
Hunting Season

The bag holding her materials was quite heavy, but for the sake of food Yoonmi hoisted the bag on her shoulder. The meal hall was further from the offices, in-between the classroom and dorm buildings. The sun was setting, but the late summer heat still lingered on Yoonmi’s skin. 

Please….food…I starve.

A cold rush of air hit Yoonmi as she entered the meal hall. She smiled at the AC and switched the hefty bag to her other shoulder. The scale of the cafeteria was on another level like the rest of the campus, her eyes widened at the extensive buffet options and grandiose tables. began to water as she smelt the tantalizing smell of kimchi and sizzling meat. 

Let’s feast! 

The hall was fairly empty with a few students scattered here and there. Yoonmi carefully made her way through the lines, surveying the options. She decided to get refreshing naegmyeon, a small side of kimchi and rice, then some meat. She rounded off her meal with some fruit as dessert. After swiping her ID, she happily made her way to a table to chow down. 

Tasty food, quiet, and no one to bother me - I’m in heaven! 

Yoonmi peacefully ate, enjoying every morsel of food. If anything so far, the food was the best thing about this place. Taking her time, she thought back to the incident in the office. 

That kid sure was fired up over Plane Boy and that EXO thing…I mean, maybe she just isn’t that into you anymore, dude? Songhyon looked mad serious though…ah so confusing. Too much drama, I’m not gonna get too involved. Just study, work, graduate - failsafe plan. 

She dutifully returned to her noodles, taking a piece of meat and wrapping it within a bite. Mid-chew, a commotion in the buffet line could be heard. 

“Kai-ah, baby, don’t be like that~~” Yoonmi could see a girl cling to the arm of a boy. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. 

“Don’t call me baby, you’re not my girlfriend. When I said I wanted to eat, I didn’t mean with you.” The boy jerked his arm out of her grasp and turned away without a second glance. 


Yoonmi stared at the boy grab his food, looking back to see the girl still frozen in her spot stunned. She switched back to the boy, when they met eyes. His gaze seemed to bore into her sole. Yoonmi shifted uncomfortable and looked down.

Yikes! Just please don’t come over here. Please, please, please, please…

“Is this seat taken?” 

! You have got to be kidding me!

Calm as can be, Yoonmi looked up. “No, have a seat if you’d like.” Closer up, she examined the boys features. He had tan skin, dark eyes, and plump lips. 

Is it like a requirement to be beautiful in Seoul or something?? Take me back to Jeju with the hick island boys please…lets just hurry and finish eating.

“I haven’t seen you around, are you a new student?” He looked at her with a curious spark in his eyes. 

Is he just gonna ignore that whole exchange from before or…

Yoonmi cautiously looked behind the boy and found the girl he entered with had left. Deciding she too would ignore whatever that was, her eyes shifted to the male across from her. 

“Ah, yes, I just got here today. My name is An Yoonmi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head as a formal greeting. 

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine. My name is Kai, I’m a junior here.” He smirked at her. 

“Kai? Is that your real name or more of a Beyonce, Adele situation?” Yoonmi raised her eyebrow at Kai’s antics. 

He shrugged nonchalantly. “A little bit of both, I guess. You’re what, a sophomore? You’ll still have time to make friends here.” 

Ah…my eternally youthful looks. Do I tell him I’m older than him or? I doubt he’ll be in any of my classes…eh let yourself have some fun, Yoonmi.

“Wow, how did you know? I just had my 16th in August.” She coyly blinked her eyes. Only partly lying, she noticed the boys gaze darken. Kai leaned towards her and propped his elbow on the table. 

So young…so easy, hah. 

“Guess you could say I’m good at reading people. Hm, let’s see. You got naemyeon to eat, because you wanted something refreshing to combat the heat.” Kai pointed at the now empty bowl of noodles. 

This guy is a flirt. Two can play at that game, kid. 

Yoonmi matched his behavior, leaning closer and touching elbows with him. “This is true, but naegmyeon during the summer is just a thing. I wouldn’t say you’re exactly Sherlock for figuring that out.” She cocked her head to the side. 

Let’s see how you deal with that, Mr. Kai. 

Damn, already? I’m good. 

Kai leaned back to his personal space, crossing his arms over his chest. “Touché.” 

Ah, a hot and cold routine. I see, I see. Maybe thats why he totally rejected that girl before? Interesting… 

Yoonmi returned to her bubble as well. The pair stared at each other for a short moment, both taking log of the interaction. Yoonmi sighed and slung her bag over her shoulder. 

“In a hurry?” Kai asked. 

She smiled. “I still have to unpack my stuff back at my room. Oh, and by my great deduction skills, you’re talking with me has lead to your food getting cold. My leaving would allow you to eat, so really…you’re welcome.” Yoonmi winked, scooped up her plates and turned to leave.

“Sure thing, Sherlock!” Kai yelled after her. 

Yoonmi chuckled, having enjoyed somewhat toying with the younger boy. She made her way out the meal hall and trudged back to her room. 

I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun while I’m here, right?

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Chapter 5: OH GOD I really hope Yoonmi does not fall for them!!!!!!