Mistake 5

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Myungsoo’s Dorm


“You’re scaring me, what is it?”

“After the divorce, I’m going back to Seoul.”

“Yah!!! What about med school? What about doing something for yourself!!!”


Myungsoo wanted to punch his friend for staying silent head lowered, in the hope he can knock some sense in his thick head, “ANSWER ME!!”

“Don’t yell”, Sunggyu got up from the couch, “It’s summer vacation. I’m not dropping med school.”

“That’s not the problem! You are ing leaving with the one person who hurt you the most! What did he tell you? Did he threaten you with something?” Myungsoo turned his friend to look him in the face, “Let me help you, please.”



“You’re doing it again! Stop!”

“Doing what!”

“Judging me, making assumptions without listening to me.”

“Because you don’t want to talk damn it!” Myungsoo took deep breaths to calm himself, “You’re right, I’m sorry, can you please tell me why you’re leaving with him?”

“It’s not about him; he doesn’t know I’m returning with him.”

“Are you running away from Woohyun? Is that what’s all about-? I can make sure he doesn’t cross your path; just don’t leave.”

“It’s just a month.”

“A month is a lot; anything could happen.”

“How pathetic do I look for you!!!”

“Does Sungjong know about this?”

“Ani”, Sunggyu wore a shirt over his white shirt, “I have work, later.”

Myungsoo grabbed Sunggyu’s arm, stopping him from leaving, “Something happened, I know you’re hiding something.”

“Hmm, so what? Can’t I have secrets? Do I need to report everything?”

“W-What- no that’s not what I meant”, Myungsoo let go of his friend, “Whatever, leave.”

Sunggyu felt bad for mistreating his friend, he knows Myungsoo cared about him and meant well, “I’m not falling for his words anymore, I need to be alone and think about something then I’ll come back.”

“Can’t you think here? I won’t bother you, I promise.”

Sunggyu smiled and hugged his friend, “I’ll answer your calls, I promise.”

“It’s not because you want to think, something else happened, but you don’t want to tell me”, Sunggyu remained silent but didn’t break the hug as if he needed that hug and luckily Myungsoo is a big huger he won’t let go first, “Do you miss auntie and uncle? Is that what’s all about?”

“Hmm”, Sunggyu finally backed still in his friend’s hold, “They were good to me, and now I made them worry because of their son, it’s not fair.”

Sunggyu needs to feel loved by a parent figure, and who is better than the Jang to make him feel loved and wanted.

“I can’t leave you alone, not like that”, Myungsoo pointed at Sunggyu’s stomach, “How far?”

“How-?” Sunggyu was speechless, “Damn it, how did you know!”

Myungsoo smacked Sunggyu’s head, “ you, Gyu, don’t underestimate me.”

“Don’t tell anyone, please.”

“What, are you dumb? It’s going to show!”

“Not yet.”

“I’m telling you, it will show!!!”

“So, you’re telling everyone, right?”

“Of course.”

“I hate you.”

Myungsoo smiled, “I love you more.”

“Since when you knew?”

“Hmm, ~~, probably a month ago.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widen, “You idiot, why didn’t you tell me!!”

“I thought you knew and was hiding it, but then if you think about it, you’re terrible at acting and hiding things that’s when I was sure you didn’t know.”

“So, you thought of telling me when?”

“Wah, you are dumb!!! Don’t you feel different or something? Do I need to tell you something like that!!! The damn thing is happening inside you!!”

Sunggyu pouted, “Ani, I had a lot going that I didn’t notice any change.”

“Woohyun distracted you”, Myungsoo smirked playfully, “Sweet.”

“Shut up.”

“So, is he the father?”


“Woohyun Hyung, it’s either that jerk or him, which one is it?”


“You took a test a week ago for that, didn’t you?”

“What are you? A detective?”

“You slept with two people your entire life; it’s not hard to guess.”

“Why would you assume I slept only with these two!!!”

“You loved that doctor, and I know you slept with him a lot before the breakup, I bet you had with him the day you two broke up.”

“Yah, I didn’t know he was going to break up with me.”

“And then you slept with Woohyun Hyung the same day, night time.”

“I was mad.”

“Without ing protection.”

Sunggyu dropped his body back on the couch, “I was drunk, and I was told getting pregnant is impossible without treatment, it’s not the first time I did it with Dongwoo I’ve done it for four ing years, but nothing happened!”

Myungsoo joined his friend caressing his back, Sunggyu didn’t show a sign of pregnancy for all this time, he doesn’t complain from anything too, “How do you feel? Any pain?”

Sunggyu shrugged, “Normal? It doesn’t feel like my first as if I’m not carrying a baby.”

“You still need to be careful.”


“Who is the father? Where is that test? Show me, give me something damn it.”

Sunggyu gave a paper for his friend, “Here, read it yourself.”






Sungjong looked back and forth between Myungsoo and Sunggyu, who kept on whispering to each other, no one keeps a secret from him, no one! Especially these two, they promised to tell each other everything, so why acting like children now!

“What’s going on between you two?”

Sunggyu looked at Myungsoo then back at Sungjong, “I’m going back to Seoul.”

“I was expecting that.”


“Because you are an idiot.”

“You seriously want to die!”

Myungsoo nodded, agreeing with Sungjong, “I agree you are an idiot.”

“ you, both!”

“And my friend”, Myungsoo threw an arm around Sungjong’s shoulder, “You’re going to be an uncle soon.”

“Wait- what? Are you pregnant? Damn Myung that was fast.”

“No dear, because I’m not stupid to have unprotected .”

“So, you and your boyfriend did it.”

“Of course, I have needs; college can be stressful, you know.”

“Whatever, that means Sunggyu is pregnant- wait a minute”, Sungjong gasped looking at Sunggyu, “, who is the father?”

“Why everyone keeps on asking the same question!!” Sunggyu flickered Myungsoo’s head, “Stop spreading the news!!”

“Why~~~~! Sungjong is one of us.”

Sungjong nodded, “So, who is the lucky guy? You slept with two guys on the same day, day and night.”

“I regret telling you two things sometimes.”

“How far?”

“13 weeks.”

“, and you didn’t know?”

Sunggyu nodded, “I found out a week ago.”

“Are you okay? And the baby?”

“We’re both good.”

“Are you planning on telling the father of the baby?” Sunggyu looked at Sungjong and couldn’t answer him, “You don’t want to.”

“Hmm, at least not yet, not until I’m sure what I’m going to do.”

Myungsoo’s eyes widen, “You’re not thinking of getting rid of the baby, are you?”

“Myung, I- I don’t know, alright!”

“Gyu no, you’ll regret this.”

“No Sungjong, I’ll regret keeping it! I have nothing to offer I’m not even in a relationship with the father!!” Myungsoo showed the results of the test to Sungjong via his mobile, yes he is keeping the father ID with him just in case he needed it “and I’m still a student who works day and night to live, who is going to look after that baby, uh? Who?” both stayed silent, and it confirmed one thing, “That’s what I thought.”

Myungsoo hugged Sunggyu tight when his tears fell, his friend is in pain, and he can’t do anything about it, “Sshh, it’s okay, we’re here with you.”

“It’s not fair, I wanted a baby my entire life, and when it finally happened I have to get rid of it because of my ty situation, why is this happening to me, why!!!”

Sungjong joined the hug, “You still have time to think, use the time you’re in Seoul and think about it, don’t decide while you’re emotional, you’ll make the wrong choices.”

“Actually”, Myungsoo had to correct Sungjong, the latter’s medical info isn’t right, “Don’t take too long deciding it well get harder.”

“Myungsoo not now.”

“No Sungjong, I don’t want to risk his life, delaying the operation will be a risk to his health, and I’m not talking about the physical part I know that idiot, he’ll be emotionally racked.”

“You think I don’t know that??? I’m ing scared okay.”

Myungsoo forced Sunggyu to sit, “Hey, calm down; you need rest.”

The café owner approached the two not understanding why Sunggyu is sitting instead of working, now don’t get him wrong, but work is work someone has to do it, and they get paid for that.

“Everything okay, Sunggyu?”

“Ajusshi”, Sunggyu stood up and bowed, “I’ll get back to work.”

“Sit down Gyu; you seriously need to think about yourself.”

The elder smiled and forced Sunggyu to sit again, “Sit down; if your doctor friend thinks you need rest, then listen to him.”

“Ajusshi~~~~~”, Myungsoo gave the elder two thumbs up, “You’re the best.”

“So, tell me,” the elder pulled a chair and joined them, “Why is your friend is acting that way?”

“Ajusshi”, Myungsoo smiled nudging Sunggyu, “You’re going to be a grandfather soon.”

The elder looked at Sunggyu surprised, but with a big smile, yes he considered Sunggyu as his son, “Is that doctor telling the truth? You are pregnant?”


“Boy or girl?”

“I don’t know.”

“Doesn’t matter, that kid will be under my watch you don’t need to worry about anything I’ll cover for everything.”


The elder wiped Sunggyu’s tears, Sunggyu couldn’t hold it in anymore, plus he’s extra sensitive now, “Aigo~~, why are you crying, son?”

“Gyu is thinking of giving up the baby.”

“God Myung, stop telling everyone everything.”

The elder gestured for Myungsoo not to say anything, he can handle the younger by himself, “I’ll get us coffee.”

“We are alone now; may I ask why you’re thinking that way?”

“Ajusshi, you know me, and how I’m living, I can barely support myself.”

“I’ve been married for 40 years Sunggyu and had five kids from my blood, but I never felt like I have a son not until you came here to work four years ago. I was angry at everything and everyone when my wife died, but then a boy who knew nothing and was scared came into my life and suddenly my life has a meaning now.”

“A-Ajusshi, I’m-” Sunggyu lowered his head embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I’m not angry at you or Myungsoo I’m mad at myself for making mistakes non-stop.

The elder placed his hand on Sunggyu’s stomach, “This is not a mistake; it’s a blessing.”

“I can’t support a child.”

“Let us help you; I’m an expert with kids.”

“I’d be in debt for life.”

“Of course,” the elder stood up along with Sunggyu, “Now get back to work, we will do the father discussion later.”

Sunggyu chuckled a little relieved, though he didn’t make up his mind yet, at least he has options, “No, need Myung is telling everyone who is the father, that boy can’t keep a secret.”

“The father of who?”

Though he successfully avoided Woohyun for a week, the latter decided to appear at the perfectly wrong timing, and to make things even better, Myungsoo joined them with their drinks.

“Oh, Gyu told you he’s pregnant?”

Sunggyu facepalmed, no actually he wanted to shoot himself for having a friend with a big mouth, what was Myungsoo planning telling everyone passing by about his pregnancy!!!!


“What-? Sunggyu, you’re pregnant?”

Myungsoo covered his mouth for messing things for his friends, or maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to tell Woohyun he’ll surely help too, “I’m sorry, Gyu.”

“It’s okay, give me my drink.”

“So, it’s true? You are pregnant?” Sunggyu nodded, confirming Myungsoo’s statement, “Is that why you are avoiding me?”

“No, I had exams

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Chapter 4 in draft XD updating soooon


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702 streak #1
i am re-reading because I suddenly missed this fic 🥹
Chapter 18: Done reading one more time <3
Chapter 18: OMGyu!!! I love this sooo much! Thanks you, thanks you so much for your WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics. I’m really grateful for you dedication and for continue writing WG stories. Right know you are the only one that are making WG fics, and that means so much to me. Because the fandom it getting less everyday it very difficult to found fanfics of INFINITE, that makes me very sad. I really love so much INFT and I really wish that they keep going (and also the fandom).
Please never give up in making WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics, trust me, they still people (like me) that still supporting.
I still have to read the others fanfics of yours, so see you in another fics.
Sending good vibes and love!

Ps: because English is not my first language, I don’t regularly write comments because I feel uncomfortable. But trust me, I will always support you <3’s
yulianichang #4
Chapter 18: Greatt
Sweet_girl #5
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful 🥺🥺🎉🎉
Sweet_girl #6
Chapter 2: Okay!! I have not tried reading any fanfic till date and this being my first.. I kinda love this!!!
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS BOOK <3 Happy ending for everyone
AndI hope eventho others lost interest with woogyu, you will still create more amazing books of them. We just need be patient Woohyun almost done with his military duty. Means new woogyu momments soon xD next sunday gyu will held a fanmeet btw <3
Chapter 18: Oops forgot to upvote 😅.... thank for the new fic. Continue showering us with woogyu fanfic and your right its getting rare nowadays but thanks to you its getting alive again 🎉
Chapter 18: Another wonderfull fic completed yes 😍... thank you very much authornim~ 🎉
m_nelson #10
Chapter 18: I read this entire thing in one day. Loved every bit of it.