Neverland, Part One

Welcome to Neverland, Do You Want a Goat?






“KEVIN! WAKE UP GODDAMIT!” Dongho bellowed into the panda’s ear, who promptly fell out of the bed from shock.

“Gah~ Dong? It’s three in the morning…” Kevin grumbled, covering his head with a pillow, not quite sure that he was actually awake.

“Yeah, it is. You know how hard I worked to get up this early? I swear, if you fall asleep I will bring in a bucket of ice water and dunk your head in it,” the maknae hissed, his cruel ways masked by the footie pajamas he wore. Kevin looked back to the bed where Eli was sleeping like a log, wishing that Dongho would turn to someone else for his problems. It was the third time this week that the maknae had woken him before the crack of dawn, each time for a seemingly pointless “mission”. And it was Tuesday.

Kevin shook his head. Why me? he thought. Why, why, why?

The younger boy grabbed his arm and dragged him into the living room.

“Now,” Dongho began, crouching down next to the very tired panda, “Here’s a list of places I need you to go.”


Three hours later, Kevin slumped into the apartment, carrying his groceries for Dongho. The other U-Kiss members were scarfing down toast and cereal when they noticed the poor boy.

Immediately scooping Kevin up in his arms, Eli began to coddle his on-again off-again boyfriend. “Aww, baby, why are you up so early?” he asked, nuzzling into Kevin’s neck.

“Dong…hoooo,” he trailed off tiredly. “Where is he?”

The maknae was in bed, snoring loudly.

A now extremely pissed panda dumped a bag of questionable items onto Dongho’s head and stormed back to his own room.

Meanwhile, Hoon was trying to help Kiseop in the kitchen to prepare their manager’s favorite desert. It was a “We’re sorry for all the really stupid we do” kind of present. (Mainly due to the problems that had been caused at a certain event that shall remain anonymous.) And the poor bunny had no idea what the difference between cinnamon and chili peppers were, while Kiseop was bustling around the small kitchen like an angry French sous chef, throwing a bunch of unidentified ingredients into a large bowl.

Hoon liked to call these instances 'awkward'.

“Soohyun?” he called out to the leader for help, and was instantly graced with an answer…

“I’m coming, my love!”

…and a glomp.

SooHoon toppled forward, knocking over the bowl and Kiseop. They landed in a rather uncomfortable pile, with Kiseop clutching his work of art to prevent any spilling.

The boy could dance. But his reflexes were that of a turtle. Hoon had wanted to dub Kiseop as this animal, but it was an idea that hadn’t really caught on.

“GAHHH!” the ‘Turtle’ shrieked.

And that is the story of how SooHoon was banished from the kitchen.

They now sat in the bathroom, scrubbing the uncooked batter from their skin and clothes.

“Hey, Soohyun?” Hoon asked, inspecting his face in the really crappy mirror.

“Yes, my love?” the leader immediately gave his full attention to the object of his longing.

“Don’t call me that anymore. You tend to run into things when you do.”

Soohyun pouted, his eyes traveling to the floor.

“Do I have anything on my face?” the Bunnie asked, turning back to Soohyun. He knew the OCD tendencies of his hyung would be more trustworthy than anyone else’s. But being in a bathroom of this size left them little room to move, so they were mere inches apart, causing Hoon’s breath to catch.

Soohyun grabbed his love’s chin, turning his face from side to side.

“Noo… wait,” he peered closer at a spot on Hoon’s cheek. “Yeah. You got a little something there,” he said, promptly catching the Bunnie by surprise when he flicked out his tongue and up the leftover batter. 


My first story. Which is why you should review :)  you know you want to.

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MoonPanda #1
You used a tag didn't you? Hahahaha at first I thought the pillow was that tagged name XD
oh you used the you tag...
well played
hehe i am honored you named the goat after me.
lolz you need to explain the story behind the goat.
SooHoon ^-^ hehehe~
update soon...
gahhhh this is adorable.