Entitled to.

Second Lead Syndrome
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Sunhee didn't see Baekhyun for the next few days, not that she was dying to see him anyway. His mother had mentioned something about him tending to overwork and barely staying at home. 

So currently, having him waiting outside at the living area of the guest house for her - he had told her something about taking her out on a date - was a bit weird and a lot suspicious for Sunhee. It was a Wednesday early evening, so what coaxed him to leave his work early on a workday? And that even for taking her out on a date?

  'It must be his mother!' She concluded inwardly, because there was no way the Byun Baekhyun she had gotten a glimpse of that day, would be doing such things on his own accord. And honestly, she would prefer it if he wouldn't do anything of this sort on his own accord.

Rummaging through her now full closet - her future mother-in-law had assigned some chicks to upgrade her wardrobe to keep up with the standard of Byun Baekhyun's fiancée - she fished out the most mundane dress she could find. Off-white loose blouse with a boring neckline and half sleeves, paired with a plain black pencil skirt, black pumps and a black purse. She tied her long healthy hair in a tight low ponytail, because she wasn't willing to put any more effort for her supposedly fiancé. That's all, she didn't even bother putting on any ornaments - which she was drooling over when she was first presented with those costly pieces. 

Spraying a good amount of one of the luxurious perfumes and taking her handphone - she mentally noted to upgrade her phone as well, why not make use of the riches of her soon to be in-laws? - Sunhee finally went out of her bedroom. Reaching downstairs, she noticed Baekhyun scrolling through his handphone with a bored look. 

"How do I look, Honey?" She faked her enthusiastic voice, and purposely used the nickname to tick the male off. 

Baekhyun inserted his phone back into his pockets while standing up, he visibly scanned her from top to bottom more than once, irking her back knowingly or unknowingly. Then finally his eyes found hers, a mocking smirk formed into his features,  "You took one whole hour just to look like this? I must say, I am highly disappointed." His words were equally mocking, if not more. 

"I napped for fifty minutes, then got ready in ten." Sunhee replied without missing a beat, smirking back when he glared at her.

"What? You made me wait here this long and took a nap? You.... you're impossible!" The male gritted out yet again. 

Sunhee forced out the fake-est and sweetest grin as she made her way to stand just in front of him, "I don't really care whether you were waiting for me or not, Honey." She even patted his cheeks, but this time, she retreated her hand away from his face before he could swat her away. 

"Don't… use this stupid nickname on me! It's disgusting coming from someone like you." It was Baekhyun's turn to tower over her form and feed her the words closely, wanting to remind her who she actually was.  "Follow me. We're already late for the reservation."  Leaning away, he then threw the command and walked out of the guest house without casting a single gaze back at her way. 

Sunhee rolled her eyes, not affected at the repellent flickering in his eyes, and made her way out as well. His car's engine was already humming by the time she made it to the outside. Casually, she attempted to sit shotgun, but failed as the front door was locked.  

Baekhyun lowered the window glass on her side, "Why are you wasting time? Get in." He demanded, and she didn't miss his victorious smirk even from there.

"You have locked the doors, how can I get in? Do you expect me to get in through this window?" Irritated, she lightly snapped at the male.

Baekhyun's smirk widened, "Bold of you to assume that you'll get to sit beside me. Get the back door, this is the most a girl like you would ever get." 

"Stop acting like you are any better!" Sunhee hissed at the male, with her patience thinning, she did feel annoyed at the way he was obviously downgrading her. "You rich brats are equally disgusting!" She accused blatantly while settling on the backseat. Though she didn't utter those accusations out of the spur of the moment, she did mean it from the core of her existence. She hated rich people and their fortune, and that's why she had always believed it was her right to scam off some of their riches. 






The ride was going silent, yet it wasn't peaceful at all. The two individuals kept sharing hateful glances through the center rearview mirror whenever they got the chance to. Sunhee spoke up only when she noticed his car stopping in front of a tall residential building, instead of any restaurant. 

"Where is it? I thought you said you have a reservation in some restaurant?" She asked with confusion.

Baekhyun didn't even bother to reply to her as he walked out. And much to Sunhee's surprise and a bit of curiosity, she witnessed him hugging a goddess - okay, it might sound exaggerating, but the girl in his arms was epitome of beauty and fashion.

Sunhee's eyes widened a bit when she saw them exchanging a kiss right in the open, in front of her. "Okay, that's interesting. She has to be his girlfriend." She murmured to herself. 

She noticed them settling at the front seats, and his girlfriend turned her long neck to check Sunhee out, as much as possible in that position. And then, as expected, her red lips tucked upwards in a mocking smirk - the typical smirk rich kids used to insult someone of lower standard than them.  "Really? Your mother seriously thought this thing will be able to compete with me?" The girl tsked openly, letting out an annoying laughter that was followed by Baekhyun himself.  

"Well, I think you've just passed school by using your daddy's money, because you certainly are unaware of this simple fact that you cannot call human beings 'things'." Sunhee smirked back, pouring down cold water on the girlfriend's attempt to insult her.

Displeasure shot through the other girl's face, she turned to glare at her boyfriend, probably hoping him to defend her.  "Just ignore her. Let's focus on our date, hmm?" He tried to placate his girlfriend instead. 

"Excuse me, you said you are taking me, your fiancée on a date!" Sunhee tried to remind him. She had been having such a good time lazing around on her fluffy bed and watching some funny videos, but this man had dragged her out. And for what? To witness these two enjoying their date? If this wasn't downright childish, then she didn't know what it was.

"Keep dreaming. I am just using you as a cover." Baekhyun shot back nonchalantly.  "I'd rather eat a bowl full of cucumber salad than even thinking about taking you out on a date." 

 Mina thought it was some joke that she giggled out loudly at his statement. "Baekhyun, you're too funny!"

"Babe, I'm serious!" The male insisted.

"I guess I'd have to shop for some cucumbers then." Sunhee murmured while rolling her eyes. Annoyingly enough, she somehow still remembered the fact that this man here hated cucumbers with passion, and this knowledge still being present inside her - was ir

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Sorry for the abrupt announcement, but the decision wasn't rushed, I've been thinking about this for a while.

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bbhlove #1
I'm wondering what happens next i really love your writing skills ...I've read all your stories i loved all of them ....hope you will continue this someday !!!!
bbhlove #2
Chapter 7: this story is so interesting actually 😩 and discontinued
Linda89 #3
Chapter 7: I understood, if you will like keep writing this story again in the futur, I will gladly read it
Linda89 #4
Chapter 5: This is so funny haha
Linda89 #5
Chapter 3: She is really hard on him
Linda89 #6
Chapter 2: I’m so curious to know what happened in the past between baekhyun and sunhee, their story seems interesting
Chapter 7: Idk what to say ... it's your decision anyway so we can't do anything.... I really liked the storyline but if you're not continuing it I'm ok with that too...and sorry that you felt unmotivated.... I wish you'll change your decision one day and continue this story ......hope you're doing well and will come back with your great work for us to appreciate^^
Chapter 7: I'm so sorry u felt in the need to take this decision again, hun :( I really hate that u're feeling like this and Idk how to help but just so u know there's definitely NOTHING wrong with the quality of your writing here, this is a wonderful story, okay?? I hope u decide to continue it someday, but if it doesn't happen, then it's fine too! (I'll miss it af tho) The most important thing is that u feel happy and motivated to write ♡ Take care!
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #9
Chapter 7: Hello, it's a shame that you don't want to continue writing this story, I respect your decision, I hope that you will soon find that motivation to continue writing this, so that we continue to enjoy it, I will keep my vote and I will stay here, in case you decide to continue one day, you are a sensational writer, I love all your stories, please take care.🙏😊