Chapter Twenty

Can I Stay?

“You guys look so tired nowadays,” He laughed when he got the reaction he has predicted. Crossing his legs and sit even more comfortable on the large couch, he casually said, “I wonder what you two did to look like that.”

Donghae quickly gave his best friend a light slap on his arm while Hyukjae rolled his eyes and chose to catch Donghyuk since the baby boy wants to grab the glass on their table.

“Shoo your dirty thought and eat those fruits instead, Kim Ryeowook.” Hyukjae chuckled hearing how stern Donghae tries to sound and it earns a pout from the said person.

Well, it’s true both of them looked so tired but of course they won’t admit it since it is a secret. These past months, both of them are busy to help Jongwoon preparing for the big event which involved Ryeowook.

Sometimes, Hyukjae has to stay in Jongwoon’s apartment to discuss about the plan further while Donghae is busy with his sketching and checking the project. If Hyukjae and Jongwoon discussing about how the event will run –more like how to surprise Ryeowook because his boyfriend is pretty sensible and smart–, Donghae is busy to sketch his best friend and Jongwoon’s future house.

Three of them actually keep discussing such as Donghae will ask if his sketch looks good to Jongwoon, finishing the revision as what Jongwoon wanted, and Hyukjae and the others will do the same. They will exchange their opinions and Donghae likes it although it means he has to sit for a long time and their babies left with Hyukjae’s parents or his mom. But he did that for his best friends, their happiness matters a lot to him.

The other fact during these past months are Hyukjae and Donghae will talk a lot about the event and the couple’s future house though they are home. But only talking about it if their babies have slept. And Donghae secretly likes it too because they will end up sitting together on the same couch, beside each other, sharing their thoughts, and busy with their own laptop but still, Donghae likes it.

He likes how Hyukjae will frown when things are a bit going out of his plan. He likes how Hyukjae using his serious expression –the man didn’t realise– when he is typing or discussing an important thing. He likes how Hyukjae talks and the way this man pay attention to the smallest details, it’s just amazed him.

They might be sitting together and doing their works again if Ryeowook didn’t come because he wants to meet the twins who are getting chubbier and more active. Fortunately, Donghae has saved all their laptops and his sketches earlier.

“I can’t wait for our holiday soon!” Ryeowook groans loudly and carrying Haru, raising her body highly before putting her down which makes the little girl squaled happily. “I know our Lee Haru can’t wait for the holiday too, right? Yes baby, I’m sorry because uncle Jongwoon is too busy right now so we have to postpone further.” He snorts everytime he remembers what was the reason for them to postpone their holiday.

Jongwoon said there is a sudden project from his agency that makes his boyfriend going to write a song for the soon-to-be debut boygroup. Of course, it upsets him since they are postponing their holiday due of that but on the other hand, he is happy because he knows Jongwoon loves to write a song and he doesn’t want Jongwoon’s talent to be just a waste.

“But are you and Hyukjae really have to go first? Is the meeting there really urgent?”

Donghae holds himself from smiling. The client is just a lie that he and Hyukjae made. Both of them decided to say Hyukjae has a work and the client urge him to do faster and Donghae has to follow him because he can’t look after the babies alone.

But Ryeowook kept saying he can help him to take care of the babies and Donghae has no choice but to say he just wanted to give Ryeowook and Jongwoon time to be together at the plane before the double-date happened. Though it was a very weird reason, Ryeowook chose to believe but can’t help to feel a bit upset since they can’t go together eventhough they will meet later.

“Sadly, we really have to go first because the client keep asking Hyukjae to see the stage and all.”

Ryeowook was about to say something when suddenly the door opened, showing Jongwoon who just came from work. Donghyuk excitedly raising his hands –recognizing Jongwoon– to carry him while Haru smiling widely, trying to crawl but she isn’t fast enough since Donghae quickly carry her before she fell from the couch.

“Now, stay with Papa and uncle Jongwoon.” As Hyukjae raising his eyebrows questioningly, Donghae adding, “I have to make their dinner.”


Ryeowook chose to help Donghae to prepare for the babies dinner –making a strawberry smoothie and a bit fish porridge– while the babies are busy playing with their dad and Jongwoon.






Some people said, the older you are it means there will be more challenge you have to face and Donghae couldn’t agree more. He finally can sigh out of a relieve when Donghyuk is sleeping. Well, it doesn’t mean he is relax just by that but at least, he is a bit relax now.

They have to go to the ‘location’ tomorrow yet Donghae is still too busy with packing the things. Although Hyukjae helped him to pack their babies things, Donghae feels he need to do the double check to make sure there is nothing left.

He turns around, about to take a glass of water when the sight in the living room stealing his attention. There, Hyukjae sits while rubbing Haru’s back as their little girl hugging her favorite plushie and leaning her head against Hyukjae’s chest, blabbering in her baby language. The sight is just too beautiful especially with how Hyukjae responding those baby language in his soft-tone. Donghae unconciously smiling.

His face quickly blush when Hyukjae saw him and grin.

Here I am, keep falling for that smile of yours. He thought.

“I already gave her the medicine and the milk. But I think she won’t be asleep in next two hours,” Hyukjae said while chuckling. “Her eyes are too big to be called sleepy.”

Donghae shakes his head and decided to sit for a while. “Of course. I can see those naughty gaze of her.” He pinched Haru’s chubby cheek lightly. These few days, Haru isn’t in a good condition. She got a fever but luckily this baby doesn’t cranky at all. She is still very active and cheeky and both Hyukjae and Donghae feel so relieved by that.

Hyukjae smiles. “Are you alright? I think it will be better for you to take a rest. I can continue to do the packing.”

“It’s ok. I’m not that tired.”

He keeps staring at their daughter, her small head lovingly. Seriously, Donghae doesn’t know what would happen if there is no one beside him to calm him down. He –the person who gets panicked easily– almost cried when he finds out Haru got a fever. He knows he should have dealed the situation better but the sight of Haru whinning and teary eyes making him worried. But Hyukjae was beside him, soothing him by rubbing his back and suggest to bring their daughter to the hospital.

The twins are seven months old now. Everything happened so fast for both of them and though they watch how their babies grow day by day, they still think time flies too fast.

The twins are cute, smart, active and heavier. They are very cheeky that sometimes they will whine when Donghae placing them at the babies’ seat during eating but will give a big smile if Donghae kissed them and praised them everytime they finish the food Donghae made. No, Donghae realises the food he made for their babies are far from good but it’s not the problem because he doesn’t bother to learn.

It’s just so touching everytime he sees their babies eating well and even showing interest on everything Donghae made. Since the babies start to eat, Hyukjae and Donghae always trying to be as careful as they can to make a healthy food. They never stopped asking the doctor, their friends who also a parents, and do their research on internet and Youtube.

Since the twins started eating, both of them can conclude : Haru loves avocado and kiwi so much while Donghyuk dislikes avocado. Donghae pouts when Hyukjae laughed everytime he sees Donghyuk shaking his head when Donghae showing the avocado while Haru will wiggle on her chair, sparkle can be seen on her eyes.

A total opposite.

Another note is the twins loves strawberry so much just like Hyukjae. It makes Donghae pouts and punching Hyukjae lightly everytime the older teasing him.

As soon as Haru falls asleep, they decided to also take a rest since they need to wake up early in the morning tomorrow. Hyukjae carefully puts her daughter on her own crib and taking a few more of the babies’ favorite plushies and toys for them to play later. They don’t forget to bring along a few story books for the twins and of course, some snack because it will be a long hour on plane.

The next morning, Donghae quickly bath the twins as soon as they wake up while Hyukjae taking care of their luggages. He dressed them in a sweater, shoes, and almost put a hat on their heads but he remembers how the twins like to pull them off. It’s useless. Shaking his head and sigh, Donghae chose to feed them a snack before he gets ready and give the babies to Hyukjae.

Well, he isn’t lying to Ryeowook when he said he can’t look after the twins alone. It’s prove when they are inside the plane, Haru wants a stroll around while Donghyuk was hugging Donghae tightly, wants more sleep.

“Oh God, I hope they won’t be boring for this fourteen hours on plane” Donghae mutters when Hyukjae sits beside him, just came back after showing Haru around the plane and quickly taking out her favorite plushie to play.

Hyukjae chuckled. “Yeah, we have to work hard to entertain them or they will be cranky.” He brushes Haru’s hair softly before adding, “I’ve ordered a breakfast for you, Hae. While Donghyuk is sleeping, maybe you can put him for a bit and eat.”


“You only drink a cup of coffee this morning. Don’t think I didn’t see.”

He doesn’t realize his words make Donghae blushing. Sometimes Donghae wants to smack his own head for reacting like a high-school girl but well, he doesn’t mind it that much because after all, he admits he still in love with Hyukjae and this small thing making his heart warm.

He just hasn’t given his answer. But he is certain he will do it soon.






Ryeowook is stomping his foot. Their flight is just about in an hour yet Jongwoon hasn’t arrived at the airport. He really wants to curse on Jongwoon’s manager for giving his boyfriend a schedule in last minutes just because their artist can’t attend a show. Although the show is only for 30 minutes, it still affect to the reason why his boyfriend hasn’t arrived.

Jongwoon said they are on their way now and Ryeowook swears he is about to call his boyfriend again if he didn’t show up anytime soon. Luckily, his eyes caught the sight of familiar face. Ignoring his boyfriend’s smile, Ryeowook chose to glare his boyfriend’s manager –who is running behind his boyfriend and lower his head when he met Ryeowook’s glare.

“Let’s go. We are almost late, babe” He muttered, still glaring at Jongwoon’s manager while at the same time pull his own luggage.

Jongwoon whispers a small sorry, quickly running to the younger man and helped him carrying some bags. Although he is tired, he can’t deny how happy he is for this trip. Cause this is not going to be a usual trip.

He steals a glance to Ryeowook who is busy chewing his food as soon as they sit on their seats. Surely, his boyfriend doesn’t have any idea what’s gonna happen. Jongwoon just hopes everything will be smooth, going well, and bring happiness to everyone, especially his boyfriend.

“Are you that happy, Jongwoonie? You keep smiling since we’re on plane,” Ryeowook quirking an eyebrow while feeding the steak to Jongwoon.

The singer didn’t say anything. Instead, he throws butterfly kisses to Ryeowook’s head and caressing his boyfriend’s hand. There are mixed feeling inside him. A mix of excited, happy, joy, but also scared. Eventhough he knows Ryeowook will happily saying ‘yes’, yet Jongwoon can’t shake the thought of the other answer off.

However, he keeps smiling and enjoying every moment they have on the plane. Just the two of them, sitting side by side, and talk whatever they want. He just have to be grateful because their surrounding is pretty empty.

Without any doubt, Jongwoon leaned his head to Ryeowook’s shoulder and grab his hand, wrapped it on his. Caressing it softly, his eyes unconciously twinkle with the thought of the ring will soon be placed on his boyfriend’s ring finger.






Donghae giggling at how their babies clung into Hyukjae. They finally arrived after a long-hour flight and now they are going to the car Hyukjae has rented for them to go to the hotel. Both the babies hugging their Papa while blabbering their baby words, both wanted their Papa’s attention.

Hyukjae kisses their cheeks before saying, “Alright cuties, now that Papa has to drive, both of you have to stay calm with Appa, okay?” And as if both the babies understand with what he said, they easily open their arms for Donghae.

Hyukjae shook his head but can’t hide his smile. He helped Donghae to put their luggage and start the car. The night is not too late which is good since they can see a lot of people at the streets and the night view of the city itself is so pretty.

Donghae beams as he saw how beautiful the architecture of the buildings around them. He is more than delight when he knew where Jongwoon wanted to propose his best friend. A beautiful and cool city.  One of his and Hyukjae’s favorite. Paris.

“I’m so excited to explore the cafes tomorrow.” Donghae mumbles, throwing a glance to Hyukjae who replied with a smile.

“We have to check the place first,” Donghae’s pouts with the thought of they have to postpone their plans. Catching that sight, Hyukjae chuckles and unable to control himself from ruffles Donghae’s hair which succeed to make the younger’s cheeks reddened. “after making sure everything will be well, we can go and hunting for a good croissant, macarons, or whatever you like. I can even take your pictures too.”

Donghae is happy Hyukjae keeps his eyes to the road because right now, Donghae just wants to buried his blushing cheeks to somewhere. He would be smiling like a high-school girl but Haru decided to disturb her Appa by accidentally hit Donghae’s face with her plushie.

“Oh my, you naughty princess!” Donghae bites her nose playfully.

They finally arrived at the hotel after about an hour –or more than that? Donghae doesn’t know since he didn’t really pay attention to the road because both of the twins started to be hungry. Knowing how hard it is to handle two babies at the same time, Hyukjae carried Donghyuk while at the same time taking out their luggage.

“I can help with one or two luggages, you know,” Donghae said while carrying Haru and fixing her jacket.

“It’s okay. I know you’re tired too.” Hyukjae leads them to enter the hotel and lets Donghae to sit at the couch while he will talk with the receptionist since he is the one in charge to book their hotels and arranging the itinerary. He trusts Hyukjae in everything the man planned because Hyukjae is always a well-planned man who can sit for hours to arrange this trip.

Donghae just realised how he literally almost doesn’t know everything about this trip. He was too busy helping Jongwoon to sketch their future house, taking care of the twins, and sometimes he did help to arrange the trip but it’s just slighty.

That’s why he just gaped with his eyes wide-opened when Hyukjae showed him the room they are going to stay in for about four nights. Unconciously, he even didn’t blink his eyes as they found the view outside the window.

Just how much I’m missing out?!

Donghae stares at Hyukjae in disbelief. “A-Are you kidding me? T-This is the room for our four nights?”

Hyukjae laughed, muttering a small thanks to the staff who helps them to arrange the baby cribs. He shrugged his shoulders, putting Donghyuk on the middle of the bed and taking a picture of the cute baby boy who is too busy looking around and grinning, as if telling he likes their room.

“Hyukjae! This is too much… How much is this room for a night?” Donghae walks to the window, take a peek, and shaking his head. “With the eiffel view? Oh my God.” He can’t imagine how much money Hyukjae wasted for this room. Maybe he will faint if he found out.

“Don’t think too much. As long as it is convenient for all of us, I don’t mind.”

Hyukjae turned his head to Donghyuk who was biting his toy. Right, the twins need to eat.

“I’ll ask the staff to help. You can take the shower first, Hae.”

He arranging the boy’s little crib so it’s more spacious for him later as the little boy starts to yawn. After that, he calls the staff while Donghae just followed what Hyukjae said. He –once again– surprised by how big and pretty the bathroom is. Very spacious and luxurious, everything just really perfect. He wants to spend more time to admiring the bathroom but knowing how hard to handle two babies alone, Donghae quickly shove himself to the shower.

When he finished and out from the bathroom, he saw Hyukjae also coming out from a door on the right side of his room. That’s when he realised there is another door in this room beside the entrance door.

As if Hyukjae can read his mind, he smiles and explained, “It’s my room. We got the connecting door.”

Donghae’s eyes following Hyukjae as the older slowly placing their little girl to the bed while feeding her baby’s biscuit. He didn’t need to ask why Hyukjae decided to sleep on the other room. He just felt overwhelmed with the way Hyukjae respects him.

They didn’t go anywhere after that, both are too tired and Donghyuk already asleep. Hyukjae has ordered the food while Donghae taking care of Haru, who is trying to reach to Donghyuk’s baby crib.

“You can’t wake him up, baby.” Donghae whispers, his daughter hair.

“Nanananana!!” Haru shook her head which makes Hyukjae laughed.

“You can sleep too, Hae. I’ll handle Haru.” He uttered when they finished their dinner.

Although Donghae wanted to reject, his body can’t help but laying on the soft bed. In mere three minutes, his eyes slowly close. He doesn’t even realise Hyukjae softly caressing his fringe while little Haru hugging her Papa tightly.






It was hours later when Donghae woke up and find out Donghyuk trying to climb to his body while Hyukjae helping Haru to wearing her jacket. He chuckled softly when he saw how Donghae frowned but still hugging their baby boy.

“Good morning!” Hyukjae grins. “Have a good sleep?”

“Yeah, I’m fully charged now,” Looking around, his eyes growing bigger when he sees what time it shows. Changing his position to sit before tilting his head, he asked, “You have bathed Donghyuk and Haru?” His eyes only go widened –again– when Hyukjae said a yes.

“Why? Did you underestimate me?”

Donghae laughed, shaking his head. “It’s just… beyond my expectation you can handle the twins alone. Especially because they’re getting active.” He quickly hugs Donghyuk when the baby trying to bite the pillow. “Are we going somewhere now?”

“Yeah… if you don’t mind. But if you’re tired and want to stay, I can order the breakfast for us.” Hyukjae approaching the bed with Haru in his arms. “Remember we have an important event at the evening?”

Donghae’s eyes twinkled at the event mentioned. “Of course I remember it. But first, we have to go out,” Donghae stands, fixing his shirt and brushing his hair, but immediately stop when he looked at his babies and Hyukjae. “How was your sleep? Oh my God, I didn’t even wake up once I asleep.”

Hyukjae shrugged his shoulder, chuckling while saying, “Donghyuk only woke up once, since he didn’t want to stay on his crib, I brought him to sleep with me. Haru was sleeping as soon as I fed her the milk.”

Wow… seems like I really have a good sleep…

Realising how his appearance might look bad, he gets out of his bed in a dash“I’ll take a quick bath.”

Hyukjae just smiling when Donghae walks away. Sometimes he can be so sure they can back to each other and build a happy family but on the other times, he also reminds himself to not expect too much. Isn’t he should be grateful for what he have now? He can meet his children and even if Donghae still want the divorce, what could he do? He is the one to blame after all.

He doesn’t know how long he has sitting on the bed, entertaining the twins with their plushies –sometimes tickling them which makes both of them giggling cutely. Hyukjae can’t help to kiss their cheeks as the twins giggling.

They keep playing like that until Donghae finished his shower and wrapped himself in a thick coat. Hyukjae has prepared their babies strollers so it will be easier for them to walk although Donghyuk chose to cling with his Appa while Haru lets Hyukjae to place her on the stroller.

While walking to the café –Hyukjae has searched before hand– he older suggested them to step in a toy store nearby, he didn’t give Donghae any time to respond, just laughing when Donghae said it is dangerous place for them.

And it’s indeed dangerous place because in a mere ten minutes, both the babies trying to reach the plushies, pointing at them as if asking their parents to give it. Donghae raising his eyebrows when Hyukjae –he is very sure Hyukjae realised his judging eyes– giving the teddy bear to Donghyuk.

“No. You know they have so many plushies.” Donghae gazing at Donghyuk –who is in Hyukjae’s arms now– hugging the teddy bear plushie and nuzzling his chubby cheek to the brown fur. Oh, what an adorable sight but Donghae doesn’t want to fall for that.

On the other side, Haru –who is still on the stroller arms– keeps pointing on a fluffy penguin doll. Her eyes are filled with sparkle while keeps blabbering incoherent words.

“They really want those plushies. It’s okay to add one or two more,” Hyukjae trying his best to persuade Donghae who is still staring at him with not-so-stern eyes. Deep inside, he really wants to laugh because how silly it is for them to argue just because he wanted to buy the twins plushies? But of course, he has to hold it or Donghae will sulk.

“No. I can’t even—“

“Kakakaka!!!” There… their baby girl suddenly screams and pout, earning so many eyes on them in an instant while Donghyuk… both of their eyes becomes bigger because since when the boy shoving the teddy’s hand to his mouth?!

Seeing this as an opportunity, Hyukjae fetch the penguin plushies, taking out his wallet fastly and paid the seller. He didn’t even take the change but pulling Donghae’s hand before the man grunted.

“Hyukjae, I told you to—“

Before Donghae finishing his words, Hyukjae putting on the scarf he wore on Donghae’s neck –with one hand– which succeed to make the latter freeze on his spot.

“There… you look cute and fluffy.” Hyukjae grins, winking his eye playfully without knowing what he did to Donghae’s heart, not even noticing how the younger staring at him quietly.

He casually lead their way to the café without knowing how Donghae’s cheek started to blush. He softly caressing the scarf, inhaling the manly scent. Hyukjae’s scent which unconciously calming him in the middle of cold air in Paris.



Hi again guys, hihihi^-^ Finally I get to update this fic, I’m so sorry for being too long and slowT_T Hope you guys still enjoy this fic^^ Next chapter will show how Yewook’s proposal going to be(?). Last but not least, thank you for waiting this fic and still reading it, thank you for subsciribing, and commenting^-^ Hope you guys have a wonderful day!^-^

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1635 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
960 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️