[01| Problems Solved]

Dandelions in the wind...

Hello. My name is Ri Nam. I'm on the train to central Seoul right now. Heard of me? I guess so. I'm always on magazines, the television. If you haven't heard me, that means you're not civilized. For, the whole of South Korea knows me. I've been to important parties, danced with some people you can't even imagine to dance with, and dated lots of famous or rich guys.

Thats right. I'm the daughter of Shin Global. The heir. The rich one. The...the one that ran away. I've ran away. Thats right. Why you ask? Because I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't get time to myself. That happened every since I turned the age of 16. People kept telling me, ordering me. When I was younger, they let me do anything. Now, that I have a voice and more mature, that when they order me around? Kind of strange if you ask me.

They pulled out the last straw, and so, I've got all my important belongings and I'm on First Class on the train. Its a one-way trip, that way, I don't have to get my luggage out, then get on another train. I know I'm lazy, but having been treated the way I was, a rich princess walking on a red carpet, who wouldn't expect me to be lazy?

“We will be arriving to Seoul Central in a few minutes. Please make sure to have all your luggage and I hope you've enjoyed the ride.” Said the assistant driver. I mean, wouldn't be dangerous, if the driver talked. What if a train on the other side came, but he was too busy talking to us to notice? Thus assistant drivers. I suggested that a couple months back during a conference with my dad. He thought it was a good idea, and now, there are more assistants. Not every train had it, but most did.

Grabbing my overnight bag from the storage above my head, I placed it in the seat next to me. That way I don't have stand up, along with 50 other people stampeding to get their luggage. I took out my Nokia 5230. If I took out my Iphone, they'd instantly recognize me. Its practically got my name engraved with rhinestones on it. I dialed the number I knew off by heart.

“Taekkie oppa!”
'Ri Nam, where are you?!'
“I can't tell you that. But, tell omma and appa I'm very sorry for what I did. But hopefully they understand...”
'Ri Nam, you're parents WON'T understand! They're looking all over the place for you. Tell me where you are, so I can get you. If you want, I can help you find a place?' Taecyeon tried to convince me, but...
“YAH! Oppa, I'm not that stupid. I know you're going to take me to them. I'd...I'd like to be alone. Please understand.”
'I do...fine. But call me if you need anything kay?'
“Arraso. Don't tell omma and appa about this alright?”
He sighed. 'Fine'...

The line went dead. I sighed and leaned on my chair. I glanced at my watch. 14:34. Only six minutes until I can start a new life. Hopefully its not a permanent one though... The massage button next to my right hand was tempting. Eventually, I press the [on] button and sighed as the electric, magic hands worked their magic. I closed my eyes for a couple moments. Trying to remember the luxury. I won't have this anymore. It will be gone soon. I'll miss it, but it was my choice to run away. Its better. Automatically, so as to not get homesick, I turned off the massager.

Looking out the window, I saw the Dandelions. Wind blew against them, and I stared in awe. “I wish I could be one of those...” I whispered.

“Don't wish for that.” Said a voice to my left. I turned to that direction and came face-to-face with some cute looking guy. He glanced at my luggage. “You seem to be on a trip. Need a place to stay?” He asked.

*He could be some ! Ri Nam, don't trust people so easily!...but he's too cute!...WAIT! That could be acting!* I thought. “Umm...I'm not sure. Let me get to know you more.” I asked, thinking that would be best.

“Okay. Well, from my uniform, you can see that I work on the train. But its only as a ticket checker, which reminds me. Show me your ticket.” I showed it to him. “Okay, you're allowed to be here. So, back to me. My name is Cheol Yong. BANG Cheol Yong, but people mainly call me Mir...whats yours?” he asked.

*Hmm...he might recognize me, so...I'll use a fake name!* “My name is Lee ~~~~. Umm...I'm new here, and I'd like to attend a school, but I don't know many schools.” I asked, hoping he could help me.

“You can go to my school! The tuition is pretty cheap, plus we're in need of more pupils or else it would close down. We just need like two or four more.” Mir said.

“Can I go to that one?” I asked. Mir nodded. One problem solved...now time for accommodation. “I don't suppose you know a place where I can stay?”

“Didn't I invite you to stay over at my place? Its a three bedroom apartment!” He said. I thought, nice and hard. Eventually I nodded, still hesitant though. “Awesome. Great, so, wait for me when everyone gets off okay?” I nodded. He then went to other passengers to check their ticket. *Strange, checking their tickets, when the trains about to stop? Odd...but then again, he's odd...*

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jjonglover2 #2
the best story in the world
jjonglover2 #3
this is an amazing story