Chapter 8

Your Second Life Starts Now


               The creature continued to stare hungrily at you as you stared back frightened at its sudden appearance. It advanced closer and by instinct-and of 3 years of gaming experience-, you reached for the hilt of your sword that hung by your waist. You took a few steps backwards without removing your eyes from the gruesome monster. Around you, players were either attacking, getting attacked, or running away from the spawns.

                You looked around frantically for someone to notice you. Sadly, everyone else was too pre occupied with their business at hand. The creature advanced closer and you chose that time to take out your sword. You held it in front of you with two hands. But because you never actually had firsthand experience using a warrior character, you didn’t know what to do. As the monster was within range of your sword, you blindly brought the blade down. The attack had hit the mushroom right in the middle of its head. The health bar that was on top of the monster dropped down to half. Without thinking, you swung again finishing off the creature. You huffed and silently cheered to yourself. First monster killed!

                You glanced around the crowded town once more. Other players were fending off the monsters but there weren’t many players in sight. Most had ran off to the same direction, the south. You walked to a nearby fairy that was healing herself. You tapped her gently on the shoulder and she turned around.

                “Excuse me but may I ask why everyone’s running there?” You asked. The fairy smiled.

                “You don’t know?” She snapped her fingers. ”Oh! You must be new. Well basically to make it short, the spawns are decreasing so it means that the boss is going to appear really soon.” You nodded slowly. “Also last time, the boss spawned in the south side of this town so there’s a high chance that it might be there again.” The fairy shrugged. “It’s really scary. I was killed along with a lot of other characters while trying to attack it. Then again, if you want to go, I’m not stopping you. I have to go meet up with my friend somewhere else anyone. Good luck!” The girl finished healing herself and flew out of the town gates. You thought about what she said. Should I go…? Or no?. Maybe I shouldn’t. You paused. But I want to see it. I’ll just stand really far away. Curious at how powerful the boss was, you followed the players running south.

                Players of all jobs were gathered in a large area. You sat on a barrel far away from the crowd but close enough for you to see what was going on.

“Oh man I can’t wait. I’ve been wanting to try my upgraded spells for a while now.”

“Word bro. I wonder who’ll be the MVP this time.”

“Tsk. Of course I’ll be m---“


                The player’s hp dropped to 0. You gasped at the new body. It was about the size of a regular human. The only thing that separated it from everyone else was the fact that it radiated an aura of death. In its hands, it held dual blades, sharp and deadly like its welder. Almost at once, all the gathered players began their attack but in a matter of seconds, at least ¾ were down with either fatal health or was just dead. The being stood in the same spot where it was before. Out of the players that survived, you noticed that most of them were archers and magicians. Avatars that used far range attacks than melee. But one person stood out the most. He was a demon just like you and carried nothing but a wooden sword in his right hand.

                He had brown curly hair and once in a while reached up to fix his bangs. You stared in awe at him. How did he survive? But the curly hair boy wasn’t the only melee fighter standing around. There was a younger looking boy next to him. His innocent looking eyes rapidly blinking. He held onto a small dagger about your foot size. You inched a little closer to the scene but still hid behind a wall. From the distance, you could hear their voices as they conversed with each other.

                “Jeongmin hyung, they’re all dead. This .” The younger one complained with a pout. Jeongmin shrugged.

                “Who cares? We’ll take care of the phantom as always. They were too reckless so they died first. The end.” He stopped messing with his hair and turned to face the pale skinned creature that stood before them. “Hm…Minwoo, you got this one.” Jeongmin lightly shoved Minwoo forward and the younger complained again as he shuffled forward. Jeongmin just yawned and plopped down onto the ground with a bored expression on his face. Minwoo looked from his hyung to the phantom  with an unhappy facial expression.

                “Stupid hyung. Making me do all the work.” He muttered and raised his dagger to his eye level. Minwoo raised his left hand and used the dagger to make a small cut on his left index finger. Tiny droplets of blood dripped from his finger to the ground. Minwoo drew a star in the air with the cut finger.

Summoning Heaven’s Will

                A sleek white dagger replaced his original weapon. It glowed white and the phantom moved back a couple of steps with an alarmed look on its face. As fast as sound goes, Minwoo ran forward to slice the creature. His moves were quick and nimble. It looked as if he was dancing while holding a weapon. The phantom fought back but was too slow to block Minwoo’s next attack. Minwoo aimed for its chest. He threw his dagger and it aimed directly at its heart. The creature froze in its spot and looked down at the blade. It made a strangling sort of sound and its knees gave way. It crumbled into dust.

                Minwoo looked proud at his accomplishment. He skipped back to Jeongmin who clapped twice and stood up.

                “Good job. It was a lot weaker than what I thought. Guess those hackers really did a good job on slowing the programming down.” Jeongmin mused. Minwoo nodded, his brown hair bobbing up and down. He smiled and scanned around the area. All of a sudden, his eyes locked with yours. Your eyes widen in surprise. Minwoo pointed to the wall where you were hiding behind.

                “Hyung! Another warrior player survived!” He chimed. Jeongmin looked at where the younger was pointing at.

                “Really? Interesting. I didn’t think that any other melee players besides us could survive the phantom’s speed attack. Let’s go meet her.” He said with a  smirk.


This is what your character looks like (Sorry for the fail drawing guise. I drew it during English and colored it at home. It's so messy ;~;):


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this story is jjang!!
uptade soon :)
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 11: Heheheee cant wait for chapter 12!! <3
Chapter 11: please please please pleaseeeeeeeeeee update authornim!!
i think im stuck with allllll of your fics!!.xD
well not all actually... -_-
Chapter 1: just want to ask.. what is rpg??
im not a real gamer, but this is sounds appealling.. really hope that i found one in the future.. xDD
Hahaha! Sweet! This there such game? I wanna buy! Hahaha!
breeziechang #6
I knew it! Hehehe so awesome! Can't wait for next chapter!
jhasbdjashduyasdb omfg. The story omg. I love this fanfic
breeziechang #8
Minwoo is adooooraaabblllleeee! I need some twin action though....Update again soooooooooooon