When Winter Comes to Funkytown

Welcome to Neverland, Do You Want a Goat?

The bathroom door whipped open with a BANG! effectively untangling the bunnie from an intense make-out session with Soohyun.

"Wha ma hai-gell?" wheezed a frantic AJ in Engrish as he ransacked the cabinets.

"Bwoh~ why do you need hair gel?" Hoon asked, running his fingers through waves of luscious hair that had been unfairly misplaced by a doorknob.

"Dongho! Said! CL! At! DOOR!" Catman emphasized, waving his arms around in a manner frequently referred to as "spazzing" or the "octopus". Hoon and Soohyun, however, knew their friend's weakness for the girl was Dongho's play at a-

"DISTRACTION!" they realized suddenly, jumping out of the bathroom and making a beeline for the front door, where the maknae was attempting to drag in a muddy goat on a leash. Soohyun immediately fell to the floor and rolled around hotdog style screaming at the injustice done to the carpet as Hoon stared on stupidly with an award-winning derp face.

The goat cackled and shook Dongho off, promptly trotting over to the couch, where he yawned, jaws cracking, and took a bite of one of Kevin’s many fan-made pillows.

you ,” whimpered Dongho, doing his best aegyo at the animal. “I thought you loved me?”

Hoon facepalmed.

Soohyun stopped hyperventilating long enough to smack the idiotic maknae over the head. “What in the sane hell are you doing?”

“I bought a goat!” he said, turning his large puppy-dog eyes to the leader. “And I named her you !”

At that moment, AJ raced around the corner, knocking over Soohyun and Dongho, fell into a ninja roll, and opened the door without stopping.

“Aish~ we need a bigger apartment,” growled Soohyun. The knees of his pants were tearing from the fall. Then he looked to the window, where snow was still piling up, as it had been for the last few days. U-Kiss had been trapped in the dorm for quite a while due to bad weather conditions, and they were all… well…

Not really the sharpest knives in the crayon box, thought Soohyun, finding a nicer way to phrase the fact that everyone was losing their minds.

“Baaaa!” baaa-d the goat, biting the leader’s knee.


Kiseop was snuggling the goat, feeding it bits of bacon as Dongho tried to sing it to sleep.

Hoon watched as Soohyun, clutching his head, paced the room.

“Hyung, you’re going to walk a rut in the floor if you do that any longer,” said the bunnie, even though he was just as confused. How had Dongho found the thing in the first place? And what if the manager, for their group or the building, found out? Maknae vehemently refused to give up the goat peacefully, and had been able to get all the other members on his side until it was SooHoon fighting for sanity in the house. They wanted the animal gone, but dragging it down twenty flights to leave it in the freezing snow seemed difficult and cruel. It was trapped with them until the roads were clear and an animal shelter could come by. The power and phone lines were down, and the snow had risen at least another three feet since that morning. The previous week, it had only been icy roads. Winter was hitting with a vengeful spite, and Dongho had somehow been able to use this to his advantage. There was crazy in the air, infecting every corner of the apartment.

“Kiseop, stop giving the goat bacon!” Hoon turned and snapped at the ulzzang, feeling a little lightheaded.

“What else am I gonna feed it?”

“I don’t know! Google it! Yahoo it! Bing it! I don’t care, just stop giving it bacon!” But the phone lines are down…

Kiseop started giggling. “Kekeke, you said bing it.” Dongho mimicked him, putting on a face and snickering as if it were some erted joke. Then they started cackling evilly, nuzzling the goat, and eventually left to get bottles of nail polish to paint you ’s toes.

While they were gone, AJ continued to get high off of glue and Eli chugged redbull, until a very Kevin stomped into the living room, holding Eli’s laptop open and pointing to a that the pigeon had written.

“Eli! What is this land you call Funkytown? I demand you take me there immediately!”


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MoonPanda #1
You used a tag didn't you? Hahahaha at first I thought the pillow was that tagged name XD
oh you used the you tag...
well played
hehe i am honored you named the goat after me.
lolz you need to explain the story behind the goat.
SooHoon ^-^ hehehe~
update soon...
gahhhh this is adorable.