
Leading Us to This New Chance
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hi guys ^^

finally I came back with this story and i'm very happy to continue it - although I  deleted another one for that to happen - but I missed this universe here and especially my favorite baby. unfortunately today he doesn't appear in the chapter, but because things here need to start to change and the change comes as I promised ^^ it's still slow burn, but I promise that everything will work out in the end :)

I hope you enjoy the chapter ^^

see you <3

Having regular appointments with Boram helped Hyukjae in a way he didn't expect, but he was glad he didn't have to deal with everything alone until he got to the point of exploding and didn't know how to gather all his thoughts in order to get back to where he left off.

That was why, days after breaking up with Yunseo, Hyukjae was in Boram's office to talk.

- So how do you feel about all this? – Boram asked after Hyukjae told her what had happened – Was it a big disappointment to know that Yunseo didn't like Arrow?

- Yes, but only because he said he was prepared to be part of Arrow's life. It was so weird how he suddenly changed and even made my son feel bad to the point where he decided he doesn't want to come to my house anymore. – he sighed – We took Arrow to talk to Jangmi who said he's still very scared and doesn't understand why he couldn't come to my house anymore.

- But did you tell him that Yunseo is not welcome in your house?

- Yes. I think Arrow can't believe that Yunseo isn't there anymore. He just doesn't want to and Donghae said he won't force him to go. Jangmi said I need to give him some time and create a healthy environment, but I have no idea how I'm going to create a healthy environment if Yunseo has apparently ruined everything.

- Don't look at it that way. Arrow is three years old and it was the first time he faced rejection from an adult. When he's used to getting affection from all the adults around him, but then comes along one who says he doesn't like him and even says he's going to forbid him from going to his own father's house, he enters uncharted territory.

- He leaves the comfort zone.

- That's right. Arrow has a lifestyle that suits him: his parents love him, his grandmothers love him, his friends love him, and he communicates well with kids his own age. What Yunseo did by throwing the toy into the trash and then saying he was going to make rules in your house probably felt to Arrow like someone was pushing him to another corner because he's not welcome.

- And what can I do?

- You just need to show Arrow that everything is fine, you know? Make him feel happy and that he can see that nothing bad will happen because that house is also his. You were never a bad parent, Hyukjae. You are not a bad parent, and you will only be a bad parent if you start neglecting your child's welfare. – and with that she decided to ask – How is your relationship with Donghae?

- It’s fine. We talk a lot about Arrow and we don't fight, but I don't think we fight not just for him. We don't fight because we are establishing a healthy relationship.

- That is great. You cannot fight over anything that happens. Life is much more than that. You and Donghae had, or rather still have, a story and this is important to emphasize.

Hyukjae nodded and sighed, looking out the window and saying:

- It's hard to look at Donghae and be upset about something. Before, I didn't like to see him with Kangin because I was jealous. I was always thinking that Kangin was going to take my father's place in Arrow's life, but nowadays I see that Donghae was moving forward without harming anyone.

- And how are your feelings towards him?

- I still love him. – Hyukjae looked at Boram – I really love Donghae and I don't know if I'll ever get over it, but I don't want these feelings to interfere in our relationship right now. I heard he's having trouble with Kangin, but I didn't want to keep any hopes up. I don't want Donghae coming back to me to drown his sorrows like I'm second best. And actually I don't even know if I'll ever be an option for him again.

Boram then asked:

- Have you apologized for the past? – and so Hyukjae looked at her with an arched eyebrow – I'm not saying because of the fights, but because you didn't trust Donghae when he wanted to help you. Did you talk to him about it?

- I do not think so. I never even really explained what I felt back then.

- So I think that, even if you are at another time, you need to think about it. It's not like that toxic past was erased because Arrow was born and now you're parents who get along well.

Hyukjae nodded and stopped to think about it. There were some things he needed to talk to Donghae about, but he didn't even know how to approach it. After all, would the brown-haired man want to talk about it after so long?

And meanwhile, in the same building, Donghae was in Eleanor’s office with five crumpled Kleenex in his lap and one more in his hand so he could wipe his face. He was very frustrated and very sad, so this appointment with the therapist was really going to help him.

- Do you want some water, Donghae?

- N-no... Thank you. – he sobbed and looked at Eleanor – I still don't understand how anyone could have said that to Arrow. I know this isn't the first time he's been rejected, but the first time Hyukjae and I knew how to handle it because Arrow didn't hear people saying he couldn't stay in those day care centers. But to know that bastard said to my son that he is a spoiled and naughty child and on top of that Yunseo said he would stop him from going to Hyukjae's house he because just doesn't like my son... It hurt so much. When he told me what happened, I saw how sad Arrow was. His eyes are usually so bright and brown, but at that moment there was nothing there but a huge sadness.

- And you took Arrow to talk to Jangmi?

- Yes. She said he doesn't feel completely safe going back to Hyukjae's house because he's too scared to find Yunseo there. Things in Arrow's mind are so confused that today he asked if he could live with my mom or Mikyong and Teresa for a while. I asked if he would miss me and all he did was to giggle and say that I would go with him as well as Hyukjae because we would all live together in a huge house.

Eleanor smiled and said:

- Fortunately Arrow hasn't lost all that sensitive side and his imagination. I think that Yunseo, as bad as he was, shouldn't be seen as a monster under the bed. Hyukjae mostly needs to show Arrow that his house is as safe and fun as before. We've talked about this before and you've always said that Hyukjae is an amazing father. He's not just going to let his kid down.

- I know that and I trust Hyukjae a lot. He would never be able to put Arrow in an awkward position. I just can't handle the fact that my baby was rejected like this. He was so sad. I felt it in my heart because he cried so much before going to sleep and while he slept he grabbed my shirt and sobbed softly. Arrow has frequent nightmares when something takes him out of his comfort zone.

- Does Jangmi know about this?

- Yes. She asked to talk to Arrow twice a week to help him understand that things can happen and get him out of his comfort zone. I just hope this helps him as there is something I'm going to do and it's going to impact his life a little bit.

- And what is this?

After a sigh, Donghae said:

- Today I’m going to break up with Kangin before he travels again.

Eleanor was surprised.

- I thought you had done this before.

- I wanted to, but he was away for a long time and I didn't have the courage to break upover the phone.

- And what led you to that decision?

- I'm too tired. Things aren't as good as they were at the beginning of dating. Back then I felt that Kangin wasn't worried about Hyukjae and how he might affect our relationship, but then Kangin had so

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chapter 55 fixed ^^ thanks shineenight for telling me <3


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1455 streak #1
Randomly reading chapters here :))
1455 streak #2
Chapter 25: Back here again cos this part is just so satisfying to read 🥹
1635 streak #3
Chapter 60: I said it before and I will repeat over and over again... I don't want this to be over T^T

This journey started as drama and end in a fluffy and cute bubble within the pandemic. I will miss the baby gang. Especially my favorite dino boy. But I'm so happy for my little Wookie getting a little stage here, too. Never imagined that our plots would fit in together that smoothly. Thank you, my dear ❤️

I think it's very brave to include the pandemic topic in here. I mean when that story was planned no one was thinking about it or in what kind if dangerous scenario thus would lead into. But there are still so many adventures waiting for the gang even during the pandemic and I would be curious to read about it.

Compared with the dramatic start of this story, the ending was very quiet but soft. But somehow it suits to all the events in the final. Everyone got the ending they deserve. Eunhae, Teukchul, Yewook, the kids and all the others. It's perfect. I love it.

I just missed Kangin in the end. I was hoping to meet him one more time. And happy with his life. Oh and maybe Yesung has to solve something with someone ^^ Maybe we will meet them in the sequel again.

Thank you for this wonderful adventure with all the ups and downs and everything that develops from here. This story is something very special for me, too. And like I told you the other day... I'm imagine the gang will go on a long school trip before we read them again next year. So saying goodbye isn't that sad. They will have fun ^^ Read you soon ❤️❤️❤️
insomniac2020 #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and today's 1st of Nov. Arrow's birthday!! Wow 😁 excited to read the entire story hehe
Chapter 60: Can't believe that after almost 4 years we are reading their happy ending 😭😭😭

I'm so emotional right now, cuz Arrow is like my son and now he is seven!! And we know his crush!! 😍😍😍

Now I can't really wait for the sequel cuz ai can't help but to know what our little sunshine will do with his life!!

Thanks for this amazing ending
1455 streak #6
Chapter 59: Omggg Arrow is really growing up 🤧 he's even liking someone already... The twins are cute! Really liked their nicknames ;))
1635 streak #7
Chapter 59: A short update but plain cute. Cursing Arrow and Gaeul are so adorable ^^ I bet they have learned from uncle Yesung XD XD

So you skipped a big part of pandemic. But I'm happy Arrow can meet his friends again. The time staying at home must have been so horrible for baby tiger and his gang. Even though this period could have included so many things and event, worth to put into a chapter.

Now we're at the point where Arrow has his first crush ^^ Wait, no. Is it before or after his crush on uncle Wook? We talked about it before and I always thought his first childhood crush was uncle Wook when his same age crush was Ai. Now I'm curious who it is? And will he tell Gaeul about it? Because they're always buddies in crime ^^ Maybe Gaeul has something to tell, too (I'm waiting for it) ^^

Thank you for this little sweet update. We need more moments like this, because I will miss the baby gang so much. Virtual hugs to Arrow, his crew and you ❤️❤️
Chapter 59: Chapter 59: My baby is getting older 😭😭😭😭 I really feel like if Arrow is another son for me, he is so like my own son so I can't help it but love him a lot

I didn't see it coming that he may be biual, all the time I was thinking that he would be with Aisha when they get older but this is so special for all of them cuz it means that Arrow is so confident about himself and that he knows now that he can like whenever he wants.

Now I want to know who is this boy that is stealing my baby!

And the twins are adorable 😍💙💙💙, and they are so smart!!! I really like to read the beautiful relationship between the brothers, they really love their big brother and I'm so happy that Donghae and Hyukjae are so proud of all of them
960 streak #9
Chapter 59: Arrow has a crush on a boy. Is it Gaeul?
Thanks for the update.
1455 streak #10
Chapter 58: 💙 such a comfort to read ✨ thank you :)