Little more than like

Steal Me With A Kiss
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Baekhyun slightly swirls his spoon, letting his cereals get soggier in the bowl. He lazily scrolls through his phone, stops when he sees Kai's story on Instagram. It's a picture of Kai with his arms slung around a shorter boy who has round, almond shaped eyes and a heart shaped smile. A little "miss you" is typed at the corner of the picture along with the boy's username. Baekhyun's heart stills, as he immediately checks the boy's profile, the boy’s name is Kyungsoo he gathers. He goes through his feed to find a few pics with Kai which are a couple of years old. He guesses he's the one Kai is trying to impress, something coils deep in his stomach. Baekhyun's mind is clouded as he clutches his phone tightly, he has never asked Kai about him, neither has Kai ever told him, maybe because deep down he didn't want to know. Baekhyun always knew he was just being used for practice and that all of this wasn't real, but that does not explain why he's so uncharacteristically irked by watching the pictures of Kai hugging this boy, Kyungsoo. Baekhyun heart constricts against his chest, he has suddenly lost his appetite. He throws the bowl into the kitchen sink and shakes his head. Kai walks into the hall, having just woken up from his sleep, his hair is ruffled messily. He stifles a yawn, stretching himself widely, his pajama shirt rides up, revealing the wide expanse of his waist. Baekhyun peels his eyes away, ignoring the blood rushing into his cheeks.


Baekhyun coughs a little into his hands, "All set for today?" he asks, he is glad his voice doesn't crack. Today is Kai's dance showcase, the one that has kept Kai awake for countless nights in anxiety and nervousness.


"Uh huh," he says, purring softly as he makes himself some coffee. Baekhyun feels that warmth simmer in his chest again as he watches Kai doing the most mundane thing, all he wants to do is run his hands through his hair and pet him. But the photos he saw earlier stop him from thinking any further. He feels pathetic, he needs some fresh air. He waves Kai a small goodbye, grabs his jacket and walks out of the apartment.


from Baekhyun:

Hey what time are you leaving to attend Sehun's dance showcase?


from Chanyeol:

Around 6 in the evening. Why?


from Baekhyun:

I was wondering if I could join u


from Chanyeol:



from Baekhyun:

Was that a yes?


From Chanyeol:



From Baekhyun:

r u okay there?


From Chanyeol:

Yes yes yes. After trying for months to get you to come, you finally agree. What changed your mind may I ask?


From Baekhyun:

Ummm I just wanted to give my bestfriend some company.


From Chanyeol:

I don't buy it


From Baekhyun:

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Chapter 13: This was sooo cute
Chapter 13: Mon Dieu ce n'était pas trop rapide ou boiteux comme tu le dis, non, c'était parfaitement dosé, j'ai vraiment adoré cette histoire. Les émotions étaient palpables, c'était doux, douloureux, émouvant, adorable, et hot aussi quand il le fallait, c'était parfait ! Cette fiction était parfaite, je l'ai adoré. Merci pour ce chef d'oeuvre.
happy_byun #3
Chapter 13: This was so made my heart swoon
Chapter 13: It’s so cute, I’m glad they both ended up in a good way
975 streak #5
Chapter 13: It's good that they are back in each other's arms without any pretense. Although, it feels so short.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Kaibaek!
Chapter 13: Yayyyyy!!! This is so cute.
trashsshi #7
Chapter 13: omg we're at the end! this was such a sweet and savoury fic, you didn't need a complicated plot or anything to make this enjoyable as heck! i loved loved loved it, loved reading it and seeing it updated in my subscriptions. also self-indulgent fics are the funnest to write so :D i can't tell that you struggled with the angst at all, it was so well done in my opinion! also junmyeon saying he confessed and 'i hurt my ankle' sdjhfbjhb I LOVED THAT THEY WERE RELATED. hehe.
Chapter 13: The ending is so cringy that my toes curl and i almost squeal out in excitement~!!! Nice job authornim~!! >_<
Chapter 13: I LOVE IT! Good job authornim!! :-)
loyalb #10
Chapter 13: Great story