
the light and the wind

genre: gamer!au, slight romance(?) 

words: 1873


baekhyun jolts to his room as soon as he reaches his dorm, muttering apologies to every person he slightly bumps into on his way. he throws his bag on his bed, quickly changes into comfortable clothes, and turns on his computer. as soon as it opens, he clicks on an icon —  the player unknown's battleground. he puts on his cute headphones with kitty ears (he wasn't a huge fan of it but since it was a gift from his sister, he uses it often). 

this has been baekhyun's routine everyday. after doing his homeworks at the library and feeding himself some decent dinner, he rushes home to play this multi-player roleplaying game. it's one of the many games he loves and enjoys.

as soon as the game opened, he checks his list of friends to see if his usual playmate, duo, is online like usual. he smiles.



diamond v



baekhyun used to play with random players he gets matched with during matchmaking. his friends don't play the game so he really doesn't have anyone he can always invite in a game.

once, baekhyun tried playing in a duo match and he got fifthsniper, who he later knew was named sehun, as his teammate. they both realized they got a good chemistry and strategy and eventually, won the game—a chicken dinner. baekhyun immediately added sehun then as his friend, to which the latter accepted. they went for another round and ever since then, the two had agreed to team-up in every game. 

seeing that sehun is online, he invites him to be in his team. 

"hey, baek!", he almost blushes upon hearing his favorite deep voice.

"hi, sehun." he greets back. "i'm late, sorry. i had to stay back in the lib to finish my homeworks."

he hears sehun chuckling on the other side, heart-fluttering, "it's okay, b. i was doing my homeworks, too."

"school , huh."

sehun hums, agreeing. "so, where should we go? sanhok?"


the game takes them to the pre-game arena where they can meet other players—soon, enemies.

"where should we land, b?" 

that prompts baekhyun to open the map, contemplating on the best area to land.

"how about ruins?" 

an orange mark appears on the map where ruins is located. "okay!" 

baekhyun marks the same place, too. in five, the game finally starts, revealing the plane flying. baekhyun jumps when he's around 1.5 meters away from the marked place. sehun follows shortly. 

"do you see anyone else, b?" sehun asks the moment their parachutes are opened. 

he looks around and sees around three people in parachutes nearby, most probably landing in a nearer place, if not the same spot. 

"i see three. be careful." 

sehun only hums. baekhyun lands on the first floor while sehun is on the second. he loots fast as he hears footsteps nearby him. he can't let the game end so soon. 

gladly, he spots an m416, his favorite, and quickly picks it up along with its required bullets. he grabs a few bandages and health kits before going outside to hunt the enemy down. 

he hears gun shots nearby and sees that sehun has killed one enemy. that means there are two left, one being on the same floor as baekhyun. 

he circles the said floor, picking up pain relievers and energy drinks along the way. when he turns left, he spots the enemy and knocks him out.

"nice!" he hears sehun praise, "one more then."

baekhyun finishes him off with his pan and loots the crate the dead player leave.

"do you see him from there?" baekhyun asks, going back inside to find more stuff. 

"no, i went inside."

"ah, he's probably inside one of the nearby houses then."


they continue to play in silence again. in a while, baekhyun hears footsteps. judging from the sound of it, the enemy seems to be walking on mud, which means he's outside. 

"sehun, i hear him. he's outside.", baekhyun peeks through the window to see the enemy but he can't. "i don't see him."

"i think he's gone up." 

baekhyun hears the footsteps getting louder, enemy getting closer to his position. he leaves the room and sees the enemy just entering the said place. baekhyun rains shots on him—2 kills.

sehun walks to where the crate is and loots along with baekhyun. after looting through the whole place, the duo decides to move to a different place within the safe zone. 

baekhyun spots a buggy and hops in. sehun does the same. 

baekhyun starts driving when sehun asks him, "b, do you know how to drive for real? you seem pretty good at driving in pubg." 

"yeah, i just got my driver's license last year but i don't think i'm confident enough just yet to drive everyday, especially on busy streets." 

"why not? that's cool, though. i've always wanted to learn."

baekhyun bites his lips, trying to stop himself from saying, i can teach you, i guess. he's glad that he did. 

but sehun surprises him

"maybe one day, you can teach me." 

he flushes and grows nervous at the thought of actually meeting sehun in real life, outside of pubg. of course, baekhyun has always been curious about how sehun looks and has wanted to meet his pubg crush for the longest time but he cannot find the courage to ask for the teammate's twitter or instagram account, if he had any. (he even wanted to ask for his number but he thinks it may be weird.)

"yeah, maybe" is what he only answered. 

baekhyun kills four more people, sehun three as the game progresses, the playzone getting smaller and smaller.

baekhyun has been looting houses after houses but yet he can't seem to find any scopes (preferrably, 4x and 6x). he lets out a frustrated groan and this does not go unnoticed by sehun.

"what's wrong?" the other asks.

his lips are pouting as he tells him, "i have no scopes. i can't find any."

"i got a 6x, wait let me go to you."

"is that an extra?"

"no, but it's okay you can take it. i got a 4x."

it's not really something to blush about but... can you blame baekhyun for gushing over the way his crush, c-r-u-s-h, lets go of something really necessary for him?

"thank you."

"i see a spetsnaz here, too. come."

baekhyun rushes to the house sehun is in and grabs the helmet. he looks at sehun's character and notices that he's wearing a level 2. 

damn, why is sehun doing this to my poor heart?

he stays mum at it and silently thanks sehun once again.

only twelve player remains, which means there are ten more enemies that must be killed in order for the duo to win. they move up the hills near bootcamp, near the edge of the playzone.

baekhyun hides behind a boulder, peeking to the left to see if there are any enemies inside the boot camp. just then, he hears a loud shot (which sounds like it comes from a awm sniper rifle) and sees that sehun has been knocked out. 

"i'm hit! he's at nw 330."

baekhyun throws a smoke grenade at where sehun is in order to hide him. once the smoke comes out, baekhyun sprints to where sehun is and revives him successfully. he throws another smoke grenade to their left as a distraction while they run to the right. 

baekhyun manages to hide again behind a huge tree and takes out his kar98k. he sees through his 6x scope the player that shot sehun. aiming to take revenge, he pulls the trigger and shots the enemy in his head. 


7 kills


baekhyun smirks, delighted that he has killed the player that knocked his crush out.

sehun cheers through the other line. there are only three players remaining.

"one more! one more!" baekhyun is enthusiastic. 

"we're getting another chicken dinner, b!" 

they move closer to the bootcamp as the playzone shrinks and just in time, sehun spots the last enemy and instantly kills him off, earning the duo their chicken dinner. 

the two does shouts of victory, clapping for another exciting win once again. 

"that was really good, b!" 

"it was indeed. good job, sehunnie!" 

"you, too, baek. another chicken dinner on the list!" 

baekhyun giggles. sehun cheering for their win sounds really cute. 

the game brings them back to their homepage. baekhyun is about to ask sehun if he wants to play in erangel this time but the latter beats him. 

"hey, b. sorry, i can't stay long tonight. my friends are coming over tonight and it'll be a riot so i really can't stay to play. i hope you don't mind."

baekhyun's shoulder drops, smile turns upside-down. "oh, it's okay, sehunnie." he lies, "we can play again tomorrow, right?"

"about that... there's something i want to ask."

his heart pounds hard, hands trembling and knees shaking as his nervousness takes over him. this is it, sehun's probably gonna stop playing with him. of course this won't last forever, baek, he tells himself.

"what is it?" despite his heart breaking, he says in the most hushed voice sehun has never even heard before.

"well i," sehun clears his throat. "i-i was wondering if uh you got twitter? or maybe instagram, i don't know? uhm you know maybe we can" sehun tries to cough away the lump that's growing on his throat. "uhm have some real chicken dinner?" a pause, some shuffling noise on the other line. "wait, that sounds weird but uhm, yeah, maybe we can uhm you know bond over something... uhh outside of battlegrounds?"

it shocks baekhyun at first but he gets over it quick as he chuckles at how adorable flustered and nervous sehun can get. he's glad sehun likes to meet him, too.

"of course, sehun. i'll message you my twitter account here. i'll be expecting your follow tonight, okay?"

"great! uhh i'd even follow you right after i log out of pubg." baekhyun can tell sehun is excited.

and honestly? he is, too.

he opens the chatbox and sends his username to sehun.

"did you get it?"

"yes, i did. thanks, b. i guess i have to go now, bye."

"bye sehun."

sehun leaves the team and has now gone offline. baekhyun sighs and closes down the game, turning off his pc.

as he takes off his headphones, he hears a soft ting from his phone. he picks it up and sees that it was twitter notifying him.


@oohsehun is now following you!


a huge grin makes it up to his face. he taps on the notification, bringing him to sehun's twitter profile. as soon as the profile photo appears, baekhyun loudly gasps that he almost drops his phone.

well who wouldn't if you see the most handsome guy in the planet on twitter?

it's unbelievable, baekhyun almost feels like backing out and not following sehun back. but he does, not wanting to disappoint his friend.

he then receives a direct message.

it was a selca, a very cute one at that, along with a message.


"hi, b. it's great to finally put a cute face to an equally cute voice." 


baekhyun may have passed out.


i kind of got carried away while writing this and ended up with quite a detailed (game-related) drabble. if you're not familiar with pubg and have a few questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

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Chapter 3: Oh cute! Fck!ng more than cute!!! How can I stop my heart now?! The third one is sweeter! Ma’am I request for the continuation for that one plsss. Authornim plssss UAHAHAHA IM SO DESPERATE. Chicken dinner all the way~
Chapter 1: That was so cute authornim~ I sgst for the continuation of the part 2 huhu. That also was sweet! Sehun and Baekhyun is the idea couple for me,damn.
Chapter 1: Wow well writer author nim
Chapter 1: That’s the first one and omg I just wanna say, IM READY FOR MORE CHEESY SEBAEK Stories~ I love it already and I can’t wait for more authornim. My heart is ready to burst again from all of this tehehe SeBaek will be a death of me