The Rewind

The Reckless Racoon and the Tame Tigress
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Wendy's first stop was the geographical centre of Vienna, Stephansplatz. She got herself a few brochures from the hotel, and decided to explore on her own instead of joining free guided tours. It would be more comfortable to explore at her own pace. She wouldn't need to wait for others. She walked down the shoppping streets, stopping by to admire and capture photos of Vienna's baroque architecture.

Vienna was famously known as the city of music, so Wendy decided to visit a historical landmark - Mozarthaus, also known as Mozart's Former Residence. With her good sense of direction, she managed to find the building situated in a historic quarter, just two streets away from the famous cathedral in the city centre.

After paying for her ticket and receiving her audioguide, she was led to the third floor, where she began her self-guided tour. Wendy took her time to admire the paintings and maps of Vienna in the eighteenth century. She scanned through the other exhibits, and went on to the second floor thereafter. 

The second floor delved deeper into music, with pictures and documents of ambitious individuals who wanted to succeed in classical scene. It brought back old memories, when her mother first introduced her to classical music, specifically Mozart's. She remembered her mother telling her that listening to classical music was beneficial, so everyday Wendy was made to listen to the genre. This was unlike the other children at her age who were singing along to nursery rhymes. She heaved a sigh, and proceeded to the first floor to have a look at Mozart's apartment.

It was a spacious and grand apartment. Wendy learnt that the apartment was apparently the most expensive abode Mozart had ever resided in. It was also where he churned out some of the greatest masterpieces.

"Did you know he was at his happiest when he lived here?"

Wendy turned to her side and found a tall Korean man smiling down at her. "I didn't know that, but thank you for that extra bit of information," she replied politely, in Korean.

The man looked pleasantly surprised. "Are you Korean too?"

"I think my response made it pretty clear."

He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Nice to see a fellow Korean here. I'm Chanyeol. What's your name?"

"Wendy." Honestly, Wendy wasn't very interested to talk to anyone. So she hoped her short replies would somehow give Chanyeol a hint to leave her alone.

"You're mixed?"

He sure was a busybody. "Yeah, you can say that," Wendy gave him a small smile, and continued walking to explore the different rooms.

Chanyeol didn't continue the conversation, instead, he followed behind her. Although Wendy found it borderline creepy, she chose to ignore his existence.  She was sharp in sensing danger, but Chanyeol didn't fit the bill. He was harmless and was probably just being extra friendly since he met a fellow countryman.

She stopped walking when she noticed an extravagant mechanical clock which had an organ built onto it, playing a variation of Mozart's composition made specially for the clock.

"Would you want this clock in your house?" Chanyeol asked, breaking his silence as he stood next to Wendy.

"I'm not into musical stuff."

Chanyeol's forehead creased. "That's strange, why would you visit this museum then?"

"Just out of pure curiosity," Wendy said, peeling her eyes away from the clock and looked at Chanyeol. "Nice to meet you, but I'll get going. My fiancee's waiting for me outside."

"Ah." Chanyeol's voice faltered, as disappointment rang in his voice. "Nice meeting you, Wendy," he continued, forcing a smile. 

Wendy gave a slight bow and made her way out briskly. "Tsk," she clicked her tongue, trudging her way to a nearby cafe. "What a pest," she mumbled, shaking her head.


Irene came back to a dead log on the king-sized bed. Curtains were drawn back, and the sunlight was practically shining on Wendy's face. Irene couldn't help but wonder how the blonde could sleep soundly with such bright light. She treaded towards Wendy, not wanting to wake her up, and gave a soft peck on the blonde's forehead.

The dark haired woman took a step back, her lips held a faint smile and her eyes twinkled.


The couple chose to have their first dinner outside, at a restaurant just a stone's throw away from their hotel. Wendy had requested for them to get some fresh air together, and Irene acceded to the request. They had ordered steak, since the restaurant was well-known for it.

"How did your day go?" Wendy asked, while she waited for the food to arrive.

"Boring. It's work, there's nothing interesting about it."

"Not much different from the one in Seoul?"

"Well, the working hours here are really short," Irene pointed out with a laugh. "You would have noticed that, won't you?"

"Yes, I did." Wendy laughed along. "The shops here close pretty early."

"Everything's shut on Sunday. But some attractions are open, so maybe we can go for some sightseeing then," Irene suggested. She leaned forward, giving Wendy her full attention. "How was your day, Seungwan?"

"Well... it was interesting. I explored the area on my own. I even visited Mozart's house."

"Oh, did you like it?"

"It was cool..." Wendy trailed off, wondering if she should tell Irene about the guy she met at the museum. "Do you want to go to the Schönbrunn Palace together? Otherwise I will just go there tomorrow." She decided against telling Irene, knowing how jealous the latter could be. That would ruffle feathers and Wendy didn't need to go through another episode of Irene's temper. 

Irene pressed her lips together. After much deliberation, she asked, "Do you want to drop by office tomorrow? We can go to the Schönbrunn Palace together on Saturday. That's just three days away anyway."

"Is your office in a cool building?"

"Yeah," Irene said with a smile. "You might like it more than my office back in Seoul."

"Hmm, then count me in."


The office building was not something Wendy had anticipated. She was used to the skycrapers in Seoul that housed giant conglomerates, and was expecting to step foot into one here, since their posh hotel had a modern achitecture too.

Instead, it was a four storey building with a baroque architecture, blending in with the many buildings in the district. One would have mistaken it for a museum, if they didn't care enough to read the sign. 

"Who chose this building for an office space?" Wendy asked, staring at the exterior in awe.

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please bear with me as i work on the new chapter. i know it's been 10 months since the last update and i'm sorry for that


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moonlight90 #1
Chapter 32: Update pls
Re-reading this one 🥺 author please comeback
Please update
Chapter 32: author come back 🥺
Natsu_byakuran11 #5
Gonna re-read this one👌👌
ShinHye24 1340 streak #6
Suddenly i want to reread these two bickering couple, i miss them
nitasuryaman #7
Chapter 32: Nice story , waiting for The next update… hehehe
Chapter 32: it's still the same. no updates yet :(
Chapter 10: this part is so hilarious 😂
Chapter 9: so cute at the end irene said "have a good rest, LOVE" L-O-V-E 🥰