Chapter Eight

Can I Stay?

Hyukjae gulped his water while his other hand is busy to wipe his sweat. Another concert will coming soon and he is busy to prepare everything. He remembers how many hours he slept nowadays and realised how heavy his eyes are.

Then, he remembers he hasn’t eaten anything since this morning, not even a piece of biscuit.

His mom called him last night and they talked about three hours which ended on eleven and another cause of why he can’t sleep earlier last night. He couldn’t really paid attention to the woman since he also busy typing his idea and designed the stage but two things for sure she has to mention everytime they talked. One is his health and the other is Donghae.

Hyukjae really loves to hear his mom complained about his life-style and giving advices of how he should eat and rest. How he should live a healthy life in his young age and getting enough rest, he loves his mom’s attention after all. But he couldn’t get any interest when it came to Donghae.

“I’ve talked with Heechul and he told me about how your behaviour towards Donghae in both sessions.”

Hyukjae still remembers how many times he heard his mom sighed. Of course, Heechul should tell his mom about their sessions and how it improved. And Heechul never deducted his words.

“Why you have to behave like that, Hyukjae?”

“I just want this to end faster, Mom.”

Hyukjae knows he hurt his mom with that answer. He realises how his family –the whole of his family– like Donghae and appreciate him. He remembers how his mom’s eyes shone when they met for the first time (when Hyukjae introduced Donghae to his mom in the beginning of their relationship) and how fast his dad giving his blessing. And how his sister –who was usually very cool and calm– became hyped and even asked Donghae to come often to their house.

Donghae easily stole everyone’s hearts and it’s like they were bloomed a flower inside their house, a nice atmosphere and happiness around them. It was a good sign. All his family liked him. But now… Hyukjae knew how his mom desperately wants him to stay with Donghae.

“What if you will miss something out from Donghae?”

Hyukjae remembers he frowned and sitting straighter upon that question. He didn’t get anything clearly since his mom asked him to think again about his decision and asked Donghae himself if he really wants to know. He doesn’t know why his mom making him to feel weird but he has to admit, he wants to know.

He sighs and continuing his work. In a mere ten seconds, he sighs again. He suddenly remembers he has to take an important document related to his upcoming project. And that important document is in their house. His and Donghae.

Hyukjae doesn’t want to meet Donghae and he hopes he won’t. He really doesn’t want to back to their house eventhough just taking the document but he has no option. He is too tired to imagine what he has to say to Donghae and decided to just go to their house.

Hyukjae arrived and see nothing but a big European style house –it was designed by Donghae– with a clean yard. He remembers how Donghae loved their house and kept asking him if he liked it too. Although Hyukjae was into minimalist, he just let Donghae did what he loved.

He parked in the yard and get-off from his car quickly with the key in his hand. When the door finally opened, Hyukjae feels like going back to his life months ago. The furniture are still the same but the house looks so empty that Hyukjae doesn’t even know if Donghae is in the house or no. He didn’t see any car in the yard, maybe Donghae’s car is in the garage?

He quietly put on the sandals and walked to the room, second floor. He is about to open the door but stopped when he hears a familiar voice singing from inside the room. Hyukjae could sense something weird inside his body. How come his heart starting to thump like crazy by just hearing Donghae’s voice singing to one of children song?

I suppose to react normal.

Hyukjae doesn’t know why but suddenly he feels relax by hearing his voice. The soft yet deep voice he used to love. The beautiful yet soothing voice that made him smile everytime they talked and laughed. The voice that he admitted so beautiful and he liked it.

Donghae’s voice

Cautiously, Hyukjae opened the door a little bit. He unconciously smiles when he sees Donghae sitting on the floor while folding something. But that smile vanished when his eyes fell on Donghae’s tummy.

Hyukjae’s eyes widened and his eyes quickly wandered around the room, without knowing he has fully open the door until it bumped to the wall, startling Donghae. The widened eyes met with a mouth gaped open.


Inside their room, Hyukjae can see something he never imagined. The baby stroller is standing near Donghae, a few of teddy bears, and on the bed, there are baby clothes. Hyukjae looks at Donghae’s tummy and suddenly he feels dizzy with all this matters.

Am I dreaming?

Donghae trying to cover his tummy with the blanket –which was too late since Hyukjae has seen it all. Hyukjae can’t find any words, he is too shock.

Lee Donghae… pregnant? Am I seeing it right?!

But he can’t be muted at all. Not when he wants to know about that.

“Can you explain to me?” Hyukjae asked, staring at Donghae who has his eyes teary.





Before that…

Donghae can’t help but smiling widely when he saw the pictures of his babies, looking so cute and small. But after he raised his head, he rolled his eyes when he sees half of his room is still messy but immediately smiles widely because of the pictures he has arranged. After more than two hours sitting on his bed just for arranging his babies ultrasound pictures inside of the album, he finally feels satisfied.

He looked at the piled clothes he just bought for himself and sighing again since he feels his back is stiff. He quickly shoving aside the thought of laying on his bed. He has a lot of things to do, such as cleaning his room, arranging his clothes, change his bed sheet, and thinking for another project. Oh, he feels a little bit relief since Ryeowook is going out with Jongwoon to celebrate Jongwoon’s mom birthday and do some groceries shopping. If not, Ryeowook will prevent him to do that all alone.

Well, I just need to prepare myself from getting scold.

Donghae could imagine how Ryeowook’s eyes would wide and his high-pitched voice will filling the house. He laughed slightly, Ryeowook is such a super protective person but he likes how his best friend cares for him.

He slowly taking out all of his clothes from the cupboard and sort of it. He separated the shirts he doesn’t want anymore, decided to give it to his brother later. Donghae trying to make his cupboard as spacious as he can since he also needs to put his babies clothes. He hasn’t bought the cupboard for his babies nor the crib but he has planned of how he wants his babies room look like and how to arrange their cribs and cupboard together.

Donghae sits on the floor, folding his new shirt which he had washed before putting it inside. He could feel his stomach getting bigger and some simple things which supposed to be finished in short-time can’t be easy on him. He is not complaining at all since he loves to know how his babies grow and quite enjoying his pregnancy. And the most funniest thing –for Ryeowook and his mother-in-law– he loves to show-off his big tummy which is actually because he feels hot wearing thick shirt.

And when there is no one in his house, he would love to just shirtless. It’s not like someone will come without his concern, right?

“Okay, now for twin.” He giggling while standing back, taking the twin clothes and places it beside his clothes. He cooed at how cute the clothes are and imagined how it looks like on his babies.

Baby girl and baby boy.

He can’t forget how excited Sora was when she bought a lot of pinky items and said she would love to share his collection with his niece. His sister-in-law is a freaking fangirl of pink color and has a lot of make-up collection. There is no wonder when she said she would love to help him to tie his daughter hair and dress her up. She even vowed she will teach her daughter how to put on make up properly when she grows up later.

But his eyes becomes gloomy when he thought of how Hyukjae and his own family –his mom and his brother– haven’t known anything about his pregnancy. He succeed to hide it from them but at the same time he also afraid if they found out. He succeed to hide it from all of his clients and just smile everytime they said he looks chubbier than before. He can safely said he handles it perfectly so far but he is not proud.

Sometimes he wants to just run towards Hyukjae’s apartment and telling him everything. About how bad he misses him, how much he wants they continue the marriage, how he still loves him and about the babies inside his tummy.

Sometimes he wants to call Hyukjae, craving to hear his soft-calming voice. He wants Hyukjae to talk and sing for him. He wants Hyukjae to telling him jokes. He wants Hyukjae to making funny voices. He wants Hyukjae to cheer for him.

He wants Hyukjae and all of him.

“I sweat more after having both of you,” Donghae muttered and laughed after that. He is not lying though. He sweats more than before he pregnant. Just like now, his air conditioner seems like not functioning when it has been switched-on hours ago but because of his activity, he can’t feel any cold.

Donghae has taken-off his shirt, leaving his upper body to be shirtless. He threw his shirt to his bed and takes his phone, playing an instrumental music and connect it to his headphone, setting the volume so it’s not too loud. After that he put his headphone in his tummy, letting his babies to hear the beautiful music while he continuing his work.

He is too concentrating with his work –cleaning his babies’ stroller wheels– and doesn’t recognize someone is inside in his room, looked at him with widened eyes and mouth gaped open. He startled when he heard a loud thump of something falls down following with the door bumped loudly to the wall. Donghae immediately looked at the door and felt his heart falls to his leg.

He widened his eyes when he looked at Hyukjae. The man he always thinking of and wishing to appear in front of him. The man who still own his heart and making him cries on every single chance he has. He is his soon-to-be ex-husband, the man who he always wanted to be with.


It was too late for him but Donghae realised where Hyukjae’s gaze fell. He abruptly stand and dragged his blanket to cover his tummy. Hyukjae has seen all of it and his gaze is unreadable. He can’t guess whether Hyukjae is shock or feels disgusting but he feels pessimistic now and he would believe Hyukjae would judge him.

A male pregnant.

Isn’t it ridiculous?

He can hear Hyukjae’s steps approaching closer to where he sits right now. He can’t help but feeling nervous and shivering, he has imagined how Hyukjae will laugh and mock him afterwards and he never ready for that. He flinched when Hyukjae kneel down beside him and the scent he missed can be detected.

“Can you explain for me?” Hyukjae asked, staring at him and just with his cold voice, Donghae can feel his eyes teary.

Donghae doesn’t know how to explain the whole situation to Hyukjae. He never prepared for it since he was planning to keep it as secret from Hyukjae. He had planned to just stay quiet even until the babies are born, he won’t tell Hyukjae. He never predicted things are going out from his plan and this day could come. He never expect Hyukjae would suddenly come and see his state.

Donghae can’t help but feel intimidated by how Hyukjae stares at him. He feels ashame and stupid at the same time. He doesn’t even know Hyukjae feels happy or shame.

“Donghae. I’m asking for your explanation.”

Hyukjae sounds impatient now which make Donghae sobs. With a stutters, he mumbled, “A-as w-what y-you h-have seen… I-I’m…” Tears started to roll down his cheeks and Donghae feels want to hide somewhere. He tried to look at Hyukjae but his tears blurred his vision. “S-seriously, I-I’m f-fine. Y-you don’t h-have to feel b-burdened.” He tried to sound convince eventhough he is not.

Hyukjae ruffles his hair. He shifted closer to Donghae and squating down and just by now, he finally recognized something has changed from Donghae’s face. The usual happy face is replaced by dark-circles under his eyes which also looked puffy, his lips are trembling, and his shoulders are shaking. Hyukjae feels a pang in his heart. The usual bright eyes were decorated with tears now.

“Donghae, I—“

“No, you don’t need to f-feel bad. I-I know y-you don’t w-want th-them.”

“Donghae, listen to me. I w—“

“It’s okay, Hyukjae. I c-can handle them alone.”

Donghae cries harder and even distances himself from Hyukjae. He shakes his head frantically and it makes Hyukjae confused. He wants to say something but Donghae never let him to. He doesn’t know what to do to calm him. Donghae keep crying and avoids him.

With a deep sigh and heavy heart, he stands. “I will wait in the living room until you calm down.”

Hyukjae didn’t notice how Donghae curls himself and caressing his tummy protectively while crying.  Hyukjae didn’t know how Donghae with his shaken hands hugging their picture.

Donghae can’t form any sentences. He just never prepared for this situation and the look Hyukjae gave him… He doesn’t know. For all these times, he kept the secret from him because he doesn’t want any hope to come. He doesn’t want to imagine something he could never had. He doesn’t want to wish Hyukjae back to him because he knows how impossible it is.

So, why he is coming now? When he started to learn how to let him go, when he is very sure about his plans. Why Hyukjae has to come?






“Give it to me, Ryeowook. That’s too heavy.”

Ryeowook shakes his head and stucked out his tongue playfully in the same time insisted to take the plastic bags. He smiled widely when Jongwoon let him to do everything he wants and decided to just follow him.

They are just finished doing groceries shopping and Jongwoon feels amazed –for countless time– on his boyfriend knowledge about good vitamins, fresh fruits, and best nutritions. They had done groceries shopping before but Jongwoon always find Ryeowook is completely adorable everytime they’re doing groceries shopping.

“The banana and bread are in your plastic bags, right?” Ryeowook asked on their way to the car.


Ryeowook grins happily. He has made a plan to cook something good for their dinner. Their consist of Jongwoon, Donghae, and himself. He has prepared the equipments and many ideas have been whirling inside his head since he watched many cooking videos on Youtube last night.

 “What do you want to eat?” Ryeowook asked while using his safety belt.

Jongwoon shrugged his shoulders. “You know I always like what you made.” Oh, Jongwoon is not sugarcoating his words. He does love everything made by Ryeowook since it’s not only tasted good but also healthy. He trusts his boyfriend choices and it makes Ryeowook chuckled.

“You always said that.”

“I’m being honest. Did you forget how Dad, Mom, and Jongjin also like the food you made?”

Now, Ryeowook is blushing. Being together with Jongwoon for six years doesn’t mean he can’t blushed through his words or actions. He had met Jongwoon’s family since years ago and Jongwoon also had met his family. Both parties giving their blessings but didn’t push them since they understand how packed Jongwoon’s schedules are for now.

Jongwoon stopped the car besides the unfamiliar black audi in the yard. That’s clearly not Donghae’s nor Ryeowook’s car so with piercing eyes, he asked his boyfriend, “Whose car is this?”

Ryeowook furrowed his eyebrows, can’t recognize the car. Of course, it’s not Donghae’s car. Donghae will tell him if he wants to change his car. But it’s also doesn’t look like his best friend inviting someone.

“I don’t know. Let’s check it.”

Ryeowook hurries his pace to the door and opened it. He feels panicked and cursed himself for leaving Donghae alone at home eventhough it’s what his best friend wanted. But his eyes immediately grew wide when he sees the man sitting on the couch, looking at him with hopeful gaze and he can feel his blood boils by the instant gaze.


Ryeowook’s heart beating hard when the thought come to his mind. Hyukjae stands abruptly but before he can say something, Ryeowook jumped into him and sits on his stomach. Hyukjae groaned when a punch landed on his face and another on his chin.


“Akh, Ryeo—“

“YOU’RE JERK!!! !!!”

The punch landed on his cheek, making Hyukjae whimpered but he doesn’t do anything to fight back. He realised his mistakes and he knows how Ryeowook cares for Donghae.

“Who is that, Wookie?” Jongwoon asked while taking down all the plastic bags. His eyes went wide as he saw Ryeowook keeps throwing punchs on Hyukjae’s face and chin while the other laying weakly.

Jongwoon runs faster towards them, pulling Ryeowook as hard as he can which is not easy since Ryeowook uses all his energy to fight. Ryeowook keeps wanting to kick Hyukjae but Jongwoon holds him tightly.

“Stop, Ryeowook! STOP!!!”


Jongwoon’s loud voice and another familiar voice succeed making Ryeowook stops. He keeps hugging his boyfriend while looking at Hyukjae who has wound in the corner of his lips and bruise on his cheeks. Meanwhile Jongwoon widened his eyes.


Donghae walks faster to Hyukjae and all of them can see the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Ryeowook clenched his fists. He really hasn’t satisfied hitting Hyukjae. He really wants to beat the latter and send him to the hell.  

It has been a while since the last time they saw each other and Ryeowook thought it was the best timing to make Hyukjae regret his decision but now, looking how Donghae kneeled and touching Hyukjae’s face making his heart softened. After all, his best friend is still in love with this man he addressed as jerk.

“What are you doing here?” Ryeowook asked with a stern voice. His eyes piercing and Jongwoon can sense his boyfriend is going to explode again if there is no one hold him. Understanding what Donghae wants, he quickly thinks a way to drag his boyfriend far from them.

“Ryeowook, let’s put all of the plastic bags in the kitchen first.” Jongwoon whispers while giving his apologetic smile to Hyukjae. Unlike Ryeowook, Jongwoon is a bit calm eventhough he slowly knows what happened when they were out.

It’s not like he supports all what Hyukjae did to Donghae since he can see how Donghae changes to a different person after the day Hyukjae left him. Donghae becomes more distance and quiet, it’s like another new person because the old Donghae never be like that. And every time Ryeowook told him on how Dognhae always cried because of Hyukjae… Jongwoon would feel sad and sympathize the pregnant man.

“I-I’ll help you t-to c-clean those wounds.”

Hyukjae opened his eyes and looking at Donghae. He diving into the deep dark brown eyes which showing nothing but purity and sincerity. Hyukjae tries to stand with Donghae’s help and both of them sit on the couch. Donghae immediately takes the first-aid-kit and the cotton.

While in the kitchen, Jongwoon stands across from Ryeowook.

“What the hell is he doing out here? What is on his mind?!” Ryeowook said, obviously feeling annoyed by Hyukjae’s presence.

Jongwoon put all the plastic bags in the counter and crossed his arms, staring at his boyfriend who is also staring at him. Ryeowook swallowed his saliva when he sees how intense Jongwoon’s gaze is. There is something if Jongwoon looked at him like that, although not full of anger somehow he still feels weak against those eyes.

“You have to calm down, Wook. I know he hurts Donghae but let’s listen to him first.”

“No. I don’t want to talk to him. Not after what he has done to Donghae!”

Jongwoon exhales as he sees how Ryeowook turns his head, avoiding his gaze. Ryeowook is stubborn especially when he hates someone. Jongwoon never complained since Ryeowook is quiet mature to not jump to hit everyone he hates and thought it is his right to act like that. He is not perfect after all, but he gives Ryeowook advices to deal with the person he hates without cornering him.

But today is beyond his control still he can understand why his boyfriend acted like that.

“Then,” He turns his head only to see how Donghae carefully cleans Hyukjae’s blood. “You have to talk with Donghae and I will talk to Hyukjae. Is it okay? They have to solve their problem with just the two of them but we have to talk to them before it.”


“It’s their problem, Wookie. We can only give advices but they still need to talk and solve by their own. We can help but it doesn’t mean you have to interfer all of it.”

Ryeowook exhales and thinking of his boyfriend words. After a while, he gives a nod. Jongwoon smiles and caressed his head, giving some ease to Ryeowook.

Both of them walking to the living room. Jongwoon walks to Hyukjae direction. He gives the latter a glass of water which Hyukjae receives with a sheepish smile and Donghae packs all the things back, he has finished treating Hyukjae’s wound. Eventhough he didn’t want to talk to Hyukjae and doesn’t want to see his face for a while, he can’t see him to suffer.

“How are you, Hyukjae?” Jongwoon sits beside him.

“I’m fine.”

Jongwoon smiles and nods. Of course. From his physical appearance, everyone could see how Hyukjae is looking so fine meanwhile Donghae is mess. Jongwoon remembers he saw how Donghae constantly looking at their marriage picture eventhough there was Ryeowook who is talking about a new camera –one of Donghae’s favorite topic.

“Donghae, I think we have to talk in your room.” Ryeowook said.

After two of them have gone, Jongwoon continued, “I guess you have found out about Donghae’s condition.”

Hyukjae nodded with his eyes staring blankly to the glass. This still surprised him, he never knew Donghae is a male pregnant since they never checked it before and barely talked about child. No, Hyukjae is not going to say it’s not his child. He knows Donghae won’t going to sleep around, he is not an easy person like that.

So yeah, it’s his child.


As like Jongwoon can read his mind, the older man uttered, “Around four months old. You must be shocked because four months old but the bump is quite big, right?” Jongwoon chuckled a little but with his calm voice he continued, “It’s because he is pregnant with twin.”


Hyukjae doesn’t know how many more surprised he will get. Donghae’s pregnancy is enough to surprise him but now… twin?! Hyukjae remembers he has no family who has twin descendant nor Donghae’s. But… Hyukjae can’t describe anything properly. He feels his head spinning around with every single words replaying in his head.

“I’m sorry that Ryeowook punched you earlier. I never thought you would come.” Jongwoon added, smiled bitterly.

“I deserve to receive that.” Hyukjae whispers.

The answer silenced them. Hyukjae knows what he feels right now. It’s a mixed feelings but one of them for sure is guilt. Slowly, he imagines how Donghae went through from the beginning of his pregnancy until now and it brings him to feel even more guilty.

“I ask Donghae to rest in his room now.” Ryeowook said from the stairs after they sat quietly for fifteen minutes but his gaze quickly turns into hatred when his eyes met with Hyukjae’s. He decided to approach the man and sits across from Hyukjae and Jongwoon as he prevents himself to beat Hyukjae again.

“I don’t wanna know why you come. But one thing, Lee Hyukjae,” Ryeowook said with his low voice which sounds more threatened. “I don’t give you any ing chance to hurt him more. As you know, he is pregnant. He doesn’t need you to mock his condition.”


“What? You want to ask are you giving him pressure? Yes, Lee Hyukjae. You give him pressures! All the time he does is loving you and craving for you to come! He wants to share this good news but you, you’re a jerk! I’m not going to apologize for what happened just now, you deserve all the wounds and even more.”

Jongwoon moves to Ryeowook’s side and pulling him to his chest. Asking him to calm down and let Hyukjae sinks all the information. Jongwoon keeps Ryeowook’s back, ignoring how pale Hyukjae face is.

“C-can I… talk to him later?”

Jongwoon sighed but nodded, he didn’t let Ryeowook say anything this time. “After he woke up and if he wants, okay? He must be shocked too, please give him some time.”

Hyukjae nodded and leaned in to the couch. He looked at the ceiling and Donghae’s face replayed again. All of it make sense now. From why Donghae walked carefully, why his mom and Heechul kept asking him to talk to Donghae and if he is not going to regret something later, how chubby Donghae becomes, the way Donghae protects his tummy, and why he was at the baby shop last time when they met.

I should have known about it earlier.

Ryeowook ended up to fall asleep in Jongwoon’s chest and the singer decided to not talk anything since he knew Hyukjae also needs to calm down and digest all the new information. He doesn’t know if it is a good sign but from Hyukjae’s face, he could see how Hyukjae becomes sad, frustrated, worried, and guilty.



The longest chapter hahaha, hope you guys won't bored kkk. How was the surprise? Is it too fast? ^^ Hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for all your supports ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Anyway, I think I can't promise I will update on next weekends because I'm currently on home learning (online class because of Covid-19) and it T_T I miss my class because it has less homework than during this online classT_T hope this Covid-19 can be disappeared soon and please stay safe and careful, everyone. Let's keep fit and eat healthy food❤ 

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1641 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
965 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️