Chapter 10


Leeteuk wrapped his arms around his crying boyfriend as tears filled his own eyes, he suddenly forgot about the rest of his family gathered across room as he held the younger boy tightly, never wanting to let him go.

"Don't cry. Im home now and Im alright I promise."

"What you told me, before about your past, I thought… I thought I'd never see you again."

"Kangin, what happened to my usually tough and emotionless boyfriend? This is a side of you I've never seen before" Leeteuk giggled as Kangin kissed his head.

"He thought the boy he loved was dead… that's what happened to him Babo!" He squeezed the older boy tightly before letting him go.

"I am sorry baby. Yah im going to go have a shower, I'll be back soon. And then I'll explain everything" He kissed Kangin softly and hopped up the stairs.

It was troublesome getting around the house on one leg, but Leeteuk managed it fine. He entered the bathroom, locking the door behind him, before undressing. He stood in front of the mirror on the wall and turned.

"Aish Mimi. There's no way I can hide this for long" he whispered to himself as he inspected the damage done by his ex-lover. Running from the middle to the bottom of his back were four bright red nail tracks, speckled with traces of blood.

He slowly edged himself under the hot water, hissing at the stinging he felt as the water ran down his back. Within seconds the stinging passed and he finally felt relaxed, he washed away the blood that still marked his neck before washing his hair and climbing out of the shower. He dried himself off, wrapped a towel round his waist and pulled on a bathrobe, hiding the marks on his back in case someone was upstairs.

Once he was in his bedroom and the door was locked he breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to have to explain how he got the marks all over his back, it would be tough enough to explain the rest as it was. He pulled on a pair of white jeans, a white t-shirt and a grey cardigan, dried his hair roughly with his towel and headed downstairs, where he was greeted by Kangin, who helped him over to the sofa.

"So come brother, explain." Sungmin said blankly. He glared at their leader as Kangin sat down, pulling the oldest boy onto his knee, and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Sungmin why are you so angry at me? Im perfectly fine, ZhouMi didn't hurt me, not in the way you are thinking anyway! The blood on my jumper is off my neck, you know that, you saw Mimi bite me when he took me. I am limping because I slipped on the ice when he was walking me home and twisted my ankle."  He interlocked his fingers with Kangin's as Yesung knelt down beside them.

"Hyung let me take a look at your ankle, I need to check there's nothing seriously damaged before it starts to heal." Leeteuk nodded, hissing as Yesung moved his foot around, checking everything was alright. The oldest boy shrieked and squeezed Kangin's hand as Yesung pressed just above his ankle.

"I think it's broken, I can't be sure though. We need to get it looked at, which means we need to take you to hospital."  Leeteuk's face fell to a frown.

"Hospital? Seriously, can't you just heal it here? I hate hospitals" He shuddered at the thought.

"Im sorry Hyung but I can't, I don't know how badly it's broken and if I heal it wrong there could be consequences, like you not being able to walk right." He chuckled.
"Unless you want to be a cripple" Leeteuk glared at the healer and shook his head.

"Fine, but we go now. Sungmin I will talk to you when we get back!" He snapped, standing up as Sungmin stormed off upstairs. A faint 'Whatever!' was heard before he slammed his bedroom door shut. Kyuhyun sighed.

"Teukie Hyung don't be mad at him, he hasn't slept much, and he thought you were dead. He's having trouble processing everything." He wrapped his arms around Leeteuk and cuddled him tightly.

"Im glad you're alright, im glad you're home" he pulled away and smiled as Kangin picked the oldest boy up and carried him out of the house, Yesung followed, grabbing the car keys on the way.


"Minnie why are you so angry at Teukie Hyung?" Kyuhyun asked as he entered their bedroom. Sungmin was sat by the window watching the older boys drive off, with tears in his eyes. He just shook his head, refusing to speak. The younger boy wrapped his arms around his boyfriend from behind and felt Sungmin relax against his chest. He sighed.

"Im not angry at him, He pissed me off because he got kidnapped by someone he was terrified of, but then he comes back a few days later and acts like nothing has happened. He doesn't get how worried I was about him, and he doesn't seem to care"

"Maybe we should hear him out before we get annoyed at him. Don't you think? And he does care, he only just got home, give him a chance" Kyuhyun looked down and was met by Sungmin's teary eyes looking up at him.

"Since when did you get so wise? My little Kyuhyun"

"The minute you broke down in the road. Broke my heart it did." He frowned and leaned down, meeting Sungmin's lips softly.
Their heads snapped back to the window when a loud bang was heard outside in the garden, in the time since Leeteuk, Kangin and Yesung had left for the hospital Henry, Donghae and Hyukjae were back outside enjoying the snow. Hyukjae had crashed into the bins and was lead on the floor laughing as Donghae and Henry rubbed snow into his face.

"Seriously there is something wrong with those two! I think im older than them half the time! Although….. I'll be right back Minnie" he grinned and slipped out of the bedroom.
Kyuhyun called Henry into the house as Donghae and Hyukjae continued to play fight in the snow, minutes later the both of them were outside armed with a bucket of freezing cold water each. Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin and winked at his boyfriend's obvious laughter, before the two younger boys poured the water over Hyukjae.

"Kyuhyun you are dead!" Hyukjae screamed as he jumped up and attempted to shake the water off him, shaking his head like a dog. Donghae rolled on the floor laughing as his boyfriend chased Kyuhyun, intent on getting him back for soaking him through.
Hyukjae stopped chasing Kyuhyun when Sungmin came down the stairs and the younger boy hid behind him.

"Minnie help!" he squeaked, but Sungmin just laughed and shook his head.

"Hyukjae he was just trying to cheer me up, im sorry I didn't know what he was going to do" he turned to Kyuhyun and slapped him round the back of the head softly.
"Babo that wasn't nice" he grinned and winked at Kyuhyun as Hyukjae walked up the stairs to dry off.


An hour and a half later Leeteuk was back from the hospital. Kangin carried him up the garden and into the house, followed closely by Yesung, who was carrying the crutches Leeteuk was given to support him and keep weight off his ankle.
Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Hyukjae and Donghae were lounging on and around the sofa and Henry was sat reading when the door opened and the older boys entered.

"I swear if you ever take me to that place again I'll kill you myself, that was one the most annoying and painful experiences of my life. And I've been alive along time!"
Kyuhyun opened his mouth to speak but Kangin shook his head at the younger boy sat before him.

"Don't say anything, he has been complaining none stop since we left the hospital" he chuckled as Kyuhyun glared at him.

"Ill speak when I want to" The younger boy hissed, he still hated Kangin, and he hated living under the same roof as him even more.
"How's your ankle Teukie Hyung?" he asked, glancing down to see the white bandage wrapped around the older boys foot and ankle, keeping it immobilized.

"Its broken, in two places it turns out. The nurse gave me morphine, I don't know why it doesn't work on vampires, I think she was clueless as to the fact two out of the three of us had fangs." He scoffed.

"The morphine is also why he won't shut up. Rather than numbing the pain it just kind of sent him loopy" Yesung chuckled as he handed the rambling vampire his crutches.

"Yah im fine you idiot, I just hate hospitals. Sungmin about this morning let me explain" Leeteuk looked into his brothers eyes from the sofa opposite and smiled as Sungmin nodded.

"I know you're confused as to what happened with ZhouMi and why he brought me home. But that's just it, he brought me home because nothing happened. When I woke up after he 'kidnapped' me I was terrified of him hurting me but then he made me coffee and then we talked, all day. It was strange, being frightened of him seemed to just fade, I felt safe, for the first time since I was human I actually felt safe and happy when I was with him." He stopped when he felt Kangin tense up next to him. He took his boyfriends hand and smiled.

"He never intended on hurting me, back then when I almost died, things got out of hand as we all know. He just wants to be back in my life, and im letting him be a part of it"

"What? Why?" Sungmin shouted, quickly silenced by Leeteuk's glare.

"You haven't known him as long as I have so I wouldn't expect you to understand. Things are completely different when were alone to when other people are around, even though we haven't been together in so long he still has that want to protect me… he… he still loves me. And a part of me still loves him. Kangin baby im sorry you have to hear this but id rather not hide things like this" he looked Kangin in the eye and smiled, remembering the real secret he was hiding from his family, and boyfriend.

"Im alright really, the way I see it you could have stayed there with him but you didn't, you came home to me. That's all the reassurance I need. I don't expect you to feel nothing for him, not after everything the two of you have been through." He smiled and cupped Leeteuk's cheek in his hand before the older boy leaned in and pecked his lips.

"Fine whatever, I don't care as long as he stays away from me. And Kyuhyun, I don't want him anywhere near us" Sungmin hissed, refusing to say his name.

"As you wish, but he is and will remain a part of my life, whether you like it or not"
There was an awkward silence in the room before Yesung spoke, holding a newspaper in his hands.

"Killings have risen over the past week. A total of seven people have been attacked, and killed by vampires. We have to be weary."

"Aish this is all we need right now. What does it say?" Leeteuk asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose as Yesung read the article.

"'So far all victims have been between the ages of 19 and 25. All of them human, mostly female, until the other night when they claimed their first male victim. Victims had been drugged and were found with bruising and multiple bite wounds to their necks, two different bite patterns, suggesting more than one assailant. Also found to have been ually assaulted and stabbed multiple times'"

"Sick bastards" Henry hissed as Leeteuk took the newspaper off Yesung to read it himself.

"Although they seem to be targeting humans we can't let our guard down. I want everyone to be extra careful when they are out at night."
Henry fidgeted in his seat and caught Leeteuk's attention.

"Henry what is it?"

"Hyung I have a performance in a couple of hours in a bar downtown, they asked me to stand in for their violinist and I said I would, I could get a permanent position if Im good enough." He pouted, afraid of the oldest boy's reply.

"You can go, just be extremely careful" he smiled as the young boys face lit up.

"Thank you Hyung! Oh thank you!" he jumped up and down before running upstairs to get ready.


Henry arrived at the bar earlier than planned so he set up his violin, making sure it was in tune, and strolled over to buy himself a drink. His hands were shaking slightly at the thought of performing with people he had never met before, what happens if they hate him? He sighed and shook the thoughts from his head as he sipped his drink.
He looked up across the bar, feeling eyes on him, and was greeted by a devilish yet playful smirk from the male looking directly at him, whose spiked up blood red hair was hard to miss.
He smiled back, momentarily forgetting about the fangs that now poked out from behind his lips, before he pulled his hand up to his mouth to hide them. The male across the bar laughed and picked up his drink before walking over and leaning on the bar beside Henry.

"Don't hide them, don't be ashamed of it. Im Casey" He smiled, showing slightly larger fangs than Henrys and held out his hand.
Henry smiled once again before leaning closer to the male's ear.

"My name is Henry. And Im not ashamed of them, im rather quite proud of them, my family would rather blend in than be exposed" He shook Casey's hand, blushing when neither of them fought to pull their hands away.

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking in a bar on your own?" the older male asked as he finally let go of Henrys hand.

"Im Eighteen!" he smiled "and im not here for the alcohol, im performing on stage soon." He blushed slightly, was it that obvious he wasn't old enough to be there?

"Performing? You sing? " Henry shook his head and pointed to the violin set up onstage beside the keyboard.

"I play the violin. I don't usually play here but they asked me to fill in for someone. It would be stupid if I said no." Henry sipped his coke as he ran his eyes over Casey.

He was defiantly older than Henry was maybe early twenties, his eyes were a reddish black and his fangs sparked white when he smiled. He was dressed head to toe in black, making his skin look a pale milky white. Around his neck was a choker with a silver cross hanging from the middle and chains hanging from the sides. It was obvious to everyone that he was a vampire, but he didn't seem to care, instead he showed his fangs to as many people as possible.
Henry couldn't decide whether it was to scare them or warn them. As comfortable as he felt around the older male he couldn't help but also feel a little uneasy.

The two talked for what felt like hours before Henry felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Im sorry I have to go. There will be a break in around half an hour, if you're still here"
Casey smiled and nodded.

"I'll be right here waiting beautiful" he winked and ran his tongue across his across his bottom lip. Henry turned and walked towards the stage, hiding his blush. He straightened up his tie took off his jacket and stepped onstage with the rest of the band.

He played his violin like a professional. He had practiced each song until his fingers bled, so he had no need for the sheet music in front of him, the rest of the performers made him feel like he was a true part of the band, and when they offered him a solo, he took it.
For the most part of the night Henrys eyes were closed, he found it easier to concentrate if he couldn't see the reactions he got. He opened his eyes during his solo to see Casey watching him with the same smirk he had when Henry first saw him. He smiled before closing is eyes again. He couldn't let himself be distracted, no matter how attractive the older male was.
Another song was played before they took a short break, Henry walked down through the crowd of people gathered at the stage eventually reaching the bar when Casey was still sat.

"You're pretty amazing. And Im not just talking about your violin skills" He smiled, handing Henry his drink.

"Thank you Hyung" he felt his blush return, he gulped down a few mouthfuls of his drink before Casey stood up, facing him, with that familiar smirk on his face.
He was looking Henry directly in the eyes as he the young boy's cheek with the back of his hand, as he was leaning closer Henry felt as though the room was spinning before hearing his name from the stage.

"I…Im sorry, break is over" he giggled and headed back to the stage. The crowd had welcomed him like he was there all the time, giving him the courage to play with his eyes open. He felt like a true musician for the first time in his life. Whilst the pianist was performing her solo Henry looked over to the bar. Casey was sat talking to a boy with blonde hair, if not for him turning towards the stage, he would have thought it was Kyuhyun, The two boys looked to be in deep conversation for a few moments until they kissed and the blonde boy left the bar.
Henry froze 'he has a boyfriend, but why was he flirting with me, Aish Henry you are so stupid' he shook the negative thoughts from his head and raised his violin for one final song.

The applause the four of them received at the end of their set was incredible and made Henry forget all about what just happened between Casey and the blonde boy. He was being congratulated by staff members, handed flowers by a few female clients and being bowed to by the males. He packed his violin back in its case and flung it over his shoulder, aiming to leave the bar without attracting the attention of the older boy.

"Henry over here" Casey shouted as Henry made his way towards the door. '! So much for leaving quietly' he thought to himself as he turned and headed back to the older boy.

"Sorry Hyung I didn't see you there. Im sorry I can't stay, my brother told me to come home when the show had finished, he doesn't know we finished early"

"Im sorry we couldn't talk more. Goodbye beautiful" He winked before kissing Henry on the forehead. The younger boy pulled back, feeling used after what he had just seen.

"I can't im sorry. I'll see you around" He bowed politely and headed towards the door.


It was just before midnight when Henry left the bar. He was starting to feel tired, sending him slightly dizzy. Before he knew it he was already a quarter of the way home, walking down familiar alleyway, when he heard a voice.

"Henry" He stopped at the voice behind him, turning to see Casey with that familiar smirk.

"Hyung what are you… Have you been following me?"

"Im sorry but you forgot your jacket" Casey was suddenly in front of the younger boy

"Thank you but I have to go home im sorry. I…" Henry was silenced by the older boy's lips on his. He pushed him away and stepped backwards.

"No. I don't want this. Please leave me alone" Casey simply smirked, edging himself closer to Henry as he stepped backwards.

Suddenly Henry was grabbed from behind, a hand tightly around his neck, preventing him from running. He wriggled, attempting to break free but his strength failed him.

"Im sorry beautiful, I forgot to tell you. I slipped something in your drink earlier at the bar, I hope you don't mind"

"You…you drugged me? Why" he choked out weakly. Casey smirked, flashing his fangs at the younger boy.

"Why not, it makes things a whole lot easier. Let's get rid of this shall we" he slipped the violin case off the boy's shoulder, ped it and removed the violin. Henry had a pleading look in his eye as he watched the older boy break his beloved instrument in two.

"I never did like violin's too much. By the way beautiful this is my boyfriend Joshua."
The blonde haired boy from the bar was holding Henry by the neck.

"Hello Henry" he whispered in the young boy's ear, running his thumb down his neck, to where he planted a kiss.
"Younger vampires have the sweetest blood of all."

Henrys hands were suddenly forced behind his back and he felt something cold around each of his wrists. He couldn't move his hands, no matter how hard he tried, as he struggled the newly appeared handcuffs around his wrists nipped at the skin, leaving bruises within seconds.
He felt a cold chain around his neck, tilting his head upwards. He couldn't hold back his tears any longer as he felt the red haired boy's hands roaming his chest.

"Stop it please let me go" Henry pleaded as Casey ripped his shirt open, dragging a knife lightly down his chest.

"Don't struggle beautiful, you will enjoy it more" he smirked, dragging the knife down to henrys hip, where he pressed down hard, tearing the flesh, marking the young boy.

Henry flinched as he felt Casey's tongue on his hip, lapping up the blood that flowed from the new wound sat just above his jeans. He suddenly remembered the conversation they had all had before he left, Yesung's words repeated in his head as he tried to hold back his cries. The red headed boy ran his fingers through Henrys hair and pulled, pulling his head back for easy access before sinking his fangs into the younger boys neck, Henry let out a loud cry making the vampire bite down harder as he removed his tie and handed it to Joshua.

"Somebody help me!" Henry screamed as Casey removed his lips from his neck to speak.

"Baby shut him up, please, he's going to spoil our fun"
The blonde haired vampire released his grip on Henry and wrapped the tie around the younger boys mouth, tying it tightly behind his head. Henry struggled against the fabric that was unwillingly forced into his mouth, preventing him from talking, or shouting for help.

"That's better, all quiet. Baby… Not yet, just wait a little longer" Joshua whispered with a smile as Casey's hands trailed patterns over Henrys thigh. He looked up and pouted as Henry quietly sobbed.

Yesung's words were still lingering in the younger boys head, the things all victims had in common, they had been drugged, fed upon by two vampires, all had knife wounds and all of them had been…. He gasped as both vampires sank their teeth into his neck, draining the life from his body. Within a few minutes what little strength he had left was gone and he felt his eyes flutter closed. He collapsed to the floor before the older boys could hold him steady, Casey pulled him up, holding onto him as he gave Joshua the knife.

"Wake him up, he's not allowed to die until I say he can!"  

Henrys eyes shot open and an ear-piercing scream left his mouth as the blonde haired boy drove the knife deep into his lower back, narrowly missing his spine, despite the tie around his mouth the scream could no doubt be heard for miles.
Joshua tightened his grip on the chain around Henrys neck, pulling his head backwards once more as Casey lapped up the blood flowing from the bite wounds.

"Hey! Let him go" a voice came from the darkest end of the alley and the older boys heads snapped to the side.

"I said let him go. Now!" the voice came again, only closer this time but the creature it belonged to couldn't be seen. The two boys hissed and let go of Henry, sending him crashing to the ground, before disappearing into the darkness.
The figure stepped out of the shadows towards the younger boy, who was sat on the floor, shaking, crying and bleeding.

"Hey are you alright? Wait I know you…your Henry right?" he reached out his hand towards the boy, who panicked and tried to shuffle backwards sending him, back first, into the nearest wall. He cried out in pain at the impact and struggled once again with the handcuffs that were still holding his hands behind his back.

"Henry don't worry im not going to hurt you. I promise. Just let me get this off your mouth" he smiled to try and reassure the crying boy. The stranger removed the tie from Henrys mouth and threw it to the ground, allowing him to speak.

"Wh…who are you" he gasped as the tall shadowy figure picked up the broken violin, putting it back in its case and swinging the case over his shoulder. He knelt down next to Henry and smiled.

"My name is ZhouMi…I am a friend of Leeteuk's. Now come on I need to get you home"
He helped Henry away from the wall and pulled at the chain on the handcuffs, breaking the link and separating the boy's hands.

"Z…ZhouMi? But how did you find me? How did you know I was in trouble" he sobbed as he wrapped his arms around his exposed and bloody chest. ZhouMi removed his jacket, wrapping it around Henry.

"I live nearby. I was out for a walk when I heard a scream. I didn't know it was you until just now. It is lucky I was close though. Can you stand?" He hooked his arm around Henry's back, making sure to be careful of the knife wound, which was now bleeding badly.
Henry managed to make it to his feet before his legs gave way almost instantly.

"I can't. My back… it hurts"

"Don't worry I've got you, but this might hurt a little." He picked he younger boy off his feet as gently as he could, holding him bridal style. Henry hissed at the pain momentarily, before he wrapped his arms around ZhouMi's neck and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Hyung...Thank you"

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Chaper 18 tomorrow! =D


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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: Sungmin really likes ripping peeps he hates hearts out...
Chapter 19: niceeeee xD
Chapter 19: i loved this story it really made me tear up
thankx authernim :)
Hyukkie_Lover098 #4
Umg. <3
I can't believe it's over... I've loved this story from day one... Ungh... I hate when fics I write/read finish. I feel so empty. :b
This story is amazing.
Oh. And, P.S.
At first I was like TWO YEARS?!? YAH, TEUKIE!
And then I remembered... you're writing a sequel. :D
Love you umma~
rizzorin #6
hahah i want something that will make sugmin angry at kyuhyun by the kiss kyuhyun and eeteuk did!!!~ ahahah!~ don't get me wrong, my bias is sungmin!~ hahhaahahah!~
Hyukkie_Lover098 #7

An update. <3
Glad to know Kyu's better. :D
Yah! Kangin! Don't eat Wookie! He's so small and cute! :P
Can't wait for the finale~