3 - Flashback 2014

Endless Journey

Breaking up when you’re still working together, in one group to be exact, was certainly not easy. Since the break-up, Amber and Krystal did not talk to each other, unless it was necessary. Victoria and Luna was trying so hard not to take sides, but sometimes they had to split to accompany either Amber or Krystal. Luckily, Krystal didn’t stay at the dorm with them so at least less awkwardness in the dorm. Luna actually wanted to talk to them both, she didn’t like this kind of atmosphere, where they had to do the practice or attending an event in weird and cold situation. But Victoria stopped her, Victoria knew that break-up is hard and people have different way to overcome it.  Amber and Krystal will find how to deal with it in their own-way.

In the dressing room, Krystal has finished her make-up and just lying at the sofa, resting before their turn to get on stage for SM Town. Amber took a glance at Krystal and she knew that something is wrong. Krystal looked.. so pale.. Amber knew that Krystal was overworked. She has to go back and forth for SM Town overseas and drama filming in Korea, plus, what happened with her sister and SNSD added burden to her for sure. Amber was torn, she really wanted to hold Krystal’s hand, comfort her, be her strength, like she always did. But, the girl who looked so fragile there is not hers anymore.

“Are you okay?”, Amber finally chose to talk to her instead.

Krystal looked at Amber, a bit surprise that Amber just talked to her. Then she only gave brief answer. “I am fine.”

“Are you sure? You look…so exhausted. I… I know when you are not in a good condition.”

Krystal just smiled weakly. She can’t help but feel happy that Amber still care for her. She felt that her body was so weak right now and she was really tired. Her body ache and her head was spinning non-stop. But she just ignored it and she was ready to push herself, at least until this SM Town concert is finished. She already took a vitamin to get through this concert. She looked at Amber again who actually still looking at her, examining her as to try to make sure that she is alright. Krystal really wanted to grab Amber’s hand and made Amber sit on the couch with her, so Krystal can snuggle to her for comfort. But, the girl who stand in front of her is nobody to her now.

Hearing no further response from Krystal, Amber just nodded. “Just…. Take care of yourself, okay.”, she finally said and walked away so she can do her make-up.

Krystal’s body reacted differently with what has been ordered by her brain. Her brain said to keep going on, but her body were getting weaker everytime she moved to dance. Krystal tried to hold on until the song is finished, but she knew she will pass out any time soon. She whispered to Victoria that she can’t take this anymore and just collapsed there. Everybody was panicking and carried Krystal off from the stage and rushed her to the van, they need to bring Krystal to the hospital soon.

“I want to go with her!”, Amber insisted to the crew and tried to hop on to the van.

“No. Amber you should stay for the encore.”, manager Oppa stopped her.

“What?? I don’t care about the encore! Look at Krystal! I want to make sure that she is alright!!”, Amber screamed in panic. She let go her hand from manager oppa’s grip.

“Why cant we go with Krystal, Oppa? I am sure the fans will understand if we didn’t show up for the encore.”, Luna also whined and held Amber’s hand, ready to get into the van.

“Krystal will be in good hands. You guys don’t need to worry. Please, be professional. Go back to the stage. “, manager oppa looked at them and said sternly. “Victoria?”, he then looked at Victoria for help, he knew they will listen to Victoria.

Victoria just kept silent. As much as she wanted to go with them to Krystal to the hospital, she knew there is no point of arguing with the manager. “Girls, let’s go back to the stage. We will go there after the encore finished.”, she said, earning a frustration groan from Amber. “Oppa, promise you will let us know which hospital you will take her.”,  Victoria said to their manager, making sure that the manager will give them an info.  The manager nodded, then he closed the van door and asked the driver to go.

Amber could not get Krystal’s out of her mind and kept distracted when they tried to finish the encore stage. Other than worried, she also feels guilty because, she knew.. she knew that Krystal was not feeling well, but she didn’t not anything about it. She lets Krystal went on stage. She should’ve stopped her and asked her to rest. But she didn’t. The image of Krystal fainted kept playing in her mind. Her mind was wandering around and she was finally awake when she felt a hand reaching to hers and hold it tight.

“She will be okay, Amber. Don’t worry, we will go there soon. ”, it was Victoria.

They all rushed to the hospital when they finished the stage. When they arrived, actually Krystal already looked a lot better. She still weak and tired, but she did not look as pale as before and her eyes seemed more alive compared to few hours ago. Amber has to fight all the urge not to pounce on Krystal to give her a hug. It broke her heart seeing the girl she loved looked so helpless, wearing a hospital gown and just lay there with infusion stuck on her hand, having to battle her sickness.

“How’s your feeling, Soojung?, Luna asked, her voice indicated her concern.

“Getting much better, Unnie. I am so sorry to cause all of this. Really, I tried to hold myself.. But…”

Victoria cut her and shook her head. “No, Soojung. This is not your fault. It is ours. We should not let you get on the stage with that conditions.” Victoria also felt guilty. She is the leader and her members are her responsibility. How come she was so reckless and did not realized that Krystal was sick and not in a good condition to perform.

“Don’t blame yourself, Vic Umma.”, Krystal let out a small chuckle. She knew Victoria very well and she understand that Victoria must be blaming herself right now.

“Omo! Soojung, how can you read my mind?”, Victoria giggled, feeling a bit relax now. “How long do you think you will stay at the hospital?”

“I guess they can discharge me tomorrow. I need to go back to my drama filming as soon as possible”, Krystal said weakly.

“NO!”, Amber shouted all of sudden. All the eyes were now looked at her direction, shocking because Amber suddenly spoke when before she just watching Krystal in silent.

“I mean.. yeah, No. Krystal, look at you now. You really need to rest. I won’t let you force yourself to work when your body cant take it!”, Amber didn’t care if she sounded possessive, she cannot stand seeing Krystal like this.

“Am…”, hearing Amber, Krystal wanted to say something. But her words got stuck in . She didn’t know what to say. She was touched that Amber still have this kind of possessiveness towards her, she missed Amber being like this.

There was an awkward silence settled inside the room. Until Luna broke the silence and said that they brought food for them and fruit for Krystal. After relaxing and chatting for an hour or so, Krystal convinced them to go back to the dorm and she will be alright because her parents and her sister will come later to accompany her.

They gathered around to say goodbye to Krystal. Victoria said get well soon and hope to see Krystal join them as soon as possible, then she gave a peck on Krystal forehead. Luna also said the same and promised Krystal to take her to the restaurant that served the best bbq beef, then she left a peck on the forehead as well. When it was Amber’s turn so say goodbye, Amber just stay there awkwardly, did not what to do. She wanted to hold Krystal’s hand, she wanted to kiss her forehead, her nose, her lips. She wanted to stay there, accompany Krystal all night long and hold her until Krystal fall asleep in her arms. But, she knew that there were boundaries that she can’t break.

“Ah..uhm..Get well soon, Krys.”, Amber smiled. She forced herself to turn around from Krystal, ready to get out of the room. But then suddenly she felt a cold hand grabbing her hand.

“Stay… please…”, Krystal said softly, almost sounded like begging.

Amber turned her head to see Krystal, her grip was so tight on Amber’s wrist. Krystal didn’t need to repeat what she said, when Amber looked at her eyes, Amber knew there was a plea there. A hope, a need, a request for Amber to be there for her.

“I will.”, Amber replied with a smile. Krystal didn’t care, she wanted Amber now, she needed Amber.

Victoria and Luna gave their smile to Amber and Krystal and nodded, then left them to go back to the dorm. Amber sat on the bed, facing Krystal. Since the break-up, this was the first time she looked at Krystal this close again, looked deep into her eyes again.

“How’s your feeling?”, Amber asked softly and caressed Krystal’s cheek.

There was funny sensation on Krystal’s stomach when Amber did that. She closed her eyes, tried to feel the warm of Amber’s palm on her face. Since they ended the relationship, this was the first time Amber touched her again, spoiled her again.

Krystal chuckled. “I think I already answered the same questions before.. Stupid.”

Amber laughed. How she misses that nickname came out from Krystal’s mouth. “Okay…But I have follow up question though. Do you need anything, princess?”

Krystal took Amber’s hand from her face and just held it. “I am tired. I just want to sleep.”

Amber smiled again. “Then sleep. Have some good rest. I will be here.”, she said and squeezed Krystal’s hand.

Amber let go of Krystal’s hand when she made sure that Krystal has fallen asleep. Then she moved to the sofa near the bed and fell asleep too, until a pat on her shoulder woke her up. She rubbed her eyes tried to identify the person who tapped her and she found Jessica, Krystal’s sister, was already inside the room.

“Ah.. Jessica Unnie. Sorry I didn’t hear you come.”, Amber stood up in a rush and bowed at her. Amber was well aware that her relationship with Jessica may not be as close as her relationship with the other SNSD members. They do not hate each other and Jessica never hate Amber. But Amber knew, and perfectly understand, that Jessica was just being protective over her little sister. She never approved or disapproved Krystal relationship with Amber, it is just she somewhat…not really fond of Krystal’s choice of being with Amber while they are still active as an idol. Jessica knew very well things like that can ruin her sister career for sure.

“It is late. You can go back to the dorm, Amber. My parents will be here soon as well. So Krystal will be alright.”, she smiled to Amber while putting her stuff on the sofa.

“Ne, Jessica Unnie. Thank you. Have a goodnight.”, Amber replied in short.

“Wait.”, Jessica called when Amber just about to open the door room.  “It is late already. How are you going to get home? Have you called the manager to pick you up?”

“Don’t worry about me, Unnie. I can call a cab from here. You should worry about your sister more.”

Jessica smiled hearing Amber’s reply. She may not like the fact that Krystal chose Amber as her partner, but she knew one thing for sure that Amber really loves her little sister. “Oh Amber?”, she called Amber again, for the second time.


“Thank you. For being here for Krystal. For always being there for Krystal.”, she said in English. Amber then nodded and closed the door.

Get well soon, my princess.”, Amber said in her head as she walked out from the hospital.


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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
11 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2071 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2071 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!