Chapter 3

Middle of the night
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Krystal had a performance and exams she needed to focus on so she and Amber didn’t meet for a while, they also communicated less, both busy with their own duties. After the performance everyone complimented Krystal but her parents weren’t there but she was sure they’ll be informed that she won the grand prize, she was also the top on her final exams but her parents weren’t home after it was announced.

She did her best just like what they wanted but they weren’t there to congratulate her, she was used to it but it still got to her, she just thought she’d sleep in and wallow in her sadness but her phone rang.

“Hello?” she picked up without seeing the caller ID.

“Hey, are we not meeting again? I remember you saying your performance and exam results would be today, how was it?”

“Amber?” she realized.

“Yeah, why? You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m I’m not okay-”

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Thanks.” Krystal was thankful to Amber.

“She remembered, she cares, she was concerned and she- she knows me so well even before I say something she already knows.” She thought. They’ve been meeting and getting to know each other for a while now and it didn’t take too long before Krystal realized she fell for the older girl, it was just impossible not to fall for her.

Unknown to Krystal, Amber also feels the same way, at first she thought she just felt protective because the girl was younger, but as they got to know each other more, she realized that the younger girl was strong and that she was mature for her age. She was different from all the other rich people she met in her various jobs, she was kind, she was caring and she wasn’t spoiled, the younger girl was the one in need of spoiling but not through material things and she was more than willing to spoil the younger girl like a princess.

Amber picked her up and they drove to their spot, Amber came prepared and brought out a picnic blanket, chips and drinks and their favorite blanket. She sat and instead of sitting beside her, Krystal asked to be cuddled and sat in front of her, so Amber hugged her and they shared the blanket together, they just stared at the view until Krystal was ready to talk.

“I won the grand prize earlier...I was also at the top of our school for the final exam.”

“That’s great! You did so well! Now all you need to do is relax and enjoy tonight, you deserve it.” Amber said while tightening her hug and swaying their bodies left and right and that made Krystal smile.

“How about you?”

“Me? Still the same, you know working.”

“How’s your mom?”

“She’s getting better, she even insisted on working but I told her no.”

“You really care about your mom huh.”’

“I do, she’s the only one I have.” Krystal held Amber’s arms that were around her to comfort the older girl.

“You have me.” she thought to herself.

They stayed silent and just hugged each other, they enjoyed each other's presence and the feel of each other's warmth. Krystal was slowly feeling sleepy and before she really fell asleep Amber spoke.

“Krys…” Amber whispered.


“I like you.”

“I like you too.”

They both spoke and it wasn’t surprising, even before Amber said anything it was like their bodies and heart spoke first and they both understood it. After the sudden confession they stayed together until Amber wanted to lay down, her back hurt from their position and all the work she’s doing so Krystal massaged her as best she could.

“Just lay here with me, that would make me feel better.”

“But-” Krystal knew she wasn’t doing a good job of massaging but she still wanted to.

“Please Krys.” Amber used her puppy dog eyes and it melted Krystal, so she laid down with her.

They stared at the sky and just cuddled, when the moon started to go and the sky started to lighten up they packed up and left. Before Krystal got out of the car she kissed Amber’s cheek and ran inside, Amber smiled and blushed, the younger girl was too cute.

She went home and  immediately got to bed to take a quick nap before she got ready for her shift at the coffee shop. She was energized and ready for the day, after her nap and when she remembered Krystal. They kept messaging each other throughout the day telling each other ‘I miss you’ and ‘I’m thinking of you’, they both were on cloud nine after confessing.


Months into their relationship it was rocky at first as they only met on a Friday night, but Krystal had visited Amber’s work places before such as the coffee shop and restaurant, she got jealous whenever coworkers or customers flirted with Amber but the older girl always reassured her she only had her eyes on her. 

“You know I would never cheat on you, I like you too much to even think of being attracted to anyone else but you. Plus you know how my dad was and how he hurt my mom, and I never want to be like him or to hurt you in any way.”

“I know, I just- I can’t help but be jealous.”

“Can you atleast not make us fight when you do?

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Chapter 7: Oh my! This story brought tears to my eyes!! They’re so perfect for each other!!

P.s. I’m curious about Krystal’s lost years though. Hehehe.
Honestly, this is probably one of the most touching story that I've read. I love how their story is so pure. I'm also hoping there's a sequel <3
2072 streak #3
Chapter 7: Love the ending so much
2072 streak #4
Chapter 7: Oh my god why am I crying
2072 streak #5
Chapter 6: Welcome back authornim!
bluesky2275 #6
Chapter 6: Welcome back authornim. Thank you for the update. Next chapter, please.
jinmher #7
Chapter 6: Love this authornim!
2072 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hate Krystal’s parents tho
2072 streak #9
Chapter 5: I’m afraid of what’s going to happen next
2072 streak #10
Chapter 5: Welcome back author!