Mingyu’s day with the cute patient 🌷💕

Two years of hope 🥀❤️
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A/N ^^ hello guys , this chapter is about our Mingyu ^^ , it’s including the story so it might be two part this one and second , but half of second and Jeongcheol returns again , it might be more then 16 chapters i guess ^^ 




Standing both out the balcony as Mingyu were drinking , Jeonghan looked up to his best friend , eyes full of emotions as the male smiled softly to him . 

“ You’re so shocked right ?!” He asked gently , Jeonghan pouted . 

“ W-Why someone like me ?! .” 

Mingyu reached over and ruffled that beautiful black straight hair . 

“ Cause it’s you , do I need to explain it more ?!”

Jeonghan shook his head innocently , felt tears willing around his eyes . 

“ Thank you for loving me gyu ~.” He hugged him tightly , sniffled cutely and the man chuckled . 

“ Why are you crying ?!”

Jeonghan pouted , kept sniffling innocently as he answered . 

“ B-because gyu’s so kind and understanding , i’m sorry for not noticing your feeling I kept on talking about cheol a lot .” Mingyu’s heart softened . 

“ That’s okay little kitten , your heart belong to that brat so I can’t go on to ruin your happiness .” He ruffled his hair , Jeonghan hugged him there , how come that he’s so understanding ?! He really does have the best friend in whole life .

To change the subject there , Mingyu remembered actually something so he pulled back from the hug and looked at that wide round cute doe eyes . 

“ My mom and dad asked about you , she almost cried because you didn’t Come .” Mingyu chuckled as he remembered how she hit him for not brining the younger . 

“ I-I’m sorry gyu , i’ll Surely by them  visit soon .”

Mingyu patted that head . 

“ You promise hum ?!”


He smiled brightly as he giggled , had the male’s heart softening and melting . 




After saying goodbye to his friend , Mingyu went off to his car and drove off to his work , there was still time so he bought coffee on the way and drank while driving in this white snowy path .

“ Hope there’s no serious condition for today .” He murmured , turning on music as by the mintues he reached the hospital and headed towards his room . 

“ Dr.kim good morning  , there is a patient waiting outside, suffering from persistent stomach pain, so he needs to be detected .” 

Mingyu placed his coffee , “ Okay tell him to come , is there any other patient after him ?!”

The nurse shook her head there so Mingyu sighed in relief , looked up when a fragile cute guy entered , holding on his tummy and seem so pale . 

“ Lie down there ~.”

He did what he was told , his eyes were teary , looked to the doctor standing up and coming closer , rose his shirt and pressed on his tummy . 

He whimpered and tears rolled down . 

He checked more when his tools . 

Asked him some stuff and he answered weakly with quivering voice . 

Mingyu can tell that he’s so scared , so he tried to talk gently , looked at how slim he’s but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s handsome , his black hair standing there , suit him very much . 

“ Do you go to the bathroom well ?!” He flushed at the question . 

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wi2nqs #1
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that i'm not left any comment at your story. But i think your wrote a very good story and i enjoy read it veey much. I'm waiting for your update always. Fighting!!!!
CheollieFans #2
Chapter 22: I didnt left any comment but im anticipate your writing everyday. Every morning im so excited if i get noti for your story. Sorry my english is bad idk how to compliment someone. But anyway your writing is great and i hope i can read your story for a long time along w svt.
Chapter 22: It's not like that we love your story so much we don't know how to compliment your story anymore because it's too good keep writing we are always waiting for your update
changmin20 #4
Chapter 21: congrats!!! another complete story. the ending was sweet and full of love, omg, their life is exactly what I've always dreamed of TT. thank you thank youuu
changmin20 #5
Chapter 20: In seungcheol's power we trust xD! Happy ending plaesee
changmin20 #6
Chapter 19: hannie is too nice, he's sacrificing a lot too TT i just don't understand seungcheol's father, he forced cheol to date someone else's daughter just for business while he himself told cheol to accept his step mother because he loved her?????
changmin20 #7
Chapter 18: Cheol! Come and rescue hannie >< you aware of this already, why did you still leave him alone? D:
ververthesecret #8
Chapter 17: aw in previous chapter i was about to say i want to read more about seungcheol and his family. we've known quite enough about jeonghan but seungcheol was a true secret box. thank you for prolonging the story as well as fulfilling my silent wish... as if you could read my mind! xD this chapter was really good, let's see what they were gonna do to protect their love, it sounds like seungcheol's father would not leave them alone easily
changmin20 #9
Chapter 17: Oh lady why are you updating so fast and with a very very interesting chapter?? By the way i want to ask about the movie you mentioned, Room. I want to watch it because last time i watched a movie you recommended it was amazing! I've searched but there're some movies with the same title. Is it this one you talked about? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3170832/
changmin20 #10
Chapter 16: I guess mingyu finally found his true love......? It's time to let go