~Make You Warm~

Hug You


Reingn's P.O.V


It was a rainy night,i'm thinking of my oppa kyuhyun


then suddenly the door bell rang....


i wonder who is it.i ran quickly through the door i open it and i saw Kyuhyun,he

was so wet,he was shivering because of the cold wind of the rainy night.


"oppa!get inside."


then he quickly get inside i was so worried with him,i quickly get a towel and wrap it to him.


"oppa!?why are you here the weather is not good."


"i came here to see you."


my heart get warm after i heard those cheesy words.


"why don't call me to say you will go here?"


"because i want to surprise you."


he's really wet,i decided to command him to take his shirt off.


"take off your shirt oppa!"-i faced the wall,to avoid to see his body-"please oppa!can you

take off your shirt inside of the bathroom?"


"ne araseo!"-then he went to the bathroom.


End Of Reingn's P.O.V


Kyuhyun's P.O.V


I went to the the bathroom and their i take off all of my clothings,then suddenly someone

knock at the door.....


"oppa!heres a towel for you."


"GOMAWO!"-I yelled while i'm inside of the bathroom.


After i dried myself,i went out of the bathroom....


"Reingn?where are you?"-i called her.


"oppa!i'm here in the kitchen."-she yelled out.


I went to the kitchen,i saw her wearing an apron while she's cooking.....


"what are you doing?"-i asked her timidly.


"COOKING!"-she yelled cutely.


"Don't continue it anymore,i'm not hungry let just watch moie at your room.can we?"


"okhae!if it that's what you wanted."-then we both went to her room.


were already at the room,i layed on her bed.then i closed my eyes.


"oppa!what should we watch?do you like romance,comedy,horror or what?"


"i want 'rated M' film do you have it?"


"oppa!you naughty."-i saw how her eyes widened and also her cheek blush when i said 'rated M'



"i'm just kidding i'm not watching a kind of movie like that."-i quiet a second.-"what if let's

watch a horror movie?the movie who makes you not sleep in 3 nights?"




"come on let's watch it."-I put the CD on the player,i quickly took the remote controll beside the



"oppa!i'm scared."-she went beside me and i hug her.


"Don't be afraid it's just a movie."-when the movie started to play,she took a pillow and she covered

it to her face.


"oppa!i'm really scared."-i hug her more tightly,she hide her head inside my shirt.


"yah!your really childish."


while i'm watching.....


I was so shocked to what i see a scary face of a girl in the T.V Screen it makes me scream really loud

becuse i scream so loud Reingn also scream....


"OPPPPPAAAAA!!!!"-she yelled so loud,and so also me.-"stop that change the movie now."-she yelled

once again.


"okhae!"-i went to the player and i changed the movie,it was Mr.Bean.


"i change it already."-i went near to her,i remove the pillow from her face.then suddenly a Pretty

red face of my Gf appear in my sight.-"baby what's wrong why are you crying eh?"


"oppa!i'm really scared i'm really have a phobia in any horror movie."-i carresed her face.


"Mianhe!hhhhmmm....i'm really sorry i didn't know that you have a phobia."


"it's ok oppa!can we sleep now?"-she's still sobbing,her cute little nose was red.


"okhae if that's what you wanted."-we fix the bed....


then we go to sleep.....


End Of Kyuhyun's P.O.V


Reingn's P.O.V


I suddenly woke up from a uncomfortable position,it was 2:00pm in the morning when i woke

up.i turn on the lamp shade and i saw Kyuhyun beside me sleeping.why he did not go home?.but

i didn't mind it....


my hands trailed inside of his shirt i was feeling his chest,but suddenly i feel that he's really

hot it's too far from the normal temperature of a person.i quickly look for the thermometer at

my bathroom cabinet i took it and i went back to kyuhyun.....


i hold his forehead,i put my cheeks on his cheeks too it's really hot.i hold his ears it was cold

OMG!he might be have a Fever i put the Digital thermometer in his armpit.....


After a few minutes,i removed the thermometer on his armpit....


"OMO!38.20 degrees.this is really serious Reingn your Bf has a Fever."


I went down quicly to get a cold water and an ice bag....


i went back to my room and i sat beside kyuh....


"OMO!kyuh what should i do?"-i put the ice bag on his head,i put the towel in the cold water and

wipe it into his neck.i'm having a hard time to wipe the towel in his upper body so i decide to take off

his shirt.his body temperature is really hot.


i went downstairs again to cook a hot soup for him...


after i cook the soup i woke up kyuh to ate the soup...


"oppa!oppa!wake up you need to eat this."-suddenly kyuh woke up.-"oppa is there something hurt on you?"


"anio!"-he smiled at me calmly.


"oppa!let me feed you ne?"-he nodded.-"open your mouth Ah!"-he open his mouth,oh!my yeobo is still cute

even his sick but still i'm really worried.


after he finish eating,i cover him with a blanket.his really sweaty right now....


i hug him while my head is in his chest listening his heatbeat-"oppa!sorry if i let you in the rain if i just

know that you will go here i can pick you up in the dorm with an umbrella."


"anio!you don't need to say sorry,i'm the one who supposed to say sorry.because i went here while the weather

is not good you know why i'm here right?because i want to be with you."


"oppa?"-tears flow down to my cheeks,i sat up and wipe my tears away,i took the digi thermometer beside

of my bed.i place the thermometer at his armpit again to check if his temperature change...


after a while i remove the thermomter again this time his temp.is normal now than earlier....


"whoa!*scream because of happiness*"




"nothing oppa!"-i hug him once again.


i simpy broke our hug-"why you are so happy?are you happy because you cure me?"




"come here."-he pull me in a kiss.simple but passionate...


suddenly i felt like flying while were kissing,my eyes are wide open but in a sudden i close my eyes.


i feel his tongue swipe in my bottom lip,i gave in.his tongue dance inside me.


then we broke up the kiss slowly,i lean my forehead to him and i stared to his eyes.


"oppa?why did you kiss me?"




"for what?"


"for taking care of me."


"gwenchana,i did it because i care for you."


"i'm really thankful that i have a Girlfriend like you."-he kiss my forehead.


End Of Reing's P.O.V


Kyuhyun's P.O.V


I pull out something on my pocket....


"jagi?"-she looked up to me.-"would you marry me?"


"oppa?"-i saw her eyes getting teary.-"I do,i will marry you."


i wear the ring in her finger....




"sssshhhhh...don't cry,i love you."-she nodded and i hug her.


"i love you too oppa!"


I didn't feel as sick as I was during the day,but it was as if my virus had already infected her so swiftly.


In that day,i'm the most happiest man in the world....


In the next Morning.....


I was hugging reingn when i feel her body is hotter than normal....


"jagi!?gwenchana?"-she slowly opening her eyes.




"OMO!you already infect with my virus."


"it's ok,your here to take care of me."-she smiled at me.-"Love is contagious, isn't it?"



~what do you think unnie?,i hope you like it i wrote this for you with all my heart.leave comments


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yuizae #1
Live it !! ... natuwwa tlga ako !! sobra !! teka !! REIGN name ko bkit reingn ??? hahah peu okay lng love na love ko !! KAMSAHMINIDA !!!