(III) - Enigmatic

Bright As The Sun
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Observing the blonde-haired girl’s grin, Tiffany noted her dark, nearly black eyes. She felt at ease in an instant due to their warmth and friendliness.      


Taking time to smooth out her dress, Tiffany sat down on the sand, running her fingers through the gradients and noticing how they clung to her fingers. The blonde raised a surprised eyebrow at her action then shrugged as Tiffany threw her an expectant look.     


“Ah, it. So, we’re doing this, are we?” said the blonde with an amused look as she took a seat next to Tiffany.    


“Yes, just wanted to rest for a second,” replied Tiffany, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. The gulls sounded in the background and the waves crashed against the shore. She exhaled softly, feeling her mind come to a halt.     


Something was prickling the back of her mind and, as she opened her eyes, she caught the blonde swiftly looking away from her. Tiffany secretly smiled, knowing she’s got the better of the girl this time. The girl cleared before speaking.    


“You know, I've figured that us meeting on the beach again is like fate pushing us to be friends,” she remarked cheerfully.     


Tiffany raised an eyebrow. “I’d think you were crazy,” she remarked wryly. 


“Ah, ah, ah,” the girl wagged a finger. “Don’t go insulting strangers.”


Tiffany leaned back on her wrists and spread her legs across the sand. “I mean wouldn’t we have to meet three times for that to happen? And they’d all have to be unexpected? That’s not fate, that’s coincidence.”    


The blonde’s mouth dropped. “What – you don’t think it’s fate?”    


“You do?”    


“Hey, ‘course I do. We’ve met unexpectedly, right? Is that not fate?”    


Tiffany’s eyes crinkled. “But you’re forgetting that this is our second time, though.”    


The blonde turned silent. “Right, so it is.” She turned to Tiffany and shrugged carelessly. “Well, I like my chances. We’ll meet again unexpectantly for the third time, I promise.”


“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”


“I’m a woman of my word. What do you take me for?”     


Tiffany marvelled at how carefree and confident the blonde looked for someone small in stature. She hadn’t known the blonde for long to recognise how charismatic she was, attracting attention no matter the person. Tiffany admired that as most often she’d been told that she was loud and opinionated by people who didn’t understand her.     


“You do realise I still don’t know your name?” Tiffany mentioned as the thought occurred to her. She wanted to put a name to the face that had lately occupied her mind.   


“Oh, yeah, sorry. I suppose I haven’t.” A dimple appeared from the corner of as the blonde shot a cheeky smile, and Tiffany couldn’t stop herself from staring. “Tell you what, I’ll tell you my name when we meet again,” she said, crossing her arms with a glint in her eye. “And you’ll tell me yours.”


The blonde had a relaxed demeanour, a go-with-flow type, while Tiffany was someone with a plan and a schedule. This holiday was planned to the single most detail. Her high-strung life required plans but so

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lalatreese #1
Chapter 4: taeyeon is such a sweet talker in this that i’m also swooning alongside tiffany ☺️🤣
tenzerosix #2
Chapter 4: Oh this is actually nice. I wonder why I just find this now. Maybe because of lack of taeny's fics out there that I'll literally read anything lol but really this is so well written. Good job author! 👍
Chapter 3: Their 3rd will definitely be a memorable one :) Anything good should be natural just like Taeny . Thank you for your hard work . I'm glad to know that you're happier now .
Chapter 3: Who is the tiff's bf?.pls update soon auth
Chapter 2: Oh no Tiffany is sad . I wonder what happened
tehafaieha #6
Chapter 3: Yeayyy!! You are back!! Thank you so much my dear author! Thank you for continuing this story ❤️ and I'm glad u back more happier..
Taitai84 1224 streak #7
Chapter 3: Glad to know you are happier!
Chapter 1: Haha Taeyeon is checking out on Tiffany even from before .
Bellove #9
Chapter 3: Great!
tehafaieha #10
Chapter 2: Yeayy..u update!!this story is great!!keep updating again in future..please..dont abandon again