2 - Flashback 2014

Endless Journey

F(x) members were on their way to the SM Building. Their manager oppa has called them to discuss something. He didn’t say anything much, except he said something about toning down a rumor. Victoria, as the leader, has asked her members whether they did something reckless, or maybe got drunk, or went out to have a date with a guy. She just wanted to make sure that she has the answer for everything before they get scold by the manager and the company. 

“I promise I will cover for us. But please let me know if you guys did something without me or without the other members knowing.”, Victoria stated while they were still on the van. Victoria is like a mother to them, she took care of her members as if they were her children, she never blamed the members and not afraid to took responsibility for whoever fault. That is why the members love her and respect her so much. They feel save as long as Victoria was around with them.

“We did nothing, Unnie. I swear.”, Luna tried to assure Victoria. “Well, we did go clubbing yesterday but we went with SM people. I don’t think we can get in trouble because of that, right?”, she added.

Victoria nodded in agreement. Yesterday they just finished SMTown concert in Seoul and they went drinking and partying in one of a club in Seoul. But bunch of other groups from SM was there too so SM should not have worried about that. Krystal, however, did not join the party as she did not really fond of partying lifestyle. She chose to go home after the concert and just chill at home.

“You know my princess will kill me if I do something bad, right Vic Unnie? So, also no from my end.”, Amber said playfully and looked at Krystal. The latter just gave her a glare but kept quiet. Amber then just shut and lowered her head. It seemed that Krystal was still angry with her. Actually yesterday, Krystal did not want Amber to join the party and asked Amber to company her at home. But Amber insisted and whined that she wants to go as she really need stress release. Krystal finally let her go, but of course, Amber earned her punishment because of that. Her countless text messages and called got ignored by Krystal the whole night.

Victoria let out a relieve sigh after hearing her members’ explanation. “Okay, good. So let’s just see what he wants to talk about. At least we did not do anything wrong.”, she finally said.     

When they finally gathered in SM building, manager oppa did not say anything at the start and only showed them some pictures from his phone. Amber swore she was about to faint when she saw the pictures. The pictures were all containing of her super-closeness with Irene, one of the Red Velvet member, at the club yesterday. One of those showed that they were in the sofa, with Irene sat down on Amber’s lap while Amber held Irene’s hand. The other ones showed that they were dancing together with their body pressed too close to each other.

! I must be drunk already when that happened.”, Amber mentally scolded herself in her head. She did not dare to look at Krystal because she knew this would be the end of her life.

The other members immediately looked at Krystal’s direction after they saw the pictures. They knew Amber will face the wrath of Krystal Jung anytime soon.

“Who took these pictures?”, Victoria asked. She tried to be as calm as possible.

“Some drunkard snapped it and the pictures just went everywhere in the company. But at least we don’t need to worry, that drunkard is someone from our company and the pictures now are still safe, within SM. We will make sure that it will not go out anywhere.”, manager Oppa replied, but he did not sound too happy.

“But it is Irene, right? What is wrong with Amber being close with Irene? She is our SM family too.”, Luna tried to defend Amber. 

“Guys… Amber…”, manager Oppa continued, he scratched his head, trying to find some words to express his feelings. “Of course it is fine if Amber being close with Irene. It is just… you know that Amber has lots of gay rumors, right? I…No..We.. personally within SM family do not care about her uality of course. But from business perspective I may say, we can’t let this gay rumor kept swirling around. People already suspected about Amber and Krystal too many times, and we tried to wash that away by making Amber clarify that she was not gay.”

All F(x) members just kept quiet.

The manager sighed. “After her clarification, we really hoped that we kill that rumor. But…”, he took a glance at Krystal for a moment. “Amber, you should behave more around girls. If those pictures came out, or somebody at the club yesterday saw it and spread the news, then the gay image will keep attached to you and it can ruin your image, the group image, the whole SM image.”

“I am sorry, Oppa.”, Amber said weakly. She really did not know what to say.

“This is not personal, okay Amber? Like I said, I do not care about you being gay or whatever. Just… be careful next time..” he quickly added, feeling bad after seeing how guilty Amber was. “And the rest of you, next time keep an eye on Amber. Soojung, maybe you should always present when it comes to an occasion like party or drinking. I am sure Amber won’t be dare to touch any girl when you are around.”, he let out an awkward chuckle.  

“Ne, Oppa. We will keep that in mind. We’re sorry.”, Victoria finally said in a short sentence, she really wanted to end this conversation. She did not feel comfortable when issues like this came up, especially because she knew how hard it is for Amber and also, this will get more personal with Krystal as well.

Manager Oppa seemed to understand that Victoria intended to close the conversation. So he then continue to talk about their upcoming schedules and let them back to the dorm after that.

Once they reached the dorm, Krystal immediately wanted to come back to her house. But Victoria didn’t let her and asked her to settle the problem with Amber. Victoria knew that a fight, moreover a love-fight, can bring bad effect to their group and that was the last thing Victoria wanted. It was already hard to deal with Sulli’s hiatus not long before and now they need to stay strong as a group.

Krystal went to Victoria’s shared room with Sulli and just slammed the door hard. Amber just plopped herself to the couch, fidgeting her fingers. She knew she has to deal with Krystal now. They need to talk and they cannot prolonged the problem, it will just cause awkwardness non-talking situation between them and it will affect the group activities.

“We don’t blame you, Amber. You should now that.”, Victoria patted Amber’s head to assure her.

“I know, Unnie. And I am thankful for that.”, Amber forced a smile.

“Now go talk to our maknae. Good luck, Amber Unnie. Fighting!”, Luna tried to cheer her up.

“We will give you some time to talk, okay. We go out to buy some food and hopefully everything is alright when we come back later.”, Victoria smiled and linked her arms with Luna to go out.     

Amber sighed and lazily dragged herself to the room to find Krystal. She was really tired having to fight with Krystal to deal with the same issue over and over again. Krystal’s jealousy was too much and it suffocated Amber sometimes. Amber knew that her habit of being overly friendly with girls was maybe too hard to handle by Krystal too. But then again, she swore to her life that she would never cheated on Krystal and she tried so hard to reduce that habit. Why can’t Krystal trust her?   

Without knocking, Amber let herself in and found Krystal sitting on the bed, playing with her phone.

“Soojungie…”, she carefully said and made her move to get closer to Krystal. She sat down, facing Krystal but Krystal did not bother to look back at her and kept playing with her phone.

“Soojungie.. I am sorry.. Please talk to me.”, Amber pleaded, she reached Krystal’s hand and rest her own hand there.

Krystal let out a sighed and finally looked at Amber’s face. “What do you want?”

Amber opened to speak but Krystal suddenly just cut her. “You know what, if this is about Irene.. then, don’t bother to explain.”, she said in a cold tone.

“Krys…I know the pictures seemed too…. But trust me, nothing happened. Please forgive me.”, Amber did not have any choice other than saying those words and started begging for Krystal’s forgiveness. These words was like a template that Amber used to say over and over again everytime Krystal got mad because of her jealousy.

“I started to get bored of your sorry. You just can’t keep your hands on your pants when it comes to pretty girls. I told you not to go yesterday yet you still went. And now this?  ”, Krystal started to raise her voice.

“I told you nothing happened. Irene and I just friends, okay. Please thousand time please, forgive me.. Come on, you know I love you right?”, Amber knew that she has to be patient, but she can smell that this will be a long night.

“Do you?”, Krystal retorted back.

Amber frowned her face. “Of course I do!”

“Then you did not do a good job of convincing me.”, Krystal stood up from the bed, moved away from Amber.

“Why cant you trust me? I told you so many times that I would never cheat on you.”, Amber’s eyes followed Krystal’s movement. 

“How can I trust you when what you did was just hovering girls around? I told you I don’t like it! But you never listened to me! You even dare to hug some girls in front of my face!! Not to mention flirting with them when I was around. Don’t you even care how I feel??”, Krystal’s started to shout, her face got red as she was getting more angry now.

“What?? I never flirt with anyone! Do you think I am crazy, flirting around when my girlfriend is beside me?”,  Amber spoke in English now, starting to get irritated.

“Oh yeah?? Minah??? You guys intimately hugging each other in front of me when we won an award. There were pictures of both of you all over the internet.”, Krystal replied her with the same language.

“Oh my God, Krys, not again. Really? Are we going to talk about Minah again? You should control your jealousy sometimes.”, Amber finally raised her voice too.

“How this become my problem?? It is your habit that caused all of this! We kept fighting because you can’t change your bad habit. You kept hurting me with your habit!”, Krystal burst out her anger more and started screaming.

“God dammit, Krystal how many times do I have to say that I would never cheat on you! They are all my friends and I don’t have plan to date any of them! I only want you!”, Amber shouted back, tried to convince Krystal in frustration.  

“Then what would you feel if I sat on a guy’s lap, even if he is my friend? Huh!? Tell me what would you feel? Oh, no, don’t answer that. Because you know what, I am not you! I would never do that to you!!”, Krystal said sarcastically and started to tear up.

Amber just kept quiet, imagining Krystal sitting on someone’s lap would surely make her blood boil. There was minutes of silence between them.

“I don’t want to fight anymore. I am tired of this… this relationship..”, Amber suddenly said in a low voice, but actually surprise that such words can came out from . But she is.. she is tired. How long they have to deal with the same issue? What’s the point if Krystal can’t even trust her? Does relationship should be based on trust?

Krystal gasped. This is the first time she heard Amber said thing like this. Usually Amber will beg and continue to beg until Krystal forgave her. The words hurt Krystal’s pride and made Krystal’s rage rise again. “Oh you’re tired??! We are having a fight because of you!! FINE! IF YOU ARE TIRED, LET’S END THIS THING!”, Krystal shouted and walked away from the room. 

Amber immediately regretted what she just said and realized that this can end badly. “No. Wait! Krystal!!”, Amber followed her in hurry. She grabbed Krystal’s wrist to prevent her from going out from their dorm.

“Let go of me. This is what you want, right? I don’t want to make you tired anymore.”, Krystal released her hand from Amber’s.

“No. Please, Krystal. Don’t. I am sorry! Please don’t go! Please…I don’t want you to go! I love you.”, Amber got panic and started blabbering, tried everything to stop Krystal.

Hearing the word love from Amber made Krystal’s heart drop. But she shook her head while tears already rolling down on her cheek. “Maybe you’re right. I can’t keep doing this too. Always having insecurities all the time with you.”, Krystal finally stopped herself from walking out, she let herself being hugged by Amber from behind. A flashback of her constant fight with Amber for the past 2 years playing in her head.  She was also tired of having a fight with Amber all the time. Can she really hold onto this relationship when she always afraid that Amber would cheat on her?

“No. I don’t want to break up. Krystal, please.. I love you so much! I am sorry for what I said, for I did. Please don’t leave me.”, Amber tightened her embrace on Krystal. Her mind clouded with fear of not having Krystal as her girlfriend anymore. She started crying too.

“I am sorry, Amber.”, she released herself from Amber’s hug and finally walked away, half running to go outside the dorm and get in her car. Krystal just wanted to run-away and going back home as fast as she can. She didn’t want to think anymore. Having relationship with Amber was hard enough for her in this industry, and Amber’s habit of being overly friendly with everyone certainly not helping.  

“Krystal, wait!”, Amber shouted. She really wanted to chase Krystal, but she did not know why something just hold her back. She just stood there. Still crying. Watching Krystal running out from the dorm, running from her life.

An hour later, Victoria and Luna came back. They were surprise to see Amber on the couch, just staring to nowhere in particular with her red puffy eyes. Before they can even asked anything, Amber informed them first.

“We broke up.”    

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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
22 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2078 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2078 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!