What Stalker?

Evolution of Butterflies

Eun Ji’s POV

I’ve always been fascinated with butterflies. From small eggs, they hatch and turn into larvae. They chew off from leaves and depend on it most of the time until they’re ready to capsulate themselves in a shell. They had to wait so much ‘till they turn into beautiful butterflies.

 “So pretty…” I muttered under my breath. I stared on a gorgeous blue butterfly that draped on a bush. My hands carefully reached for it, hoping to come unnoticed, but it suddenly flew away. Not letting go of my gaze, I watched as it flew away up in the calm sky.

 “I wish I can also be a butterfly….” I whispered then sighed. It was just a wishful thinking, but I knew it won’t happen, especially to a girl like me.

Fat. Short. Timid. Very much lacking in the physical and personality departments.

I can’t help it. I’ve always been one since the day I was born. I’m obese, to be honest. Sometimes, I’d wish that I wake up as a different person, but I knew it’s impossible to happen.

I still love my life despite all odds. My mom continued to love me unconditionally, and we both lived in a financially stable life. I bet you’re curious about my dad. Well, he passed away when I was still young but that was a long time ago, and I’ve pretty much moved on.

My life isn’t much something to brag about, but I do have my glittering moments.  I used to live in America before I entered high school. We decided to move back out of the need to go back to our roots. I’m fine with it until I actually arrived in Korea. I’m already at my senior year in Hanrim Entertainment Arts High school. It’s a specialized high school, and I’m majoring in Practical Music. This is a tough school to study into, so I’m very thankful when I learned I passed. In fact, Lee Kiseop used to study here. He’s an alumnus of this school. Surprisingly, he’s still pretty well-known until now.

Unfortunately, things started turning nasty when I started to get close to him before. Because of my low self-esteem, I get bullied a lot (even younger batches are pushing me around. Sad, I know). My friends disappeared as well. They wouldn’t believe that I’ll be his sister soon, because I still had my dad’s last name up until now. I didn’t tell him about the troubles I’ve been having though. I don’t want to burden him especially now that he’s busy as an idol. I just want to keep seeing him happy as he chases for his dreams.

As for me, I don’t really have a goal set in mind. I’m pretty much contented composing and listening to songs. I can sing, but I already gave up on my dream to be a singer a long long time ago. After all, who would take me into their agency when I’m living in this kind of body…?

I may not have my own dreams right now, but I still have my hopes up to become worthy to be called as Lee Kiseop’s little sister. That’s my only wish right now…

I believe I’ve already talked about myself too much. Right now, I’m waiting right in front of NH Media building. The security won’t let me in, unfortunately. He didn’t give in to my reason that I’m Lee Kiseop’s soon-to-be sister. As expected, the guard just laughed it off and shooed me away. Sigh… I guess I’ll just have to wait for him no matter how long it takes, even if my knees are already trembling in exhaustion.



Normal POV


--Inside the NH Media’s Lounge Area--


It’s U-KISS’ break from their rigorous practice. Most of the boys are resting on the lounge area, cooling their selves off and minding their own business. Kibum is on his laptop, while Eli chugged down his bottle of refreshment. On the other hand, Soohyun is listening to his iPod while Kiseop and Alexander are busy tweeting on their phones, responding on their fans all over the world.

Just by the window, Kevin’s attention was occupied as he looked outside. He wiped his sweat with a towel on hand, not letting off his attention elsewhere. Dongho approached him with a quizzical look.

“Hyung, what are you looking at?” the maknae asked, taking a peek to what caught the blonde haired guy’s attention. Just outside stood a chubby girl who had long outgrown hair that fell below her waist and clothes consisted of a red baggy hoodie and faded denim coat and pants

“That girl. She’s been standing there since this morning.” Kevin replied, “She hadn’t left the spot either.”

“Since this morning?! That’s crazy, hyung! That girl must be a stalker.”

“She seems like it. Normally a fan girl would just wait for a couple of hours, but this girl’s different.”

“That’s scary, hyung. I don’t want to be unlucky guy who had her eyes on.“ Dongho said as he folded his arms, obviously creeped out.

Just then, an idea struck Kevin. Beaming a grin full of excitement, he snapped his fingers and looked to the maknae. It made Dongho stepped back.

“Yah, want to confront her?” Kevin asked.

The maknae shook his head hurriedly, negating to his idea entirely. It was obviously a crazy idea to risk on. “Andwei! That’s dangerous! What if one of us is her target?”

The angelic member just simply smirked. With a quick grasp, he dragged the maknae out of the room and into the elevator, ignoring the little guy’s protest. “There’s only one way to find out.”


--In front of NH Media Building—


A chubby girl tapped his foot on the ground as she looked over her wristwatch, trying her hardest to patiently wait for a certain person to come out. Eun Ji knew that Kiseop turned into a busy man ater being picked to become the newest member of U-KISS, so she didn’t bother to text or call him to inform her about her visit. Her lefy hand held on plastic bag containing a fancy box of donuts which she and her mom baked yesterday. She wanted to give it to Kiseop personally as snacks for their group, but she didn’t expect to wait for so long out in a cold today. Her free hand dug onto her pocket, revealing a picture of Kiseop back in his high school days. It was the first picture she asked from him ever since they met.

“Oppa... I can’t believe this is how long you train. It must be tedious to be an idol.” The girl spoke, talking to the picture as if it was really her soon-to-be brother. Her eyes were glued on the picture with

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind blew out of nowhere, losing her grasp on her photo .

“Oh no--!” Eun Ji panicked as the photo few meters away from her. She chased it off.

The photo landed on the feet of a guy. He picked it up and looked at it. When Eun Ji’s eyes settled on the person, she gasped. The person was no other than Woo Kevin, one of the main vocalists of U-KISS.

“Hey, isn’t this Kiseop?” Kevin asked as he looked at the photo. Dongho took a peek on it and was surprised to see it. “Omo, it is him.”

Kevin and Dongho’s attentions all went to Eun Ji with suspecting eyes. She gulped, swearing she could feel cold sweat breaking out from her skin. Normally, a person would enjoy being the center of attention from these two famous lads, but for her, it was the opposite. She can sense the doubts from these two U-KISS members, as if they had the same aura as her bullies only lesser.

“Yah, are you a stalker of Kiseop hyung?” Kevin asked with a slight tone of dominance, stepping forward towards her. Out of impulse, she stepped back.

“Yah! Why aren’t you answering?” Dongho followed, making the poor girl step back again.

Eun Ji opened to speak, but instead, she stuttered. “I-I-I-I-I ---!” She couldn’t form out a single word out of panic. ‘Speak! Eun Ji! Speak!’  She mentally slapped herself.

“Cat got your tongue?” Kevin took another step forward, in which she responded immediately.

“A-Aniyo!” She answered. “I-I can explain--!!” ‘Why do I have to explain!? There’s nothing to explain about. I’m not a stalker of my own brother!’

“Then what is it?” Kevin demanded calmly, only letting the girl sense his supremacy over his innocent words.

“I-I-I-I---“ Eun Ji didn’t know what to do next. Her eyes landed on the photo; without a second thought, she snatched her only photo of Kiseop from Kevin’s grasp, and ran away, screaming in English



Then she disappeared.

Dongho and Kevin watched her until she disappeared in a corner. They believed their speculation was true, and they felt sorry for Kiseop for having a not-so-appealing stalker just before his debut.

“Omo, so she really is a stalker! Look at her, she even apologized! Hyung, do you think she’ll come back?” Dongho chimed, looking at his hyung.

“Who knows? Poor Kiseop hyung. I guess he’ll have it rough for having a stalker just right before his debut.” Kevin returned his gaze to Dongho and said, “Let’s go back. I bet they’re all waiting”.

Dongho nodded in agreement. Both boys walked inside NH Media Building, as they headed back to the where the rest of the members are.

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This story is so so GREAT!!! Please update soon!!!!
please update soon!
YukiMary #4
Please Update soon~! I can't wait for the next Chapter~
Updateeee. I'll wait for her transformation. YEAAAH. I wish that she'll end up with Kevin. :)
Lumella #6
Thank you for all the wonderful comments, guys! I really appreciated it :D Glad you guys like Eun Ji ♥ As for her transformation, let's see :P I'm still not done formulating with the plotlines so anything can happen xD
love ur story :D
Update soon! And when she changed does that means she became pretty?