A spark into their marriage life, Park Baekhyun and his husband will be welcoming their first child. His husband Park Chanyeol was confirming the news in the recent press conference of the new launching hotel chain that his wife was already pregnant. He mentioned that his wife, Park Baekhyun was not feeling well this past few days, and he allowed him to reveal the news to the media and all of his fans.


“He said to me that he want the one to tell the news but he’s not feeling well this few days, and he told me – you told them, and that’s out like that. He’s in his early pregnancy, and I hope you all wish for his health and our baby to be born healthily, thank you..” said Park Chanyeol in his interview.


Well, Chanbaek fan.. get excited now, it’s time for Chanbaek baby. We wish that his pregnancy will being blessed by everyone.



6599 comments listed. Click to view.

  • Daebak! He’s pregnant, I’m waiting for this news actually.. can’t wait to see the baby.
  • Wow, getting into 5 month of their marriage life, PCY sure was fast.
  • [replied] Hahaha.. that’s dope! He wants an heir, mind you.
  • [replied] I think so too, he is the sole heir of the Daesoon Group, of course he also want his own blood to own the company later.
  • The baby must be the cutest, imagine being born with BBH beautiful features and PCY tall gene.
  • [replied] Hope their baby entering the idol world!
  • [replied] The baby was not being born yet, and we already imagine it.
  • Really can’t wait, I hope he’s getting better. The first trimester sure is a pain.

More comments below.



Baekhyun was resting in his room, closing is eyes as he lean on the bed rest when Chanyeol get in the room.

“Babe, feeling better? Why you’re not lying down? Get some sleep hurmm..” said Chanyeol concerned as he side beside his wife.

“Yeol, you’re back?..” ask Baekhyun groggily as he open his eyes.

“Yeah, you’re okay? How you’re feeling?..” ask Chanyeol again kissing his cheek lightly.

“I’m nauseous, and my head feel heavy..” answered Baekhyun.

“Still? Want me to grab you some water?..”

“No.. no need..” said Baekhyun as he hug his husband arm, leaning on him.

“Lie down babe..”

“I can’t, I feel nauseous if I’m lying down..”

“Is it too severe? Should I call the doctor? I’m worried..” said Chanyeol as he study his spouse reaction. Baekhyun’s face look pale, and it worried him a lot, and last night Baekhyun was throwing up too much and it scared him cause he know Baekhyun’s body is too fragile and he usually was a weak though he said he is a tough person.

“No..” muttered Baekhyun slowly.

“Really? But..”

“It’s okay Yeol.. it’s normal..” said Baekhyun again weakly.

“I know, but you.. hey Baek, what is it?..” ask Chanyeol as Baekhyun suddenly cupping his mouth and his expression was in pain.

“Ba.. bathroom, hurry..” said Baekhyun muffled .

Chanyeol quickly bring Baekhyun to the bathroom, carrying his bridal style. Reaching the bathroom, Baekhyun quickly grab the sink and throw up in there. Chanyeol support him by holding his shoulder and rubbing his back softly.

Done throwing up, Baekhyun begin to cry as his throat hurt and his head start to spinning wildly. He was closed to faint as his body become light and his hand fall limply from grabbing the sink. Chanyeol was quick to catch him, and starts carrying him back to the bedroom.

“Babe.. oh god, hold on babe..”

Chanyeol put his wife on the bed. Baekhyun was heaving harshly as he eyeing his husband filling up the glass of water.

“Here, drink some.. you’re getting dehydrated, are you okay now? Still feel nauseous?..” ask Chanyeol worried.

“Can.. can I sleep now?..” ask Baekhyun getting weaked.

“Yeah, yeah sure.. I’ll call the doctor to check up on you later, I’ll wake you up okay?..” said Chanyeol as he cover the smaller with the duvet.

“Get some rest, I’ll wake you up when the doctor arrive..” said Chanyeol as he kiss him lightly.


“Is he still sleeping?..” ask Dr Lee when he arrive at the apartment.

“Yeah, I’ll wake him up..” said Chanyeol getting ready to leave.

“No, it’s okay, he must be tired.. I’ll just examine him while he sleep, let’s go now..”

“Oh, okay..”

The doctor was right, Baekhyun didn’t even awake when the doctor examine him.

“Is he okay?..”

“Yeah, he’s okay. He just need some rest, and make sure that he eat all the vitamin and supplement that I gave.” Answer Dr Lee.

“And what about his condition? He said that he always feel weak, light headed..”

“Ohh, it’s because his body is still getting used of the baby, there’s nothing much that I can do, just don’t make him stress, rest a lot and drink plenty of water..”

“Okay, thank you Dr Lee..”



“Baek, you’re awake! How you’re feeling?..” ask Chanyeol as he help Baekhyun to sit up.

“You didn’t wake me up, is the doctor already coming?..” ask Baekhyun. He feel much better after the sleep.

“Yeah, he’s coming already while you sleep..”

“Really? Do you think it’s rude when the doctor coming and I just sleep?..” ask Baekhyun.

“Nah.. not your fault, he understand that..”

“You sure? And what else did he said?..” ask Baekhyun again.

“He said that to drink the vitamin and supplement that he give.. also your body is getting used for another living here, so that’s why you feel weak, light headed” said Chanyeol smiling at him. His hand making way to Baekhyun’s tummy, rubbing it softly.

“Is the baby okay?..” ask Baekhyun touching his husband hands on his tummy.

“Yes, this little one is fine, Dr Lee said that it’s growing healthily, don’t worry.. and are you really feeling okay now?” ask Chanyeol softly.

“Yeah, I’m fine, after all that sleep.. sure I’m fine..” said Baekhyun smiling.

“I’m glad..”

“Also.. Yeol, did you told the news about me at the launching?..”

“Yeah, I already told them.. they congratulate us, I still can’t get used of having too many cameras flashing at me, they take my photos too much.. I bet my photos will come out bad on the news..” sigh Chanyeol.

“It’s okay, you will get use of the cameras soon..” said Baekhyun smiling.

“Really? They use flash, and during the interview I think my eyes keep blinking too much because of the flash, urhhh.. I bet when they check the photo, there will be my photo like this..” said Chanyeol as he close his eyes half lidded and show his expression to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun laugh at him.

“You laughing! I must look ugly right?..”

“You still look handsome in my eyes honey.” Said Baekhyun as he grab his husband face and kiss him lightly on his lip.

“Yeah, yeah.. I love you too..” answer Chanyeol kissing him back.

“And Yeol?..”


“I’m hungry, can you make me something?..” ask Baekhyun rubbing his tummy.

“Aigoo, you hungry? What do you want to eat?..”

“Urmm.. something light, I think?” said Baekhyun.

“What about I make you sandwich?..” ask Chanyeol getting ready to leave to the kitchen.

“Oh yes! Yes! And can you add a lot of cucumber in it? And put some pickle radish in it..” said Baekhyun. His eyes becomes bigger mentioning the cucumber, he hates that thing. But now, he felt the need to put that green things in it.

“Cucumber and pickle radish? Are you sure?” ask Chanyeol. Didn’t Baekhyun hate cucumber? Guess the baby like it.

“Yes” Baekhyun nodded eagerly.

“Okay, noted. Anything else?..” chuckle Chanyeol.

“Urmm, I want a lot of mayonnaise, and can you mix a little bit with soy sauce? I think it will taste better like that? And don’t put ham, I want bacon and scramble eggs, but the eggs I just want the yellow part, is it okay?..”

“Yeah sure, I’ll separate it for you..”

“Really, and who’s going to eat the white part?..”

“I am, I’ll eat it with you.. I’m a bit hungry too” said Chanyeol smiling.

“Okay, make sure you make it for you too.. and I want lemonade, I want it cold okay? But I don’t want an ice..”

“On your command sir, just wait here okay? Watch the tv or get some sleep, I’ll make it fast..” said Chanyeol getting out.

“Don’t close the door..” said Baekhyun.

“Arasso, just shout if you need something..” said Chanyeol.


“Is it that yummy?..” ask Chanyeol as he see the smaller devouring the sandwich as soon as he bring the plate in front of him.

“Yeah. It’s sooo good! I like this..”

“Finish it up then, tell me if you want more.. I’ll make it for you..”

“Nah, this is enough. You make mine this fancy but yours is too plain, want to taste mine?..” ask Baekhyun as he show his husband his sandwich.

“No, its okay, I’m fine with just this.” Said Chanyeol holding up his tuna egg sandwich.

“Is mine taste weird to you? That you don’t want to taste?..” ask Baekhyun as he start to pout.

“No, no.. I’m sure it tasty, but I just eat mine only okay? Eat up..”

“Okay then..” answer Baekhyun satisfied.

“And you really didn’t want to taste it? Just take a few bite, I wont mind. I wanna taste yours too..” said Baekhyun as he switch his sandwich to Chanyeol.

“But babe..” Chanyeol just eyeing his wife eating his sandwich while he holding Baekhyun’s sandwich.

“Eat up..” said Baekhyun.

Reluctantly, Chanyeol take the sandwich into his mouth. Euww.. just what is this taste? It taste sour, spicy, and what with the pickle. I really can’t take this, I can’t.

“How is it? Tasty right?..” ask Baekhyun excited.

“Yeah, so delicious..”said Chanyeol smiling forcefully.

“You take mine, I’ll take yours okay? Suddenly your sandwich is more delicious than mine, it’s okay right?..” ask Baekhyun brightly.

“What? But babe..”

“Yah, don’t be greedy, just finish mine okay? Where do you want to go?..” ask Baekhyun as he spot his husband start to getting up from the bed.

“I’ll finish this later okay? I’m getting full already..”

“Oh, but you said that you hungry as well?..”

“Yeah, but now I’m full, I’ll put this in the fridge..”

“Okay, but later you need to eat it okay?..”






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There it is! The new chapter, hope you enjoy.
I'm currently very busy, but I really want to update this story.
This chapter is already sittin in my laptop for a long time, i just realize it and upload it after a little bit editing.
Stay safe and love you all.


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 4: Very cute and cuddly story!!
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Chapter 7: So sweet and I need moreeee please.......
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Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 5: sooooooo sweeeeeeet
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