Tomorrow's Christmas

Tomorrow's Christmas


December in Seoul. 

Around this time of year is when you really start to feel the fact that winter has arrived, but not just in the temperature and the trees barren of leaves. No, almost every facet of the city changes. Like the entire city has slowed down with the season. People huddle in buildings for warmth, the night dragging its feet from hour to hour, cars meandering half-asleep at lights. 

But for this one month of winter, there is something more that lights up those dark evenings than streetlamps, city stores and neon signs. Red, green, and white lights are strewn from one building to another, reefs are placed on doors, and depictions of jolly old men dressed in red are almost everywhere. As the night arrives, the occupants of the office buildings begin their ritual.

Crackling stretches, resound, and echo about as workers finally stand up from their chairs; the sound of their bones popping and relieving from their long-held sitting positions. They get off work with a shuffle of their belongings and the click of their desk lights, bidding goodbye to each other and finding their ways home. It's this time that denotes the transition back to personal life for many people. There's nothing that makes this shift clearer than wishing for strength when the day's all done, taking a moment to appreciate the loved ones by your side. 

The people in your life who keep you going and make it all worth it. 


"Thank you for all the good work~ Merry Christmas."

It was late. Everyone had been leaving one by one as it suited them, but one friendly character of the office was still there to wish her last co-workers a happy holiday before they bowed their heads and stepped out into the night. 

With the clatter of footsteps disappearing down the hallway, the woman turned to the brightest light source of the office and found all but one colleague to be left now. She stilled against the doorframe with a tired smile and checked the time, allowing herself to watch the busy employee for a little while longer. 

With the door closing behind her, the office had become a quiet place and she was no exception. Waiting quietly, watching her while she worked, it felt almost bittersweet.

With the room darkened at the edges, white luminous light framing one active cubicle, it looked like she wasn't going to be leaving any time soon. Reluctantly, it put something on the young woman's mind, and she stepped away for a moment. 


Minutes later, a weight leaned against the desk of the active cubicle and Chorong didn't have to look to know who it was. 

"Working, Miss Park?" the woman's lips tugged softly in a playful smile. 

"Of course, Bbom-ah," came the response. Focused, as always.

A cup of noodles was propped on the desk, chopsticks lying flat on the lid. 

"For you." 

"Oh, thanks," Chorong peeked for just a second, thinking she could hold off eating for a bit longer. She was really getting somewhere with the project at this moment that she neglected to see Bomi's disheartened reaction. 

"Rong," Bomi touched Chorong's hand, wielding the power to still everything even now. Her tone seemed unhappy, like she wanted something. 

Chorong paused her work hesitantly at the contact, looking at Bomi more annoyed than she meant to seem. 

Bomi bit her lip, eyes peering low at their hands. "Let's not work on Christmas." 


"Please. Let's not work this Christmas. Let's have Christmas with my parents," Bomi said boldly, hanging slightly with thoughts she couldn't express in their entirety. "They'll love to see you."

"Bomi." The older woman looked up from the screen to look her in the eyes. "We've talked about this."

Not Bbom, but Bomi. At moments like these, the choice of name can unwittingly show a bit of firmness. Chorong clearly didn't want this conversation. 

"You know how much this project means. It's... the future!" Chorong blurted, a frustration she's had slowly forming in her again. She rubbed her eyes. "We're doing something different for the world." 

"I know. It's a big deal."

"It's a huge deal!" Chorong held on the word for a second before looking back down to her computer. "Once we have it up and running... we'll only be moving up from here," Chorong insisted. "Let's just focus on this now and our hard work will pay off in the future." 

"A promotion isn't the only thing in this world," Bomi said without expression. The way she said it was like a jab to the older woman's ambition. 

Chorong glanced at her accusingly before turning away. "We'll have a better future." she countered. 

A promotion meant not having to worry about money. Not having to worry about money meant peace of mind and happiness. It should be simple to understand. 

But she couldn't deal with how Bomi wasn't getting it. Not right now. 

"I love work, I do. You know I can't sit still," Bomi justified, following a huffing Chorong to the printers, "And I know how much you want this. I only want K-10 to succeed too, Rong." 

"Then stay with me. Help me tonight," the older woman slipped, handling fresh warm prints. 

Bomi caught the papers as they tumbled from her hand. 

"One Christmas. That's all I'm asking. I just want to celebrate Christmas with my family," Bomi restated, catching Chorong's eyes as she planted the papers back into her hands. "Please? Come with me. Just tonight." 

Chorong evened out the papers in her grip. "I can't. There's too much to do and you know that," Chorong reminded with an air of warning. 

"It's okay to take a break every now and then," the younger woman muttered, her words trailing off as if talking to herself. "Work will still be here when you get back. It's not like anyone else will even be here to say 'Wow Chorong! You work so hard!' since everyone else has already ditched this place to go spend time with their families and actually have some fun this—" 

"Bomi!" Chorong snapped. "No one else is working here tonight because no one else has the workload I have, and I have this workload so that when this project gets finished, I can get some damn credit! Do you want me to be stuck in this job forever? Is that what you want?"

"No, but—"

"Do you think I want to work in the office late at night and lose sleep over this whole project?"

"Of course not, but—"

"But. I. Have. To. If I don't do this, it doesn't get done and suddenly I'm not the one they pick when promotion time comes around. Yeah. It , but I do it because I don't have a choice!"

Bomi stood there, watching her silently heave in and out in frustration. "You have a choice, Rongie. You just are choosing not to make it."

"Bom, I don't want to do this, but it's something I have to do. Our future depends on it."

Bomi sighed. "Fine. Work then, but I'm spending my night and my Christmas with my family."

"Okay." Chorong exhaled, letting whatever tension she had go as Bomi picked up her bag and walked towards the door. "Have a Merry Christmas, Bom."

"Yeah. You too," she said, not looking back.



Only a few moments after Bomi left, Chorong was back at her desk looking over schematics and approving documents for future R&D deliverables. Whatever feeling of guilt she had over how their conversation had ended were quickly put aside to the work she was doing and the thoughts of the recognition this quality of work would get. 

Bomi just wasn't considering the future in the same way. She didn't look ahead and plan like Chorong. She couldn't see the purchases they'd be able to make with that extra money; the fact they would be able to get out of their cramped apartment, the fact they could actually afford a family of their own with that kind of money.

She'll get over it. Of course she will. Like every Christmas when they work at the office. This one was no different. 

By the time she left the office and arrived home, it was an hour and a bit to midnight on that Christmas Eve, with Chorong's exhaustion barely allowing her to shrug off her layers in that quiet apartment. Empty of Bomi

The younger woman had already left to her parents for the night. 

Winding down from the long day and stretching out her legs, a part of Chorong searched for the remote to cover the cold whistling tapping on glass windows. Something just to fall asleep to as they had made a habit of. It was laughable that a rerun of the 1990 classic Home Alone came to the screen in front of her in that very instant, with the click of that button. Bomi's favourite.

Ah. So it was really Christmas. 

Now, with less than an hour to midnight, then it'll actually be Christmas. Here on the couch, drowsily watching the little kid on the television screen; spending Christmas with Kevin, to feel a little less alone. 

Alone on Christmas. 

Why was this Christmas so different? Bomi was fine working with her normally, even on Christmas, but now, of all times right now, she was pushing her to drop everything. To celebrate Christmas of all things.

Maybe it was because it was Christmas. Chorong never connected with the holiday like others did, especially when compared to Bomi. The overly jolly, smiley holiday fit Bomi a whole lot more than it ever fit Chorong.

Christmas... isn't something Chorong ever really celebrated with Bomi. They have other holidays for that, right? There's New Year, Chuseok, even Valentine's Day...

Christmas is a western holiday they don't celebrate the same, since in Korea the occasion has become branded for romantic love and presents under jolly lights and snowflakes. 

A couple's holiday.

Bbom will get over it. She always does. She's upset now but come New Year's Eve she would be ready to celebrate again. Maybe my schedule will let me celebrate it with her this year.

Chorong's eyes grew increasingly heavy as the movie dragged on. With her increasingly drowsy mind came a weakening of her confidence, her mind filling up with lingering doubts. 

She couldn't shake off the invisible weight that rested over her as the movie came to a close and she sunk into bed, sensitive to the sounds of the apartment; the noises she weren't aware of when Bomi was here. Her mind drifted to the possibility of someone breaking in on Christmas night. It's honestly ridiculous where her head is after the movie; detesting Christmas even more than usual, quietly whining that Bomi would leave her like this... 

Miserable. Lonely? 

It's just Christmas. 

Give it another day and the meaningless holiday would be over. Bomi would be over it once the gifts were unwrapped and she was done visiting her family. 

Chorong frowned, shifting to a warmer position with her legs curled up a bit. It was a queen-sized bed and yet she wouldn't use all the covers, as if the space next to her was made for someone else. 


It's cold outside. 




Waking up without Bomi felt strange. Uncomfortable. Today is just like any other day, Chorong. Give it a few minutes and you'll adjust. 

It wasn't like anything had changed to make today any special. The sun rose, the alarm went off a little later than usual, and it was about time she go about her day. 

Her mind was still being thawed on this cold and dreary morning, glossing over the lack of buzzing from the fridge when she opened it for the first meal of her day. A banana and yoghurt, she scarfed down quickly; something easy when she was just providing for herself. Nothing much to prepare. 

All the little things that weren't there, Bomi's toothbrush, Bomi's shoes... Chorong tried not to let it bother her. Those missing things being justified as Bomi having packed her stuff and left to see her parents. For Christmas. 

As she walked out the apartment lobby, it was only then she failed to locate her car keys. The rummaging in her bag lasted but a moment as she quickly figured Bomi must've taken it. The woman kept leaving an invisible trace that had Chorong thinking about her, keeping the sour mood that started the day lingering on her like a bad smell. 

She tried to shake it off. There was no use with this. Bomi wanted to celebrate Christmas and she didn't. She couldn't. There was just too much that needed to be done. It's not that complicated. 

Leaving the car alone, she headed down the walkway outside the string of apartments to where the taxi stand was. 

It was evident she was getting a bit of a headache when she quickly scooted herself inside the back of the first vacant vehicle, not making any note of its design, as if that was something to look out for. 

"Where to, ma'am?" the driver said in a relaxed manner of someone just starting their day.

Chorong automatically regurgitated the address of her workplace on reflex. She knew the address better than she knew her parents' address at this point. When Chorong finally did work her gaze sleepily up to the front, she was taken completely aback. 

Her eyes widened, so certain that she was talking to someone a moment ago. For a moment Chorong felt like she had gone crazy. The taxi was empty other than herself. Being sleepy was one thing but having a conversation with no one was a first for her.

"What– Where's... the driver?"

The grey box on the dashboard lit up. "Why I am your driver, ma'am!"




Wednesday, 25th of December 2029. Christmas Day.


December in Seoul. 

Seoul as a city is one that even 50 years ago hardly thought anything of Christmas, but it is now completely interwoven into the Korean identity, and it really shows. The carols being played over stereo systems echo every street of the shopping districts. Along with that are people going to shops looking for gifts for loved ones, friends, and family. Gift-giving has been an element of the Korean identity for as long as people can remember and it has melded with Christmas; a chance to shower gifts on everyone you want to wish well, or for some, want to impress. 

Of course, Christmas isn't the only thing on people's minds. They are also glad to be celebrating the start of a new decade: 2030. For some it feels like the start of 2020 was just yesterday, but ten years slips by in an instant in retrospect. 

So much has happened in that time, but really the thing that immediately looks different are the classes walking the streets. Ten years ago, people wouldn't even think of things like the Patchmaid Drones, hovering safely with a quiet whirring next to their owner for hours and hours. Or the deceptively simple-sounding Rover that would always land with cat-like grace on its incredibly advanced four legs.

But here they were! 

Whether they be providing a constant security camera feed or carrying these people's shopping bags securely on their back, they would have seemed but science fiction ten years ago. 

Of course, the cars on the streets had become completely different as well. The people of 2019 probably would've scoffed at the several goofy and bubble-looking cars that dominated the roads. However, these small self-driving vehicles had taken off in cities and had been adopted or copied by most major car sellers. 

The meteoric rise of the taxi service SoloCab could be ordered to a spot in mere minutes. Seoul had always been a city of first-adopters and trends, so for companies like SoloCab or Berahealth and the emerging robotic health industry, they couldn't be in a better city. One decade ago, it was all but an idea in someone's head, but now there were functioning machines designed for all sorts of things, even to monitor your fitness and allow you to be muscular or toned without one hour at the gym. 


Chorong soon found herself sitting back with her seat buckle on, simultaneously fascinated and terrified by the fact that the grey box on the dashboard pulled itself out of the parking spot and into the oncoming traffic with mechanical precision. 

The bubble-like car was small, only really capable of seating two people, but she could appreciate how well the space was used that you could still move and not feel too snug. The interior was sleek with fake wood accents and comfy, nicely upholstered seating. 

While she was marvelling at the interior and its wonderfully controlled temperature, her driver got her attention again. 

"Your SoloCab application says you are a long-time user. However, I am detecting a reactionary response comparable to the behaviour of most first-time users. Would you like me to walk you through your features?" 

In her bewilderment and awe of this technology, she had naturally answered "Yes!" to the small grey box that sat on the dashboard. It went about presenting the tap screen in the centre of the console for accessing entertainment, its easy climate control preferences that can be saved to the user's account— "Yes, your account has been connected, Miss Park Chorong." —and finally, the one physical control that the rider has over the driving: a button to cancel the ride and have it stop at the nearest pull off location for an early departure. 

After a few minutes of the bubble car driving itself on the tarmac path, she had practically forgotten who her driver was. Chorong's attention was instead alternating between the news that played in front of her on the screen and some of the brief but completely alien sights she could see out her windows. Chorong didn't have an explanation for it, but she was in December of 2029. 

"2029. That's a hell of a long time from yesterday..." she thought, but the television or "INFO-SCREEN" as it had printed below didn't lie. It all felt too real. Looking out the window, she would be pointing at each new curiosity just for a digital graphic to suddenly expand over the glass. It was a tourist function, informing the names of places and buildings; something she never realised how much she would've wanted until she had it sitting in front of her.

The quick-paced technologies were making her head spin. Partially out of fear and confusion, but more because of how exciting it all was to see. Although a lot of the buildings were the same, what they contained and how they were dressed up were completely different. Some of her favourite places had completely renovated themselves, with new signs, new paint, and a whole new atmosphere. Some of her least favourite businesses had been replaced entirely with sleek new stores or trendy new restaurants. Time had taken every business she disliked and made it something new, just as it took every business she did like and refined it. 

It wasn't just the buildings though. The people looked different. The clothes they wore, the gadgets they played with. Even with the weather Chorong couldn't help but notice how slick everyone looked. The clothes were sharp with defined angles. Trim, formfitting, but still looking completely warm. The technology they played with went by so fast she could barely register it, but just by the little machines at people's sides and flying by their head, she knew she had never seen anything like it. She wished to jump out of the cab and just watch over people's shoulders as they tinkered with these devices they didn't even bat an eye at.    

The next thing she knew, the nice ride came to a stop and the back doors slid open with an unsealing release. 

"Oh, how do I—"

"The payment has already been processed to your account. Thank you for riding with SoloCab." 

"A-Ah, why, yes," Chorong stammered to close her gaping mouth, taken by surprise. "Thank you, then... I'll be going." 


But Chorong wouldn't be going to work this morning. Not just yet, anyway. When pulling up at the curb to her office building in the centre of the city, she gawked at a grand cone-shaped structure built across the block. 

Fashioned entirely in elegant metallic grey panels, the cone had rings circling up its smooth form, leading to an extraordinary holographic globe of light hovering at its apex.  

This design– She had seen this design! In the drafts of their department. It was the plan for the ultimate solar power tower, to generate sustainable energy for the whole city. 

And she was just now realising how much it looked like a goddamn Christmas tree! 

Every time Chorong blinked just confirmed that she was really seeing the final product with her very own eyes. She didn't think the blueprint for this building plan would actually go through. This was... amazing! 

...And appalling. 

As Chorong found herself running closer to the building in haste, trying to commit this sight to memory and confirm her reality, she was even more stunned by the citizens coming and going from the place and getting a closer look at the fancy gadgets they used for their mundane affairs. 

Distracted at each moment, her mind latched onto bits of words and phrases with her eyes darting about. Drifting advertising, booming deals, and Christmas gift-buying chatter surrounded her in a future metropolis. She stood there, watching the city life unfold. 

It was in that moment, she understood. The attractive energy hub of the city had rather become an automated landmark shopping mall. One where shops were open all the time, even on Christmas. 

So some things were the same. With every Christmas year comes the must-have toys and devices, and this year was no different. Among the slew of items to pick from, it appeared you needn't look further than the newly popular Jumpballs. With advertising flaunting its complex mechanisms, being able to move a small radio-controlled ball and make it roll and jump all around was neat! But it was destined to be just like the Furby decades ago: a toy that will be a must-have for a year or two and then forgotten to the dustbin of history, only to be a question on a pop culture trivia night. 

Chorong walked down the streets listening to people talk, watching people play with the devices strapped to their wrists and hovering next to their shoulders. She would walk down the street following one person telling a drone what they wanted picked up for lunch, only to immediately switch directions to follow someone carrying a toy for their child that claimed it could be "commanded with only a flick of the wrist!"

The one that took her breath away was a well-off middle age woman walking along looking at the stores, clearly having finished some sort of shopping spree. However, she only carried a single bag as a mechanical dog-like creature walked faithfully along next to her, bags strapped to its back. 

It wasn't seeing the machine that surprised her, although that did surprise her, but the fact that she had seen this mechanical dog before. For months in fact, document after document had come across her desk for this exact design she had lovingly called Rover: The K-10 project. A machine designed to be in every way better than your average canine. But once again this was not what surprised her so. It was the fact that stencilled across the robot's frame were the words "Rover" on each side.

Chorong glowed with pride. Rover, the nickname she used that had received disjointed disagreement at the board meeting. It was her preferred working title for Project K-10, thinking people would take to the term more easily than anything else. And here they were, using the name! They were actually using what they envisioned of the well-developed invention in the future. 

"They... love it. The people love it!" 

But it wasn't the success that Chorong had expected. 

With luggage harnessed to their backs, being able to support the heaviest of weights with ease, Rovers strolled the streets beside their owners and... carried their Christmas shopping. "Not exactly life changing work, is it?"

The robotic rescue dog was in boundless supply at such a reduced cost that now everyone had access to it. Everyone wanted to have their own fancy Rover. Its intended purpose had deviated, becoming a heavy weight-carrier and A.I. companion for suitable use in everyday life. 

"Alright, alright. A popular building. A convenient bag-holder. It's fine, it's fine!"

Although the impact these projects would have in ten years weren't what she had pictured at all, Chorong could at least be happy that she was part of something that got finished and appreciated by many. It seemed the company had done well and was going strong even now. Her bosses must be impressed by her contributions. 

She began to wonder what might have changed at work in her future. Then the time slapped her in the face. 


It wasn't until she reached the floor of her office that she mentally facepalmed. It was Christmas. If she was to worry about anything, it wasn't her work or even how she might handle living as her future self, although it brought some ease to think she wouldn't get future-Chorong in trouble today. For once, she couldn't be late when it was a holiday. She could go see the future she had built for herself.

Everything was just as it was back then. The building still appeared the same, with the occasional added screen to a wall or updated computer sitting on the desk. The style was still the unmistakable feel of "corporate chic" and her office ID card still led her to the same department.  


The smell of paperwork and cool circulation of air hit her senses upon entering the room. The familiar office layout was just as it always was. The walls now tan instead of beige. And her seat? Her seat was there. In the office bullpen, next to the window, but facing away from it.

Chorong was slow to react to everything as she scanned the contents of her desk. Something about the comfort of this situation—the office and this cubicle—among everything else she discovered today didn't sit right with her. 

Ten years later. 

In the same office. 

In the same cubicle. 

In the same job. 


"I... I'm still here.


Her desk was rearranged, but as she went through the contents of her desk she found nothing to suggest she even was an assistant manager, let alone a head of a department. The only thing that had changed with the plaque on her desk was it now was in a different font. She clutched the back of her chair to steady herself, mixed with infuriation and disbelief. This can't be right. After all she'd done? After all she'd worked on, as detailed by her achievements laid out in the drafted resign letter in front of her. 

There were new plans on her desk for another project, where she had many documents to work through, but nothing to suggest she had moved on. Only time had.

In one of her desk drawers she had found a letter her future self had failed to hand in, as it was already dated four years ago... 

Hold on. Hold on. 

Chorong froze up on the spot with her mind racing when her eyes landed on the plaque of another desk she had come to know so well. It was the only other place of the office she was drawn to, the place she often found herself seeking strength and energy from with a mere glance. 

She suddenly rushed through the office, fumbling through the list of names that work in this area... to find... to find...

Bomi's always been by her side. They work together. They work together here.

With unexpected disappointments at each turn, Chorong had tried to look at the results positively, pushing through a future that seemed to leave her unsatisfied. Her job now seemed like a curse, but the pit in her stomach had been evidently growing the more alone she felt. That lost presence... The thing she had been searching for the most in this future...

Chorong had spent many a Christmas in this office, and yet Chorong hadn't been alone. She always had someone by her side. Until today. 

Bomi was always there by her side, working together with her on Christmas. It was what they did every year. They normally work together on Christmas... because of Chorong. Bomi was really that considerate of her, and when Chorong was given the chance to return the appreciation and accompany Bomi for her Christmas, she said no. 

Now Bomi was gone. Someone else's name was at her desk. 

Bomi didn't work here anymore. 

"Nonsense! She– She must've... gotten a new job! Somewhere else.. A different job," Chorong rambled, cold sweat tickling the side of her neck. She couldn't bear what this might mean, but she could feel the problem looming as everything came together in her mind, and it seemed Bomi's presence was getting thinner and thinner. Like she had disappeared. 

Missing belongings. 

Those missing belongings that morning, when Chorong had been slow to realise she had woken up ten years forward in the future, where everything was different and yet the same. She stayed the same, while everything else around her had changed. Everything, including—

"No, no, NO! She– She can't be gone!" Chorong's frustrated shriek echoed down the empty halls as she paced around. She willed her pooling tears not to fall, but her heart was throbbing hot and painfully. It was hard to think anything else. 

That's when it hit her that they weren't together anymore. Bomi was gone from her life completely. 

Stumbling around with her heart stomped on and sobs catching up to her, Chorong's fear was setting in. She scrabbled for a way to contact Bomi, for the woman to tell her everything was fine.

Stupid, her phone! If it can indeed be called a phone? It was the flat card-like device that had allowed her to automatically pay for things and access places just by having it on her person, without needing to do anything else. It was her final hope out of this freakish scenario and she impulsively pushed her tumble of emotions on the idea that this device could help her. 

As it unlocked itself in recognition of its owner, Chorong instantly disregarded the complications of its unfamiliar interface and tried to ask the phone directly and simply for a Yoon Bomi, not having enough patience to practice navigating for herself. Voice recognition was still being used, right?

The heat accumulating in Chorong's head from the stress was making her feel so dizzy, she was close to missing what she needed to hear from the little assistant. But little did Chorong know she was trapped here. And everything stopped when the mechanical voice sounded. 


"I'm sorry, Miss Park Chorong. Yoon Bomi is not in your contacts."



She was wishing this was really just a bad dream now, but the dream just kept going. And the experience felt so... real. The Christmas lights lining the buildings. The feel of winter air prickling the skin on her face. The rubbing of her palms to keep warm.

She had stumbled out of her office not sure of what to do. She had no work, she had no Bomi, everything was foreign. She walked along, the people drifting by her without a thought, like she was a ghost until the sun had faded and the road was now lit by streetlamps and festive lights. 

"Take me back, take me back," she would think closing her eyes, hoping to wake up in her bed next to Bomi, blissfully asleep, but nothing.

She had been so focused on the future that she hadn't considered the present. All that planning and she had nothing to show for it. No beautiful home, no family, no wife. She was so focused on what she believed would be best for them both, she never considered there wouldn't be a both of them to have it. 

None of it mattered if Bomi wasn't here with her. None of it mattered if this was a future without Bomi. 

Surrounded in a crowd of couples and families enjoying Christmas, Chorong felt more alone than ever. The technology no longer impressed, the people no longer looked interesting, it all just felt crushing. She was able to work as hard as she did only because Bomi was always there checking in with her and cheering her on. The woman was her rock and strength, her light and warmth.

Her last memory of Bomi was still so clear; brown eyes watching her hesitantly with an upset expression as she turned around and walked out of the office. "She can't be gone. That can't be my last memory of her!" She refused to believe there was a future like this. Her future can't be like this

Chorong wished she could change everything, and tell Bomi how much she appreciated her. She wanted to spend more time with her, hold her hand, feel her, be with her... making up for time lost from her selfishness. She closed her eyes in anguish, feeling a strange deafening silence in a place of joyous music.

If she could just go back to how things were before she went to sleep that night. If she could just go back to the office when Bomi asked her to come with her, she would. She would celebrate Christmas with Bomi, and do those lovey things Bomi always wanted. 

Chorong was saddened to think that, in a way, they had been celebrating it every year by spending it together, working

She had to change this. There had to be a better future. But one that was simply happy for both of them. One where Bomi was still by her side. 



Chorong had been seeing things since twilight, her eyes playing tricks that would hit her sorely, emphasising how much she really missed that certain someone. But this time, when her eyes landed on a woman in the Christmassy square, Chorong was completely ready to second-guess herself. 

No... Is.. Is that really..?

Warmed under a woollen beanie with tiny snowflakes resting in soft curls, the mystery woman's smooth nose pointed up at the stars as she stretched openly without a care. Breathing in the energy of Christmas with a refreshing smile, it was like she lived on this special time of year. 

Chorong would recognise her anywhere, and tears immediately flowed in her vision. 

Her legs suddenly had a mind of their own. As if following the instruction of her heart, she stumbled in front of future-Bomi like an accident waiting to happen. Their eyes connected in the instant she almost tripped, and it was hard to read the mix of emotions that fell on Bomi's face. Especially when Chorong had come in front of the woman, babbling with a fever of worry and panic. 

"Bbom-ah, you said we'd live together for a long time, that we'd live more together in the future," Chorong couldn't help herself stressing with stinging eyes and muffled hearing, heart twisted up in . It was like she saw nothing else anymore. Irrational, desperate. Not the Chorong that Bomi had to come to know. 

Bomi looked completely bewildered as she stared at Chorong. "U-Unnie... Merry Christmas?" Her cheeks turned a shade of pink as she looked away from her and at the strangers walking by giving them curious glances. "Are you okay?" she tried to ask with a smile. "And what were you just saying?" 

"Okay? How could I be okay?? We're not together. That was the one thing I wanted." Chorong whimpered. 

"I-I mean you're right. We're not together anymore. I don't understand why you're bringing this up now though. That was years ago..."

Chorong felt everything crumble around her. 

"Are you okay?" Bomi looked around, "Did you come here with someone? Maybe someone that can take you home? I really don't understand what's going on with you but—" 

"No no no no no!" Chorong suddenly broke down. "This can't be my future. I can't lose you, no, I can't, I can't

"I'm sorry," Bomi shuffled, her kind heart apologising when Chorong knew it wasn't her fault, and Chorong felt like crying harder. Bomi had moved on. She wouldn't even call her by her name. "I don't know what I can do..."

The sentence faded like it was never finished.

Bomi's steps wandered backwards into the crowd watching Chorong kneel down on the ground, eventually turning around and walking away. Just like how she did in the office the last time Chorong saw her. Someone came up next to Bomi and threw an arm around Bomi's shoulders, sending a terrible sear across Chorong's chest as her eyes began to shake in the worst nightmare she'd ever been in. The glint on Bomi's ring finger was forced onto Chorong's attention as the younger woman brushed some hair back, and Chorong felt like she had lost all feeling in her body. It hurt so much that the numbing sensation was powerful. 

"Hey babe, why you look so sad?" 

Those first two words of that unfamiliar voice shot painfully into her heart, lodging deeply. Bomi was here as a couple with her partner, at the very place she'd always wanted to bring Chorong...

Chorong let out a massive scream, but she couldn't hear a single thing.

Her world was spiralling, just wishing and wishing she could go back to the present with the power to change things. Wishing to get out of this lousy future! The jingling of bells reverberated in Chorong's head hypnotically as the clock struck midnight, and the pain finally made her whole being dissolve. 



Chorong's eyes snapped open, feeling her chest aching horribly and wetness at her cheeks. Had she been crying? She groaned, feeling frazzled and out of breath despite going nowhere. Her mind was all hazy. She pulled an arm over her eyes, resting back on the pillows. What a bad dream

"HYAA– WHAT– WHERE—" Chorong suddenly jumped up from her bed with a start, everything coming back to her; a vision with a lesson that was as bright as day. 


Chorong's hand smacked the bed first before her eyes followed, only for nothing to be by her side. 


Chorong scrambled out like a madwoman, eyes really open now to see her apartment looking about the same. Almost slamming her phone to read the date and double-checking with the physical calendar at her desk, an overwhelming relief eventually slipped out of her breath. It was just as she wished. She had a chance to make things right. 


Wednesday, 25th of December 2019. Christmas Day.


Now she knew. The plans she had for Christmas at the office needed to be tossed now. She knew this time of year was the best time to appreciate your close loved ones. She knew Bomi wanted that. 

And where was Bomi? Right, Bomi was at her parents' house. I have to go after her!!

Waaait, not yet! It's Christmas!

Chorong skidded to a stop. She needed to prepare presents to greet the family; the Christmas gifts she had decided over purchasing.

Now here was the plan: Get some presents, and get to Bomi's parents' place. Yes! Good, let's go go go

Chorong inhaled her breakfast and clumsily tripped in her slippers as she moved around in a panic, trying to escape as soon as possible. She was so out of it that when she opened the door, the freezing breeze alerted her to the fact she was still in her thin pyjama bottoms. 


And then the question hit her. Why was she being so clumsy? Well, she was in a hurry to grab some gifts so she could have time to head to where Bomi was. So in order to grab those gifts... but... how... oh.

There were no stores open on Christmas. It was a holiday for everyone, not to mention she hadn't got a clue what to get on such short notice. 

"No, no, that won't do. Argghh! Why am I so hopeless"

A challenging idea sprang into her quick mind. It might eat up half her day and she didn't have much time, but if she could do it, it could make such a difference. It seemed her best option right now, and Chorong has got to try. She's got to have something to show for it. 

She's got to go to work. 



Going down the old curved path and passing warmly lit houses, a bundled-up figure was trying not to slip with the fragile cardboard box in her arms. There was a thin layer of snow crunching beneath her boots as she made her way to that familiar snug home within the neighbourhood. The lights on inside made the house look alive and inviting, coupled with some modest Christmas decoration outside. And just for that moment while she was outside, the sight made her smile. 

With her insulated puffy jacket almost concealing her entirely, she maneuvered carefully, pushing the doorbell with a free hand and coming back to steady the box. The bell rang with a low buzz and it wasn't long before there sounded footsteps coming up to the door. 

As her fingers tightened its secure hold on the stiff cardboard, Chorong felt shivers beating at her stomach in nervousness. She was nervous. Her legs were pumping getting ready to run away and she couldn't blame that feeling on the cold either. Here she was, heart in her hands, like the day she had first confessed. 

The door was unlocked in a stunned silence as deep brown eyes met across from her, and Bomi was in front of her. Dressed comfortably in a hot Christmas red with her hair falling over her shoulders, the young woman stared at Chorong speechlessly. Like she couldn't believe her eyes. Bomi looked beautiful, and completely surprised. 

"Rongie! I thought you were going to work today."

Chorong felt her cheeks quickly warm under the gaze but breathed out her fears with a small smile. "Well I realised my time was more important than that, so... Merry Christmas, Bbom-ah," she said with a bashful smile now covering her face. 

As the young woman's eyes were going glassy, lips naturally forming a pout, a warm hand pressed on Bomi's shoulder and her father came beside them with a big smile.

"Chorong-ah! Come in, come in!" he welcomed brightly, ushering the woman in as Bomi stepped back, quietly on the verge of crying. It wasn't that she was angry, but it bothered her greatly to be feeling sad this Christmas, more than ever before. She thought going back home might bring back that childhood place of healing. And it did, being with her parents cheered her up a bit. But her mind only floated back to how much more fun this would be... if Chorong was here with her.

She heard Chorong greet the house politely, stepping towards the living room where Bomi's mother clapped her hands together in happy surprise. A fluffy Christmas movie had been set up with chicken at the table, ready to go for an evening of jolly family spirit. It was a perfect end to the day that Bomi wished could be joined by one more. And maybe like that, her wish was answered.

Chorong's entrance was really an amazing surprise. 

Announcing the gifts she cobbled together, their eyebrows rose again in interest. Chorong sat down with them as a family to present her special gifts, handling each carefully and respectfully with both hands. 

"You made these?" Bomi asked in awe. Chorong nodded, a shy smile that had Bomi feeling rushed with warmth. 

The fact her parents were grinning at them just made her ears redden further. Chorong's presence and warm behaviour made all the difference to Bomi right now. A little Christmas miracle.

Maybe they were right not to worry too much after all. The Chorong she loved was still there, just having lost sight of the things that were important to the present. 

"She'll come around. Sometimes... you need to just take a moment and remember you love each other."

The presentation of gifts showed that Chorong really put effort. The design, the detail! Bomi recognised a lot of the designs and things from the office, but they had been repurposed in ways that seemed bizarrely creative and novel for Chorong. Apparently hiding a vivid imagination in that puzzling mind of hers. 

Bomi wondered in confusion when Chorong would've had the time to make these. She was still coming down from the shock that Chorong came here on her own to celebrate Christmas with her family. It was... wonderful. 

The box had been stuffed with bubble wrap to support the mini models, each one labelled in Chorong's decorative handwriting with their own unique names and a Christmas message. To the older woman, it might honestly be one of her proudest work, developing the little knick-knacks she witnessed and sealing their memories as keepsakes. 

Sketches of a bubble designed car. A moving development figure of the K-10 project. The Christmas tree-like tower model, now capable of being hung on a Christmas tree.

Since Chorong was planning on working on Christmas, she already had the key to the office. After realising she couldn't get them traditional gifts, she decided a trip around the office with a little inspiration could work if she got creative. Was taking things from the office something that would lead to her promotion? No, but there are things more valuable than a promotion.

"These are so wonderfully made!" Bomi's mother noted sincerely. She loved handmade gifts. And Bomi loved little things as gifts. And Bomi's father loved hearing about the innovation in their jobs. 

The set became a combination gift for the whole Yoon family, and to know Chorong put in the effort to make it herself had already been heartwarming. For Chorong to turn up to their house for Christmas was already a gift for Bomi to fall in love all over again. 

Chorong still felt hesitant and intrusive about turning up so late on an important day, but the family welcomed her so warmly and assured her it was fine. Even Bomi tapped a hand to her arm, smiling up to her eyes in appreciation. And Chorong remembered why she was here. 

Because Bomi was here. 



"You know, if you were just going to make gifts for me and my family at the office, you could've just told me instead of putting on that whole show last night." Bomi chuckled as she lay next to Chorong on their bed in their apartment, television playing in the background.

"I wish I could say that was my plan all along, but no. Sometimes I can just be a dummy who doesn't appreciate the great things, or amazing person, I have by my side. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course. And don't call yourself dummy. Only I get to do that, dummy." She let out another laugh and nuzzled her head on Chorong's shoulder.

Chorong pulled Bomi's hands into her chest while they lay there vaguely enjoying the late-night Christmas programme, attention clearly elsewhere. Chorong had gotten so clingy that evening, all the way up to cuddling in bed right now, and Bomi wasn't complaining. 

"Do you know how much it hurts me to hear other people call you babe?" Chorong whined, feeling that flare of protective anger, squeezing the woman in her arms. Bomi was on a cloud. 

Bomi let out a giant laugh. "When has anyone ever called me 'babe'?" 

Chorong didn't answer and instead pulled her in closer. Bomi was so happy at this moment, happy to be having a loving Christmas with the person she cared about the most, and to have her feelings heard. 

Ears pricking up to hear that, Chorong looked at her earnestly, gaze lingering with how lucky she felt, remembering how grateful she was, to hold Bomi as hers. 

"Bbom, babe, I love you." 

Bomi's eyes widened slightly with the heat in her ears and thunderous thumping in her chest. With Chorong being so open and direct now, it naturally had her so flustered. But she was loving it so much. Bomi immediately pounced on Chorong with a bright sparkling in her expression. "Nnngg you're so cute, Rong!!" she squealed, pressing kisses all over Chorong's blushing cheeks. 

"B-Bbom-ah~" Chorong stuttered, rightly embarrassed with all the affection. She had forgotten the heart beating feeling of Bomi's touch. There were still times when she was shy to ask for things like this, but she was learning to express her honest feelings more; treasuring the love they have, for years to come. She could never let the woman go. No, not ever.

All mild protests ceased when the younger woman's lips brushed the corner of , nearing her own lips where she truly wanted to be kissed. And like Bomi knew what she was doing, everything slowed down and the playful fuss disappeared as she gave in, capturing Chorong's lips against hers. 

"I love you too." 

In the delightful electricity they kissed again, flooded with fluttery warm feelings that could melt the snow. Smiling happily with their noses rubbing affectionately, they rolled their positions on the bed with a giggle, trying not to fall off the mattress as they continued revelling in the feeling of one another. Playing like lovers on their honeymoon. 

As Bomi's arms went around her neck, Chorong's only thought was she could get used to a kind of Christmas like this, just full of love and relaxed happiness. If this was what Christmas was, then she could celebrate it anywhere... as long as it was with her, where it always felt like home. 

"Merry Christmas, my love."




By. ckaz99 and Lukemadeanaccount 
Christmas 2019 ♥

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Merry Christmas! ❤️


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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 1: this is so cool
Chapter 1: Hats off to the Author/s and Editors of the story! Such a masterpiece~ I thought I saw wrongly when I read the date but then "oh! I see~" Love the tiny details, the description of events and things. I can imagine them in my head, Amazing!
So Author, I'm here haha Have I told you how Awesome you are? No? Then, You're Awesome! And I'm loving your works! Gonna be reading your other works soon~ Thank you for writing this! Stay Safe, Warm, and Hydrated! ^^-
Chapter 1: Wow... I'm lost for words to describe how well-written this story is... it's really heartwarming... Thanks for this wonderful piece XD
Chapter 1: What a story. As expected of Ckaz’ work, very detailed and when I say detailed I meant it like, you read = you see. It’s a movie in my head. But you.. starting it with chobom.. T.T fighting abt work and spending time with family just breaks my heart. Very effective writing. I can totally grasp Chorong being all work work work and Bomi on the other hand goes for family more than anything else. Damn.
I’m seriously feeling the pain with Chorong then the time skip got me. Now I’m guessing this is Luke’s part of the story. ^^
As I was reading this I have ‘Meet the Robinsons’ in my head, my mind is as simple as that. >.< But really even though I’m clueless over the futuristic stuff, you guys have written it so well for everyone to understand and visualize. :)
“I’m still here” uh oh. Oh no. I’d go crazy if I were in her position. Imagine the sacrifices she gave only to know that 10 years later she’ll be in the same position as she was. Cruel. And Bomi not being there with her just all the remaining light in the room. I mean all that she worked hard for was for Bomi, for their future. And her not being by her side.. pain, just pain. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS CKAZ NIM T.T
OKAY HER LAST MEMORY OF BOMI GOT ME STANDING UP FROM MY CHAIR. Did u kill her?! No no. No? Hahahahahaha! I should really shut up for a while and read. This is getting really intense. JUST BRING CHORONG BACK FOR HER TO FIX THE MESS SHE DID. ;(
And she met future Bomi.. I’m hurt? This hurts so bad I don’t think I’d be able to eat breakfast. T.T
Wait wait so it’s not a time skip but.. time travel? a dream? Heol. I need answers.
BUT HEY DEAR GOD FINALLY IT’S THAT RUN IN THE RAIN WHERE SOMEONE IS ABOUT TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT! Go get your girl Park Chorong! I did enjoy that Christmas scene in Bomi’s parents’ place, we deserve the fluff after such tragic future life that Chorong saw. T.T And that little conversation in bed, that fluff is what I’m here for!! Ahhh my heart is warm <3
This is another masterpiece! Who would’ve written such au! You guys did well on this one! Kudos to that! ^^ And I know that I’m late to reading this but still.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! AND HAPPY CHOBOM DAY!! <3
Chapter 1: ckaz99 and Lukemadeanaccount, this is exquisite! Wonderful job.

I can clearly read ckaz99 through the dialogues and the character's depiction; their emotions, reactions and thoughts. I could suppose that Lukemadeanaccount's work is in those technological details, the futuristic world that feels like a videogame but also, like an impeding reality. I could be very off, but I'm blown away by the incredible job you two did. To write a collaborative story is nothing easy, but you two actually blend together. It's great!

About the plot, I never thought I'd read a Chobom version of A Christmas Carol, but if I ever thought I would, definitely wouldn't be anything near to this one, and that's a compliment. It's an alternative universe but Chorong and Bomi are true their behaviours despite of it. It felt natural, I loved the details about them as a couple and their time together, especially Chorong's time in her apartment, where she could rapidly spot Bomi's absence.

Oh! Chorong was honest to Bomi about her ways to rectify her actions on Christmas day, it was a nice gesture and very hers to do. Bomi being gentle and vulnerable about Chorong showing up, indicates she worries a lot but buries it down. I liked that too.

It was unexpected and I loved it. Great piece, honestly. The time and effort spent on this worked out. Congratulations on a work fabulously done. :')
Chapter 1: Wow-- what a very well made. You got a really good collaboration there buddy. This is a masterpiece. Congrats for this one ckaz and to your partner @Luke authornim thanks for the gift.
Chapter 1: Greatly written, heartful message, ChoBom being cute all along and a happy ending. That's what I like~
A great duo has just born.

I'll wait for more of your works, alone or together.

To Luke: Got the references, you dummy.
Chapter 1: It's another job well done authornim!^^ thanks for writinf chobom story on christmas day
Chapter 1: it's ci-fi
it's romance
it's a sci-mance!

lol but seriously I like the flow of this story, it keeps my on the edge
Chapter 1: Holy I love how many different idea could be created with one theme, and yours was hella fun to read so great job ayeeeeeee