In My Heart Forever

In My Heart Forever


In my Heart, Forever

The story started with a bad guy and a good girl wanting to change his world. Their parents are very close friends. The family of the girl went back to Korea for her to study there. The guy is now in a 3rd year senior high school student and the girl is in 1st year senior high school. They are in the same school. The girl hears many issues about that guy, Kim Donghyun. They say he is a bad guy. He gets in trouble often. The mother of the guy was close to her. She is Park Ah Hee. They always talk about him. She shows her Donghyun’s baby pictures and tells her his past. Ah Hee takes a look at the album and Donghyun’s mother stares at her.

Donghyun’s mother: I just hope he can be the same kid I raised wholeheartedly.

                Ah Hee stops and she looks at Donghyun’s mother. Then she smiles. She desperately wants to change that guy because she knows it’s not too late to lead him to the path his mother would want him to take. Every day she bothers him. She would ask him to go with her at some inspiring event. She would ask him to have lunch with her and even to go home with her. But everything she does, Donghyun ignores him. When Donghyun gets in trouble Ah Hee makes some explaining to calm Donghyun’s mother and Donghyun would just sigh and go to his room. One day, Ah Hee spots Donghyun having a fight with some group of students from another school. Although he was alone, he was obviously winning the fight and only one guy to defeat. Ah Hee runs to them and stops them. She blocks Donghyun who was about to hit a guy.

Ah Hee: Stop!

                They all stop and the guy Donghyun was about to hit looks at Ah Hee.

Guy: Yah, What’s this, your girlfriend?

                Donghyun got mad. Donghyun pushes Ah Hee aside and he hits the guy.

Ah Hee: Yah!

                Donghyun slowly walks away. Ah Hee’s eyes followed him as he went away. He goes near the guy Donghyun hit. She lowers down to the guy.

Ah Hee: I’m very sorry.

Guy: It’s ok. But are you sure his your boyfriend? It’ll be better if you go out with either one of us. You’re very pretty to be with that bad guy.

Donghyun heard him and he stops. He goes back.

Ah Hee: He’s not my boyfriend.

                Donghyun grabs Ah Hee .He walks away pulling Ah Hee.

Guy: Yah! Why are you taking her away? She’s not even your girlfriend.

                Donghyun stops and he releases Ah Hee. He turns back and punches the guy. He goes back to Ah Hee and continued walking pulling her by the hand. They were already far from the place. Donghyun releases her. He turns to her and she looks at him.

Donghyun: Why are you making yourself really annoying? Why are you even getting yourself involve my life?

                Ah Hee looks at him very serious. She didn’t know what to say. She looks down and once again she faces him.

Ah Hee: Ppyong!

                She laughs.

Ah Hee: Honestly, I really don’t know. All I know is that I want to change you …because I see a different person deep inside you.

                Donghyun sighs and walks away.

Ah Hee: Yah!

                While Donghyun slowly walked away he smiled. The next days, Donghyun already agrees to go with Ah Hee whenever she asks him to. Definitely, his expectations in the first place were wrong. He had really fun whenever he’s with Ah Hee. They grew closer to each other, they fell deeply in love. Ah Hee changed him very much. He was no longer a bad guy. He was the happiest guy he could be. Donghyun confesses to her and they became a couple. They’ve been together for 3 years. Donghyun is in college. Seeing them together, you could really say that they are one of those loyal couples. They know each other very well too. Ah Hee knows how talented Donghyun is so Ah Hee encourages Donghyun to give it a try. Donghyun was discovered. He has cf’s and many other things. He was about to be a member of Starship Entertainment’s “Boyfriend” but one rule in that entertainment is “No dating”. He discussed it with Ah Hee. He tells her the whole detail.

Ah Hee: Go on. You must continue what you have started. I’ll be here to support you. There is a time that we can focus with our relationship and sometimes we must know how to think for ourselves.

                Ah Hee’s head hurts.

Donghyun: Are you okay?

Ah Hee: I’m fine. Donghyun, I know you love me but I know you also love your career.

                Sometimes if we love something we need to set it free. Ah Hee continued her studies and she hangs out with her new best friend. She always goes to Donghyun’s concert with her friend but she needs to be a little distant to avoid issues especially now that Donghyun is famous. For many years they were far from each other. Ah Hee graduated and for Donghyun being so busy, he doesn’t anymore hear stories about her. One day, he sees Ah Hee’s best friend, Bora who was his fan backstage.

Bora: I see her often with another guy.

                Hearing her story, Donghyun was a bit angry. The other day, they had another performance. While he was performing, he sees Ah Hee with a guy. He was surprised .This time he notices that she comes at Donghyun’s performance with the same guy. He was very angry that he didn’t notice that her eyes were only on him. He only let his anger grow. After their group performance, Donghyun looks at the crowd and Ah Hee was no longer there. Donghyun was a bit curious about the truth. In his free day, he went to see Ah Hee with Bora since Bora knows where Ah Hee moved. He knocks and no one was home. While Donghyun knocks, Bora sees Ah Hee walking as she was checking for her key in her bag. She looks forward and sees Bora with Donghyun. She was surprised and she stops. Donghyun stops knocking and he accidentally turns his look spotting Ah Hee. Ah Hee didn’t know what to do. So she hurriedly ran away. Donghyun follows her. Bora slowly ran to follow them too. He grabs Ah Hee and made her face him.

Donghyun: Yah, Why are you running away from me? Is it true?

Ah Hee was puzzled.

Ah Hee: What…?

Donghyun: Bora told me that you already have another guy.

                She was puzzled. Ah Hee looks down. Bora reaches them. Ah Hee looks at her as she stood in a few distance behind Donghyun. Then she looks at Donghyun. She smiles at him with teary eyes.

Ah Hee: What if I do have another guy?

Donghyun: Do you?

                Ah Hee forced herself to nod saying “yes”. Donghyun releases her and walks away. Ah Hee looks down and her tears started to fall. Bora follows Donghyun. Donghyun headed to a bar and because of his anger and loneliness he got a little crazy. Bora sits near him. She made him face her.

Bora: She doesn’t deserve you.

Surprisingly, Bora kissed him. From afar, Ah Hee stood crying as she sees them. She hurriedly went away.

Ah Hee thinks: Take care of him.

                Donghyun was shocked and he lightly pushed Bora away. He stood up emotionless and walks away. Bora was disappointed. The guy with Ah Hee is Lee Youngmin. This guy is not Jo Youngmin. I made the name out of Lee+Young+min. That day Youngmin went to visit Ah Hee and he was absolutely just on time. Ah Hee was already home after that situation. When he knocked, it was Ah Hee’s friend Min Sung who opened the door. Min Rin, Joo Rin and Seul were comforting Ah Hee.

Min Sung: Ah Hee’s not feeling well.

Youngmin: She’s always not feeling well.

Min Sung: Oh, well, this time it’s different!

Youngmin: Let me talk to her.

                Min Sung sighs. Youngmin entered. He sees Ah Hee crying. Ah Hee sees him and she stood up. She hugs him. Youngmin hugs back.

Ah Hee: I told Donghyun that I already replaced him. I thought it’d be better if I do. I don’t know any other solutions that could make him avoid getting hurt. I don’t want to hurt him. Sorry, I involved you.

Youngmin: It’s ok. But will you let him think that you’re a liar? Don’t fool him Ah Hee.

Ah Hee: I…I should…

                Ah Hee still cries. Suddenly her head hurts.

Youngmin: Ah Hee?

                Ah Hee faints and Youngmin tightly catches her.

Min Sung, Min Rin, Joo Rin and Seul: Ah Hee yah!

He carries her and she was brought to the hospital. On Donghyun’s next performance with the rest of Boyfriend, Youngmin went there and he stood in the middle of the crowd. Donghyun notices him and after they performed. He follows Youngmin. Donghyun reaches him and he pats Youngmin shoulder from behind. Youngmin turns to him.

Donghyun: You’re Ah Hee’s boyfriend right?

Youngmin thinks.

Youngmin: What if I am?

Donghyun sighed and then he laughs.

Donghyun: I can’t believe her. I thought she was different. I thought she could love me that much but yet I was wrong. She’s a liar.

Youngmin: Yah!

                Youngmin punched him. Donghyun was about to revenge when he notices his teary eyes.

Youngmin: Why can you say such thing? You only believe on what you think is happening but if you only look deeper in her eyes, you’ll know that every word she said to you that time were her greatest sacrifice she did for you. She didn’t care if you’ll think she’s a liar, if you think she deceived you. She was confused that time because she didn’t know what to do to avoid you from getting hurt.

Donghyun: What do you mean?

                Youngmin stops and he takes a deep breath.

Youngmin: I love her but from the very beginning it was only you that she loved so much that even if I get into her life I can’t change the fact that her heart belongs to you forever.

                Donghyun looks down.

Youngmin: Ah Hee is about to die Donghyun and she doesn’t want you to know about it.

                Donghyun was surprised. Donghyun hurriedly grabs him.

Donghyun: No… its ok for you to tell me that she doesn’t love me than to tell me she’s about to die!

                Youngmin looks at him directly.

Donghyun: Please! Tell me you’re lying! Tell me she’s fine! Tell me!

Youngmin: Yah! I’m telling you this because I know she needs you right now!

                Donghyun was in silence and then he slides down. Youngmin looks away.

Youngmin: I know it hurts but you need to be by her side until the end.

                After that situation, Donghyun had a deep thought that night. The next day, he goes to visit Ah Hee in the hospital. Ah Hee was awake but she was weak. She was surprised to see Donghyun.

Ah Hee: Why are you here?

                Donghyun hugs her. Ah Hee cries.

Donghyun: Sometimes you also need to think for yourself.

                Ah Hee smiles. Days passed and Donghyun was often with Ah Hee. He made her smile each and every day. The day started and Donghyun was with Ah Hee. Later on he’ll be performing that’s why he can’t be with Ah Hee. Before he goes, he had a little talk with Ah Hee.

Ah Hee: Donghyun ah, from the day that I fell in love with you until the day that I die it’ll always be you. And our love …I promise it’ll last forever.

                Donghyun kissed Ah Hee. Her tears were not able to stop. They stopped with the kiss and as his face was still above Ah Hee’s, Ah Hee’s tears were not able to stop. Donghyun tries to stop his tears.

Donghyun: Will you really leave me? I hope that all of this was just a joke.

                Ah Hee smiles at the same time she was crying.

Ah Hee: me too.

                She closes her eyes.

Ah Hee: Don’t worry. People you love can stay in your heart forever.

                Donghyun went away and already went to prepare for their performance. During their performance, he was surprised to see a girl that looks like Ah Hee in the crowd. After they performed, his phone rings. It was an unknown number and he answers it.

Donghyun: Yobosseo?

Min Sung: Oppa, its Min Sung… Ah Hee unni is dead.

                Donghyun was surprised. His tears started to fall.

Donghyun: No!

                He slides down and throws his cellphone. The others looked at him and the other members of Boyfriend went to him to comfort him. The years passed by and their love was still there, always and forever.

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GreatHani #1
Oh MY!!!Same here! He's actually my favorite member! Pls. support this fanfic! ^_^
kimchimin #2
I love Donghyun!!!! <3