Three: Enforced Closeness

Not for the Chase (because you’re incredible)
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Junmyeon watched his friend trickle away from him like ants with an endangered village, his eyes frustrated. He couldn’t say that he didn’t expect his friends to do exactly this, but he kind of didn’t want to believe it, either. He wanted to have a good point of view about them, but they were making it exceptionally hard.

He looked away from his fleeting, giggling friends, to stare down at the baggage they left behind; each bag with their significant name. Since he was strong, and kind, and gullible to them, they made it their job to leave their bags behind so he could haul them up his strong, muscular arms alone. He’d have been okay with this childish prank, if they didn’t have so many bags. Honestly, they were worse than a newly wed couple moving to their new home. What did Kai bring anyway? Why did he have three traveling bags the size of his own body for a two day trip? For the pools, nonetheless? Sometimes, boys were so shallow. 

“Bunch of uncultured hooligans...” He muttered lowly under his breath, figurative steam exiting his ears as he bent over the multi-colored bags to carry them, one by one, over his arms, or maybe release the monstrous side of his that made them their pants and like, throw their bags to the pools. That would require him actually taking the bags all the way up to duck them down the water. That’d be a pleasant sight to see, actually. 

“You know, it’s hot when you curse the boys for shaking up your boat.”

Junmyeon snapped his head upward in surprise when he heard that familiar voice right over him. His surprise turned into a scowl at the cheery smile on her face, and not because he was annoyed with her or her pretty little smile — or her gorgeous face peering down at him or her short silky hair falling down her face and giving her a sort of devilish hallow that is softened by those soft lips of hers; her eyes a perfect shade of fair honey gleaming in the sharp morning rays descending upon the both of them — but because of the unpleasant situation he was in. Her words of assistance did not make him feel better, at all.

His scowling face intensified. Seeing him bowing down, looking up at her with a scowl on his pretty, gentle face. It made things bubble within her, and she found herself kneeling down beside him, watching him watching her; his pupils following after her, his lips still cutely screwed angrily.

“I can’t take all of these bags alone.” He told her, or stated, really, his hands pointing at all of the luggage his more than capable friends left for him to take because of their brazen nature of being absolutely worthless beings. It was almost too cute how he was whining up to her, but not really whining up to her. It was kind of relishing to see the ever so held-together Junmyeon break a little bit of his restraints in front of her. 

“Aren’t you strong?” She cooed playfully, although there was a tinge of softness behind that tone of hers, too. From where she was sitting on her knees beside him, it was easy for her to reach for his arm and wrap her fingers around his pretty full bicep. “Heard you hit the gym everyday to build those tight muscles.”

Junmyeon’s eyes widened a little at her more than shameless flirting, even going all the way to touch his arm. Even though he wasn’t an entire prude, he wasn’t exactly very keen with people touching him, either. The clear fact she was one heck of a beautiful girl with an obvious interest towards him strengthened this issue. However, he didn’t want to seem entirely too innocent, so he ignored the notion and sighed, eyeing the bunch of bags like they’re his outdone. “I still can’t take all of these bags.”

“Let me help you, then.” She stood faster than he could blink, staring down at the bunch of leather bags curiously, thinking about which one she should take first as if that was greatly important, considering they all looked the same. Maybe she thought about how much she’d be able to hold into the seemingly too heavy bags. 

After a few seconds, she took a light pink one, the size of half of Junmyeon, then when it was caught around her shoulders; she feigned a surprised gasp.

“What!” Junmyeon’s eyes widened at her surprised, overwhelmed exclaim. “Why is this bag so heavy? Why can I feel the muscles on my shoulder tightening!”

She took another bag and put it over her shoulder before he could yell at her to drop it down. 

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed again, looking down at him who was still down on the ground with wide eyes. But when he truly focused on her, he realized they were twinkling in mirth. He retreated with a sigh. “What did the boys put in their bags? Rocks? Did they expect you to take all of their bags alone?”

She leaned down and took a third one, now smiling amusedly at the blank look on his face, the folds of her cheeks tightening cutely. 

“, Junmyeon,” She exaggerated again, dropping her overwhelmed shoulder filled with bags sideways as if the weight was dragging her down. “How would you ever be able to hold all of these bags? Will you be able to handle the rest?”

Junmyeon’s face was nothing more than an unamused blank piece of paper, realizing her jest and not thinking it was the proper time for it, not like he ever thought any time was good for jokes and teasing anyway. He admitted that he was a bit of a bore, which would be another one of the many reasons why people like Joori intimidated him (and aroused him all together. It was kind of scary) He stood up from his own lowered bow and reached for the three bags she was carrying. 

“You’re funny, Ri.” He murmured. 

He easily slipped the straps of the large bags off of her shoulder and took it into his in one large swipe. She was smiling cheekily at him even though she was pretty darn focused on how tight his muscles flexed at such gesture. She pounded towards him in a single jump and beamed up at him when he gave her a single stare. 

“You called me Ri.”

At this, he found his blood turning cold, and he blanched, pausing in his movements to shoot her a cautious look. “Uh, everyone calls you Ri?”

“You’re right,” She nodded casually, as if he couldn’t see the simple twinkle of her eyes at being called this intimately by him. “Everyone calls me that, but it feels special when you say it.”

He blinked his eyes not because he was surprised — he honestly expected such thing to come out of her lips by all those signs she was shooting him — but by how bold she was about it. This trait of hers had taken him aback a few times already, and he should have grown used to it. He always finds himself astonished by it, however. Every single female around him — including his own mother — are tender, casual, and old-fashioned ladies. He rarely saw these flashes of bravery that her eyes gleamed with in theirs. They are rather.. dull, now that he thought about it. He didn’t really want to think about it, but now that she was in front of him after a two-hours ride with different cars, he realized that he was in fact, attracted to her, and not any girl of his type that he generally had crushes on. 

She shot him a grin at his awkwardly long pause, and slipped three of the bags on the floors around her own shoulders.

“Don’t worry, I was kidding,” She told him, juggling the bags she took playfully to indicate she was talking about them. “They’re not really that heavy. I’m sure you’ll easily take the rest with those strong arms of yours.”

Winking, she left for the villa everyone were already inside, meeting her friends in the middle and laughing with them; even blushing by something they told her, probably about him because they pointed at the bags she was holding playfully.

Junmyeon couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“You guys need to slow down with the flirtationship,” He heard someone sneakily whisper on his sensitive, sensitive ears, and he flinched backwards to shoot the prick a glare, only to find a grinning Kai. “Someone might overhear and drown in the overwhelming hormones.”

Junmyeon rolled his eyes at this, ignoring his stupid comment and lowering himself down to take the rest of the bags.

“Why are you always around when she’s around?” Junmyeon commented with a grunt. How was she so strong to take three of the bags anyway when they were this heavy? Was she secretly Hulk? “Where were you when I’ve been struggling to take the bags?”

“Aw,” Kai wiggled like the pest he was and flopped himself over one of the bags on the floor, leering up at Junmyeon disgustingly. “I knew she was going to come and offer help. I was waiting for that golden moment. She’s over her head with her crush anyway.”

“She’s a girl, you stupid turd,” Junmyeon instantly defended, giving Kai a glare. “She’s not obligated to take your and your friends’ bags—“

“Aw, look at you defending your girl—“

“She’s not my gir—“

“And we’re in a generation where equality is gaine—“

“There are many, many countries who don’t have laws about equality yet—“

“You’re missing the point, Hyung!” Kai exclaimed, expression wild. His fingers were in his hair in a mad-like frenzy, and Junmyeon’s expression was mildly bored when he stared at him. “The point, the main point is she has a giant crush on you and just offered to take the bags of your friends who abandoned you to them because they know you’ll be able to tak—“

Junmyeon cut him off by throwing one of the bags to his face. Thankfully, Kai had quick reflexes and caught it before it hurled on his pretty face.

“Stop talking so much like a gossipy old couple and take the damn bags.”

Then he strutted off to the villa, purposefully leaving the bag he knew Kai was sitting on for the jerk to take. They were his bags, anyway. 




“Woah, these rooms are actually quite nice, aren’t they?” Joori exclaimed in joy once she was given her room with one of her friends, her excited eyes flying over the speck-clean room and checking every crane of the said room, Sara trailing behind her with boredom clearly written in her sharp facial features. 

After the whole escapade with Junmyeon and his dozen bags; they all gathered around the main living room of the medium sized villa and began discussing their room arrangements. Sehun and Yuri almost right away roomed with one another, took their roomkey, and literally ran all the way to their room, shutting the door behind them with their giggles echoing around. After that, the remaining boys roomed with each other, every two in a room, and the remaining girls together, every two in a room. 

Joori was actually quite stupefied with the villa and the whole place Junmyeon had rented. It was clean, first, which was the most important thing about this whole trip, and the villa had at least five rooms (those were the only ones she knew about) she hadn’t yet seen the back pools, but she was sure they were as pretty and clean as the rooms. Just how exclusively rich Junmyeon was? This whole resort was in a high-status area: Gangnam, and the resort itself was high quality, too. Was it okay to take use of his money like this? Then again, he was paying for his friends, they were here as a bonus because they were friends with Sehun’s girlfriend and Yuri was invited by Sehun. Still, the idea that Junmyeon had payed for this bigass resort by himself made an ugly feeling grow in her stomach. 

“That’s Junmyeon’s money effect, I tell you.” Ri’s other friend, Sara, commented with a playful smile. She was taller than most of her friends, and she was the most useful one, too. She got her things from high shelves. Yuri was shorter than her and was always never around because Sehun hogged her; she was pretty useless. Joori was glad to room with Sara, because she was by far the funniest and most open-minded person she had the fortune of meeting. 

“Am I the only one who just figured out about Junmyeon’s apparently immeasurable wealth?” Joori commented with an exasperated tone, throwing her bag on one of the white and clean beds on the side. Sara turned from the large window she was eyeing with awe to look at her friend with a blank face. 

“Well, you’ve always been in your own little world, girlie, can’t blame you for receiving gossip late.” 

Joori found Sara’s giggling to be incredibly annoying, and condescending, too. 

“Har, har,” She faked a laugh. She went over her bag in hopes of ignoring Sara, and to actually retreat something from it: a towel. “I’m going to take a cold dip.”

“Already?” Sara blinked her eyes, twisting her whole body off of the window side so she could show Joori her entire body language; confusion. “We just got here! Everyone are gathered around the bar for a drink first!”

It was Joori’s time to blink her eyes in confusion. “There’s actually a bar?”

Sara went over her bed to plonk down with a heavy sigh deep from within, raising her head to give a blinking Joori a look of deep rooted exasperation, “See? You’re trapped in your own world. We literally passed it by when we got inside the villa!”

“Sorry I don’t notice stuff so quickly.” Joori rolled her eyes while roughly zipping up her bag. 

“You’re a dancer!” Sara yelled, as if being a dancer was the answer to everything. Joori turned to her blankly. “Shouldn’t you be more precise and focused than this!”

“You’re a dancer!” Joori mimicked playfully, crossing her eyes together to pull out a funny face. Sara did not find this all that amusing, and stood watching her with a huff. Sometimes, she was very childish. “Shouldn’t you be more precise and focused—“

“Don’t mock me! Go have your cold dip! Go!” Sara took the pillow she plopped her head on and chucked it towards Joori’s face. Joori dodged it with an easy tilt of her head, laughing at the angry pout that took over Sara’s face.

“I’m going, geez,” She folded her long pink towel into squares so it’d be easier to carry around. “I hope no one’s at the pool now. I wanna hog it all to myself.”

“I hardly doubt anyone would wanna take a dip so soon,” Sara said non-too-committedly, stretching around the bed like a cat who just woke up. She let out a deep, satisfied yawn from afterwards, “At least until there’s alcohol in their system.”

Joori sighed, dropping the towel she was currently holding on the bed to shoot Sara a soft look. “Who even drink in the morning? For real..”

“We do!” Sara exclaimed, jumping from the bed she was stretched on with a large grin smacked on her face, outlining two deep dimples on the side of her cheeks. She raised one of her hands in a fist and began shaking it as if she were dancing wildly to an unheard song. “Young bachelors who want to live their life here in this beauty embodiment villa where we rented it for two days for outmost fun!” 

Joori had a whole mindset to ignore the psycho best friend of hers and her wild cheering, but she had an obligation to be that listening friend when they, her friends, were acting like morons, so she humored her, despite feeling like ants were crawling the back of her neck in boredom. 

“You mean Junmyeon rented it.” She commented dryly, face expressionless. This didn’t thaw Sara’s enthusiasm, and she started to exclaim while waving her fist around again. She resembled a complete retard, but it was part o

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reveluv316 809 streak #1
Chapter 5: Really enjoyed the story
12 streak #2
Finally some exo x oc (in love)
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Joori is hands down one of the best female lead I've ever read in a FF especially for a guy like Junmyeon as both of their personalities complements each other so much despite being polar opposites in nature. Whether in real life or in FFS I just feel he deserves so much love cause as you've mentioned, guys like him are often overlooked and really deserve all the love. I'm surprised at how hot and adorable she is altogether especially when approaching him without being annoying or crossing line. Both Junmyeon and Joori are such realistic characters. Both are amazing in their own ways and non of them isn't actually innocent unlike what most authors try to portray the characters in their stories or shows. Both of them have a sense of restrictions over their dating lives instead of having full on flings but they admit when they're feeling cause again that's part of human nature so they don't try to fight that part when situation arises. I just loved Junmyeon's characteristics here as they're so relatable and while Joori's outgoing personality itself isn't relatable to but her attraction for Junmyeon and way to approach him are relatable to how I feel that a kind guy like that should be approached. I seriously want more of it, too bad it's only 5 chapters. Their last kiss is so hot though 🔥 I wish I could find more work like this for Junmyeon. By the way I can't find bonus chapter, where to search it?
Chapter 5: The way she insists on paying for him is so cute I realized that Junmyeon probably almost doesn’t get treated by anyone so it’s like a new experience for him
Chapter 2: I- Baekhyun was so sweet and shy, it’s so adorable >_<
stephanie1138 #6
Chapter 2: Aww this is giving me butterflies!!🥺💖
sb1202 #8
Chapter 5: A jun fic!!!!! It's so rare to see him as the romantic interest, I just couldn't resist reading ^^ jun definitely doesn't get the attention he deserves and I'm so thankful to see another jun×oc fic in the pool! I especially liked how the focus was on his actions throughout most of this story since usually we only get a female pov
But this story was so cute omg 🥺 I loved seeing jun stepping out of his comfort zone to tease joori back. It's refreshing to see the female lead so outgoing, in tune with her emotions, and determined to get what she wants
Thank you for this story and featuring our boy jun ❤
Chapter 5: shut up i want what they have 😩😩😩😩😩
Chapter 5: God! I want more of this. And As everyone is saying they both are so cute..