Sunflowers and sandcastles

Steal Me With A Kiss
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It's fatuous of Baekhyun to think he's going to get over it and go back to pretending like he isn't affected by the littlest of things Kai does. That everything is going to blow over, and suddenly vanish. But the catch is that there simply isn't an un-falling in love, there just isn't, not when it comes to Kai. Loving him has settled like a second skin, it's never going to go away, no matter how hard he tries to convince himself that Kai just wanted to practice with him and likes someone that he guesses is not him. But the stolen glances, those cherry red lips, those warm hugs, those feather light touches, everything comes flooding to his mind and Baekhyun feels conflicted, is he too gullible to think that there might be a possibility, a sliver of chance, that Kai might like him back too, the thought of it alone makes his head spin.


Baekhyun wonders if he can keep it to himself any longer, it's a volcano waiting to erupt. Baekhyun can't keep kissing Kai and pretending like it doesn't kill him a little everytime.


He is going to confess. And what better day to do it than on New Year's Eve, he thinks dryly.


Baekhyun has only ever been confessed to, he has never done it before. He remembers how breezily Woosung had confessed to him, over text. Baekhyun accepted it that easily, and their relationship fizzled out that easily too, "We just ran our course," Woosung had said before leaving him. Minhyuk was grandiose in nature, he asked him out by singing a song that he wrote for him, sweeping Baekhyun off his feet instantly. But he quickly felt suffocated in the relationship, he ended up dumping him. So, he decides to text Chanyeol for help. He grabs his jacket and runs outside.


from Baekhyun:

How did you confess to Sehun?


He phone dings, he is suddenly flooded with a bunch of texts.


from Chanyeol:



from Chanyeol:

Are you asking out someone??????


from Chanyeol:



from Chanyeol:



from Baekhyun:

I was just curious jfc


from Chanyeol:

okay. one word. flowers. they always work.


from Baekhyun:

k thanks


from Chanyeol:

tell me how it goes ;)


After a few minutes his phone dings again.


from Chanyeol:

pls don't get hurt


Baekhyun clutches his phone tightly, he really wishes the same.


Baekhyun finds a quaint flower shop tucked away on the corner of the road. He spots an old lady hunched over a few carnations, sprinkling water over them. Baekhyun looks around, knitting his eyebrows in concentration.


"What are you looking for, dear?" asks the old lady softly.


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Chapter 13: This was sooo cute
Chapter 13: Mon Dieu ce n'était pas trop rapide ou boiteux comme tu le dis, non, c'était parfaitement dosé, j'ai vraiment adoré cette histoire. Les émotions étaient palpables, c'était doux, douloureux, émouvant, adorable, et hot aussi quand il le fallait, c'était parfait ! Cette fiction était parfaite, je l'ai adoré. Merci pour ce chef d'oeuvre.
happy_byun #3
Chapter 13: This was so made my heart swoon
Chapter 13: It’s so cute, I’m glad they both ended up in a good way
972 streak #5
Chapter 13: It's good that they are back in each other's arms without any pretense. Although, it feels so short.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Kaibaek!
Chapter 13: Yayyyyy!!! This is so cute.
trashsshi #7
Chapter 13: omg we're at the end! this was such a sweet and savoury fic, you didn't need a complicated plot or anything to make this enjoyable as heck! i loved loved loved it, loved reading it and seeing it updated in my subscriptions. also self-indulgent fics are the funnest to write so :D i can't tell that you struggled with the angst at all, it was so well done in my opinion! also junmyeon saying he confessed and 'i hurt my ankle' sdjhfbjhb I LOVED THAT THEY WERE RELATED. hehe.
Chapter 13: The ending is so cringy that my toes curl and i almost squeal out in excitement~!!! Nice job authornim~!! >_<
Chapter 13: I LOVE IT! Good job authornim!! :-)
loyalb #10
Chapter 13: Great story