Chapter Eighteen

Can I Stay?

Donghae has waken up.

The news quickly spread to Heechul, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Jongwoon since the first day the said man opened his eyes because Hyukjae himself told every one of them. The mix of happiness and verge of tears can be heard and Donghae is not going to miss that.

He notices how Hyukjae smiles widely and kiss his hand, saying thanks to God several times while Donghae just keep quiet but draw a small smile when doctor Park said everything is okay so he doesn’t need to stay in hospital for a long time. Just three days more and he can step his house again.

Well… apartment…

Hyukjae is sitting on the chair, peeling an apple and saying in his soft voice, “Three days are not long. Just a little check then you can meet our babies.”

Our babies…

Just then, Donghae realised his tummy is not big anymore. It is not a dream that he entered the operation room and gave birth to their twin babies. Donghae still remember their genders, boy and girl and vaguely he reminiscing their cries on that special day.

With a shaky voice he asked, “H-how… they are fine right? I-I want to see them.”

Hyukjae feeds a slice of apple which Donghae takes after hesitates for a few seconds, taking out his phone and open his gallery. Showing Donghae the videos and pictures he took, the younger man can see the twins looked a like slightly.  

“W-what is their names?” Donghae can’t shift his eyes from Hyukjae’s phone screen. There, Hyukjae is carrying their baby boy while singing a lullaby. Donghae can’t see much of their baby boy but the way Hyukjae staring, singing, and moving his body is just endearing until Donghae feels his eyes teary.

Hyukjae caressing Donghae’s hand, feeling the emotion that build up slowly in chis chest. “I named them as what you want. Donghyuk and Haru.” Hyukjae gives another slice apple for Donghae to chew. His eyes showing nothing but sincerity which makes Donghae swears his heart is racing.

But Donghae is not amnesia. Although he didn’t recognise his body a few moment ago, he can’t forget this thing. The divorce.

Donghae looks at Hyukjae and how the man sitting so comfortably while slicing the apple making him wants to throw his body to the older. Donghae wants to wish Hyukjae is here because he loves him but on the other side, it sounds impossible for him.

Don’t fly too high if you’re not ready to fall, Donghae…


It is not wrong to ask, right?


He was about to ask when suddenly the door knocked and it swung opened, showing the familiar faces he missed. Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Jongwoon are coming with big basket of fruits in Jongwoon’s hands. Ryeowook runs to Donghae’s side as fast as possible and hug his best friend tightly. In a mere five seconds, all of them can hear how Ryeowook sobbing in Donghae’s arms.

“I miss you so much, you know? Took you a long time to wake up but I feel so happy and grateful. You don’t know how anxious were we everyday.”

Donghae muttered a sorry, feeling absolutely guilty to make all of them worry over him but Ryeowook shook his head, hugging his best friend once again and saying he is so relief now. For the whole time, Hyukjae just stand in the corner, sometimes he talked with Kyuhyun or Jongwoon and sometimes he typed something on his laptop while Donghae is talking to Ryeowook.

“Have you seen my babies?” Donghae asked curiously to Kyuhyun which answered with a nod and grins from the younger. Donghae pouts, it means he is the only one who haven’t seen and touch his babies and Kyuhyun absolutely knows what he is thinking.

“Haru and Donghyuk are cute babies. They are so chubby, healthy, and smart.” Kyuhyun chuckles when he remembers how the babies slept in Hyukjae’s arms and being so clingy with their Papa but also didn’t cry when other person carried them. “Just wait for a few days more, hyung. The babies are excited to see you too.”

Donghae sighs. Yeah, Hyukjae has talked about this when Donghae asked him to bring the twins to the hospital. Hyukjae and Donghae’s mom have discussed and decided that it will be best for Donghae to rest in hospital since the babies tend to sleep only for five until six hours and they might disturb Donghae.

Of course, Donghae said it’s not a big deal, he would love to see his babies no matter how loud their cries are but his own mom rejected the idea strongly and Donghae can only rub his chest to keep calm and patiently wait for the day.

When their friends decided to go home, Donghae found himself staring at Hyukjae who is sending their friends to the door and smiling at him while asking if he feels hungry.

There are so many questions spinning inside his head but Donghae chooses to not asking it now. After all, he loves how Hyukjae smiles sweetly at him and showing his care. A simple hold on his shoulders and back when he tries to sit everytime he woke up is enough for him to melt but seeing Hyukjae constantly asking him if he needs something, makes Donghae wonders if he is actually awake or dreaming.

Eventually, he takes a short nap and waking up with his mom and Hyukjae’s mom beside him. He frowns when he didn’t see Hyukjae. His mother-in-law explained Hyukjae is at home now, taking care of their babies and purposely didn’t wake him up because Hyukjae didn’t want to disturb his sleep.

While Donghae’s mom is busy with peeling the fruits, Hyukjae’s mom quickly taking out the food they cooked and sits on the empty chair beside Donghae. She smiles widely, showing the food which is Donghae’s favorite, salmon and onigiri.

“I made this with love because I know you would refuse to eat porridge.” Hyukjae’s mom chuckles when Donghae shaking his head in adorable way. She taking out the spoon and showing her phone to Donghae which making the latter confused.

“Eating while video-calling Hyukjae and the babies must be fun, right?”

Unconciously, he grins and immediately made a call. At the fourth rang, Hyukjae finally picks up with a cheerful smile and Donghae almost laughed when he recognize the rubber duck they bought for babies.

“See, who is sulking because Papa took him out from the bath.” Hyukjae swifts his camera to show a baby in his blue pyjamas, eyes swollen from crying and red nose which looking so cute. Donghae can’t stop himself from cooing at the cute sight as the baby frowns, his face is really resemble someone.

“Hi Donghyuk baby, do you know who am I?” The baby boy scanning his face with high curiousity. Looking and interacting with his baby now making him realise that their babies are bigger than he thought. He can’t wait to cuddle with his babies, pampering them with his love, and showering them with kisses. Especially those chubby cheeks, Donghae will make sure to kiss those cheeks every single day. His voice is shaky as he said, “I am your Appa. Do you recognize my voice?”

The cute baby blinking his eyes before a small smile which showing his toothless gum out and Donghae expects, that is the answer. He returns the smile as well. Not long after that, Hyukjae showing him another baby who is staring at her brother. There, Donghae feels like he is watching his replica. Her eyes, her face, and unexpectedly, Haru smiles when she saw Donghae as if she is recognizing her father.

“Who is that? Hm? Do you know?” Hyukjae asked their daughter and his soft tone making Donghae feeling warm and happy.

But then, little Donghyuk crying, asking for his milk when little Haru blinking her eyes innocently. Both of them looked so cute and Donghae really can’t wait for hugging them soon. Who said love in the first sight is not exist? Cause Donghae literally feels it now. He feels it since long time ago, even.

“Hae? Is it okay if I hang up for now? Babies—“

Donghae nods with a soft smile tugging. For now, it is enough. At least, he has seen his babies and saw how lovely they are in which, Donghae never regret for being coma and trading his life for them.

“Go, Hyukkie. Please take care of them,” It was silence for a while with just both of them sharing a look to each other. Donghae didn’t even realise he calls Hyukjae as ‘Hyukkie’. The wave is too strong, his heart is racing although they only talk via video call. If anything aside he wanted to do except touching and carrying his babies, then it is hugging and kissing Hyukjae.

He misses that man. However, he keeps remind himself to not cross the line. Soon, they will become ex-husbands though they are having their babies. That is impossible to Hyukjae changing his decision, right?

Hyukjae clears his throat and draw a small smile. A handsome yet breathtaking smile which makes Donghae wants to see it longer. He wants to believe that smile is his. He wants to remember that smile, that Hyukjae ever smiled at him in the softest way before the director smiles at the other man in the same way.

“I will try to call you back later, okay?”

“Yes,” Donghae’s hand fumbling his blanket. It sounds unsure but he muttered, “Thank you, Hyukjae.” In his low voice.

He wants to stop lying to himself and being delusional but he also can’t. Hyukjae’s smile is like a magic to him, making him smile and feeling relax than before.

Both of the moms didn’t miss  the change in Donghae’s expression. Their smiles grew wider, sincerely wishing their sons will be happy this time and forever, with their grandchildren together.






Since the day Donghae has opened his eyes, Hyukjae feels his day is brighter. Everything feels so right, he can sleep well, eat regularly, and enjoy his work even more. Just like now, after another meeting with the group he will direct, he bids a goodbye with wide smile to them which making the members frown since Hyukjae never had that kind of big smile for the past months.

It doesn’t mean a bad thing. In fact, the man becomes warmer to everyone and seems more excited than ever. He heads to the small café beside his company, order two cups of hot chocolate and a few cupcakes then drives to the hospital.

The smile never faded even when he enters Donghae’s room. He sits himself on the empty chair and excitedly said, “I bought these from your favorite café.” He lets Donghae to open the box and devouring the red velvet cupcake, didn’t notice how Donghae frowns slightly.

He sighs in happiness when Donghae eats the cupcakes, looking so gorgeous. Hyukjae would love to enjoy this sight as long as he wants but he realises Donghae won’t feel comfortable if he did that. He turns at the small calendar on the bedside table and snap his finger.

“You will discharge tomorrow at twelve, right?” Hyukjae didn’t look at Donghae when he continues, “I will dress babies in cute clothes to welcome you.” Which making Donghae chuckled due of his own imagination.

Hyukjae turns to look at Donghae. Hearing those chuckles again is such a blessing for him. He misses the man so much. The man who sacrificed his life and happiness for Hyukjae’s sake. Though they are not talking too much, Hyukjae can feel that Donghae wanted to ask many questions. Hyukjae too, wants to explain about the cancelled divorce but he doesn’t think the timing is right. Well, at least not in this hospital.

Hyukjae is very sure with his decision. He won’t let Donghae goes anywhere. He doesn’t want to lose Donghae. He wants to protect his love and build their happy family.

“You must be tired taking care of the babies alone.” Donghae suddenly said with his eyes fixed on Hyukjae. He scans the older man, from the forehead to his eyes, his nose, and his lips. He wants to caress that face and whispers how he misses him so much, how he feels safe eventhough Hyukjae didn’t say he is protecting him but the faint eyebags can’t go unnotice.

“Though it is a bit tired, I still enjoy it.” Hyukjae sips his hot chocolate and reminding of their babies making him warm. “And I know you will also enjoy it later. They are clever and cheeky.” He squeezes Donghae’s hand, assuring the man everything is alright. Their babies will love them and they will be great parents.

The touch… Donghae knows exactly he will wish for it to linger longer but he can’t say it out loud, right? Donghae doesn’t want to ruin Hyukjae’s mood.

They spend the afternoon by Hyukjae staying with Donghae while the younger take a short nap. For Hyukjae, it is not a problem because he knows Donghae will feel sleepy after took the medicine.

The warm sunray slips in through the open curtain, accentuated how handsome yet beautiful Lee Donghae is. How his soft fringe brushing his forehead, his steady breath is like a graceful movement, but the most important is Hyukjae doesn’t afraid because Donghae breaths normally and his face is not pale anymore.

His Lee Donghae is back.

Hyukjae grabs Donghae’s hand, kissing it lightly before he turns to arrange the blanket so it can cover Donghae’s properly. His hand reach out for his laptop. There are still a few more jobs he has to finish before he takes his holiday. A holiday that he will spend with people he loves and of course, it means Donghae included.






Jongwoon leans his head to the pillow he has arranged. He looks at the man beside him, who is busy arranging the new plates and mugs he bought. They just arrived at his boyfriend’s apartment after wasting around four hours for watching movie in a cinema, having brunch, and last, visiting cute table and kitchen set his boyfriend has been eyeing from long time ago.

The fact that Ryeowook bought a lot of cute mugs and plates is really overwhelming. His boyfriend and his endless love for mugs and plates are so weird but somehow understandable for him since Jongwoon’s mom also loves collecting plates and mugs. And now, Ryeowook dancing cutely to the happy song they have set in the living room while he muttering something Jongwoon can’t hear but answer in a hum.

Jongwoon sighs, feeling frustration pouring to him from head to toe. Well, he has a reason to feel that and the thought of letting the frustation out is really tempting yet what he only do is exhale out loud.

It is almost a month after he decided and starts his plan. Two weeks ago, he can accept his failure because he also has many concerts to do and promotion for his new album but now, all of his job mostly has done and he has a lot of time to spend with his boyfriend.

Jongwoon literally planned everything. He has planned where to go with his lover, what hotel they will sleep in, including the date and time. He has prepared everything except this thing, the most essential thing, ring.

Jongwoon realises how Ryeowook actually doesn’t like to wear accessories except for wrist-watch and necklace and thus, he never give Ryeowook a ring which he thinks the worst decision he ever done because now, he doesn’t know what size of his boyfriend’s ring finger is.

Don’t say he never tries to find out. He has tried. Several ways such as asking for Kyuhyun’s help, searching for Ryeowook’s accessories but all of them failed. Ryeowook simply doesn’t like to wear any ring.

One night, Jongwoon even waited for Ryeowook to sleep first. It was late night when he tries to touch Ryeowook’s ring finger and trying to put some rope to measure but once again, fortune was not on him. Ryeowook is a very sensitive sleeper –or he was just unfortunate at that time–, so when Jongwoon touched his finger, he opened his eyes again and asked what he was doing.

In short, it was hard for Jongwoon.

He doesn’t want to ask Ryeowook directly because he doesn’t want his plan spoiled out. He wants to give his lover a surprise. A wedding proposal is always a surprise, right? So he wants to do it in the proper and most romantic way. He wants Ryeowook to always remember that day.

What about asking Donghae? Sure, he has done it too but Donghae couldn’t remember well.

Oh my… I never know it will be this hard.

His eyes following Ryeowook who is currently chopping the carrot. He remembers what Kyuhyun told him a few days ago about his plan.

“Just do it in a way you are comfortable, hyung. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Jongwoon doesn’t know if he should cry or laugh in misery. Should I give him necklace instead of a ring? He frowns, imagining what Ryeowook reaction would be like if he really executed that way.

Well, it is not really weird. Jongwoon knows some people will do that too but still, he wants to give Ryeowook a ring than a necklace.

While Jongwoon is sitting with frown and closed eyes, Ryeowook yells from the kitchen, “I should give some of these cute bowls and mugs to Hae. Aww, I even bought kids’ plates set for the twins when they reached the time to eat food.” He raised the set he meant. One set is rabbit and the other one is bear. “Donghyuk and Haru must be attached with the character on their plates. I can’t wait to kiss and play with them again.”

Ryeowook didn’t notice how his lover is staring at his fingers with gloomy face. Well, it’s not like Jongwoon never touch his boyfriend’s hands. They are quite often doing skinship and actually Jongwoon can make a guess of Ryeowook’s ring finger size but still, it might be wrong and he doesn’t want any mistake.

All of his plan is almost done. He has reserved everything and it is nearly finish.

But still… aside from the ring Jongwoon is actually happy that Donghae is awaken. It means the man will know perfectly about their relationship and congratulating them. Because Jongwoon knows Ryeowook really loves his best friend.

A vibration from his phone inviting him to reach out his phone. A message coming.

Good afternoon, Jongwoon-ssi. We have reserved the place for you as what you want. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you needed something. We would glad to help you.

Jongwoon quickly typed,

Good afternoon, Zhoumi-ssi. Thank you for your help.

I will do it and contact you later. See you.

Just a few steps more, he inwardly said in his heart. He hopes nothing but all his plans to go well. He deeply wishes that.






Donghae doesn’t expect Hyukjae will come and help him to pack his things. No. Of all people he knows, Hyukjae is not the one in his list to come before he discharged from hospital but the fact, the man comes.

In front of him, Hyukjae stands with his denim shirt, packing his things –which is fortunately not too many– as doctor Park enters and explains what vitamins he should eat. Donghae doesn’t know why Hyukjae has to pay a lot attention to what doctor Park said. The babies have born so it means they are nothing now, right?

The thought of losing Hyukjae after this making Donghae lowers his head. He never ready for this. Is it weird that even he had coma for around two weeks, his feeling for Hyukjae is still as strong as before? That no matter how he wished he can erase his love, he still fail.

Hyukjae rubs Donghae’s shoulder, waking the other man from his thought. Donghae quickly stands when he sees Hyukjae taking his bag. They walk side by side to Hyukjae’s car and the older helping him to tie his safety belt. Donghae’s heartbeat is thumping in rapid, he didn’t even forget to inhale Hyukjae’s smell.

Hyukjae didn’t say anything during the ride while Donghae is thinking about how he should act in front of their babies later. He wouldn’t lie that he is so nervous. There are so many questions like what if the babies are not comfortable with him, what if they don’t like him, what if he is not capable enough to nurse them?

His thought stopped when they reached the apartment building that Donghae knows it couldn’t be others but his. The closer they went to the lobby, the nervous Donghae is.

It is a mixed feeling. He is excited yet at the same moment he is afraid. He wants to see his babies but the other part of him is not ready too. But then, Hyukjae smiles at him and giving a nod as if he knows what he is feeling right now and assuring him everything will be alright.

They walked to the elevator and Donghae lets Hyukjae to press the button. It took them less than 10 minutes until they reached his apartment and once again, Donghae lets Hyukjae to enter the code. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his heart when all of sudden,


Donghae almost jumped in surprise when the loud cheering suddenly welcome him. There in his living room, Hyukjae’s family, his mom and brother, Jongwoon, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun standing. Their daughter is in Hyukjae’s mom hands while their son is in Donghae’s mom. The babies look confused but still smiling and blinking their eyes cutely.

Donghae melted in instant. His cute babies are there, they finally see each other and Donghae can’t find a suitable word but he surely knows he falls in love again. The twins look so adorable that Donghae will pamper them to no end.

He loves them even more and the feeling is too complicated to  be described in words. As his eyes stuck on the curious babies, Hyukjae’s dad walks to him, pats his shoulder lightly.

“Welcome home, Son. I hope you are feeling better. These two are waiting for you already.” Hyukjae’s dad spoke and Donghae can’t say anything other than smiling widely and hug the man tightly, the man he has considered like his own father.

He thanked all of them, hugging everyone, and frowns when Ryeowook standing and said all of them will leave. “Why?” He asked, it’s not even half an hour since he stepped the apartment.

Donghae’s mom caressing the yawning Haru while replying, “We are sure you want to spend your time with the twins so we’ll leave you and Hyukjae here. Don’t worry, tonight I’ll sleep in Hyukjae parents’ house. So, enjoy your time.”

All of them didn’t even wait for his reply as Hyukjae’s mom gives Donghyuk to Hyukjae. The apartment becomes silent in instant. Donghae staring at his daughter face, carefully rubbing the chubby cheek. His eyes are teary. It is unbelievable, he is there, holding his babies after a long time.

“Haru~ do you know I am your appa, hm?” The little girl yawns again and Donghae lets out a set of giggles with eyes still teary. “I see, you are sleepy, hm? Let’s sleep then.” He swings the small body slowly and gladly, the little girl doesn’t cry eventhough it is their first time meeting each other. Hyukjae is still in front of the door, talking with their families with Donghyuk.

In a mere two minutes, Haru sleeps peacefully on Donghae’s chest. She looks so comfortable that Donghae is afraid his move can disturb his daughter. Once again, he scans his beautiful daughter’s face. Haru takes his looks a lot. It just felt like he is looking on his girl version. He pressed his lips softly on top of Haru’s head, sighing contently.

“Sleep tight, little princess.” He whispered, her back lightly.

When Hyukjae back with their son sleeping in his arms, Donghae finally can admiring his son’s full face. Donghyuk reminds him of Hyukjae, how come they look so alike?

This is just… right as what I imagined…

Without talking, they walked to the babies’ room and put their babies on the crib. It feels familiar yet so new for him since this is the first time he gets in to their babies’ room with the babies. His frown must be so obvious because Hyukjae quietly said, “They love to smell familiar scent around them. At first I didn’t know about it so the babies kept crying every one until two hours. But since I put my shirts beside them, they can sleep longer.”

“Ah, I see.”

Donghae’s eyes fixed on the well-organized bookshelves, the new toys, and the clean table. He believes Hyukjae is taking care this room because it looks so neat and clean.

He walks to one of the table as his eyes catches a few pile of new story books. He takes one of it, reading the front page, and said without lookiing at Hyukjae, “You bought new story books for them again, Hyuk.”

Hyukjae didn’t move his body from the crib. He just crossed his arms, looking at Donghae’s body without following the man. If anything he should know and note in his mind, it is how he has to keep his distance from Donghae. He doesn’t want to bother the man eventhough he wants to hug him so much because the least thing he wanted to do is making the man uncomfortable.

“…Yeah. Babies love to listen story.” Hyukjae kisses the babies foreheads. “They love music too.” He adds and finally, their eyes met.

Hyukjae takes a deep breath, his heart is thumping crazily. The feeling coming back to him. The familiar and comfortable feeling that he can only feel when Donghae is around him. He clears his throat. The situation becomes awkward but he can’t lose this.

“There is something I want to talk to you. About… us.”

Donghae doesn’t know what he should do at the meantime. Should he wish they will talk about something good? Eventually, he just nod and they went out from the babies room. Hyukjae sits himself across of Donghae. His face looked so serious that Donghae finds himself feels uneasy.

He can’t predict what Hyukjae will tell him. He doesn’t want to think otherwise, he doesn’t want to think Hyukjae is going to smile or being sweet to him. But of course, it was just a plan because Hyukjae said,

“I have cancelled our divorce, Donghae.” Hyukjae draws a small smile when he saw how Donghae widened his eyes, staring at him in disbelief. “… I realise I can’t lose you. It’s not for babies. It is purely my feeling… that I know I can’t change.”


“I know this must be surprised you. I am sorry Donghae. I am sorry I was so rude, I didn’t pay a lot attention to you, I am sorry for every single tears you had and hurt you so much. I know I was a fool. I just realised I can’t lose you after you laid on that hospital’s bed for more than two weeks. I just knew how anxious it is to the thought I might lose you because every seconds seemed uncertain.” Hyukjae keeps staring at Donghae’s eyes, looking so determine.

Maybe his timing is too fast. Maybe this is too rush for Donghae. Maybe this is not the right time for him to tell about his feeling but damn it, he just wanted to tell Donghae everything he feels. He closed his eyes for a while. Here comes the bitter part he has to swallow.

“…But Donghae, if you don’t like it… I mean… if you don’t want us to get back together, you can tell me. I don’t want to force you.”

Donghae can’t say anything because in one side, he is so happy to hear this news. He is genuinely glad to hear Hyukjae’s confession, he is so thankful that Hyukjae is back to the Hyukjae he used to know. But on the other aside, he is afraid. What if this happened for only a few period? What if Hyukjae wanted to divorce again?

Thus, Donghae asking for a time to think because the last thing he wanted is being hurt. And he doesn’t want to be hurt again.







“Ssshh, baby~ tomorrow again, okay? You can catch a cold if you stay there longer.” Donghae carefully carries Donghyuk in his arms as the little boy keeps crying because Donghae finished his bath. Different from Haru, Donghyuk seems like a big fan of water. He really loves the water eventhough he just two months old.

“See, this is what Papa bought for you, right? Aww, the bear keeps moving because Appa moves it~” Donghae tries to distract his son with the toy in his hand while his other hand reach for Donghyuk’s pyjama set he has prepared.

A chuckle makes him turned his head. Hyukjae is staring at him, with Haru in his arms while his other hand is holding the milk bottle for their daughter to drink.

“Donghyuk is mostly like that everytime he has finished the bath. I think we should let him to enter swimming lesson when he reached his seven or eight months.”

Donghae shrug his shoulders with a grin. “I want them to stay small like this. Please don’t grow up too fast, babies~” He unconciously pouts when Donghyuk just blink his eyes innocently with the tears stained on his face and that view makes Hyukjae leans his back to the wall behind him, admiring the view even more if it is possible.

Though Donghae hasn’t answered him, Hyukjae still love that man. Even if Donghae refused to rebuild their marriage, Hyukjae knows there is no escape room for him to stop falling in love with the younger.



“Haru has finished her milk.”

Hyukjae shifts his gaze and finds their daughter has emptied the bottle. He remembers he has to teach Donghae to make the baby burp so carefully, he lets Haru to leans on his shoulder while slowly tap her back.

“You should carry them like this and tap their back after they drank their milk. Wait until they burp.”

Hyukjae just doesn’t know that Donghae too, admiring how beautiful the sight of Hyukjae smiling and taking care of their babies. And when the babies slept at 8 P.M sharp, Hyukjae makes a glass of smoothie for Donghae without noticing how the younger has his blushing cheeks.

That night, they sleep in separate room. Donghae back to his own room while Hyukjae is in the guest room. Both of them can’t sleep immediately because of the thought lingering inside their head.

Can we… have a happy family?

And by happy family, it’s not only the babies inside but involved them.

Would they fix their marriage?


Long time no see!!! Hahaha^-^ I'm sorry for taking so longT_T I won't promise when I'll update the next chapter, I hope I can update soon hahaha, I have written for a few pages though^-^ Thank you for waiting, supporting, commenting, reading, and upvoting❤️❤️❤️ For now, I can say this is angst-free, right? ^^ Last but not least, stay healthy and have a great day❤️❤️❤️ 

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1642 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
966 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️