” Mir proudly said, making me shake my head at his weirdness.

“No, if I AM to stay here, at least let me pay myself. I don't want to feel like a burden to you.” I said, looking at my flats.

Someone was patting my shoulder. “Dear ~~~~-ah, when will you realize, that you were a burden since the beginning?” Mir sounded serious at first, but then he ended up laughing sprawled on the floor griping his stomach.

I looked around, bowing and apologizing to the passers by. “Yah! People are looking!” I nudged the still laughing Mir. He immediately stopped laughing, and we made our way to the entrance.

*Omo!~* I thought. This place is amazing. The glass staircase spiraling wits way to the top, the clean white tiles and most importantly, the beautiful music playing in the background. This place looks more like a 5-star hotel rather than an apartment entrance! Mir griped onto my hand, and my overnight bag on the other, as he ran over to the elevator. I laughed, this fellow here is sure fun to be with.

Mir turned to me with a smile, while waiting for the elevator to make its way down, “~~~~-ah, keep laughing. Your voice sounds nice like that.” He said, with reddening ears.

I giggled and nudged his shoulder, blushing myself. I tend to blush easily when complimented. The elevator 'DINGED' and we entered. The floor of the elevator was carpeted. *Oh My Gawsh! This seriously feels like it should be a hotel!* I thought, watching as Mir pressed the '7' button. *How many floors are in this building?* I wondered.

Eventually, the elevator came to a stop and we stepped out into a hallway. The carpeted walls matched the pale, pastel colored wallpaper. The intricate flower designs engraved onto the wallpaper, was small but very pretty to look at. This place is stunningly beautiful!

“~~~~-ah? We have to go now?” Mir asked me, standing beside the door number '76'.

I nodded and we both entered. Mir the lights, and I widened my eyes. *How many times have I been shocked today?* I thought. The place was spotless. Certainly not looking like a boy's house should.

“We should get you settled. School will start soon. The time school starts is around nine in the morning. So, you should get to sleep now.” Mir said, putting my bag down.

“I thought school started at eight.” I voiced my thoughts.

“Naw~ its cos my school is special.” Mir flashed me a heart melting smile, and proceeded to giving me a tour of his house.

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jjonglover2 #2
the best story in the world
jjonglover2 #3
this is an amazing story