Tragic After Valentine


Hey this is ND2011hakuren with another oneshot of Teen Top but this one is sad and hope you all will, not enjoy it since it is really sad but like it.


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RubyRose168243 #1
Chapter 1: *Cry's* my niel,Cap how could u *Cry's a river*
Chapter 1: Thats sooo sad!!
ND2011hakuren #3
I am sorry I killed Niel but it gives the story a very tragic twist and since I have problems with Valentine I wrote it.
fional #4
What? You killed Niel. How could you do it? WRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Cap he died because of you I am so going to kill you once I lay my hands on you. (SOB SOB)