
A Way From Home

That night Sehun did call her. They talked an hour before he fell asleep on her.

Out of the blue, Namjoo’s world was looking up. She was happy. Satisfied with every corner of her life. She had a lover. She had a good job despite it being temporary. She was living on her own.

No one and nothing could take her down.

Sehun was standing at the sixth-floor balcony watching her walk in the next morning. The sight of him sent exhilaration full rush through her. Grinning widely Namjoo let their eyes catch before she headed toward the elevator.

Flowers waited for her again in her office. A single red rose tucked in the center of each vase. On her desk a note handwritten by Sehun. Have a good day.

Energized, Namjoo went to work. Went to the cafeteria alone to grab something quick and brought it back to her office. Once she finished her snack her eyes jot toward the clock on the wall. Sehun hadn’t contacted her for lunch. She was curious if he’d been able to eat at all.

Recalling his exhaustion yesterday she went down to the cafeteria again. Purchased a tortilla chicken wrap and a bottle of juice. Taking the elevator to the sixth floor she wondered if Sehun was busy. If he was on a phone call, she’d quietly leave the food for him.

Her heart fluttered the entire time she closed in on those dome doors. Today she’d put on a little extra makeup. She wanted to be pretty. She had even sprayed a generous amount of her expensive bottle of perfume, which she refrained from ever touching, all over her clothes.

Pausing in front of the door she knocked and waited a second before pulling the doors open. At the desk Sehun’s head lifted. Her heart raced when a smile sprang to life on his lips. Namjoo thought about the long winding kiss yesterday and her heart tripped and rolled down a very steep hill.

Pushing his chair back, he walked around his desk toward her. He was so unbelievably handsome. Tall and the way he walked made her lose her breath. Never minding the food, he put his arms around her pulling her into a firm hug. Namjoo listened to him exhale and put his head on her shoulder.

Sehun was so real and warm she didn’t know how to react. Even her brothers weren’t this affectionate with her.

God, she had really landed on gold.

“I feel better.” Sehun withdrew. Namjoo stared up at him unable to look away.

“I thought you might be hungry,” Namjoo said.

“I haven’t eaten,” Sehun smiled. Taking her arm, he led her to the sitting area. Taking a seat next to her he asked, “What’d you get?”

“A chicken sandwich and a drink.” Namjoo settled the food onto the coffee table. “Oh, I forgot napkins.”

He grabbed her arm when she started rising. “Don’t go, it’s fine.” When she sat back down, he teased, “If I get it on my mouth, you’ll kiss it off, right?”

Her face heated. Unwrapping the sandwich Sehun laughed at her. Fine, she thought, he could win this round.

“I’m preparing the guest list and finalizing the designs for the women’s fashion line,” Sehun explained, “and preparing the speech I’ll be giving at the hotel we’re still working to reserve. There are coordinators to schedule and makeup artists I still need to contact for the models we’ll be using, so there’s a lot to do.”

“I had no idea,” Namjoo commented.

“I’ll be pretty much stuck in my office, so come see me every day,” Sehun looked at her. “Seeing you makes everything better.”

Namjoo grinned. “Ok.”

Her heart pounced when he brushed a finger across her cheek. “Don’t be so cute. It makes me jealous.”

Namjoo scoffed but joyously.

Holding the sandwich out he asked, “Do you want a bite?”

“I already ate.”

“You can bring your lunch and eat with me here,” Sehun offered.

“Then, I’ll think about it.”

Putting the sandwich down he grabbed the juice. Opening the lid, he said, “Have you been to Jeju?”

Namjoo rose her brows. “Once, maybe twice.”

“I’m thinking about reserving a hotel there,” Sehun told. “They have a beautiful scenery with a hotspot for tourists. Biking trails and hiking activities and yoga centers. It’s an attraction for athletic wear. Seems like a perfect place for the debut.”

“In Jeju?” Namjoo asked.

“Do you want to go?”

The offer made gape. “I’m not even part of the design team.”

“I can make an exception. Don’t you want to experience it?”

Namjoo’s eyes wavered. It was tempting. She’d never seen a fashion show before. Plus, a paid vacation to Jeju was such a delicious offer. And with her boyfriend.

“I don’t think I should. It’s probably not appropriate.” Namjoo tried to hide her disappointment, but it was the truth. If the team saw that she was tagging along what would they think of her? Wouldn’t she be using Sehun just because she was his girlfriend? The fashion show and debut were important work they’d dedicated months of their work to accomplishing while the trip was mere vacation for her. From an outsider’s point of view, she was using him as a freebie.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

Namjoo almost changed her answer. She forced herself to nod.

“Fine then.” He tapped the bottom of her chin with a finger and smiled. “Did you drive today?”

Namjoo nodded again.

“I’ll come walk you later.” Sehun promised.

And that was that. For several weeks Sehun continued to walk her to her car and she visited him in his office with snacks. He always eagerly hugged her, squeezing her in his arms whenever he saw her, as if that was all he required to get through the day.

This was just the beginning of their relationship and Namjoo already felt very positive about it. She could see herself dating Sehun in the long run. Spending time with him daily just chatting. He seemed to like her so much Namjoo never felt so grateful for a person. His expressions of affection made her heart grow twice as big for him. He had an innate ability to make her feel like she was the only woman in the world.

When her ex constantly gaslighted her Sehun always had showed a line of respect for her. He didn’t force her to step out of her comfort zone for him. Sehun always seemed to be cautious about hurting her feelings. He didn’t ask her to give until she decided she was ready herself, like fulfilling the urge to kiss him on her own one day when they were snacking on her bag of chips in his office. Giggling afterward together and telling him she didn’t drive that day.

Sehun was also letting her become brazen in her own ways. Attempting things she’d never done before with Hopyung.

Summer quickly arrived dousing them in its heat and humid temperatures. Late spring when she’d met Sehun had been brought to a closure. People were regularly milling the streets late into the evenings. She and Sehun became a part of the crowd. Sometimes heading out when he had several hours to himself in the evenings to have late dinner with her.

Despite his many hours spent preparing for the debut in Jeju, which he had decided on, Sehun made time for her that weekend. Specially taking time off for her. They’d gone to the beach again. This time he in regular wear to mix in with other men enjoying a nice day in shorts and tees.

They spent the late morning building sand castles and toppling each other’s work. Now they were just sitting beneath the burning sun surrounded by noisy families and the constant sound of waves hitting the shoreline.

“Here,” Namjoo dug through her tiny crossbody bag that consisted only of her phone and sunblock. “Put more sunblock on.”

Sehun peered at his pinkish arm. “We already did before coming here.”

“Put more on.” Namjoo urged. “Exposure to too much sun is bad for your skin.”

Without further say Sehun took the bottle from her. Squeezing some onto his palm he rubbed it against his arm.

“Happy?” he asked.

“Happy.” She replied.

“I’ll put some on you, too,” he playfully said. Squeezing a dab onto his finger he massaged it onto her face. Namjoo yelped inching away. “Done. Good job.” He teased pecking her temple.

Namjoo scoffed. Kissing his cheek, she copied his antic, “You, too.”

Sehun scoffed at her, too. As the afternoon sun continued to beat on them, she leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Some wind would be nice.” She muttered.

“Yea,” he agreed linking his arm around her and holding his hand above her head to shield her eyes from the blinding sun.

“We never went to the beach often when we were kids,” Namjoo started, “but when we did my brothers and I would always try to compete and see who could swim out farthest. I wasn’t much of a swimmer, so I always lost and would have to use my allowance to buy us ice cream.”

“I can see you losing,” he grinned.

Namjoo made a face at him and gently punched him in the chest. Sehun laughed bemused. “What about you?”

“We didn’t go to the beach,” Sehun somberly said.

“Then what’d you do during the summer? You didn’t stay home? You played video games all day long, right?” Namjoo teased.

Sehun grinned. “Yes, I was a er for games.”

“Really?” Namjoo didn’t know if she believed him.

“No.” Sehun said smiling mischievously at her.

“Then what’d you do? Tell me.” she nagged.

There was no answer for a long, ensuing second that became filled with the children in the water screaming as they splashed water. Namjoo almost assumed his thoughts had veered off.

“I spent my time outside,” Sehun finally said. “We had a big green yard filled with dandelions. A big apple tree grew beside our dirt driveway. It was the only shade I’d get on those days.”

“You lived in the countryside?” Namjoo twined her brows together, because there were no dirt driveways in the city. No apple trees could persist along the city roads. Maybe in a backyard, but not next to a driveway. It would require a lot of space. The city was too big a metropolitan overwhelmed by spanning houses and infrastructure.

“I did.” He replied. Quickly changing the topic, he asked, “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”

Forced to lift her head off his shoulder when he began getting up, Namjoo watched him step away without waiting for her. Grabbing her sandals, she hurried after him.

Clinging onto his arm when she caught up, she asked, “You want ice cream?”

“Will the loser be buying?” Sehun smugly grinned.

Sliding her arm out she pretentiously complained scurrying ahead, “Forget it.”

“I’m kidding.” Sehun hurried after her and tried to catch her arm. Flinging it away Namjoo made a face at him before scampering off forcing him to chase after her. Shrieking with giggles by the beach shop when he finally snagged her. Tightly winding his arms around her waist, he spun her away from the store.

Panting, Namjoo turned and lightly slapped his shoulder. From where they stood, she could feel the ceiling fan hitting them with a cool breeze. And also, see the sweat beading around his hairline.

Sehun’s manly features stood out so prominently. She noticed his Adam’s apple bob. For some intimate reason it made her heart pounce inside her chest. Her emotions soared, because he was so damn attractive and right now was even more alluring than ever.

Snaking her arms around his sweat soaked neck she leaned up to kiss the hot mess of her boyfriend. In front of the open doorway where a dozen or so customers were inside, seated and ordering their food at the counter. Namjoo didn’t care about the public display of affection or what anyone might think of her. This kind of indecent exposure didn’t bother her right now. Not as Sehun parted his mouth and pressed a hand to her lower back.


People stared as they walked into the shop to order snow cones. The entire time he held Namjoo’s hand. Locking his fingers through hers. Didn’t matter how hot it was or how sweaty their palms were, he still wanted to hold her hand.

Namjoo was too pretty a thing in shorts, a tee, and hair up in a messy bun. He’d let everyone know Namjoo was proudly his girlfriend. Whoever might have an ounce of interest could come second to him and they’d have to wait a long time for their chance.

He paid for their treats before Namjoo could even dish out her wallet. Then they were walking on the sand again tasting each other’s snow cone.

Late afternoon they had dinner at a barbeque restaurant, Namjoo’s pick. In total he ordered five servings of meat for them.

“You’ll really eat all this?” he had doubted at first.

“You said I didn’t need to diet,” Namjoo sheepishly reminded.

Placing meat on the wire grill, Sehun asked again, “You’ll really eat all this though?”

“I will,” she confidently insisted then whined, “hurry, I’m hungry.”

“I just put the meat on there,” Sehun pointed out eyes slightly enlarged.

“Are you annoyed?” Namjoo asked.

“No. Never mind.”

He earned a scowl from her. He didn’t want to upset her. He didn’t want to argue with her. Blame the heat or whatever, but Sehun didn’t want her to think he wasn’t who she thought he was.

Changing the mood, he asked, “Do you want a drink?”

“You mean, drink-drink?”

“We can share a bottle,” he suggested, “while we wait for the meat to cook.”

Lightning up Namjoo eagerly nodded, “That sounds good.”

Raising his hand up he called out for a bottle of liquor, receiving it with two shot cups. When they finally left the restaurant, the warm air had turned brisk. Reaching for Namjoo’s hand they walked to his car in a peaceful but quiet manner. Leaving the smell of cooked meat permeating the air behind they drove home still holding hands.

Sharing a tranquil mood, they watched the sunset through the window. Literally spending the whole day with each other beat sitting at home staring at her picture. Stealing a peek of Namjoo he smiled.

He was lucky.

He was really lucky.

After hours on the road they finally arrived at Namjoo’s apartment building. Removing her seatbelt, she pushed open the door. Sehun stepped out with her. He didn’t want to say goodbye yet. Why couldn’t there be more hours in a day?

Clutching onto the strap of her bag, Namjoo looked at him somewhat hesitantly. “Sehun,” she called, “do you want to walk me inside?”

He perked up. His heart picked up pace. He tried not to smile too furiously. “Yea.”

Turning with her he walked into the building. Matching her steps as she led him to the set of elevators. They didn’t hold hands on the way up. The giddiness vibrating inside him made his mind jump around kind of inappropriately, but he tried not to go there.

That, he promised himself, could wait for another day.

The doors opened interrupting his internal battle of morals.

“I live down that way,” Namjoo told. Sehun stared down the long corridor of identical steel doors. Glad that if someone wanted to hurt her it would be impossible to.

Still clutching onto her purse strap, she walked ahead. He took it as a gesture for him to follow. Past several doors Namjoo finally stopped at hers. Shifting to him she bit her lower lip.

“I had a lot of fun today,” she said. Farewell he thought. “Thanks for making time for me. I really liked it.”

“Me, too.” He smiled. “I really enjoyed today.”

Her eyes drifted to the side. He really didn’t want to go yet. Sehun’s eyes slid down to her slightly parted lips. He would just kiss her goodbye then leave, but at the first touch everything inside him intensified. Namjoo angled her head for him enticing him to only kiss her harder. Brushing his tongue into . Nibbling her lower lip as he gripped onto her waist urging her to stand closer.

Sehun leaned further into her. Feeling fire burn in the pit of his stomach while listening to Namjoo heavily breathe. It’d only been a month since they started dating. Every moment with Namjoo was a dream come true.

Sehun kissed the corner traveling to her cheek toward her ear. Control willing him to stop before he couldn’t.

“Go with me to Jeju,” he pressed his mouth to her ear. “Go be with me.”

***so much fluff I never imagined so much fluff could come out of me lol but everything will finally make sense later don't tempt me to make this horror lol


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nickeyg #1
Chapter 26: I really liked this story. I like how they had to be apart to grow individually to come back as better people and finally be together.
Peach2900 #2
Chapter 26: Found this Jem again so reading it for the third time! Still great! Cried again😅 the story is so smooth and wholesome that I feel like I was with them through their journey. Love it❤️
mizzinformation #3
Chapter 2: Sehun’s coming off as quite the creepy CEO here. Handsome, but really creepy. I imagine if I were Namjoo, I’d be scared out of my wits. Good thing she didn’t run for the hills when they first met, because I know I would probably do that.
Chapter 26: This was a lovely story.I love it🥰🥰🥰.
Scarkath18 #5
Chapter 26: Omg this was way too cute! I really loved this story. If you couldn’t already tell, I am reading a lot of your stories lately. This one was so wholesome, I can’t explain. They were super cute and the ending was awwe. They were both the same but just too scared to express how they felt and it was emotional but all the fluff made it better. Thank you for sharing this story !!
Chapter 26: thank you for this wonderful story ?? from a full on fluff to full on angst to a good ending. huhuhu. you really write well. and I just want to thank you for sharing your stories. keep safe always ❤️
Chapter 25: “I’ve always loved you” UGHHHH MY HEART IS VERY VERY NOT OKAY ?
Chapter 7: wow. they’re really going fast huh ahahahah. but why do I feel like the next chapters would be pure angst? ? gotta get my heart ready for Sehun’s story ? I think it’s gonna be dark. wew.
Chapter 4: ???? Sehun is whipped WHIPPED!! I wasn’t expecting the kiss ahahhaha omgg. Also, Namjoo you big flirt! hahahaa “I didn’t drive my car today.” eeeeey!!! ?
Chapter 3: Sehun being straightforward af? love it ❤️