
Leading Us to This New Chance
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Hi there ^^

I really want to thank everyone who left comments in the last chapter I posted, because I thought I wouldn’t see comments because of what happened there. but I'm happy for all the comments left since the day I started posting this story – and I want to thank ldh2013 who left a comment that helped me rethink hyukjae's reaction when he saw that donghae was dating kangin. and please don't hate kangin. I do love eunhae and eunhae is endgame no matter what, but kanghae here is so necessary for the development of the story (and I like kanghae more than I like kyuhae, so kangin was the suitable boyfriend for donghae for now)

And if some of you don’t know, I took so long to update this fic and could you stay because of this one – and if you guys go read, I hope you like it ^^

I hope you like this chapter – prepare your hearts while reading this one and the next chapters

See you <3

If there was a time for Hyukjae to stop and think about his actions, the time was now.

Why did he take so long to talk to Donghae?

Why did he let all the opportunities pass under his nose?


He sighed and looked at the ring in his hand. That ring had so much meaning, but what was the point at that moment? So, Hyukjae went to the bathroom and dropped the ring on the toilet. Then he pulled the toilet flush and decided there that he needed to stop loving Donghae.

Even though it was extremely difficult to do.

Hyukjae left the bathroom and went to the living room when he heard the bell. He opened the door and there was Mikyong carrying Arrow who was sleeping with his finger in his mouth. He shook his head and took his son into the bedroom, changing his clothes and laying him comfortably in the crib. After that, he went to the living room and saw his mother sitting on the couch.

- Where is Teresa?

- She's waiting for me outside. I asked her to stay in the car so I could talk to you.

- What is it about?

- About you leaving without explaining what happened.

Hyukjae took a deep breath and said when he looked at his mother:

- I wanted to talk to Donghae about us taking our relationship back. I was going to do this today, but then that Youngwoon was there and I gave up.

- Did you stop to think that they are just friends?

- They're not just friends. I know Donghae so well that I know how he flirts with someone. I've seen it happen several times before we dated.

- And just for that you will give up?

- And what do you expect me to do? I love Donghae and really wanted us to be able to live together and raise our son together. But I'm not going to have any of that because he's seeing someone and it's not fair for me to stop him from being happy. And since I am the only one who still had hope, I will end this in one go.

Mikyong got worried.

- What do you intend to do, Hyukjae?

- I will force myself not to love Donghae anymore. I don't even want to like him anymore. I just want to raise the child we have and be a good father to Arrow.

- Are you listening yourself?

- Yes. I should have done that a long time ago. Donghae has showed many times that he wasn’t thinking of being with me again, but I always kept my hopes intact. Only now I see how stupid I was.

- Hyukjae...

- No, mom. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Mikyong sighed and got to her feet. She hugged Hyukjae, kissed his forehead and said:

- I love you very much and it hurts to see that you are like this, but I will support you. Just don't keep that bad feeling, okay?

Hyukjae nodded and hugged his mother. She his cheek and then left. And when he was alone in the room, Hyukjae sat on the couch and laid his head back. On Monday he would see Donghae again and hoped he would not be an idiot because he was jealous.


Hyukjae laughed when he looked at Arrow who was delighted with his polar bear backpack. It was the first day that he was going to stay at the daycare and Donghae was soon arriving so that they could take their son there. And as he wanted to have a memory of that day, Hyukjae called Arrow and said:

- Smile at appa, Arrow.

Arrow smiled, showing his cute little teeth, and turned his attention to his backpack after Hyukjae took a photo and posted it on his social media. After that, he sat on the couch and looked at Arrow who looked at him and said:

- Papa, the bear. Wanna the bear.

- I know you want the bear and that's why I bought you this backpack. – Hyukjae kissed the top of Arrow's head – Appa didn't go to daycare when he was your age, but I can tell you that you will get along very well there. You liked the place and you are so sociable. You're going to make a lot of buddies, you know?

- Buddies, papa?

- That. Many buddies. I'm sure you will learn a lot of cool things at the daycare, so just be happy.

Arrow smiled and Hyukjae hugged him. He was so proud of his son at the time – in fact, he never stopped being proud of that precious baby. And then the doorbell rang and Hyukjae got to his feet. He didn't want Donghae to enter his house and so he opened the door already holding Arrow's hand so they could go.

- Hey, baby! – Donghae carried Arrow and kissed his cheeks – You look so beautiful. Ready for the first day at the daycare?

- Yes!

- Then let’s go. – Donghae looked at Hyukjae, who locked the door, and asked – Everything okay?

- Yes. Why wouldn't I be?

Donghae raised an eyebrow, but decided to ignore it and went to the elevator with Arrow. Hyukjae followed and just smiled as he watched his son chatter as he always did. And when they reached the garage, they got in the car and Hyukjae drove towards the daycare while Donghae and Arrow were in the back seat.

- How was the weekend?

- Good.

- Seriously? – Donghae laughed – I know that Saturday you went to Mid-season, but I thought Arrow was going to arrive like a hurricane at your house.

- He was sleeping when he arrived. I think he slept until seven and then he ate something and watched TV. Yesterday we went to Scarecrow and then I took him to the cinema.

- So you went to the cinema with appa? – Donghae asked Arrow who smiled – How cool. Did you like the movie?

- Yes!

- Daddy will take you to the movies too.

Arrow smiled and stayed in his happy little world while Donghae looked at Hyukjae and tried to understand what was going on. He sighed and said:

- Did something happen, Hyukjae? You look so weird.

Hyukjae shrugged and replied:

- Nothing happened at all.

And with that Donghae understood that he wasn’t supposed to ask any more questions. And it would be even better, since Hyukjae was acting that way for no apparent reason.

But luckily they got to the daycare and got out of the car. Arrow saw the other children and tried to follow them, but Donghae held him and said that he should stay calm. But Arrow was having none of it and so he tried to go after the other kids who were with their parents.

- Damn... Won't you miss us?

- Go, dada. Go, papa.

- You're going. – Hyukjae laughed and held Arrow's hand while Donghae held the other. They walked to the daycare and smiled when they found a teacher who took them to the classroom where Arrow was to stay with the other kids his age. But before he could enter, Donghae crouched down and said to his son:

- Today is your first day at the daycare and I hope you have a lot of fun, okay? – and hugged him and kissed his cheeks – Daddy will miss you, but daddy loves you very much and is also very proud of you.

Arrow smiled and pecked Donghae's cheek, looking at Hyukjae who also crouched and said:

- Appa is very happy for you and I really hope this is one of the best experiences you will have in your life at this stage. – Hyukjae hugged Arrow and kissed his cheeks – I am also proud of you and I love you very much.

Arrow smiled and pecked Hyukjae's cheek as well. The teacher then took his hand and took him close to the children – and while she introduced him to his new friends, Hyukjae and Donghae smiled proudly because their son was growing up and was happy. Arrow didn’t stop smiling while meeting the other children and he had even forgotten his parents when he looked at them and giggled cutely. It was as if he was experiencing something extraordinary and wanted his parents to see it.

- I think we have to go now. – Hyukjae whispered and Donghae nodded – Are you coming to pick up Arrow later or is your mother coming?

- My mom is coming. – they left after they looked at Arrow one last time – Hyukjae?

- What?

- I don't want to bother you, but can you take me to Mid-season?

Hyukjae thought seriously about saying no, but saw that he was acting rude to Donghae and things shouldn't be like that. Then he looked at the brown-haired man and said:

- Let’s go. I can take you and still buy a cake.

Donghae chuckled and got in the car, sitting in the passenger seat. Hyukjae got in too and started the car so he could d

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chapter 55 fixed ^^ thanks shineenight for telling me <3


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1455 streak #1
Randomly reading chapters here :))
1455 streak #2
Chapter 25: Back here again cos this part is just so satisfying to read 🥹
1640 streak #3
Chapter 60: I said it before and I will repeat over and over again... I don't want this to be over T^T

This journey started as drama and end in a fluffy and cute bubble within the pandemic. I will miss the baby gang. Especially my favorite dino boy. But I'm so happy for my little Wookie getting a little stage here, too. Never imagined that our plots would fit in together that smoothly. Thank you, my dear ❤️

I think it's very brave to include the pandemic topic in here. I mean when that story was planned no one was thinking about it or in what kind if dangerous scenario thus would lead into. But there are still so many adventures waiting for the gang even during the pandemic and I would be curious to read about it.

Compared with the dramatic start of this story, the ending was very quiet but soft. But somehow it suits to all the events in the final. Everyone got the ending they deserve. Eunhae, Teukchul, Yewook, the kids and all the others. It's perfect. I love it.

I just missed Kangin in the end. I was hoping to meet him one more time. And happy with his life. Oh and maybe Yesung has to solve something with someone ^^ Maybe we will meet them in the sequel again.

Thank you for this wonderful adventure with all the ups and downs and everything that develops from here. This story is something very special for me, too. And like I told you the other day... I'm imagine the gang will go on a long school trip before we read them again next year. So saying goodbye isn't that sad. They will have fun ^^ Read you soon ❤️❤️❤️
insomniac2020 #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and today's 1st of Nov. Arrow's birthday!! Wow 😁 excited to read the entire story hehe
Chapter 60: Can't believe that after almost 4 years we are reading their happy ending 😭😭😭

I'm so emotional right now, cuz Arrow is like my son and now he is seven!! And we know his crush!! 😍😍😍

Now I can't really wait for the sequel cuz ai can't help but to know what our little sunshine will do with his life!!

Thanks for this amazing ending
1455 streak #6
Chapter 59: Omggg Arrow is really growing up 🤧 he's even liking someone already... The twins are cute! Really liked their nicknames ;))
1640 streak #7
Chapter 59: A short update but plain cute. Cursing Arrow and Gaeul are so adorable ^^ I bet they have learned from uncle Yesung XD XD

So you skipped a big part of pandemic. But I'm happy Arrow can meet his friends again. The time staying at home must have been so horrible for baby tiger and his gang. Even though this period could have included so many things and event, worth to put into a chapter.

Now we're at the point where Arrow has his first crush ^^ Wait, no. Is it before or after his crush on uncle Wook? We talked about it before and I always thought his first childhood crush was uncle Wook when his same age crush was Ai. Now I'm curious who it is? And will he tell Gaeul about it? Because they're always buddies in crime ^^ Maybe Gaeul has something to tell, too (I'm waiting for it) ^^

Thank you for this little sweet update. We need more moments like this, because I will miss the baby gang so much. Virtual hugs to Arrow, his crew and you ❤️❤️
Chapter 59: Chapter 59: My baby is getting older 😭😭😭😭 I really feel like if Arrow is another son for me, he is so like my own son so I can't help it but love him a lot

I didn't see it coming that he may be biual, all the time I was thinking that he would be with Aisha when they get older but this is so special for all of them cuz it means that Arrow is so confident about himself and that he knows now that he can like whenever he wants.

Now I want to know who is this boy that is stealing my baby!

And the twins are adorable 😍💙💙💙, and they are so smart!!! I really like to read the beautiful relationship between the brothers, they really love their big brother and I'm so happy that Donghae and Hyukjae are so proud of all of them
963 streak #9
Chapter 59: Arrow has a crush on a boy. Is it Gaeul?
Thanks for the update.
1455 streak #10
Chapter 58: 💙 such a comfort to read ✨ thank you :)