Chapter Two


"Huh...?" Was all I could say as my mind went blank. "W-what do you mean?"


Hoseok laughs at my confusion, "We earned a whole weekend off, and I got permission from Bang PD-nim for you to join us!" He happily explains. 


I've met the CEO of Bighit Entertainment, Hitman Bang, multiple times. Hoseok first introduced me after BTS's first win at the MelOn Music Awards with "I Need U." They brought me along, and I watched the awards within the sea of fans. At first, Bang PD-nim was unsure about me, but Hoseok explained, not wanting the CEO to get the wrong idea between us; I was just a friend— not a girlfriend. 


The company doesn't really have an anti-dating ban on them, but CEO Bang PD-nim is still strict when it comes to dating. He was a nice man, a lot nicer than I thought he'd be, and as time went on he allowed me to come around and watch dance practices, sometimes. Of course, my phone had to be confiscated, but I understand why so I didn't care— anymore. I guess you could say that he likes me.


"So... surprise!" Hoseok cries into the phone.


It's a good thing there was a park bench next to me because my legs started to feel like Jell-O. "Are you serious?" I was so thrilled. Wow, a weekend vacation with Hoseok, and BTS? It seems too good to be true.


"Hobi, if you're messing with me, I swear, I'll kick your ."


He began to laugh, "Oh, c'mon Ollie, I wouldn't joke about this. I miss ya, klutzy." 


That last comment earned an eye roll. I heard someone shout in the background; I couldn't make out what they said. "Aww," he grumbles. "Sorry Ollie, but I have to get going. We're recording for our next album."


"Aw, it's okay— wait, album? Already? Didn't you guys just release another album?" I sputter.


I'll never understand these crazy k-pop idol schedules, and I didn't want our phone call to end. I sigh in disappointment. I miss talking to him. If we had the time, we would have stayed on that phone for hours. "Hey," he began, "these things take time and—"


"Blood, Sweat, and Tears?" I burst in and laugh at my lame joke. Oh, I crack myself up.


"Ha, ha very funny, but yes, yes they do," he affirmed, "but I really do need to go. So, is that a yes? Will you come?"


A goofy smile curled at the corners of my lips. "Hmm... I don't know Mr. Jung, my schedule is pretty tight— you know with school and stuff," I with another uninterested, snobby tone, which was total bull. I hear Hoseok make pouty noises— I can see him making puppy eyes at the phone. "Mhh... I guess a couple of late assignments wouldn't hurt."


"Is that a yes?" he repeats. 


I giggle madly, receiving odd looks from people around me. "Of course, it is, dummy!"


Hoseok starts to screech with excitement, "Daebak!" I can just see him dancing around like an idiot. "I'll text you the details on KakaoTalk, okay? I gotta go now."


"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Later, loser." 


Hoseok gasped at my farwell and started to cry. Faker. "Why, must you be so," he sniffles, "mean?" 


He is such a drama queen. 


"I don't think acting is a future career path for you."


"Yeah, me neither. I just wanted to give it a try— you can be gullible sometimes."




Suddenly his voice turns aegyo, "Okay, then bye-bye!" He makes an obnoxious kissing noise into the phone. "Olive," he quickly adds, and hangs up before I can say anything else.


I could feel my blood boiling, he knows how much I hate being called, Olive. Jerkface. I should've seen that one coming. 


My anger was quickly overpassed with happiness and excitement as I realize I will get to see Hoseok after all, along with the other members. I snap out of my little dreamland, and turn on my heel and run back to the dorms, because I have some packing to do. 


I'll have to catch up on my sketching later.




It's now Saturday morning, around 6:00 A.M.— the sun hasn't even risen yet— the following weekend. I'm on my way to BigHit Ent. to meet up with the guys for our little trip; a smile glued onto my face. I haven't seen BTS— I haven't seen Hoseok— in so long; goosebumps crawl up my arms and my stomach began to turn. I finally arrive at the building and make my way inside towards the lobby. 


It was like any other lobby for a company building; big, beautiful, and white. A very modern and chic style, like an artsy café or museum. Random splats of color pop out from the different art pieces throughout the area. And there was no one in sight. 




I felt awkward just standing around, but I wasn't really sure where to go. So, I walk over toward the windows and set my bags on the floor, as I wait for a sign of civilization to appear. I began to watch the sunrise to help pass time and distract myself from my nerves. 


I've always been fascinated by the different colors that are created as the sun breaks through the horizon, lighting up the world to wake up for the day. Then I began to think about the guys— I wonder how much they've changed? I mean, I've watched them change through their goofy V app videos, appearance-wise anyways, and talked to them whenever they interrupted my video chats with Hoseok— its been a year, at least, since I last saw them.


I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore... I let out a big sigh. I'm excited, as I am nervous.


Suddenly, a pair of strong hands grab my sides. "Boo!" a voice calls along. I scream bloody murder. Quickly, I spin on my heel ready to face the culprit— ready to kick some — only to find Hoseok rolling on the floor, holding his stomach while he dies of laughter.


"Jung. Hoseok!" He froze. 


It's never good when I use his full name. A sheepish smile remained on his face, knowing he was in trouble. "And...that's my cue."

Hoseok quickly scrambles to his feet. "Tootles!" 


"Get back here, you JERK!!" I shout as I chase after him.


BTS were by the doors simply enjoying the show, while Hoseok continues running around screaming like an idiot. I stop to catch my breath. 


I'm too out of shape for this.

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Lil-Meow-Meow #1
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1428528/1'>Introduction</a></span>
I'm trying to not die here just thinking about if it was me in the story. The worst thing is that I'm in school now so I have to act like I'm not dying. Please someone help me. J-Hope is just to much for me. Like is it so hard not to smile?