Hamster and Hamster

In The Skiing Lift
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The next day after increasing her confidence and self-esteem, today is now the trip to the skiing resort!

Right after hearing the alarm clock, Wendy woke up with a smile on her face and get up as soon as she opened her eyes. She then went straight to the kitchen to cook bacon and eggs while dancing and singing happily. Wendy felt great today, excited on seeing Irene an her friend in the skiing resort.

She could even imagine seeing Irene smile brightly, enjoying the vacation with her and her friends. Then the hamster simpered at the thought and continues cooking.

After cooking, she went to the dining table and hastily ate her bacon and eggs, finishing her food after a minute or so. She then stood up from her seat and washed the dishes with a beam.

Wendy even started to act a little odd. While taking a bath, she keeps on rubbing the same spot over and over again to remove the bad bacteria from her. So it took her almost half on hour inside the bathroom. All she thinks is to smell and look good in front of Irene.

Then after taking a bath, she quickly jogged towards her bedroom, then to her closet and check inside if she has any good outfit for today. "Hmm, I need to wear something that is pleasing to Irene's eyes. She is really good at fashion stuff." Wendy clicked her tongue, taking the a black tuxedo in the corner of her closet and wears it.

Then she walked to her long, rectangular mirror to check her whole outfit.

She grimaced at her own outfit and sighed, now looking a little downcast. "Er, too formal." heaved Wendy, removing the tuxedo and puts it back in the closet. She took a minute on choosing another outfit and finally chose one, causing her face to brighten.

The second outfit that she chose is a pair of black skinny jeans with a pastel yellow sweater. After wearing it, she went back to the mirror to check.

Wendy clicked her tongue and shook her head vigorously. "Not this," Wendy puffed her cheeks before choosing another outfit inside her closet.  She knows that she is bad with fashion but she still wants to look good in front of Irene's eyes. She wants to try her best with fashion because her crush is a huge fan or maybe an expert to fashion. Wendy just wanna try what Irene does.



"Aren't you forgetting anything inside?" Chanyeol asked them with his back twisted, looking at Hayoung. Hayoung gave him and single nod and grinned. "Alright then," said Chanyeol as he took his phone from his pocket. "I have to contact Wendy now. She'll be the next person to pick up." said Chanyeol before calling his friend.

"Hello?" Wendy answered the phone after a minute. "Hello? Wendy? We're coming to your house," Chanyeol told her, starting to drive towards Wendy's house.

Meanwhile, in the other hand, Wendy's face suddenly became pale and her hands now sweats badly. The thing is, she still haven't chose her final outfit for their vacation.

"Ugh, I should pick an outfit now!" whispered the hamster before looking inside her closet once again.

Well, what she only found is her favorite, blue, jeans and an over-sized, white, shirt, with words written in a cute font saying: 'Hamsters Are Cool Too'. Not to mention that there is a picture of a hamster wearing black sunglasses underneath the lettering. Wendy have no other choice but to choose this instead.

"Gosh, this is the only shirt that I have for traveling. Most of them are only for the house." pouted the hamster, staring at herself in the mirror anxiously.

"Whatever, this is the only choice that I have now." Wendy rolled her eyes. So she quickly took her backpack and went out of her bedroom.

Chanyeol arrived in Wendy's house and stopped right in front of it. With a shuddered sigh, he took his phone from the pocket of his jeans and called Wendy. His phone vibrated as soon as he pressed the 'Call' button.

"Hello? Wen? We're already outside your house." Chanyeol craned his neck to check if Wendy already went out of the house.

"Hurry up, we have to pick up Hoshi after we pick you up." said Chanyeol frankly. All that he can hear in his phone are Wendy's pants. He furrowed her brows and glanced at the door.

"Are you okay—?"

"I'm here," Wendy entered the car with sweat on her face, trying to catch her breath. Then a loud cackle could be heard inside the car after Wendy closed the door, causing Chanyeol to jump on his seat in surprise.

"Ha! Wendy is so adorable!" cackled Seulgi and Hayoung while pushing each other violently.

Both of them apparently hit their head on the car's window but none of them seemed to be bothered by it. Wendy, who is sitting on the right side of the car, glanced at Seulgi with eyes of concern.

"Aigoo, our small friend is so adorable." Seulgi teased the hamster, causing Wendy to blush in embarrassment. "Will you two shut up? It's getting embarrassing..." whispered the poor girl, trying to hide her hideous outfit. "Next stop, to Hoshi's house." sighed the tall puppy with a monotoned voice before driving.

There was a moment of silence in the car when Wendy broke it by clearing loudly. "Umm, Chanyeol," Wendy called him as she moved her head a little closer to her friend's ear. "Yes?" replied Chanyeol, his eyes still on the road.

"Umm, so, when will Irene come?" Wendy tentatively questioned him. Chanyeol didn't answer since he's too focused on driving. But the hamster still waited for him while playing with her fingers nervously.

"Well," began Chanyeol. "Irene will be after Hoshi." said the puppy. He kept his face blank while driving and didn't even had a single idea why Wendy is asking her that. But something suddenly came into his mind, causing a smirk to form on his lips.

"Why? Do—"

"Nothing! Just asking," Wendy giggled awkwardly while scratching the back of her head edgily.  

'Wait, did you brush your teeth already?' asked Wendy to herself, starting to make sure if she's really clean for Irene. She then took her bag from her arm and check inside if she brought fresh gum. "Got it," whispered Wendy, releasing a relieved sigh.

Then she took a piece of it and removed the wrapper. She puts gum in and chewed it up a little slowly to calm herself. 

While eating gum, she took her pocket-sized mirror from the pocket of her bag and check if her teeth are clean. She even checked the teeth inside the mouth, making sure there is not a single dirt in it. After she checked, she let out a long but silent sigh, looking a little tense.

"Alright, now that you've eaten gum, try not to talk until Irene comes here. And also make sure that she smells it." Wendy points herself with her index finger. While continue murmuring and mumbling to herself endlessly, Seulgi and Hayoung noticed her and quirked their brows.

"What's up with Wendy?" Seulgi asked Hayoung as the marshmallow squealed softly. But her squeal is loud enough to be heard in the car. Fortunately, the hamster didn't heard it. "Maybe she's preparing herself for her crush." Hayoung giggled silently, looking at nowhere with a dreamy look.

"I wish I had a crush like her." The girl smiled when the bear puts her whole hand in Hayoung's face, causing her to let out an ear-deafening shriek. The shriek was so high-pitched, it almost made Seulgi's ears bleed. "Oh my gosh, my make-up!" gasped Hayoung, her hands now covering . Then she quickly took her miniscule mirror inside her handbag and checked if her makeup is smudged

"Alright, I'm sorry," Seulgi clicked her tongue with a glowering look, massaging one of her ears carefully.

"I hate you so much, Kang Seulgi. This is not g

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Chapter 8: 💙💙💙
Chapter 8: It's cute
orangebearies #3
i'm just reading the description in your foreword, not sure if its a typo, but ₩700 is less than a dollar USD. i find it hard to believe that should be the basis for the friends to "reward" that amount for the bravery. from a reader's point of view, there should be a somewhat acceptable degree of believability, even if the story is fiction. :)
Chapter 8: They are cute.... ^^
Soshivelvett #5
Chapter 8: Awww this is so cute :”)) can’t believe it ended
1693 streak #6
Chapter 8: Aww it's ending already? *sad noises*
aglaonema #7
Chapter 8: Lol
nicella #8
Chapter 8: Awww this is such a cute storyyy yay for the happy ending!
aglaonema #9
Chapter 7: Yass
1693 streak #10
Chapter 7: Yay they are officials