What should I do?

What should I do?

Holding onto her confession letter, Seok Hyun glanced around her. She was looking for Lee Ho Won, the most good-looking, cutest and nicest guy she had ever met. Commonly, he was known as Hoya. She saw him as the right one for her and the only one she wanted. Since the first year, Seok Hyun was already attracted to him.

He had everything Seok Hyun was looking for in a guy- considerate, gentle and nice. Seok Hyun fell for him and it was not only a crush which she thought it was initially. Day after day, Seok Hyun was mesmerized by him and the feeling she had for him just got deeper. Finally, the feelings were overflowing and Seok Hyun had decided to confess. She hoped for the best and prayed for his acceptance.

“There he is.” Seok Hyun mumbled as she took a deep breath.

He was putting something into his locker and was alone.

“Great. He is alone.” Seok Hyun muttered under her breath as she walked towards him.

She hid her nervousness and fear which were practically killing her inside. With a sweet smile, she approached him. Holding onto her confession letter, she bowed down.

“Hoya oppa, will you go out with me?” she asked with her eyes closed.

At that moment, she felt her heart beating like it never did. It was pumping at an impossible rate. Then, she felt the letter being removed from her fingers. She shot open her eyes and stared at his face. Hoya’s expression was unreadable. He did not speak which meant he had not accepted her. She swallowed her saliva and waited. Every passing second felt like an eternity to Seok Hyun. Finally, he spoke.

“I am sorry. But I am…” Hoya said.

“Gay.” He whispered the last part into her ear.

With that, he slipped the letter into her bag and left. The poor girl stood there, frozen. She was rejected but the fault was not on her. He didn’t say things like “You are not my cup of tea.” Nor did he say “I am not interested in you.” She was certain she heard him say the word “Gay”. She was shocked and did not know how to react.

“R…I…N…G…” the bell went off signifying the start of lesson.

“Hey. I saw you and the girl from our class near the lockers in the morning. What did she say? Did she confess to you? What did you tell her?” Dong Woo asked excitedly.

“Why are you so interested huh?” he asked as he looked at Dong Woo.

“Come on. Just tell me~” Dong Woo shook Hoya’s arm.

He gestured to Dong Woo to come closer.

“I told her I am… gay.” Hoya whispered into Dong Woo’s ear.

“WHAT?!” Dong woo exclaimed as he jumped away from Hoya.

Hoya laughed at his epic reaction. Dong Woo moved back to his seat and stared at his best friend.

“You…you…you serious?!” Dong Woo stuttered slightly, keeping his volume low.

“Hah. Obviously not!” Hoya laughed and slapped Dong Woo lightly.

“Yah! You scared the hell out of me.” Dong Woo patted his chest and said.

“Or would you prefer if that was the truth…” Hoya teased as he moved closer to Dong Woo.

“Hey! Stop that. It is giving me goosebumps…” Dong Woo pushed him away and rubbed his arms.

“Fine, fine.” Hoya said as he moved back.

“But why did you tell her that? I mean you could have just rejected her saying she is not suitable for you.” Dong Woo asked, confused.

“I thought that if I say that, she would probably think the fault lies with her and end up crying for days. That would hurt badly. However, if I told her I am a … she would feel better since the problem is with me. Most importantly, it would end it once and for all from past experience. These girls would gladly stop bugging me and find a new target.” Hoya explained and smirked.

“That was smart.” Dong Woo commented as he nodded his head in understanding.

“Of course.” Hoya said smugly.

“He is a … gay. So I have liked someone who could not like me back for so many years…?!” Seok Hyun thought as she sat onto the toilet bowl cover, depressed.

Those tears which she held back from before came gushing out of her. She could not hold them back anymore. She cried and his words kept replaying in her mind. She felt tortured. She had prepared herself for a possibility that he would reject her. For her, she preferred him rejecting her harshly. In that way, she could hate him and move on. Now, she can’t even do that and it was killing her.

After crying for some time, Seok Hyun checked her phone and realized that class has started. She stopped crying and came out of the cubicle. She felt a little better after letting all her emotions out. However, there was still a weird feeling lingering in her heart. After wiping away her tears and washing her face in the basin, she left the toilet.

Standing outside the door, Seok Hyun knocked on it lightly. The teacher heard the knocks and turned to the door. With her arms folded, the teacher glared at the late student.

“Miss Jang, punctuality is the basic that a student should follow. Stand outside for 5 minutes before coming in. Reflect on your behaviour in the meantime.” The teacher said sternly as she pushed up her spectacles.

Seok Hyun nodded her head and stood outside the windows, facing away from class. Unknowingly, a tear slid down Seok Hyun’s cheek. Silently, she wiped it off and took a deep breath.

“Jang Seok Hyun, don’t cry. Tears are signs of weakness. Stop. Cry all you want at home but not in school.” Seok Hyun told herself off mentally.

The small action of wiping her tears caught Hoya’s eyes. He felt a little guilty.

“Why is she crying when I rejected her because of my own fault? She is different… from the other girls.” Hoya thought as he focused his attention back to the lesson.

Ten minutes had passed and the teacher forgot about Seok Hyun completely. Hoya raised his hand.

“Seon-saeng-nim, five minutes has passed.” Hoya reminded.

“Oh. Miss Jang, you may join the class now.” The teacher called.

Seok Hyun entered class and glanced at Hoya. She quickly turned away and returned to her seat.

“Why is he helping me? He is making things more difficult for me now. Lee Ho Won, stop being nice to me!” Seok Hyun thought.

Time passed and it was already the last lesson of the day.

“Class. We will be doing a pair work for your end of year assessment. Now, I know that all of you want to pair up on your own but to make things easier, we will draw lots this time.” The young teacher said with a smile.

“Ne.” The students replied in sync.

“After taking your numbers, go to the seat numbers drawn up here.” The teacher said as she pointed to the black board.

Seok Hyun took her number card and sat down at her seat number. The seat beside her was vacant and she wondered who her partner would be. Previously, she would probably pray that Hoya would be paired with her. However, this time, she hoped that it would not be him. She needed time to forget him and being in the same group with him would definitely make things hard for her.

Then, she noticed Hoya walking in her direction. She gulped and prayed harder in her mind. Then, she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw him take the seat behind her. After a few seconds, someone sat down beside her. Seok Hyun turned and saw Hoya again.

“I…I thought you sat behind?” Seok hyun said in surprise.

“Oh. I went to the wrong seat. Haha…” Hoya laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassedly.

Seok Hyun nodded her head and turned back to face the front.

“God. You must be kidding me!” Seok Hyun thought as she face palmed.

“That was kind of… cute?” Hoya thought as he stared at her.

Seok Hyun removed her palm and saw him staring. She quickly turned back and blushed. At the same time, she felt her cheeks heating up as she prayed silently, hoping he did not notice.

“Are you free today to do the project?” Hoya went up to Seok Hyun and asked.

She nodded her head slightly.

“Let’s complete this fast so that the materials for the project won’t get borrowed by others.” Hoya continued.

Seok Hyun nodded her head again and followed behind him.

“Why is she not walking beside me?” he thought.

Hoya stopped and turned to face Seok Hyun. She looked up at him, confused.

“How are we going to do project if you are like this the whole time?” Hoya asked.

“Like… what?” Seok Hyun continued.

“Like… Treating me weirdly and not talking to me. If it has got something to do with the morning incident, can we put that aside for now and concentrate on the project?” Hoya demanded.

“Morning incident…” Seok Hyun repeated as she looked down.

Everything came back to her- the memories, the pain and the scene.

“I am sorry.” Seok Hyun mumbled as she fought back her tears.

“It’s alright. Shall we get going?” Hoya said.

Seok Hyun nodded and faked a smile before walking beside him.

She glanced at the guy beside her and thought, “If only you are not gay… How good will that be?”

“Can I ask you something?” Seok Hyun finally said.

“Go on.” Hoya replied as he turned to face her.

“Why aren’t you afraid that I will tell others that you are a…” Seok Hyun did not complete her question, knowing he understood her.

“Because I know you won’t?” Hoya said with a simple smile.

The smile that made her heart flutter before pained her. His trust on her did not make her happy. Instead, she felt sadder than before because she did not hear him wrong. It was confirmed once again- the harsh truth that she loved someone who would never fancy her. She felt her heart getting squeezed. The two then walked to the library and settled at a table in a quiet corner.

Seok Hyun left the table to gather the materials for the project. She grabbed many books and headed back. It was a large stack of books since she intended to make the information comprehensive so as to ace the project. Balancing and struggling with the weight, Seok Hyun strained her neck to see where they were seated. Then she felt someone remove a pile of books from her stack, exposing her face. She saw Hoya. He helped her carry half of the stack back to their table. Seok Hyun stood there for a moment before returning to the table too. His gesture made her heart skip a beat again.

“Lee Ho Won, why are you doing this to me?” she thought as she looked at the guy before her who was flipping through the pages already.

After hours of staying in the library, they were finally done with the project. After saving the completed work, the two left the library. They walked to the school gate together and stopped. It was getting late.

“It is late. I shall walk you home.” Hoya offered.

This scene which only happened in her dreams last time happened now. She would normally squeal like a mad girl previously but now, things were different. She shook her head, rejecting his offer.

“It’s alright. I will send you home.” He insisted.

“Lee Ho Won! Can you stop treating me so nicely?” Seok Hyun broke down as those words escaped coldly. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as they glistened under the moonlight. She turned around, not wanting him to see her in such a state. She began to run away as she cried harder. Hoya was left standing there, staring at her diminishing back view.

“What did I do?” Hoya mumbled as he left the school, heading in the opposite direction.

Reaching home, Seok Hyun plunged into her bed and cried. After hours of crying, Seok Hyun finally sat up. She opened her bag and removed the letter she wrote last night. It was just last night that she was sitting on that study table, writing and crushing the dissatisfied letters. She had killed god knows how many trees just for the letter. However, today, it was returned back to her.

She tore open the envelope and removed the letter. Unfolding the letter, she read her own handwriting. More tears fell as she went through the words. Those words that hid her feelings, those words that were meant for him and those words that contained their memories. Under the dim moonlight, she read her own letter.

Dear Hoya

I am Jang Seok Hyun, one of your classmates. I am writing to convey my message to you. Umm...How should I start? That is ...Since the first year orientation, I have begun to like you. All your words, actions and laughter caught my attention and I just couldn’t take my eyes off you. Maybe you wouldn’t remember the time when I bumped into you carelessly and sent all my papers flying. You did not scold me for being clumsy and instead, you helped me pick up those scattered papers. Your smile at that time captivated me. There was another time when you helped me up during the third year camp when I fell into the mud. I remembered everyone was laughing at the dirty me but you lent me a helping hand. At that time, I felt so touched. You weren’t afraid of the dirty me. Do you know how my heart flutters each time I see you? Do you know how my cheeks heat up whenever we touch accidentally? Do you know how delighted I am whenever you are near me? Do you know that I like you so much that even I can’t imagine? I really hope to be the one beside you to share your joy, sadness and everything. Will you ...accept my love?


Seok Hyun

A tear fell out of Seok Hyun‘s swollen eyes and fell onto the letter. The scene when she was all so happy and excited while writing the letter flashed across her mind. The times she shared with him came replaying like a broken player. She felt horrible. Her heart was shredding into pieces. Her love for him will never be reciprocated. It was impossible to change his ual preference.

However, to Seok Hyun, it was impossible for her to give up on him too. Sadly, she knew she had to. It was the only way out of the misery she was in. She had to forget him and move on. He cannot and would never be hers. She knew it as a clear fact although she hated to admit that. Hugging the letter she wrote for him close to her heart, Seok Hyun closed her eyes and lay down.

Another tear rolled down the side of her face and got absorbed into the pillow. Slowly, she fell asleep.

“Hoya?” Seok Hyun called out to the perfect guy standing before her.

He smiled and waved at her.

“Hello.” He said gently.

Then, another person appeared in the scene. It was Dong Woo.

“Oh, you are here?” Hoya said to him.

The two smiled seductively at each other. They then held hands and left.

“Hoya~!” Seok Hyun yelled as she called out to him.

She was jolted awake from her sleep as she wiped a stray tear off her face.

“Lee Ho Won, why am I crying because of you, even in my dreams?” she mumbled.

The next day at school, the two had nothing to do with each other anymore since the project was completed. Seok Hyun avoided him and stopped herself from peeping at him like before. She blocked out anything related to Hoya, hoping she would forget him faster this way. However, unknowingly, Hoya started to take notice of the girl who avoided him.

Seok Hyun felt terrible. The more she wanted to give him up, the harder it got. She still thinks about him whenever she had the free time. She couldn’t control it. It was killing her inside and she felt tortured. She couldn’t even concentrate in lessons and her work. She was all in a mess because of him.

“What should I do?” she mumbled to herself as her heart sank.

Seok Hyun wanted to take some time off alone so she sat down at a bench under the tree alone. Then, someone took the place beside her. She turned to meet Dong Woo.

“Hello, I recognize you. You are in my class!” Dong Woo said with a bright smile.

“Ne. I know you too.” Seok Hyun replied.

“You are Hoya’s best friend, how would I not know?” Seok Hyun thought to herself and sulked.

“Ah. You have the same surname as me. Did you know?” Dong Woo attempted to continue the conversation.

“Yea, your surname is ‘Jang’ too.” She said with a bitter smile.

He was spoiling the silence she wanted to enjoy alone. Dong Woo noticed the sadness in her and guessed the reason.

“Do you… still like Hoya?” he asked.

Seok Hyun kept quiet. The answer in her heart was obvious but she refused to admit.

“Whatever it is, cheer up. The camp is coming soon so enjoy yourself! See you. Bye ~” Dong Woo said as he ran off. He realized that he had worsened her mood so he took his flight.

Dong Woo bumped into Hoya while running away.

“What’s up?” Hoya asked.

“Nothing.” Dong Woo lied.

“Let’s go.” Hoya said as he slung his arm across his shoulder.

“Lee Ho Won, why are you doing this to me? Is Dong Woo… your partner?” Seok Hyun muttered under her breath as she observed the two.

The week ended and the annual camp was here. Seok Hyun was still not over Hoya and she eventually decided on something. On the day of camp, Seok Hyun attracted the attention of many. She had cut her long black hair which she treasured so much into a short bob. Hoya spotted her and was surprised too. She walked up to him.

“I have decided. I will make you fall for me even if you are…”

“Gay.” Seok Hyun tip toed and whispered the last part into his ears.

She smiled and left.

“Jang Seok Hyun, FIGHTING!” she thought in her mind as she walked away.

She had decided to fight for him since she knew she can’t give him up. That was the only way and she felt better in that way. It gave her a hope that she still had a chance even if it was slight. She wanted to try and fight the impossible. Hoya looked at her who left and smiled.

“Interesting…” he thought.

“So… The first activity of the camp would be rural hike~ we will be going in pairs. To make it easy, we will just stick to your last project pairings.” The young teacher shouted.

“Ne.” The students replied as they got into their pairs.

Hoya and Seok Hyun stood beside one another as the last pair. Seok Hyun felt fidgety near him and her heart was racing madly again. The familiar feeling was back. She looked down shyly and took a deep breath. Hoya heard her inhaling deeply several times beside him and smirked.

“She is cute.” He thought.

It was finally their turn.

Setting off through the forest, an awkward silence hung in the air.

*Coughs* “Why… why did you cut your hair? It doesn’t suit you.” Hoya said.

He crapped out something without much thought in an attempt to break the awkward silence between the two.

“What?” Seok Hyun stopped walking and stared at him.

“I mean you shouldn’t have cut it.” He repeated his point and pointed at her hair.

Seok Hyun felt upset. She pushed his hand away and stormed off in another direction.

“HEY! Where are you going?” Hoya yelled as he chased after her.

Seok Hyun squatted behind a tree and tears flowed out by its own accord again. She felt angry and sad at his remark. Hoya passed by Seok Hyun’s hiding place and left venturing into the forest. After seeing him leave, Seok Hyun got up and walked off.

“Pabo, Lee Ho Won. Idiot, Lee Ho Won. , Lee ho Won.” Seok Hyun said as she kicked the dead leaves in her way. She had cut her treasured long hair just for him but that was all she got in return. She thought that by cutting her hair short, it would give herself a more boyish image and hopefully, attract Hoya.

Then, Seok Hyun stopped walking. She looked around and found herself in an unfamiliar environment.

“Damn, Where am I now?” she exclaimed in horror.

“Yah! Jang Seok Hyun~ Where are you!?” Hoya shouted loudly for the umpteenth time. He voice was getting hoarse from all the shouting. He looked around frantically and ruffled his hair in frustration. The sun was setting and the forest is a big threat when night falls. God knows what beasts lurk in the dark. Hoya shuddered at the thought of that.

“Jang Seok Hyun, where are you?!” Hoya shouted as he started to get even more worried.

“Is she eaten by the wolves? Did she drop into some hole somewhere? Could she be bitten by a snake?!” Hoya’s thoughts ran wild.

“Ahhh~ This is so frustrating! JANG SEOK HYUN, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!” Hoya shouted, annoyed.

“Hoya! Is that you?”Seok Hyun heard him and shouted back in delight.

After walking some distance, Hoya spotted her. She smiled in relief and stood up instantly. Hoya walked towards her with an upset expression on his face. He reached before her and stared down at her. Before she could speak, he hugged her tightly. She felt the air in her lungs being squeezed out as he tightened the embrace further. She was shocked by his actions.

“Where did you go just now? Did you know how worried I was just now?!” he reprimanded.

“I…” Seok Hyun tried to speak but was interrupted by him.

“I am sorry.” He said.

Seok Hyun was confused.

“I lied. I am not a gay and I … I think I have fallen for you.” He continued.

“WHAT?!” Seok Hyun screamed mentally as she widened her eyes real big.

Then, he released her and looked her in the eyes. She felt her heart thumping even faster than before.

“Will you… forgive me?” he asked.

She was still in the state of shock.

Hoya smiled as he leaned closer to her and gave her a light kiss.

A tear slipped out of her eyes as she felt his lips on hers.

“The impossible… happened.” Seok Hyun thought as she returned the kiss.

Author's Note:
Hello :D! How was the new one-shot?
This is my belated Valentine  gift to LittleJay :p
To LittleJay: I think I kinda didn't write well enough for this one. Hope you still like it :X Ps.
Anyways, hope it wasn't too bad and you enjoyed reading !^^
Please comment/subscribe? :)
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible."

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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 1: fresh story.. different from the others ^^
Chapter 1: Omg I looooooove your story but it could've been better if it was chapters >_< but it's still one of the best stories I've ever read^^
Hahaha. Yea. His lame excuse which brought about the blossoming of his love ^^ ~
Thanks for commenting <3!
Omg. Hahahha!! This story is so cute!! >< Hoya and his lame excuse of rejecting girls... xD
Oh my gee, didn't expect a comment from this one shot alrd...
Thanks for loving and no prob, I enjoyed writing <3!~
purplecouple #6
OMG! ! i love it so much! ! !
Thanks for the story
Hey there:D!
Heh. I purposefully misled you guys in the foreword :p
Super happy that you found this amazing<3!
I think I random searched on google using 'Don't give up' theme or smt along that line that time :).
Thanks for commenting, my dear <3!
@Rini6189: Hey! :D I am glad you found 'What should I do?' a refreshing fic to read:D! I seemed to have successfully engaged you in the different emotions present ^^!!
Heehee, yea. I was trying to make Dong Woo the cute guy here :)!
Happy that you liked the ending ...(:
I had fun writing this one-shot because it was a little different from my normal ones..:D
Thanks for commenting! <3
green_teax #9
It's pretty awesome. The start was hilarious, I really thought he was a gay. xD And.. I thought she would back off and move on. But she kept on trying to make Hoya fall for her, yet he did. Very amazing one-shot! ^^
I love the quote, btw. Where did you find it? <3
Dongwoo is cute here. xD The look on his face when Hoya freaked him out by acting flirty towards him. He's good for comic relief in easing the tension, which seems to be the way that you're using his character in this fic. Although he tried to cheer up Seokhyun, it didn't make her situation any better. He's like a child who doesn't understand things on a deep level. She really is hopelessly in love with Hoya that nothing she I felt like face-palming myself when Seokhyun completely changed her appearance to make Hoya attracted to her because it's seemingly impossible in reality for the person attracted to the same gender to change his/her ual preference overnight once it's been decided. That can't be helped because the person chose to be that way. Seokhyun is a persistent one to continue pursuing him to the point that he'd fall for her. It must've touched Hoya deep down to have someone cherish him as the person that he is, especially seeing the length that she goes for his sake. Hoya is sweet to go looking for her once he realizes that she hadn't found her way through the forest. It's nice how it ended up between the two as Hoya finally accepted Seokhyun. This is a great ending for a lovely Valentine mood.