Chapter Nineteen

Can I Stay?

Divorce 19

2 months later…

Donghae puts on the sunglasses special for baby before he takes the twins to sit on the chair. Sunbathing in the early morning with a classic music in the background becomes one of his favorite activity with the twins.

Time flies. It’s unbelievable that it’s been two months since Donghae opened his eyes and the twins have reached their fourth months now. They become taller, chubbier, and smarter. And Donghae gets to know more of their habits as he stays with them most of the time.

“Hot, hm? Ten more minutes and then going back to our home, okay?” Donghae chuckles as the twins just blabbering in their baby language but as if they know it’s only Donghae who holds two of them, the twins didn’t move too much.

Hyukjae has to work earlier this morning but in a happy side, this is the last project before he takes a bit rest to spend his time with the twins. Though Haru and Donghyuk cried so hysterically when they didn’t find Hyukjae this morning, Donghae succeed to make them distracted with the dolls he bought.

He remembered that there will be time when baby can be so clingy to their parents so he guessed this must be the time his twins getting clingy to him and Hyukjae. And he loves it so much no matter how the twins giving him a sore back at the night due to too much activity he did with them and well, it’s not easy to take care of two babies alone.

Two months has passed and he has learned a lot from Hyukjae’s family, his mom, and Hyukjae about taking care of the babies. From how to change their diapers, how to make their milks, until how to bath them, Donghae might say he is quite good now.

He nuzzles to Donghyuk’s little arm when he keeps blabbering and clapping his hands happily then moves to Haru who is blinking her eyes cutely with glance fixed on the roses. Both of them really have a good mix of him and Hyukjae and Donghae can’t stop himself from falling in love with these two.

“Do you miss Papa?” He said to his babies and chuckling when both of them smiled and blabbering the baby words again.


Will it be funny if he is the one who really misses the man?

It’s been two months since Hyukjae asked him to rebuild their marriage. To be back and build their little family together, more importantly as husbands.

Donghae remembers how Hyukjae looked at him. Those eyes stared at him with a soft gaze that he missed so much, his voice was so soft like what he used to talk with Donghae, and his smile… Hyukjae really means what he said, though. The man never asked Donghae again until now but from his actions, Donghae knows Hyukjae wishes him to give ‘yes’ as the answer.

It’s crazy because Donghae really wants to shout a yes to that offer but at the same time, it’s not an easy thing to do.

Donghae is still a human after all. He has doubt and fear.

What if Hyukjae leave me again in the future?

And surely, he has questions. He wants to ask Hyukjae about Henry, the guy that close with Hyukjae. He wants to know why Hyukjae wants them back and what happened to his relationship and Henry.

These two months are still the same for them. They are still awkward with each other and only talk if there is an important thing to say. Donghae’s mom sometimes sleep in Donghwa’s apartment but she frequently comes to help his son taking care of the twins. She just asked Donghae to follow what his heart desires when Donghae asked her opinion.

Ryeowook doesn’t help at all. His best friend just said he needs to think and he doesn’t want to affect Donghae’s decision.

Donghae sighs as he lays his babies on his bed and slowly changing their clothes. Looking at their innocent faces and how they really enjoy when Hyukjae hugs and kisses them making Donghae realised that their babies love Hyukjae, too.

Donghae can see how their babies’ eyes will brighten when Hyukjae carries them, talking sweetly with them, and even with a simple gesture, the babies will laugh and clung to Hyukjae like a koala. Donghae knows he wants to stay with Hyukjae but his heart… he needs time to heal.

He needs to figure out Hyukjae and Henry relationship first because he doesn’t want Hyukjae to make him as getaway. He doesn’t want to be hurt for the second time and so, although he knows Hyukjae must be hurt because he keeps postpone his answer and treat the director coldly. Moreover they have their babies now, he needs to consider every little thing well because he can’t risk their babies happiness.

Eventually, he sighed again and frown. He knows sooner or later he needs to give his answer to Hyukjae. His frown didn’t last long as his eyes fell on Donghyuk who brings his own hand to his mouth, his thumb and Donghae can’t help but cooing to that beautiful sight and Haru who is trying to grab her rattle.






Jongwoon massaging his forehead while looking at the video that showed in front of him. “So… do you mean we don’t need band performance?” He asked the man beside him with his eyes showing clearly how tired he is already. Three buttons of his shirt is already opened, leaving the man with his not-so-tidy appearance yet still manage to give a y vibes since the girls around them never stop whispering about his looks.

“Yeah, just make it simple. Arrange your words and I’ll play the romantic song during your proposing. It would be good if the songs are yours and Ryeowook favorite.” Hyukjae moves his pen on the new paper, writing the revision of their plans. “Band performance is too much, in my opinion.”

Jongwoon taps his fingers against the table. After thinking alone and make some arrangements, he realised he needs someone to help him and he is so lucky since Hyukjae is willing to spare his time to discuss about this matter since he trusted Hyukjae’s style too. After all, Hyukjae helps him a lot on this preparation.

“Okay, so no band performance. But you know… the accessories… I don’t know his ring finger size and he is not the type that likes to wear ring.”

Hyukjae muttered a small thank you when the staff gives him a plate of brownies and cheese cake they ordered. He takes a sip of his cold chocolate before muttered, “I think Ryeowook’s finger size is not really different from Donghae? Maybe I can help you with Hae’s ring.” He puts his cup on his left side as his eyes fixed on Jongwoon’s phone that showed a picture of the place the older man planned to go. “I’ll give you the ring later.”

Jongwoon furrows his eyebrows. Hyukjae is looking better since the day Donghae has opened his eyes. His eyebags is not that big and he can see Hyukjae’s mood is getting better too but there is something that tickles Jongwoon’s curiosity. He choose to keep his phone and focusing his eyes to the younger.

“Is everything going well with Donghae?”

Hyukjae stopped his hand from stirring his chocolate. His eyes wander to the other corner of the café they are in as his thought flew back to the man who must be busy taking care their babies now. Hyukjae can’t say he is fine because there is definitely something he wants to know from Donghae. His answer.

“I have talked to him about the cancellation of our divorce. We are not fighting or arguing but he asked me to give him time to think.” He turns his head to smile at Jongwoon and shrugs his shoulders. “I am not blaming him. He suffered a lot because of me. It’s not even his fault if… he doesn’t want to continue our marriage.”

Jongwoon just pats Hyukjae’s back as a supporting gesture.  

“I believe he will give his answer soon but I can’t assure you the answer is what you hoped to listen.” Jongwoon doesn’t mean to hurt Hyukjae, he is just being as realistic as he could. What he said is the truth and Hyukjae can’t do anything to defend himself. It was his fault.

Two months are too fast for Donghae to heal himself. Hyukjae knows Donghae needs more time and he himself doesn’t even dare to think his mistakes were forgiven. In the end, he doesn’t want to think about it because they are going to discuss about Jongwoon’s plan which is a good distraction for Hyukjae.

“Oh, didn’t you just showing me a picture? What was it?”

Jongwoon quickly reached his phone and showing Hyukjae the picture. The excitement flowing around them. Jongwoon’s sparkly eyes and wide smile didn’t leave unnotice by Hyukjae. He could only smile seeing how serious Jongwoon is.






When Hyukjae back to Donghae’s apartment, the clock has showed 9 PM. His smile immediately bloom as he found their son is having his tummy time with Donghae carrying their daughter and humming to a melody, to lead Haru to sleep.

“Is Haru already sleeping?” He asked in a low voice while taking-off his suit.

“Not yet but she is sleepy. Donghyuk has taken his nap two times this afternoon but Haru only taken one.” Donghae keeps patting on her back when Haru rub her face to Donghae’s chest.

“Have you eaten your dinner?” Hyukjae chuckles when Donghyuk raised his head, smiling widely showing his toothless gum. His chubby cheeks is so tempting for Hyukjae to kiss and nuzzle his nose there –one of his favorite activity with his babies– but he won’t do that now because he hasn’t shower. The little boy squeal happily when Hyukjae teasing him by poking his chubby cheek and that view also make Donghae smiles.

“I have. What about you?”

Honestly, Hyukjae hasn’t eaten anything other than cakes and two cups of chocolate he consumed with Jongwoon but of course, he won’t say it. He just nodded and said he already taken one too. Hearing the familiar voice, Haru starts to whine which makes Donghae has to change her position to face Hyukjae who is chuckling again.

“Hi little princess,” He playfully tickles Haru’s chin and sighs immediately when he saw how sleepy their daughter is. Knowing his presence won’t make Haru sleeping soon, Hyukjae said, “It’s time to sleep, baby. We’ll play together tomorrow, okay? Good night, little Haru.” He proceed to the bathroom, leaving the babies and Donghae in the living room.

Donghae staring at Hyukjae’s back that slowly disappear as the director enter the guest room. Though they looked fine, Donghae realises he is the one that avoid Hyukjae. They will talk but Donghae will stand further from Hyukjae. They rarely eating together and if they did, Donghae will finish his food faster and disappear to his own room or the babies’ room.

But Donghae thinks Hyukjae knows him really well because the older man comes home late these days and goes to work as early as possible so Donghae doesn’t have to feel awkward. Donghae faking a smile to Donghyuk when his son staring at him innocently with bright eyes, there is no sign of the baby will sleep soon and Donghae shook his head.

When Hyukjae coming out with damp hair and freshened look, Donghae excuses himself to bring Haru to the babies’ room. Hyukjae just humming, walking to his son, and carry the little baby who is blabbering incoherent words.

Hyukjae gently ruffling Donghyuk’s short hair and moving his other hand when the little boy seems like wanna catch it. The little boy chuckles loudly when Hyukjae teasingly tickles his neck, making his small bip slightly moved.

He bends down to take a book from the table. One of the newest story book he bought for the babies and as if the little boy knows what his father is going to do, he rests his head on Hyukjae’s chest. The gesture is so simple yet it makes Hyukjae so relieved. The book is talking about a smart and kind elephant.

Both of them realised Donghyuk prefers a story book talking about animals while their baby girl prefers princess story book.

Donghae is still in the babies’ room and Hyukjae doesn’t want to disturb him. He eventually learns that he should give Donghae a space, including the fact they are likely avoiding each other.

The little boy slowly closed his eyes when the clock strikes midnight. His sleeping face is so much looked like Hyukjae. Donghae finally comes out and greeted with the sight of Hyukjae hugging their sleeping son. The older man just smile slightly and waits until Donghae enters his own room then he enters their babies’ room and put Donghyuk on the other empty crib.

“Have a sweet dream, babies.” He whispers while placing a kiss on each of their foreheads.

Hyukjae heads to the kitchen as his stomach starts to growl. He won’t cook too much. An instant noodle and french fries he has bought is enough. He doesn’t feel like want to eat but his stomach can’t stop growling if he doesn’t stuff any food.

He can hear Donghae is coming. Thus, he cooks faster and quickly put the noodle in the bowl he has prepared. “I am done.” Hyukjae said when Donghae was about to walk back to his room. Hyukjae puts his bowls on the tray and smiles. He will eat in his room. It’s not a big deal though he wants to stay longer and wishing they can talk face to face.

But it will make him uncomfortable…

Donghae lowers his head when Hyukjae closes the door. He is not stupid to not notice Hyukjae’s sad gaze. There is countless times when he refrained himself from hugging Hyukjae and giving his answer. He wants to say it out loud that he still loves the man but at the same time, he feels he needs more time. 

He is so grateful that Hyukjae doesn’t urge him to give his answer faster instead the man giving his space. Donghae also realised that Hyukjae will quickly comes to the babies’ room if their babies starts to cry no matter what time is that so the babies won’t wake him up. There was one time Donghae talked about it to Hyukjae but the director just shook his head and said it’s okay because Donghae must be tired after taking care of them for the whole day.

Though he hasn’t given his answer to Hyukjae, somehow the warmth inside his heart is making him happy. And it is because Hyukjae.






“I told you, they are quite noisy and active.” Donghae gives the bowl that filled with the cookies he just made to Ryeowook who is sitting while playing with his twins. As usual, the babies will be curious and trying to reach the cookies but Ryeowook is fast enough to move the plate to the coffee table and laughed when he sees how the babies whimper.

“Well, you look so happy and no matter how tiring it is, I can see you never complained.” Ryeowook teases the twins with the cookies in his hand. His laugh can be heard when the twins look so interested with the chocolate cookies. “Not now, sweeties.”

Donghae shook his head and choose to entertain his babies with the plushies he took from their room. He stares at his best friend, silently satisfied because Ryeowook clearly has no idea about Jongwoon’s plan.

That’s good.

It was Sunday afternoon. They were supposed to go to the beach as what they have planned but sadly, the weather is not really good so Ryeowook chose to spend his Sunday at Donghae’s apartment while Hyukjae and Jongwoon are going to a department store to buy some food for their dinner and Donghae knows Hyukjae is helping Jongwoon to choose the ring.

Yeah, he has known the singer’s plan and as a good friend he is, he supports Jongwoon so much. Ryeowook never talk about marriage but Donghae is sure deep down inside his heart, Ryeowook actually looking for it.

Aside that, he also knew Jongwoon has prepared a lot of things such as the place where he wants the propose to happen which also lead to their vacation soon. Yeah, their vacation because Jongwoon wants Hyukjae and Donghae to see him propose to Ryeowook and also to ease his nervousness.

For Jongwoon, proposing is harder than singing in front of thousand or million audiences. Hyukjae and Donghae have convinced him that Ryeowook will accept him but still, he can’t calm down at all.

“So… you haven’t given your answer to Hyukjae?” asked Ryeowook. He doesn’t look at Donghae since his hand are trying to put the pink bandana on Haru’s head. When Donghae didn’t say anything, Ryeowook raised his head only to find his best friend staring blankly to the twins.

Ryeowook taps Donghae’s arm, succeeding to have his best friend’s attention again. “It’s okay. I know you need more time and Hyukjae understands about that too, right?”

“… Yeah.” Donghae turns Haru and Donghyuk on their stomach. Tummy time is important and Donghae really likes to see his babies eyeing curiously to the playmat they are sitting with a slight frown. “You know my reason, don’t you?”

Ryeowook scanning Donghae’s expression. As his best friend, of course Ryeowook knows what Donghae is thinking. His best friend is still insecure and being dilemma. Donghae still doubting Hyukjae intention and a lot of thoughts are running inside his mind.

What if the older man will change his mind again? What if his offer for them to re-build their marriage is only temporarily? What if the second quarrel happened again?

Taking Donghae’s hand in his grip, Ryeowook said, “Follow your heart, Donghae. Understand what your heart desires and take your time.”

As Donghae looked down to his babies, the little creatures staring at him with their big innocent eyes. By that, Donghae knows there is no reason for him to runaway. He has known it but… can he ask for more time?

When Jongwoon and Hyukjae are coming back with many plastics of groceries, Ryeowook quickly helps him to prepare the tools they will use to cook while the babies will be taken care by their dad and Jongwoon.

“Do you think he will like it?” Jongwoon whispered while holding Donghyuk in his arms.

Hyukjae holding himself from smacking the singer’s head. He has lost count for how many times Jongwoon has uttered the same question. They literally spent a couple of hours in the jewelry stores (yeah, they visited more than one because Jongwoon is too picky) and Hyukjae keeps whining of how Jongwoon is too perfectionist for the ring.

It’s not even their wedding ring… Hyukjae thought to himself.

But Jongwoon insisted they have to find the suitable ring for Ryeowook. Although he doesn’t familiar with his boyfriend‘s taste in accessories, he tried his best. In the end, they stopped in one of the most famous brand in the world and Jongwoon chose quite expensive ring. 

Hyukjae shakes his head as he remembered how Jongwoon’s eyes sparkling with a wide grin when the staff handed him the jewelry. Now both of them can safely say the plan is 90% well-prepared. Jongwoon has written his words and he secretly has practised it everyday.

So far, they are doing good for keeping the secret from Ryeowook. Just a few weeks more, they will go to the destination where Jongwoon will execute his plan. Both of their parents (Ryeowook’s and Jongwoon’s) keep sending him couraging words, asking him to keep calm and wishing for the best.






The next morning, Donghae found Donghyuk and Haru are in the stroller, the stroller that he bought. Hyukjae looks good with his blue t-shirt and baggy pants, looking totally casual than his usual style and somehow, Donghae likes it more than his formal look.

“You are not working… today?” Donghae tilts his head.

“It’s my day-off today.” Hyukjae turns to put the babies’ hat on Donghyuk and Haru’s heads which is in faint because both of them dislike it and throw it away as soon as he put it. Hyukjae shook his head when Donghyuk even blabbering some baby words as if the boy is trying to tell him to not put the hat while Haru is trying to bite her hat. He quickly gives Haru her teether and keeps their hats in his backpack. “I’ll go back to work tomorrow. We are going to have a small walk in the park.”

Hyukjae puts the last thing to his backpack. A bottle of mineral water. Awkwardly, he stares at Donghae and asked, “Do you want to join?”

Hyukjae didn’t really mean it. No, it’s not because he doesn’t like the idea of Donghae joined them but it’s just… he thought Donghae would choose to stay in his apartment. That’s why Hyukjae stunned when Donghae nods and said he would love if they can have a small picnic and rush to the kitchen to prepare their food.

Hyukjae grins to himself, calming his heart, and sit to entertain the twins. He doesn’t want to imagine something too much from this but he can’t deny the happiness he is feeling right now.

Donghae spent around one hour at the kitchen and just changing his pyjama with simple red knitted-sweater and jeans. He brings along the basket that contains their food then they go to the park Donghae wanted to visit.

Though Hyukjae knows pretty well they’re going to be super awkward, he still just let it be. At least, they have their babies who can draw their attention and Hyukjae is ready to give more space if Donghae really that uncomfortable around him.

The park surprisingly is not really crowded, which is a good news. Hyukjae tugging his lips as he hears the twins blabbering as if they know they are outside and feel so excited.

While Donghae carrying Donghyuk and Haru is staying on her stroller, Hyukjae starts to lay the cloth for them to sit and quickly embracing their daughter when he saw how Haru’s legs kicking the air.

“There you are~” Hyukjae pecks his daughter cheek and chuckle when the little girl is smiling.

Being a four months babies, not only mean they became more active but they also showing the response. The babies are getting smarter day by day. They can laugh when their parents were playing with them, curious with everything, and can cry when Donghae accidentally raising his voice because he was too panicked.

“The weather is quite nice today.” Donghae muttered with his eyes fixed on the sight in front of them. His beautiful smile enchanted Hyukjae for the nth time but the latter can only nod.

“And we’re lucky since here is not really crowded.”

The wind blows softly which makes Donghae’s hair moving slowly. It doesn’t make him look bad at all and it’s an unfortunate for Hyukjae because he is so desperate to caress that beautiful hair but he has no reason to.

The silence comes, just like both of them had predicted. The twins are too busy to stare on something and blabbering while their parents are busy with their own thoughts. Hyukjae doesn’t realise when Donghae secretly looking at him.

Donghae is not stupid to not recognize the change on Hyukjae’s features. The man is thinner and the eyes bags… how come it becomes bigger than he remembered? Donghae wanna know if it caused by him or not but once again, he doesn’t dare to have high expectation.

Both of them startled by Haru’s cry. Apparently the little girl accidentally bump her head on the picnic basket and Donghae felt bad to chuckle on her crying face. He just hum when Hyukjae excused himself to stand and carry Haru, calming their sweetheart by walking to take a look on the puppies running around.

And Donghae lets his big sigh out.

It is just insane how his feeling doesn’t change at all. It is unbelievable that after what Hyukjae done to him, he still find his heart wants that man. It is beyond his rationality that even after those suffered moments, Donghae still sees Hyukjae as his happiness.

Donghae leans his back to the bench behind him. His breath hitched with the thought of not seeing Hyukjae close to him and he is close to cry when he imagine Hyukjae left his apartment.

And watching how their babies are so attach to their Papa, Donghae knows he won’t be bothered to do what he supposed to do. As if knowing the thought inside his Appa’s head, Donghyuk giving his cute cheeky smile which ease Donghae.

That day, he doesn’t give his answer but he promised to himself he will do it soon.


Hello!!! Omg, it's been quite a long time hahaha. I don't know if you still wait or read this fic, but still I want to say thank you!^-^ Sorry for taking a long timeT_T I'm not sure if this chapter is good or not but I hope it's enjoyable ^^ Last but not least, stay safe and healthy❤️❤️❤️ I hope I can update soon^-^. 

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1648 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
970 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️