I’m not alone 🌷🦋

Two years of hope 🥀❤️
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 A week has passed , jeonghan’s able to walk normally now , his foot is finally in good state so today he went by himself to this store nearby his apartment , all alone since Mingyu left early for work and yes he still spend the nights in his apartment , like he doesn’t have his own home . 

Jeonghan doesn’t mind though , he’s glad that he’s not alone these days honestly . 

He smiled to himself innocently , walked over the vegetables section and picked some white onions plus green one too , carrot and cucumber . 

And that’s all for today’s dishes . 



Since that day , seungcheol didn’t come to his apartment and he didn’t text him or anything , also he didn’t met him by coincidence in the neighborhood , Jeonghan wonder if he’s gonna met him again ?!

It looks like he won’t meet him anymore . 

He nibbled his bottom lips , shook his head soon and smiled back again . 

He can’t be all depressed again because of a straight man for the second time , yes he cannot , he doesn’t need man ..

He tried convincing himself that although he needed it so much , to be held by a man , loved and living like any other couples , hanging around , he just need someone’s care and warmth . 

A love that his parents didn't give him , he suffered of loneliness since ever he remembers , they were always too busy . 

The younger snapped back when his phone rang , he looked at screen where mingyu’s Picture came . 

He smiled a little before picking up . 


“ Hey little kitten , you at home ?!” 

Jeonghan placed the tomato bottle on trolley . 

“ No , I’m at store , come by and help with the bags .”

Mingyu smiled softly .

” Okay , i’ll Be here in five mintues .”

with that the call ended , hopefully he came so fast there cause he was near his home , Mingyu saw him having hard time bringing some snacks from up on shelf so he brought to him . 

“Thanks , by the way gyu , tomorrow is Christmas eve , won’t you go to your family ?!”

Mingyu rubbed the back off his head as he walk by jeonghan’s Side . 

“ is it already that time of the year  ?!” 

He sighed . 

“ Well , I guess I have too or else they’ll bother me , what about you ? Wanna come with me ?!”

Jeonghan looked away there , trying as hard as he could to not show how he’s sad at the moment . 

“ I-I will stay at home ..” He rubbed his arm as he said so . 

“ I can’t leave you alone Hannie , come with me like last year , you’ll enjoy , also my parents want to see you .” 

Jeonghan smiled there . 

“ T-thank you gyu ~.” 

He walked off towards different section , Mingyu sighed there as he looked at his friend . 

“ He’s so stubborn , I wanna take him to change some air and have fun ...”




Once they get back home , Mingyu went to take bath , Jeonghan start cooking innocently , cutting vegetables as his though were somewhere else again . 

“ I-I wish to go and visit my parents ..b-but they won’t be happy to see their gay son .”

He murmured to himself , nibbled his bottom lips . 

Choose not to think about it anymore so 



In kitchen 💕 

Mingyu were eating very eagerly there while Jeonghan barely eating his plate , Kept moving the pasta by his fork while really not eating . 

Mingyu looked at the shrimp covered with cheese , took it by the fork and eat it there before at the delicious taste .

“ You cooked this so well Hannie , i’m so impressed .” 

Jeonghan smiled softly . 

“ Thanks , I-I just followed recipe on Instagram.” 

Mingyu finally looked towards him , saw his plate still as it is . 

“ I know that your appetite are bad but at least eat a little .” Mingyu seem like he’ll yell at him , Jeonghan pouted . 

“ B-But I suddenly don’t feel like eating .” Mingyu went over and sat next his friend . 

“ Here open your mouth ..” 

Jeonghan flushed . 

“ W-Wait no , I can eat by myself —-.” He start feeding him without words , Jeonghan’s Welcoming the pasta innocently , felt his heart softened at his beloved friend .

He really take care of him so well . 




They spended the night watching movies , eating snacks , drinking a little but for Mingyu he drank too much and slept like dead on sofa , Jeonghan brought him the warm blanket and covered him well as he giggled at the way mingyu’s mouth’s part . 

“ He really drank a lot .” 

He pouted , saw all the beers he drank , start to throw empty cans and finished snacks before he himself head back to his bedroom , went to the bathroom before heading to bed and sleeping soundly , in this cold snowing Christmas night . 




Next day in afternoon 1:20 🌨☃️

He wake up to the sound of Mingyu talking on phone , sit up there , went out to see him packing up some stuff on his black backpack . 

“ A-are you leaving now?!”

Mingyu looked over , heart clinching though , bite his bottom lips as he couldn't help walking over the pale beautiful angelic younger . 

“ Yeah , didn’t you change your mind of coming with me ?!” 

Jeonghan looked away as Mingyu caressed his cheek . 

“ I-I will be fine alone , I can watch movies all day hehe ..” he tried looking happily in front of his friend . 

Mingyu looked to him , feeling concerned already. 

“ Then i’ll Be back quickly tomorrow morning okay ?!”

Jeonghan shook his head . 

“ No gyu , please enjoy being with your family , I said i’ll Be fine alone , b-beside , I might just do the house chores and some stuff .” 

Mingyu t

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wi2nqs #1
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that i'm not left any comment at your story. But i think your wrote a very good story and i enjoy read it veey much. I'm waiting for your update always. Fighting!!!!
CheollieFans #2
Chapter 22: I didnt left any comment but im anticipate your writing everyday. Every morning im so excited if i get noti for your story. Sorry my english is bad idk how to compliment someone. But anyway your writing is great and i hope i can read your story for a long time along w svt.
Chapter 22: It's not like that we love your story so much we don't know how to compliment your story anymore because it's too good keep writing we are always waiting for your update
changmin20 #4
Chapter 21: congrats!!! another complete story. the ending was sweet and full of love, omg, their life is exactly what I've always dreamed of TT. thank you thank youuu
changmin20 #5
Chapter 20: In seungcheol's power we trust xD! Happy ending plaesee
changmin20 #6
Chapter 19: hannie is too nice, he's sacrificing a lot too TT i just don't understand seungcheol's father, he forced cheol to date someone else's daughter just for business while he himself told cheol to accept his step mother because he loved her?????
changmin20 #7
Chapter 18: Cheol! Come and rescue hannie >< you aware of this already, why did you still leave him alone? D:
ververthesecret #8
Chapter 17: aw in previous chapter i was about to say i want to read more about seungcheol and his family. we've known quite enough about jeonghan but seungcheol was a true secret box. thank you for prolonging the story as well as fulfilling my silent wish... as if you could read my mind! xD this chapter was really good, let's see what they were gonna do to protect their love, it sounds like seungcheol's father would not leave them alone easily
changmin20 #9
Chapter 17: Oh lady why are you updating so fast and with a very very interesting chapter?? By the way i want to ask about the movie you mentioned, Room. I want to watch it because last time i watched a movie you recommended it was amazing! I've searched but there're some movies with the same title. Is it this one you talked about? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3170832/
changmin20 #10
Chapter 16: I guess mingyu finally found his true love......? It's time to let go