The speculations about solo singer Byun Baekhyun’s soon to be husband have been a rumored among the netizens this past few days. And now it was revealed that his lover was Park Chanyeol, the sole heir from Daesoon Group that own almost 60% of the hotelier chain in South Korea.


Daesoon Group according to the Korean Forbes Mag was ranking 2nd at the most successful family group that have been on business for the past 30 years. They have their own hotel chain, shopping mall, private schools, arts gallery and trading industry and their total asset according to World’s Chaebol Korean History estimated at almost 112 trillion won, making them entering the top 10 Top Korean Family Company.



Comments :

8727 comments listed. Click to view.

  • Daebak! Isn’t BBH hit the jackpot, lucky him? I think..
  • He wants his money, that’s all.
  • [replied] What are you saying? Didn’t you read the news, he was his childhood friend. Mind you!
  • [replied] Shut the up.
  • I wonder what he do to get a boyfriend like him?
  • [replied] Spreading his leg, duh.. do you even need to ask
  • [replied] So rude!
  • And all the antifan is here, get ready to get ambush BBH
  • The new fandom will be arised, CHANBAEK fan.
  • [replied] I agreed, CHANBAEK is a cute name.
  • [replied] Cute! CHAN from Chanyeol and BAEK from Baekhyun, let’s rooting for them. CHANBAEK FOREVER

More comment below.



 “Channie.. did, did we make a good choice?..” ask Baekhyun one day when Chanyeol visit him at his company.

“Hurmm? About what?..” ask Chanyeol as he put two glass of water on the table.

“Urmmm.. about us? Do you think it’s a good idea to reveal about our relationship?..” ask Baekhyun gloomy as he play with his finger under the table.

“Hey, where did you get an idea talking like that?..” ask Chanyeol frowning looking at his small boyfriend.

“I.. I read the comment.. they, they taught that I marry you because of money..”

“And are you really like that?”

“What? No! no.. I swear Yeol, I love you not because of your money.. I’m not that materialistic! i love you honestly.. I swear..” shriek Baekhyun as he look straight into his lover’s eyes.

“You.. you believe me right? You trust me right?..” ask Baekhyun again.

“I do believe you Baek, I know every inch of you.. I know you love me, really just ignore the comment, think positive okay..”

“But.. the comment, they..”

“Uh uh, no.. this, I will confiscated this laptop if you continue to read the antifan comments.. and if you want, I can make a press conference right now and tell them that you’re not like that, I know you better than them, who do they think to talk like that to my wife, I don’t like to see you frowning and worried about this, or I can hire someone to..”

“Yeol, Yeol.. honey wait.. you’re over reacting, relax okay? I’m fine..” cut Baekhyun as he close the laptop and put it aside.

“Really? I can call the press and ask them to make a headline about this matter, or we can make a press conference, or..”

“No, no.. it’s okay. Don’t do that.. okay, I won’t read them anymore, I won’t read that comments okay? Now, sit down and calm down.. come here..” said Baekhyun as he pull his boyfriend hands to sit beside him.

“You sure? You know you can just tell me and I will do something about that..” ask Chanyeol seriously as he sit down.

“Okay, let me ask you to do something”

“Okay, what?

“Kiss me..” answer Baekhyun.

“What? Baek, no.. I mean about this situation..” said Chanyeol flustered.

“I know, just kiss me.. you know what, that kiss can calm something fired up inside someone..” inform Baekhyun.

“And you fired up right now babe?..” ask Chanyeol.

“Yes, I was angry, frustrated, sad and only a kiss with a certain one can cured that”

“And that certain one is me?..”

Baekhyun nodded at him, and slowly Chanyeol lean forward and kiss him on his lips.

“So, now you’re okay?..” ask Chanyeol when he broke the kiss.

“Much better, your kiss can cure my heart, my mind and..”’

“I get that, then we need to hurry up..”

“What?..” ask Baekhyun confused.

Suddenly Chanyeol was kissing him again and this time much longer and more intense as Chanyeol whispered a soft loving word to him.

“And wait.. I’m not your wife yet, why you said like that?..” ask Baekhyun and this time he is the one to broke the kiss.

“I didn’t said like that..” said Chanyeol.

“Just now, you said that..”

“Huh? When?..”

“Before you kiss me, the one when you said who do they think they are to talk to my wife like that,  you said that right?..” ask Baekhyun.

“Your mind is really something you know? How can you remember that? And really babe? Why does that matter? You’re soon to be my wife, or else you don’t want to marry me?..”ask Chanyeol looking at his small boyfriend.

“Hey, I do want to marry you okay? Don’t back off from your word..”

“Then, why does it matter?” ask Chanyeol again.

“I mean, yeah.. I just, just want to make sure..” said Baekhyun suddenly shy.

“About what?..”

“Us? Getting married? It seems unreal to me..” answer Baekhyun honestly and this time he look straight to his tall boyfriend.

“It seems unreal to me too, you’re soon to be my wife, we will getting married, I just can’t wait for that moment to happen.. Waaa! I’m excited actually you know? I really can’t wait that you soon will be legally mine, Daebak!..” said Chanyeol excitedly.

“You’re making me shy you know?..” said Baekhyun as he playfully hit the tall man on his chest.

“Don’t be shy babe.. you know what, you really look cute like this, and I like that..” said Chanyeol as he ruffle Baekhyun’s hair lightly.

“Stop it Yeol..”

“No, I won’t stop.. you really look adorable..” said Chanyeol again.

“Yeollie-ah..” whine Baekhyun.

“You purposely do that right? To make me fall even deeper for you..” said Chanyeol.

“I’m not..”

“I really love you babe, so much.. really really love you, remember that..” said Chanyeol again as he kiss his boyfriend again.






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There it is! The new chapter, hope you enjoy.
I'm currently very busy, but I really want to update this story.
This chapter is already sittin in my laptop for a long time, i just realize it and upload it after a little bit editing.
Stay safe and love you all.


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 4: Very cute and cuddly story!!
Ms_koala #2
Chapter 7: So sweet and I need moreeee please.......
Chapter 5: pls update the story when can
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 5: sooooooo sweeeeeeet
Chapter 5: So sweet. I hope u can make long version of this
cycynyny #7
Chapter 1: Channie is so sweet