Chapter Seven

Can I Stay?

Donghae looked at the monitor which showed his babies moving around and gradually, he can see his babies’ faces eventhough it’s not really clear but he still happy. He can’t hide his smile when the doctor said “They’re really active. That’s good, Donghae-ssi. Please keep eating the vitamins and healthy food.”

Then, the doctor pressed something in the equipment which looked like a keyboard and after that, he can heard the sound he has missed the whole week. Donghae doesn’t know why but he always cried a bit everytime he hears their heartbeats. It sounds beautiful, the most beautiful sound than the other musics. It’s still unbelieavable for him, two babies are growing and living inside his tummy.

“Reduce to drink coffee and sweets too. It’s not good for the babies.” The doctor chuckled when he saw how Donghae’s face becomes sour hearing that. “This is the way to prevent yourself from Gestational Diabetes. This is also for the sake of you and your babies. It will be dangerous if your glucose level becomes too high and we don’t want anything bad happened, right?”

“But I love coffee~”

“Then, just one small cup in a day. Okay?”

Donghae sighs but since this is for his babies and himself, he nods. Fourteen weeks and two days. The first trimester has ended and he is in his second trimester. He draws some abstract lines in his tummy while waiting for Ryeowook to pick him up. He looked at the picture again and smile.

He had read from articles, baby in this week is starting to grow their hairs and their neck becomes longer. He can’t wait for the babies and imagining of them sleeping in his arms just making his smile widened.

“I love you, babies.”

He walked slowly to the black audi waiting for him and when he just sitting, Ryeowook excitedly taking the picture in his hand and squeals cutely making him giggled and shook his head because Kim Ryeowook always has this face everytime he looked at the babies’ picture.

“Oh God, my niece and nephew are so cute.” He looked amazed by how the babies’ growth from time to time but unfortunately, he can’t accompany Donghae that day since he just completing his work. “What did the doctor say?”

Donghae sighs again when he remembers it. “I have to reduce eating sweets and coffee. She reccomended me to eat more greek yogurt, berries, and avocados.”

Ryeowook internally put a note in his mind so he can remember and buy it later. He started the engine again and asked, “Then, we go to the shop?”

Donghae’s eyes becomes shine again and with a loud cheerful voice, he yelled, “Yes!”

The drives is filled with both of them singing to the songs they love and sometimes they laughed when they forgot the lyrics. Seoul is in a nice weather that day with a bit gloomy sky but it’s good since it’s not hot but Ryeowook pouts since he has thought about taking pictures of Donghae.

In Ryeowook’s dictionary, every seconds means memories that you couldn’t replay again. Donghae’s pregnancy is a thing he never expected but he is more than happy when he found it out. And even after countless times of caressing and talking to the babies inside his best friend’s tummy, he can’t get enough and feeling more excited to welcome his nephew and niece.

His disappointment vanished and replaced with a loud giggles when Donghae –a bit over excited– dragging him to enter one of the shop that selling baby’s necessities.

“Donghae, calm down please. Remember you’re carrying two babies inside your tummy!” Ryeowook whispers but laughed again when Donghae shook his head, paying no attention and kept dragging him to visit one of the store.

After knowing the gender of his babies, Donghae can’t help but always checking on many baby’s shop to find cute clothes or toys by website and social medias. This is one of both of their hobbies these months and Donghae has saved some money to shop for his babies.

Ryeowook smiles happily when Donghae’s eyes looked so bright when he saw a pair of cute shoes. This Donghae, with a big smile and eyes shining because of happiness is what he wants to see forever. He letting himself being dragged by his best friend, entering the stroller section inside the shop. He feels surprised since Donghae mostly would attract with clothes or cute pillows.

“Stroller?” He asked confusedly.

“Yes. I haven’t bought any stroller for babies.” Donghae said without facing to Ryeowook, too immersed to look at every stroller the shop has.

“But… didn’t Sora noona tell you she will buy?” Ryeowook tilts his head to the left but his gaze softened when he saw how Donghae smiling while caressing one of the stroller for twin.

“I want to buy it. At least, I feel I have to.” Donghae looked at Ryeowook while pointing to the stroller he caressed just now. “What do you think about this stroller, Ryeowook?”

Ryeowook approached him, looking at the stroller that steals his best friend attention. The simple  black stroller which designed for twin –they will sit or sleep side by side and Ryeowook knew why his best friend choose that stroller over the one that make the twin have to sit one in the front and one at the back.

“It is nice, Hae. But that one also nice.” Ryeowook pointed to the pink coloured stroller which has same model with Donghae’s favorite.

Donghae pouts and shake his head. “My babies are girl and boy, Wookie. I have to choose neutral color.” And with that, Ryeowook laughed.

Ryeowook himself also visiting baby’s shop frequently. Sometimes he goes alone but in the other times, he’ll drag Jongwoon and making them looked like husbands. He loves to buy cute bandana or hats and just imagined how the babies looked like, he will purr and Jongwoon would laugh because he knew how his boyfriend loves kids.

Donghae is finally enjoying his pregnancy since the sickness slowly vanished. He barely throw-up and eventually can eat properly, a lot than previous but mostly what he eats are sweets. Candies, chocolates, ice-creams, and bubble teas. It’s shocking on how Donghae becomes addicted to those sweets when he never really liked them.

Ryeowook chuckled lightly when he remembers what the doctor said. Donghae indeed being a food monster for these weeks.

When it was time to do the ultrasound checking, Ryeowook will accompany him but sometimes Hyukjae’s family (without Hyukjae knew) also accompany him. But just today, they were very busy but Donghae assured them that he is fine to go alone. It’s nothing to worry anymore –in his opinion– because he is stronger now.

All of them –Hyukjae’s family, Ryeowook, and even Jongwoon– showered him and his babies a lots of love. They keep buying things such as pacifiers, clothes, shoes, toys for his babies and treat him a good food. He remembered Hyukjae’s father even bought him the most expensive milk for him to drink everyday.

Sometimes, Donghae will feel guilty because he feels he can’t do anything to pay back their loves and the other thing made him guilty is the fact he hasn’t told his pregnancy to his mom –who is still busy taking care of his aunt– and Hyukjae. His pregnancy is fourteen weeks and two days now and if someone looking at him closer, they’ll recognize his little bump easily.

The fact that his bump will getting bigger makes him has to buy a lot of new clothes because it can’t fit anymore. And Donghae is planning to do the shopping that day. Saturday night with his best friend.

He looked at the stroller, imagining how his cute babies will lay on the stroller and staring at him with their chubby cheeks and little hands raised up to him, to ask him carry them. He gently caressing his tummy.

We’re strong. Right, babies?

“You want that one?” Ryeowook asked, making him realise of his purpose to drag Ryeowook here.


Ryeowook nodding, asking him to wait there. He goes to find the worker while Donghae strolls around the section. He has made a perfect design for his babies’ room but sighing when he realise what he had made.

A mix of Moon and Sunshine.

Makes him remember about Hyukjae. Well, nothing is new about his life always rotating around Hyukjae right?

Their third session hasn’t started because Hyukjae is still busy and Heechul is currently going to Japan. Heechul didn’t say anything about their last talk but he could feel how Heechul is insisting to protect their marriage.

He is still his tummy when suddenly a familiar voice comes nearer to his position. He turned his head hesitantly and immediately widened his eyes when he saw someone in front of him. Someone he knows really well.

The brown-haired guy chuckled while showing the star-shaped plushies to the man beside him. “Hyukjae, look! I think this will be suitable for my niece. What do you think?”

The man that stands beside him is Hyukjae, the one that makes Donghae feels his surrounding spinning and his body tensed. His breath becomes harder with urge of running to hug the man.


Hyukjae shook his head and snorts. “I don’t think plushies are useful. What about you buy stroller for–“ His words stop when his eyes meet with Donghae’s unintentionally.

“Why? What are you looking at, Hyuk?” The guy frowned and curiously, following Hyukjae’s gaze. He frowned even more when he saw how Donghae looked at Hyukjae.

Why they’re staring at each other like that? Why this guy looking at Hyukjae as he is…

“Hyukjae…” Donghae whispered his name in his low shaky voice but Hyukjae can still hear it.






Hyukjae grumbling when he heard his apartment’s bell being pressed again. Lazily, he stands and walking with eyes closed to the door. Still grumbling and cursing to whoever comes. He doesn’t care and what he wants is just sleeping and rest and probably eat delivery food. This is his day off. The only one day-off after a freaking months of jobs and restless nights.

He was still closing his eyes when he opened the door, didn’t really care about his guest. But the sudden hug and whine making him forced his eyes to open and greeted with a bright smile. He blinked his eyes when he could recognize the person.

“Henry? Wow, you’re back?”

Henry laughed and smacked his arm lightly. “See, you’re forgetful even when you’re not that old yet.” He sighed when Hyukjae still frowned, didn’t know what he meant. Henry stepped in to his apartment without any doubts not that Hyukjae would complain, though. He sits himself comfortably on the couch in the living room and admired how clean and neat the apartment is. “My sister will give a birth this Sunday and I’m really excited so I come back. I had told you this, Director Lee.”

Hyukjae chuckled and choose to walk to his refrigerator. He takes two can of soda and some snacks. He sitted himself beside Henry and watching as the guy opened his can and drink.

“Are you busy today?” Henry asked, after gulping his soda some more.

“No. Why?”

Henry’s eyes glinted with happiness and as he smiled widely, he said, “Mind to accompany me to buy something for my niece?” He gives his puppy eyes and Hyukjae laughed with that sight. It’s hard to say no to Henry.

“No. Let me take a shower and dress up.”


Henry smiled and looking around the wide apartment. Hyukjae has a nice apartment decorated with mostly white color. It looks classy and luxury and clean. Henry shook his head when he remembered how Hyukjae freaked out when he found one of their colleague made a mess on the stage when he was directing. So with that kind of attitude, Henry was not surprise to see how clean Hyukjae’s apartment, the guy must be cleaned it routinely.

There is not so much change from the last time he visited. Hyukjae’s living room is not occupied with too many things and the only picture he has in the living room is only the family picture. Four members, with his parents sitting on the chair and Hyukjae with his sister standing at the back.

To be honest, Henry wants to ask Hyukjae about his love-life since they never talked about that topic. He is curious about how Hyukjae love-life be like, what is his ideal type, what he thinks about him, and other things about love. True they can joke and be playful but Henry feels Hyukjae is hiding something from him. He wants to ask but he doubts Hyukjae would tell him. Moreover, he doesn’t want to invade the other’s privacy.

“Ready to go?” Hyukjae suddenly stands beside him, making him startled.


Hyukjae is kind of mysterious, in Henry opinion. They might joking or hugging around but Hyukjae never told him anything special about his life and it just makes Henry interested even more. Hyukjae looked calm and cool when he stays quiet and Henry can’t help but amazed.

“Which shop do you want to go?” Hyukjae asked, without moving his eyes from the road.

Henry shrugged his shoulders and giving his phone to Hyukjae, showing one of the recommended baby shop in their city. Hyukjae nodded and drive to their destination. The drive is quiet and calm, without any of them talk and no music at all.

But Henry didn’t mind. He loves that atmosphere and the fact he could smell Hyukjae’s perfume is just making him adore Hyukjae even more. The fresh yet not too strong scent, it fits Hyukjae.

Henry won’t say he loves Hyukjae. No, it’s too fast for him but he will admit that he likes the man. He likes how Hyukjae is very playful but attractive in the same time. And the fact that he likes their skinship…

He quickly get down from his seat when they arrived, afraid if Hyukjae noticed how red his face is after replayed how many skinships they ever had. After a bit calm, he approached the other and they walked inside.

“Do you know what you want to give?” Hyukjae asked. His gaze fell on the cute clothes for babies. A cute yellow velvet jacket with big cat’s head in the middle. He touched the cloth, feeling how soft it is, and imagining a baby wearing it makes him smile.

“Not yet.” Henry following Hyukjae, looking at the clothes but he doesn’t feel like to giving clothes since his sister has bought a lot of clothes for her baby, not to mention the gifts from his parents. “I want something useful and can last long.”

Hyukjae nods and they walked to the other side. He simply touched a few things while trying to find something to recommend it to Henry. He was about to take a pair of shoes when suddenly Henry pulled his hand.

“Hyukjae, what about we go to the other section? I think my sister needs some unique things.”

Hyukjae following him silently after he put back the shoes. Henry is very detail person and loves colourful things, really match to his personality. Hyukjae just nodding when Henry explained why he loves colourful things and the guy approaches the bright pink and black plushies. Hyukjae rolled his eyes when Henry squealed and hugged the plushies.

Henry looked so happy as if he found a treasure. And with a bright eyes while showing the star-shaped plushies to the man beside him, he said “Hyukjae, look! I think this will be suitable for my niece. What do you think?”

Hyukjae shook his head and snorts. “I don’t think plushies are useful.” He chuckled when Henry gave him a glare and muttering I hate you!

“What about you buy stroller for–“ He accidentally turned his head and his words stop when he meets with a pair of innocent eyes looking at him.

Across from him, he can see a certain someone. Looking at him with his two dark-brown eyes and his body tensed all of a sudden when he recognizes who is that person.  

Henry frowned when he doesn’t hear any words from Hyukjae. He shakes the man’s arm lightly. “Why? What are you looking at, Hyuk?”

Hyukjae ignored Henry’s question. Too busy to staring at Donghae who also stared at him.

“Hyukjae…” Donghae whispered his name in his low voice but Hyukjae can still hear it clearly.

Seriously, Hyukjae winced inside his heart. Among of all coincidence, why it must be him? Why he has to meet his soon-to-be ex-husband in this kind of situation? When Henry is with him? Oh, he doesn’t know is it funny or weird thing.

Hyukjae stared at Donghae, who still looking at him. He wrapped himself with a big light brown coat and a scarf. He looked cuter with a fringe that grew longer than before and his chubby cheeks making him looked healthier.

“Is he your friend?” Henry asked again but now, Hyukjae succeed to turn his head and smile, he was about to answer when suddenly steps could be heard and a tenor voice flows around the shop.

“Donghae, the worker will come soon but look at here, I got—“ Ryeowook stopped when he saw Hyukjae standing across of his best friend –Ryeowook can see how tense Donghae’s body is even only from his back.


He stunned for a while but quickly composed himself and snorted loudly. Ignoring how Henry looked at him confusely as he steps to stand beside Donghae.

“Well, hi Hyukjae. Never thought we can meet you since you’re very busy.” Ryeowook emphasized every words and pulled Donghae by his shoulder, trying to make his best friend looks strong in front of Hyukjae and yeah, he afraid if Donghae suddenly run to Hyukjae and hug him. No, he won’t let that scenario happened.

Oh, everyone will know Ryeowook doesn’t like Hyukjae by the way he talked to him and how his gaze would love to burn the man alive.

“Hi. Nice to meet you here, Wookie.” Hyukjae replied coldly.

Ryeowook smirks and purposedly saying with a mocking tone, “Have a nice date, Hyukjae. Your boyfriend is cute. Hope you will be happy.”

Henry feels uncomfortable by the situation. He gulped when he saw how Ryeowook glared at him as he would cut him alive and hang him on the electricity pole. But he is too confuse by how the other’s guy look –which he heard his name is Donghae. The man keeps looking at Hyukjae meanwhile Hyukjae didn’t even care. The way Donghae looked at Hyukjae… Henry feels something between them.

But what is their relationship?

“Donghae, let’s go to the cashier. I feel suffocated here because of a certain someone who makes my best friend sad.” Ryeowook pulls Donghae’s hand but his best friend is too immersed with Hyukjae, doesn’t care if Hyukjae didn’t pay any attention to him. Ryeowook feels hotter when he saw how literally his best friend loves Hyukjae just by his gaze, so with his high-tone he muttered loudly, “Come on, Donghae! I will give him a punch and killed him if I have to stand here longer.”


“Come with me!” Ryeowook pulls Donghae harder and purposedly bumping his shoulder to Hyukjae’s when they walked pass him.

Hyukjae tries to not mind by how Ryeowook acted. He simply ignored both of Ryeowook and Donghae but when his soon-to-be ex-husband his stomach after lightly bumped to Ryeowook’s back, he becomes curious since Ryeowook turned his head and looked so worried while Donghae hugging his tummy in over-protective way.

Donghae just bumped to Ryeowook’s shoulder lightly, he definitely doesn’t need to be that worried, right? And why was Donghae acted like that?

Hyukjae would sure deep in his thought if not for Henry shakes his body. Hyukjae gives an awkward smile and dragging him to the other side of the shop as Henry wanted, leaving Ryeowook and Donghae behind. He doesn’t realise how curious Henry is but the latter choose to keep it for himself.






Donghae looked at his ceiling while thinking of Hyukjae. Their meeting was beyond his expectation but he was more surprised with the other man beside Hyukjae. He feels more shame after meeting the man especially knowing Hyukjae is with someone else.

He places his hands on his stomach, it lightly. He has been thinking to buy more loose shirt and pants since his stomach getting bigger each day but he has no more energy to prepare it after finished buying the stroller. All he wants to do is laying on his bed and Ryeowook just laughed when he said that.

He never trusted what the doctor said it was because the twin drain his energy but now, he started to believe it. Well, it will get better soon though, so Donghae hopes he can back to his normal state faster and be more active.

“My babies,” He whispers since Ryeowook is sleeping beside him, he doesn’t want to wake his best friend and giving another burden on his shoulders. It’s been days he can’t sleep properly because his mind is distracting with something else. “both of you have to grow healthily, okay? I shall work hard for two of you and give you as much as I can.”

Donghae knows he definitely needs a lot of money. Not only for buying clothes or vitamins but also for the hospital cost when he gives a birth later. He has a few months before the due date and he silently make a promise to gain more projects soon. He has to provide a lot of money for his babies future.

Dear babies…

We can make it even without Papa, right?

Donghae shifted his gaze to the window, looking at the full moon which shone brightly. He his tummy again and like other nights, he prays.

Hyukjae… can I stay with you?



Hohoho, this is quite long^^ I hope all of you aren't bored ^^ Thansk for subscribing, leaving comments, upvoting, giving suggestions, and waiting for this fic ^^ Have a nice weekend everyone!❤️❤️❤️❤️ Anyway, I have updated You and Me. Check it here ^^ Stay healthy and happy! ❤️❤️❤️

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1640 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
964 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️