Chapter IV

Knock-on effect

"Crap that was close" a sigh of relief escaped the barefooted guy, removing his mouth cover and brushing his hands over his head, pushing his silky black hair back and showing those small pearls of sweat that trailed down the corner of his ear, taking a trip down his jaw line, making me gulp whatever saliva I was creating within my mouth. He's mouth watering hot... I wonder what he'd taste like...
I my lips at the thought.

"what was that all about?! I thought you were going to try and get lamb skewers jungkook!" the blonde guy that was seated next to the driver ranted out. I couldn't see his face properly but he had a loop silver earing with a long silver string dangling on his left ear. Well, Left from my point of view.

So that's his name.. Jungkook... Huh

I glanced at him, sitting here just like a damn doll. Looking pretty and staying quiet. Well, I don't know about the pretty part, but I wasn't saying anything.

In the meanwhile, I kept feeling daggers shooting from my left side. And if I could be honest here; this midget was nerving me up.

"And I was... " Jungkook defended, scratching his nape while small nervous snickers escaped his lips.

That was cute... I my lips once more and bit the tip, coming to terms that I'm becoming a ert. I should mentally slap myself. MY GOD!

"How does lamb skewers link up to
Her?!" he turned his body as much as he could on his seat, concentrating on the person he was talking to while waving his damn finger towards my face like a damn wand, forcing me to raise an eyebrow. Now that's just rude!

"Not that I mean to offend you..." he diverted his gaze to me this time, making me want to roll my eyes at this guy.

"oh not at all" I waved my hands, in a nice manner, biting my gum with a smile."just that next time you do that again I'm afraid I'm going to have to break it" I continued my cunning smile. I've had my fare share of bull.

He closed his fist in shock, while the driver chuckled. "So?!" he diverted his attention to the main person and decided to ignore my existence.

"It's a long story, I'll explain it once we get back. Besides, at least it was a safe escape" he explained, intertwining his fingers and resting over those damn thick, y thighs. I've got a problem don't I? 😳

"Sorry to interrupt." I raised my hand as if I were in a classroom, looking at Jungkook side ways. "but how is this a safe escape?! Last time I checked, I would consider my situation, safely kidnapped" I tried containing my anger through my smile while talking.

"I didn't kidnap you! I was helping you" he raised a bit of his voice in annoyance.

"help me? You dragged me out forcefully and literally shoved me in a car! How is that not kidnapping someone? Last time I checked, I don't remember hop scotching into your car" I took a breather after saying everything without breathing in-between.

"Oookayyy..." The blonde guy quickly turned his attention back to the drive way as if he didn't want to be a part of this.

"You're so ungrateful" he scoffed in disbelief.

"I never asked for your help!" I spit in anger, while still feeling as if my skin were gaining holes in it.

"And will you stop glaring at me, God dammit!" I shot a glare back at the short guy.

"Try and get your balls daggered and then we'll talk" the midget remarked and I closed my eyes hoping that some God would save me. I mean I'm not ungrateful that I was inside a small space with four good looking guys but for heavens sake.

"it's not my fault my hand got contaminated and squashed your pepper" I retorted in annoyance, while he whined. "Hyung!" but he got ignored by everyone, while I filled my lungs with air and just snapped.

"you know what? Stop the car!" I yelled out, wanting my phone; just to get whip lashed with four voices in sync. "No!"

"Well okay..." I shrunk back into my spot, coming to a realization... No phone, no wallet, wearing a wedding dress that's pretty much dirty and semi ripped at the bottom while wearing over sized sneakers. You know what... my life!

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_BangtanTrash_ #1
Chapter 5: Really enjoy these updates! :)