Of Laughter, Friends, and Other Things That Get Us Through the Day (Part 1)


The following story series are the sequels to my previous series: Of Coffee, Love and Other Things that Leave Stains.

This will be a more indepth look at the life of you and the 2PM member the story happens to be about.  Each story will take place a certain amount of time after the first installment.  Also all the stories in this series will build off of each other.  Each person will have a 9 chapter story.*

It is not necessary for you to read the Of Coffe, Love, and Other Things that Leave Stains story first, but it does help with some references.  Thus Junho's story, if you so choose is linked above!


I hope you enjoy!

* In hindsight I have decided to get rid of the epilogue.




Life never seems to be smooth sailing for too long.  Even after long periods of bliss something always seems to come along and cast away that happiness.  Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that sets of the storm, like tripping down the stairs.  Other times the storm can hit in a big way.  No matter what it is, we all need someone (or many someones) to help us get through the rough weather.  For the six girls, who have captured the hearts of the members of 2PM, life is no different.  Join these ladies and gentlemen as they experience life together.  Join them as they work to find laughter, friendship and love.


Part 1: Junho and You


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SooJung #1
Awww. Such a happy epilogue! ^^
I love chapter 8 the most ^^
SooJung #3
Oooooh, can't wait! =DD
Awwww! I cried! Well kinda, my dad was I the room wehn I was reading it so I could cry xD but I teared up! Update soon pleaseeeee!
SooJung #5
Awwwwwww. *happy tears* I actually teared up a little when Junho told his story~ =') *sniff* I'm glad that's outta the way!
SooJung #6
OMG. *glomps you* I think I love you. LOL x]]
@everyone - I know Ho-monster is horrible, it will get better promise...the next update is going to be long - a lot of things need to happen in the next two chapters. Also thank you for leaving all the fantastic comments!

@MimiLuv132 - I am glad you are loving the story, and I hope you continue to love it til the end^^

@heymondays - It made me sad to write Junho that way, but there is reason for everything ;)

@ SooJung - I am glad that you were happy to see your name with Taec, it will be a common occurrence in four more stories, hopefully you will not receive any 0.o looks from anyone LOL
SooJung #8
Ok, so I literally flailed when I saw my name with Taec (and I MEAN literally. If anyone was beside me they'd give me the O.o look LOL xp ).
On another note... Aww, I can't imagine how tiring it is to be with someone who has a split personality.. =( Dammit Junho.. You iz making me sad.. =(
hiheymondays #9
I dont like Ho-monster. Saddens me to see him that way. Fighting author! :)
SooJung #10
Aww. I hope things look up soon... I don't like Ho-monster.. =(