A turn of Fate

Drawn to you



A month has passed by, only seeing new feeds of BTS, no word of Namjoon. They were a busy group, touring, filming, and other projects.

Day after day, everything is back to normal; as I was walking home one day, I saw a photographer in the corner my eye, and I started to walk faster. So did the photographer, a million thoughts were in my head but one thing for sure I didn’t want to hurt Namjoon and the other BTS members. So, I ran as fast as I can, wanting to avoid a rumor that will hurt them.

I got home, closed, and locked my door. I was mentally exhausted. I crashed onto my bed and fell asleep.

The next day, I got a text from Unnie.

Unnie: “Zola! You need to read this article.”

Me: “What? What are you talking about?”

Unnie forwards the article to my phone. The title said, “Kim Namjoon the leader of BTS, has photo evidence with his new girlfriend. Are they dating?!”.

I looked at the title; I looked at the titled; wondering who it was although it could be just another rumor.

Me: “Unnie, this just could be a rumor to start drama with the fans.”

Unnie: “Umm, I think you should read the article before you speculate if it is a rumor or not.”

Me: “Fine.”

I opened the article and saw a picture. My eyes open wider; that picture, the night that they drop me off home, and Namjoon was in front of my door. I fear for the worst.

The photographer that took pictures that day. They found who was the identity of the speculation that Namjoon has a girlfriend. It was me.

My face turns pale white. Quickly scrolling to see if the name of the girl was ever mentioned, but there was no name. I sighed in relief.

Unnie texted me again.

Unnie: “Did you see it?! Whoever that girl is, she must have saved an emperor in her past life. She is so lucky.”

I couldn’t tell Unnie that it was me, since I have signed a contract with them, and was for the privacy of BTS. I know BigHit Entertainment will do some damage control.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I sat up and went downstairs to see who it is. I looked through the window.

It was Namjoon. Alone. I wasn’t sure if I was hallucinating or not. I quickly open the door, and there he was.

“Namjoon, what are you doing here? Where is your Manager? Why are you alone?” I asked with anxiousness.

“May I come in?” he asked. I nodded and let him in.

“Namjoon, why are you here?”. I asked worryingly.

“I wanted to see you if you are okay,” he said truthfully.

My eyes widen from hearing him say this, but I did not want to overthink it will be something more. I mean, I am just a fan nothing more. I don’t want to give my hopes up.

“I am okay, just a little spooked,” I said truthfully.

Namjoon grabbed my arm, “We need to go,” he said anxiously.

“Go? Go where?”, I said anxiously.

“You are now a target. Ever since the picture was release; it is only a matter of time until fans, and the whole world will know who you are. You will on be the spotlight, for who knows for how long”, Namjoon explains.

My worries that I will no longer have the privacy, everybody will know who I am. It will freak me out, as I starred at Namjoon. I can see wariness in his face. This was his life, no privacy. Everybody watching his every move, and decision that he makes. It must be tiring.

“Zola? Did you hear everything I said?”

I zoned out. “Huh?”.

“We are flying out back to South Korea, and I want you to come with me”, Namjoon stated.

“Namjoon, I can’t go with you. I have a life here. Its not like I can pack my life and move across the world. I do not want your pity.” I firmly said.

“There are some things you aren’t going to understand. Especially when you are in the public’s eye. All they care about is how to make money of a celebrity, or to tear them down. I do not pity you. I am just an idol who cares for his fan”, Namjoon explained.

Those words, even I understand; that he only cares for me as an idol and fan. I do not want to be a burden to him, being stuck with me. A nobody.

“I will be fine, just to back to South Korea”, I said with a fake smile.

Namjoon looked at me stern but with wariness in his eyes and said, “okay. Well this is goodbye”.

Namjoon puts his hand out and I reciprocate.

“Goodbye Namjoon, I hope to see you again someday. Get home safely”, I said without breaking his eye contact.

He lets go of my hand. Walked towards the car and before he got in, he looked back towards me with a small smile in the corner of his lip.

“I hope to meet you one day again”, he mumbles in his breath.

As they drove away, sadness fell in me. Thinking it is for the best. He will forget about me, after all I am just a BTS fan.

A week have gone past, I got a call from Unnie.

“Hey! What is new with you?”, I said to Unnie.

“Ummm, you kept something from me didn’t you!? Why didn’t you tell me that you are dating RM?!”, she said ecstatic.

Oh no, it has begun. They finally figure out who is the girl in that photograph, and it was me.

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