Chapter 12


Three weeks after the attack Henry was discharged from hospital, his wounds were still healing but he had regained most of his strength, Dr Kim was happy to send him home on the condition that he rested. Although the physical wounds were healing the effect it had on him mentally could be noticed by everyone.
ZhouMi had promised to visit Henry whenever he felt scared, sad or worried about something, and since leaving the safety of the hospital, that was every day. The young boy refused to leave the house and rarely left his bedroom, as long as the outside world couldn't touch him and he was in the safety of his family he was alright.

"Knock knock." ZhouMi peaked through Henrys bedroom door and grinned. "Did somebody order one extremely handsome bodyguard"

"ZhouMi Hyung, come in" Henry giggled as the older boy entered his room, sitting on the bed beside him.

"How are you feeling today my little Mochi?" He linked his fingers with Henrys, something that came naturally to the two of them now. Henry shrugged.

"A little better, my back doesn't hurt too much anymore. Im glad you are here, Leeteuk Hyung told me he had some friends visiting soon. I'd rather not meet them, but I don't want to be on my own"

"Don't worry I will stay with you." ZhouMi smiled as Henry curled up next to him, leaning his head in the older vampires lap.
Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door, Henry tensed, but neither of the boys moved from the bed as the door was answered by somebody downstairs.

"Im here and im not going anywhere" ZhouMi whispered as he bent his head down to kiss the younger boys head before running his fingers through his golden hair.


Downstairs Leeteuk opened the door and greeted the two boys, who were stood hand in hand on the porch. They were of equal height and dressed head to toe in black, it was obvious to tell they were vampires, but neither of them seemed phased by it. The older of the two had short spiked red hair with a long tail running from the back of his head to the middle of his back. The younger had short blonde hair which made his eyes look even darker than they were.

"Leeteuk Hyung it's good to see you again" the red headed vampire smiled and bowed, followed closely by the blonde boy.

"Well this is an unexpected surprise what are you two doing here?" Leeteuk asked as he invited his friends into the living room.

"We've been around for a month or so, just hanging around, having fun. You know us." The red head smirked and winked at the older vampire, who shook his head with a smile.

"Indeed I do" he turned to the rest of his family, who were gathered around in the Living room.

"This is Heechul and his boyfriend Hankyung. They are friends of mine and ZhouMi's from a long time ago." He turned and introduced his family one by one.  Heechul's throat burned as he picked up Donghae's scent, tightening his grip on Hankyung's hand to keep himself under control.

"You…you have a human living with you?" He asked the older male as his eyes fixed on the young human boy. Donghae froze, holding onto Hyukjae's arm so tight his own hands were now white.

"We have two humans living with us, Donghae and… My boyfriend Kangin." Heechul stepped backwards in shock, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"You're dating a Human? I wasn't aware you were that stupid Hyung." Heechul growled as Hankyung tightened his hold on his boyfriend wrist as he stepped forward slightly.
Leeteuk hissed, baring his fangs as he stepped in front of the red haired vampire, blocking his view of Kangin.

"You are in my house, this is my family. Don't you even think about making a move because I promise you, you would be dead before you even got near him"

"What gives you the right to…" Heechul's head snapped to the side, where he saw a shadowy figure stood at the top of the stairs, glaring at him and his boyfriend. Something about the figure seemed familiar to the two vampires.
What it was they didn't know.

ZhouMi emerged from the shadows and ran his hand through his hair.

"ZhouMi Hyung I wasn't aware you were back in town" Hankyung asked as he pulled Heechul by his side.

"Yes I have been for a while now. Yah will you all please stop shouting, you're scaring Henry!"
Heechul's ears twitched at the mention of the familiar name.

"Henry? You mean there's another family member hidden away? What is he human too? ZhouMi's play thing" he smirked, before ZhouMi was down at the bottom of the stairs with his hand around Heechul's throat.

"What the hell do you want Heechul" he growled, baring his fangs at the redhead. Hankyung stepped backwards, he was powerless against the much older vampire and he knew it.

"ZhouMi calm down, you know Heechul and his big mouth. Go. Be with Henry, he needs you." Leeteuk said calmly as he pulled the older boys hand away from Heechul's throat.

"One of these days Heechul, You will push me too far. And when that day comes I will not be responsible for what happens to you" he hissed before heading back upstairs and disappearing into Henrys room.

"Leeteuk Hyung what's his problem? I know he has always had a temper but what the " Hankyung asked as he caressed his boyfriend's neck with the back of his hand.

"Henry was attacked a few weeks ago. He has only just returned from the hospital and he needs to rest. ZhouMi is right we shouldn't be scaring him." Leeteuk rubbed the back of his neck, turning away from Heechul.

While the older boy's eyes were off him Heechul turned to Hankyung and pointed up the stairs with a smirk. 'Henry' he mouthed silently as he remembered the young boy from the alley and his shadowy rescuer. Hankyung shook his head slightly, enough for only his boyfriend to see; Heechul pouted and pecked Hankyung on the lips.

"Were going to go Leeteuk Hyung, I feel we have outstayed our welcome" Heechul spun round dragging his boyfriend towards the door. Leeteuk walked over and readied a hug for the both of them, Heechul squeaked and jumped away.

"Don't touch me, you know I don't like to be touched"

"Sorry Heechul-ah, you were always so touchy feely, I guess I forgot."

"Yeah well I don't like it anymore, especially when said person can read me! I have private thoughts in here you know" he snapped, pointing to his head in the process. Kyuhyun gigged from the sofa.

"No doubt about Hankyung" he covered his face as everyone turned to look at him shaking their heads.

"Ignore Kyuhyun, he has no manners" Leeteuk smirked, making Kyuhyun pout. Hankyung left the house and waited in the garden for his boyfriend.

"Yes but he is right…Goodbye everyone it was nice to meet you all, Leeteuk send my love to Henry" he smirked as he seemingly danced out of the house and down the garden path with Hankyung by his side.

"Teukie Hyung he is rather strange. What crazy vampire changed him" Kyuhyun laughed before seeing Leeteuk's reaction. The older vampire was rubbing the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh.

"I did. A long time ago before I met Sungmin. ZhouMi and I were travelling Korea, and he had just seen his family killed" he made his way over and sat beside Kangin, cuddling up to his boyfriend's side.
"He wasn't scared of me, it was something I wasn't used to, and I guess you could say it gave me comfort. I changed him after I grew tired of him asking me. And then we met Hankyung one night, he had just been changed and left to die, Heechul gave him his blood to complete his transformation and they have been together ever since."

"You never told me this brother" Sungmin asked as the rest of the room fell silent. Leeteuk shrugged.

"You never asked. And I never thought I would see them again so I didn't feel the need to. They have a bloodlust, they can't control it, never have been able to. When they are around Donghae, Kangin, you cannot be alone with them understood? All they think about is blood, once they have it, they are unpredictable"
Donghae and Kangin nodded as Leeteuk got off the sofa and headed up the stairs.

"Im going to go check Henry is alright. I'll be back in a few minutes."


Upstairs ZhouMi was laid on Henrys bed with the younger boy asleep next to him. Henry's head was on the older boy's chest with his hands clinging to the fabric of his shirt.
Leeteuk opened the door quietly, sensing the silence in the bedroom. ZhouMi was Henrys hair as the boy slept, his own eyes were closed but he was very much awake. Leeteuk smiled and pulled a blanket over the two of them. He jumped when ZhouMi opened his eyes and smiled back at.

"Im sorry did I wake you?" Leeteuk whispered as he sat down on the end of the bed.  ZhouMi shook his head.

"No don't worry. I just had my eyes closed. Im guessing from the silence downstairs HanChul have gone?" Henry fidgeted, nuzzling his head against the older boy's chest, before settling again. Leeteuk smiled and kissed the young boy on the cheek.

"Ne, Heechul was acting stranger than usual, and he wouldn't let me touch him. Yah no matter, we probably won't be seeing them again soon" he smiled but his smile quickly faded as he the new scars on Henrys neck. ZhouMi placed his hand on Leeteuk's.

"We will find who did this, I promise you" he smiled as Leeteuk nodded.

"Ne ne. You should take Henry out somewhere. He needs a new violin, why don't you take him to the music store at the mall?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"He is alright when he is with you. You are the only person he feels safe around, that much I will allow myself to feel." Leeteuk smiled and placed his hand on Henrys cheek. He closed his eyes and allowed the young boys thoughts and feelings into his head, to the point of the attack.
"Right now, he is happy" he giggled and opened his eyes "he likes sleeping on your chest. I swear he has the mind of a 9 year old"

ZhouMi smiled as Henry opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around the older boy's stomach.

"Hey sleepyhead, how do you feel about going to the music store and getting a new violin?" Leeteuk asked as the young boy yawned, his eyes quickly widened and he shook his head.

"I… I can't" he clung to the fabric of ZhouMi's shirt as he shook his head once again.

"I'll be with you all of the time. Nothing is going to happen to you, not while I am there, and not somewhere as crowded as the mall. I promise you will be safe" ZhouMi smiled as Henry looked up at him and nodded.

"You'll be alright Henry, Mimi will look after you" Leeteuk grinned as he stood up and headed to the door.

"Yesung, Hyukjae and Donghae are going to the library for a while. Apparently Donghae has a project he needs to do for school. Kyuhyun and Sungmin as well as Kangin and I, are staying here. So we will be here when you return" he smiled and made his way downstairs.

The house was already quieter as the three had left for the library whilst Leeteuk was upstairs. Kangin was making a snack whilst Kyuhyun was sat on the sofa in Sungmin's lap, nibbling at his boyfriend's neck while Sungmin's hands roamed the younger boy's hips. The older vampire rolled his eyes and sat on the stool in the kitchen, admiring Kangin as he cooked.

"What? Is there something on my face Hyung?" Kangin asked as felt Leeteuk's eyes on him.
Leeteuk smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Just admiring you, you're too good looking; you will make a gorgeous vampire, when you finally let me turn you. Everyone will be trying to steal you away from me" he pouted as Kangin chuckled.

"Don't worry about that now Teukie, we both know that's not happening for a while. I like being human, especially dating a vampire" he winked and pecked Leeteuk on the cheek.

ZhouMi walked down the stairs and into the living room, grabbing his car keys and jacket off the table. Henry arrived moments later, holding tightly onto the strap on his bag. ZhouMi took the youngest boy by the hand and smiled.

"You will be alright, I promise. See everyone later" he opened the front door, feeling Henrys grip tighten around his hand, before the both of them headed for the car.


"I still don't like him, there's something about him I don't trust" Sungmin Scoffed as the door shut behind them.

"He is there for Henry, he is an important addition to this family right now Sungmin. You know that. If he wasn't here I don't know what Henry would do, after everything he's done for us, there's no way im telling him to leave. Henry is happy when ZhouMi is with him, that's the main thing" Leeteuk replied as he and Kangin entered the living room and sat on the sofa opposite the younger boys.

"I guess your right" Sungmin smiled as he pushed his boyfriend off his knee and took him by the hand.
"We'll be upstairs if anyone needs us, try not to need us" He grinned as Kyuhyun stumbled through the living room after his boyfriend.

"Minnie what…" Kyuhyun was silenced by Sungmin's lips on his before the older boy pulled away and winked. Kyuhyun's mouth fell open slightly and he no longer had to be pulled upstairs, instead he picked Sungmin up over his shoulder and carried him to the top, setting him down and pulling him in for a bruising kiss before trailing kisses down the older boy's neck. Sungmin ran his fingers through Kyuhyun's hair as he kicked the bedroom door open and kicked it shut behind them.  
Leeteuk rolled his eyes.

"You hear that Kangin?" he asked as he stretched out across the sofa with his head in the younger boys lap.

"Ne, Silence… We don't get much of that these days. It's nice" he ran his fingers through Leeteuk's hair as they both relaxed, enjoying the fact they were almost completely alone for the first time in so long.

An hour passed and the two were still enjoying the peace and quiet, Kangin was running his fingers though Leeteuk's hair as the older boy was reading a book.

"Teukie would you like to watch a movie?" Kangin smiled as the older boy looked up, fixing his eyes on his boyfriends. He nodded.

"Ne but let me go grab a blanket so we can be cosy and snug" he giggled, pecking Kangin's lips, before heading upstairs and into their bedroom and grabbing the brown blanket off the bottom of their bed. On the way out of his bedroom he heard giggling followed by soft moans, which obviously belonged to Sungmin. He shook his head before banging on their door.

"Guys seriously, keep it down!"

"Yah Teukie Hyung stop listening!" Kyuhyun giggled as Sungmin called his name.

"Kyu… Please, I need you. Just ignore him"

"Aish im going! Just keep it down!" he yelled as he closed his bedroom door.

"Sorry Teukie, I can't! it's already up" Kyuhyun cackled as leeteuk ran downstairs, trying his best to forget what he had just heard.

"Leeteuk what's wrong?" Kangin asked as his boyfriend leapt onto the sofa next to him.

"I've just been mentally scarred forever by a 19 year old" he whispered as he buried his face into the fabric of Kangin's shirt.

"Okay im not going upstairs anymore. I don't wish to hear that" Kangin laughed as leeteuk cuddled up to his side, pulling the blanket over the two of them. The younger boy wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, pulling him closely, before playing the movie.


An hour and a half into watching the movie Kyuhyun danced down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Don't mind me" he grinned innocently as Leeteuk scowled at him from the sofa.

"Learn to put some clothes on dude" Kangin remarked, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy who was walking through the house in a pair of gray sweatpants, his hair a ruffled mess.

"There isn't much point! I've only come down because Minnie wants ice cream" he giggled as he opened the door on the freezer.

"Why doesn't he get it himself then, I swear I will kill you if you don't choose your words carefully" Leeteuk warned as he sat up and stretched.

"He can't…" Kyuhyun smirked "He's a little tied up at the moment" the young boy giggled and ran upstairs before Leeteuk had the chance to catch him.

"Aish thank you Kyuhyun! Another image in my head I really didn't need" Kyuhyun laughed and yelled downstairs before his bedroom door slammed shut.

"Your welcome Teukie Hyung!"

"I don't know how you put up with him Teukie, he's such a brat." Kangin scoffed as Leeteuk climbed onto his lap.

"Don't be so harsh, he's been through a lot recently. Im glad he is like this, it shows he's happy and that the events of the past few months haven't broken him. I don't think I could be so strong if I were him." He wrapped his arms around Kangin's neck loosely and kissed his cheek.

"You're so gentle Teukie. You're like Umma to everybody" Kangin chucked as Leeteuk kissed his nose.

"Well if I am Umma you are Appa." He winked as he met the younger boy's lips with a passionate kiss.


ZhouMi pulled his car into the parking lot and turned off the engine, turning to Henry with a smile.

"Ready?" He ran his eyes over the young boy. He was shaking slightly, holding tightly onto the safety belt as if someone were going to pull him out of the car. Henry nodded and released himself from the safety of the car. He leaned against the door as ZhouMi was locking up, taking a deep breath in and smelling the fresh air around him.

"I can do this, im alright. As long as you're with me" he smiled as ZhouMi took hold of his hand gently, seeing a look in the older boys eye that gave him butterflies.

"Good. Now let's go get you a new violin and then maybe you can play for me"
Henry smiled, turning his head away from the older boy.

"Henry are you… are you blushing?"

"No! Now come on lets go" he giggled as he pulled ZhouMi towards the entrance to the mall.

Henry tightened his grip on ZhouMi's hand as they walked through the crowds of people. ZhouMi sensed Henrys nervousness and pulled him close by his side, smiling as the younger wrapped his arms around ZhouMi's, whilst keeping a tight hold on his hand.

"Henry you don't need to be scared, no one here is going to hurt you."

"I know Hyung" he looked up, making eye contact with the older boy, and smiled shyly as they walked through the busy mall. Henrys ears twitched as he heard a familiar voice behind them, a voice which made him nervous.

"Hey ZhouMi Hyung is that you?" As the both of them turned towards the voice, henrys eyes widened, as he made eye contact with the blonde boy he knew as Joshua.

"Hello Hankyung, Where is Heechul?" ZhouMi asked as Henry clung to his arm.

"He is on his way, he just went to pick something up" he smiled, glancing at the younger boy.

Heechul arrived minutes later from behind the pair. He trailed his hand across the bottom of Henrys back, where the knife had entered, sending slight pain through the young boy's back, before strolling over and wrapping his arms around Hankyung's waist.

"I take it this must be Henry?" the red head smirked, the smirk Henry now feared "He is the only person we didn't meet at the house and I would never forget a face that beautiful" Henry tensed as the boys stood before him pretended like they had never met before. ZhouMi felt the tension and pulled him close.

"Don't worry Henry, these are friends of mine. This is Heechul and Hankyung, the pair of idiots that were at the house earlier" ZhouMi laughed, bringing little comfort to the young boy as he clung to his arm.

"It's nice to meet you Henry" Heechul extended his arm towards Henry and smiled sweetly, that same smile from the night at the bar when he had first seen the older boy. Henry let go of ZhouMi's arm and backed away before he turned and ran into the nearest store, which just happen to be the music store.

"Im sorry Heechul-ah he isn't usually like this. I have to go" ZhouMi ran after Henry as the pair stood in place waiting until the older boy was out of hearing range.

"Henry is part of ZhouMi's family?! If he finds out we are screwed!" Hankyung hissed as he flung his hands in the air. Heechul sighed and poked his boyfriend in the chest.

"He won't! Henry isn't going to tell them, he would have done it by now! And so what if he does tell them, we'll be gone before anything happens to us, now come on, I have a plan" Heechul smirked and lead his boyfriend towards the food court.

ZhouMi searched the music store for Henry, finding him alone in the room that held the violins. He approached the young boy, who was stood admiring a white electric V shaped violin, which was hanging in a glass case.

"Henry are you alright?"  ZhouMi asked, noticing the young boy flinch at the sound of his voice. He turned and ran to the older boy, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.

"ZhouMi Hyung" he whispered as he clung to the older boy for safety.

"Henry what's wrong? Why did you run away?" he wrapped his arms around Henry, holding him close, trying to make the younger boy feel safe once more. Henry buried his face within the fabric of ZhouMi's shirt and spoke quietly.

"It was them"
ZhouMi placed his hands on Henrys shoulders, pushing him away slightly to see his face

"What do you mean Mochi?" he asked as Henry looked down at the floor.

"They were the ones who attacked me… the hair, the voice, that smirk … they haunt me every time I close my eyes" he blinked, sending tears tumbling down his cheeks. ZhouMi pulled him into his chest, his arms wrapped round him tightly, never wanting to let the young boy go.

"Don't worry they can't hurt you, not while you're with me. Let's get you that violin and we will go home, I need to talk to Leeteuk before anything happens."
Henry watched from ZhouMi's side as the white violin was taken out of the glass case and placed into a slick black violin case, running his fingers over the top of his new instrument; he looked up at ZhouMi and smiled.

"Thank you Hyung, for this and everything" he tightened his hold around the older boy's waist, as the violin was paid for and flung over ZhouMi's shoulder.

"You're welcome Henry. Now let's go home." He smiled and took Henry's hand as they walked from the store, and through the food court, towards the front of the mall.

Most people had left the mall by the time Henry and ZhouMi were on their way home, but as usual the food court was bustling with hungry people. As the two walked through the crowds of people, hand in hand, a scream was heard not too far in front of them. ZhouMi's head shot up as he tried to pinpoint the location of the scream, with little success, as people terrified by what was happening started to panic.

"Henry come on we need to go" ZhouMi pulled the younger boy through the crowd gathered near the front entrance, stopping momentarily when he saw the scene of all the chaos. Henry froze as he saw Hankyung knelt over a young woman with his fangs buried deep within her neck, a small pool of blood forming underneath her, from the multiple bite wounds throughout her body.

"Hankyung what the hell are you doing?" the older boy hissed as he attempted to pull Henry to his side, but he was frozen in place. The boy in question raised his head, his lips and savouring the taste of the blood.

"ZhouMi Hyung, im glad you are still here. Would you like a taste? She is quite delicious" he smirked, winking at the two vampires stood before him, his once dark eyes, now bright red.

"Hankyung you're insane. The blood has taken over you. I know what you did to Henry!" a low growl came from deep within ZhouMi's throat as the blonde boy stood up, taking a few steps towards the two. Henry stepped backwards, still holding tightly onto the older boy's hand.

"ZhouMi Hyung, you do not know the meaning of the word" He smirked once more, his eyes fixated on the young boy holding tightly onto the older male. Henry was frozen in fear as an arm s around his waist and he was tugged away.

"After all Hyung…Who else would be able to distract you for this long?"  Hankyung winked as ZhouMi's hand fell to his side, the hand that was holding onto Henrys just seconds before. He spun round instantly, ignoring the smirking vampire, but it was too late.

Henry was nowhere to be seen.

To be continued…..

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Chaper 18 tomorrow! =D


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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: Sungmin really likes ripping peeps he hates hearts out...
Chapter 19: niceeeee xD
Chapter 19: i loved this story it really made me tear up
thankx authernim :)
Hyukkie_Lover098 #4
Umg. <3
I can't believe it's over... I've loved this story from day one... Ungh... I hate when fics I write/read finish. I feel so empty. :b
This story is amazing.
Oh. And, P.S.
At first I was like TWO YEARS?!? YAH, TEUKIE!
And then I remembered... you're writing a sequel. :D
Love you umma~
rizzorin #6
hahah i want something that will make sugmin angry at kyuhyun by the kiss kyuhyun and eeteuk did!!!~ ahahah!~ don't get me wrong, my bias is sungmin!~ hahhaahahah!~
Hyukkie_Lover098 #7

An update. <3
Glad to know Kyu's better. :D
Yah! Kangin! Don't eat Wookie! He's so small and cute! :P
Can't wait for the finale~